Chapter 4
You woke up, and you didn't know where you were. Where am I? You asked yourself, before you recalled the previous day's events. Being adopted by Pj, meeting Chris, meeting Dan and Phil. Oh, and Phil tweeting you singing, and Phil hugging you many times. So. Many. Hugs.
You grabbed your phone and headphones and exited your room, walking down the hallway and into the lounge. As you sat on the sofa, you checked the time on your phone and found that it was 8:24. You put your headphones on, plugged them into your phone and opened Twitter.
Pj had tweeted something last night, you didn't notice probably because you were asleep, you were tired from the previous day's events. You checked the tweet and it said, 'Time for yet another slurp! Send me questions for myself and my lady friend! They better be good or you will death! ☕️😁👻' you giggled silently at the way Pj worded it, you couldn't wait to see the questions some of the viewers send in.
After about an hour of browsing Pj walked into the lounge.
"Pj, I saw that tweet."
"Did you think it was good wording?" He asked.
"Yea, sure," you replied.
"Don't expect Chris to wake up anytime soon, he sleeps in until about 1 in the afternoon, he stays up until about 6 am browsing the internet most nights," Pj informed you.
"Okay then."
"Do you want any breakfast?"
"You can help yourself you know."
"I wasn't sure... I just thought to wait until you got up first."
"Okay, come with me." You abandoned your phone on the couch and followed Pj into the kitchen. "We have bran or lucky charms, which do you want?"
"Umm, I'll go with lucky charms."
"Same, I didn't think you would want bran for breakfast."
"Well, you were right." Pj retrieved two bowls out of one of the cupboards and poured the lucky charms into both, then released a milky wrath onto both of the bowls. "Here you go, child."
"Thank you very much, elder." The two of you went back down the hall, into the lounge and sat next to each other at the dining table, where Pj's laptop was resting. He typed in the password and logged onto Twitter as you watched him type out a tweet. 'Sitting down, eating breakfast with my lady friend. We have decided on Lucky Charms. What are you currently eating?' He hit send, and you punched him lightly in the arm. He dramatically flung himself out of his chair and onto the floor. He quickly got back up and started replying to that tweet, 'Never mind, she just punched me in the arm. I don't think I like her anymore," and hit send once more.
"Hey!" You exclaimed.
After the pair of you had finished breakfast, you went to your bedroom to get changed. You changed into your pastel green shirt and put on your favourite jeans. You brushed your hair into a high ponytail, your favourite style, and put on your flower crown from the Dan and Phil store.
You also slipped on your GMM and Phandom Member wristbands, because you felt like it.
You walked out into the lounge to grab your bowl and put it away.
"Nice flower crown, Y/N."
"Thanks, Pj, I don't wear it very often. I'm not the girly type."
"Well, Y/N, do you want to start shooting the video?"
"Sure, where do we film?"
"Maybe on the couch?"
"I'll go get the equipment and set it up, I may need your help."
"Do you want me to start on some tea?"
"Sure, do you even drink tea?"
"I've never had it before but I've made it, I'll give it a go anyway."
"Okay, don't burn yourself."
"I may not," you replied. The two of you proceeded to exit the lounge. You continued into the kitchen as Pj retrieved his recording equipment from various cupboards. You entered the kitchen and turned on the kettle, then searched around for the tea-bags. You were looking in the cupboards for about 2 minutes before you realised that they were on the bench. In plain sight. You blushed at your stupidity and blindness and proceeded to make the first cup of tea. You quickly rushed down the hall and grabbed your GMM mug before darting back into the kitchen to make your own tea.
After you had finished you walked back to the lounge as Pj was finishing up finding good questions to answer. He grabbed his tea out of your hand and continued onto the couch, facing the camera and beckoning you to sit next to him.
"Ready?" Pj asked you once you had sat down. You were nervous, but you knew those nerves wouldn't fade into excitement until you started, so you nodded. He turned on the camera, and made sure everything was set up right before he started his intro.
"Good morning, Tiny Planet Explorers. I am here today to slurp up some questions with my lady friend Y/N." You smiled and waved at the camera before Pj continued,
"I'll start by giving you the basic information. I adopted her yesterday, so yes, she's technically my daughter, though she refuses to call me dad. We are friends. Yes. She's my lady friend. My friend that's a lady," he said with a smirk, before saying,
"Word play slurp." You slurped your tea in sync.
"This question is from conradsparadise, asking, How old is your lady friend?"
"I am 13 years old," you responded.
"Age slurp." You again slurped your tea.
"Tronnorsavacado asks, where was she born?"
"I was born in Australia, but my parents moved to London when I was a month old, they kept their Aussie accents and I kept mine."
"Aussie slurp." You slurped.
"DianaRoque0 asks who is her favourite YouTuber?"
"My favourite is Pj because of his creativity, but I also really like Dan and Phil."
"YouTube slurp." You slurped.
"5ophiee asks this question, how long have you two been dating?" You opened your mouth to respond, but Pj quickly answered, "About 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds."
The two of you continued answering questions (and stuffing up words... A lot) until you ran out of tea, and Pj finished up by saying,
"I'll see you in the next video," and waved his hand a bit. "Nice job, Y/N! You did quite well."
"Thanks, Pj. It was so much fun!"
"I'll edit the footage later."
"Nice to know."
"Y/N, Dan just texted us saying he wants to shoot a video with you, me and Phil to introduce you, would you be okay with that?"
"Yeah, of course, tell him we'll be there in like 5 minutes."
"Okay boss," Pj joked. You grabbed his mug as he packed the stuff he could into a box, obviously a box for that stuff, and you went into the kitchen to rinse out your mugs and put them away. As soon as Pj had finished you went to Dan and Phil's and knocked on the door, to be greeted by Phil exactly 27 seconds after knocking. He hugged you as a greeting, and you hugged him back, because he's Phil. Why wouldn't you hug him back?
You followed Phil up the stairs and into Dan's room, where the camera and the lights and everything were already set up.
"Hello Pj and Y/N. You ready to go straight away?"
"I am, you good to go, Y/N? It's a lot of filming in one day."
"Yea, I think I'll be fine."
"Okay, now, Y/N, I want you to stand out of shot, and when we introduce you, you can jump onto the bed, okay?"
"Got it." Dan turned on the camera and started off with his famous wave and intro,
"Hello Internet. So, a lot of you guys have seen my tweet, which was simply 'New person!' and you were confused as to what I meant, which was supposed to happen because if any of you knew I would have to move due to stalkers. Well, to answer your questions, say hello to... Y/N!" On cue, you jumped on the bed. You rested there for 3 seconds then quickly moved to Pj's side and sat next to him, smiling and waving at the camera.
"Y/N is 13 and was adopted by Pj yesterday afternoon." Pj gave you a quick hug and then released you.
"She may join us in our videos sometimes, but more often Pj's videos. She's super nice and I hope you don't mind her intruding on our videos-"
"And she gives really good hugs." Phil smiled and nodded his head matter-of-factly.
"Very, very true," Pj agreed.
"Anyway, we are going to just play the seven second challenge. Yaaaay." He got out his phone and you did 2 challenges each. Dan finished off by saying,
"Well guys, that's it for today, if you would like to be notified of when I upload a new video, click here to subscribe, and click here to subscribe to Pj, and here to subscribe to Phil because they are both really awesome and stuff. Okay, bye guys."
"Well done, Y/N!"
"Thanks Dan," you replied.
"Well, I'm going to edit here, let me go grab my laptop," Pj informed you.
"I'll start editing, I'll be in the lounge, alright?" Dan said.
"Okay, be right back," Pj replied.
"So, Y/N, what do you want to do?" Phil asked you.
"I don't know..."
"Do you watch anime?"
"I've never seen anime in my life," you answered.
"Well, let's fix that right now, shall we?"
"We shall." You followed Phil back to the lounge and the two of you looked through his anime collection. You settled on Death Note, as it seemed pretty cool. Phil pulled it up on the TV and you started watching it before Pj had the time to come back. About 5 minutes into the episode you heard Pj come back inside, and he entered the lounge and sat next to you. He opened his laptop, pulled out his editing software and got to work.
Dan soon entered and sat next to Pj, and started working on his video as well. You leaned your head on Phil's shoulder and continued watching the anime, and about ten minutes later, you heard Pj take a photo of the two of you.
"Shit! I forgot to turn the volume down!" He exclaimed.
"Don't you freaking post that on Twitter, Pj, otherwise I will kill you," you told him.
"I think fucking would fit better in the place of freaking, Y/N," Pj informed you, going completely off topic.
"I'm sorry, but my goal in life is to never swear. Not once, not ever."
"Well, my new goal is to make you swear," Pj challenged.
"It's on," you accepted his challenge.
"Y/N, you are really good at videoing and stuff, you should make a YouTube channel," Dan praised.
"I don't know, I don't think I'd be very good at that sort of thing," you replied.
"I think you would be, and that's coming from the supreme meme overlord himself," Dan said. You rolled your eyes at him before getting back to the anime, but you were thinking about how he said you would be good at YouTube... Maybe you could think about that later, but not now.
About 15 minutes later, the episode ended, and Phil switched to the next episode. The two of you went through about 3 episodes in total before Dan had finished editing and sat on the floor at your feet. He was playing with your feet throughout the entire episode, and the one after that, and the one after that, before Pj finished editing his video. You finished the episode you were on, checked the time on your phone, which read 12:57, then Dan asked,
"Do you want to have pizza over here tonight?"
"Sure, Dan, Y/N seems to like it here."
"I like Phil's huuggggsss," you said, and Phil latched onto you once more.
"Okay then, well, I'm going to upload this video, when are you uploading yours, Dan?" Pj asked.
"I'll upload it tomorrow morning," Dan replied.
"Okay then, Dan. Come on, Y/N, let's go back to my apartment."
"See ya, Dan! Bye, Phil!"
"Bye!" Dan said.
"See you later, Y/N/N!" Phil said. You walked out of the apartment and into your own, following Pj, and when you got in he announced,
"I'm going to buy something, I'll be back soon, love."
"Okay, Peej, see you later," you replied. About half an hour later, Chris came out of his bedroom.
"Morning, Y/N," he greeted.
"Actually, Chris, it's the afternoon," you replied.
"Eh, I'm not surprised really," he responded. He went back down the hall and into the kitchen, obviously to get breakfast. You browsed the internet the whole time, not really talking to Chris, then Pj came back.
"Y/N!" He screamed from downstairs.
"COVER YOUR EYES!" He screamed again.
"Um, okay!" You replied. You heard Pj come into the room, and his footsteps came to a stop in front of the sofa, in front of you.
"Okay, open your eyes in three, two, one!" Your eyes flew open and you gaped in shock at Pj.
"Here, it's yours, so you can browse the Internet easier," he told you. He held the box out to you, and you took it gratefully. He actually bought you a MacBook. You carefully set it down beside you and flung your arms around Pj's neck.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" You said really fast.
"No problem, Y/N," he replied. He walked into the kitchen and you were left to setup your MacBook. You quickly set everything up and then immediately logged onto all your social media. You bookmarked them too, so you had easy access to it all. After Pj had come back into the lounge with a sandwich, a notification appeared on your phone, it said, 'KickThePj just uploaded a video: Lady Friend Slurp'. Out of instinct, you logged into your phone, but you realised you could watch it on your laptop. You grabbed your headphones, which were conveniently located on the dining table, and you plugged them into your laptop.
You watched the video, and you really liked it, although it was weird watching yourself on YouTube. You commented on the video, saying, 'I would say that lady friend is pretty cool, but I probably shouldn't compliment myself,' and you hit the send button.
You were the second to comment, so there were lots of people who accused you of lying, and Pj had a look at what you were giggling about.
"Is it because of all the people saying you're lying?"
"Yea, I find it funny."
You decided to go on a Dan and Phil marathon, because you had nothing better to do, until Pj decided that the three of you should probably head over to Dan and Phil's now.
"No thanks, Pj, I'm going to record a few videos, I don't really want pizza either," Chris said.
"Okay, have fun then Chris." The two of you headed over to Dan and Phil's the second time in a day, and you were greeted by Dan this time.
"Ah, perfect timing, Phil's ordering the pizza now." Phil ordered one cheese, one hawaiian and one pepperoni pizza. The pizza was delicious, you loved it and so did the others.
After you had finished 3 slices of pizza, you grabbed your laptop which you had brought with you and decided to check Twitter. It had exploded with video clips of you and Pj, and you were surprised that no one had found your Twitter account yet.
"Did Pj buy you that, Y/N/N?" Phil asked you.
"Yea, I'm so happy about it," you replied.
"Hey, Y/N, what's your Twitter account?" Dan asked. You told him your Twitter username, and Pj, Dan and Phil all followed you.
About 5 minutes later, your notification feed had exploded with new followers, meaning fans had followed you due to the three YouTubers following you.
The four of you watched anime after pizza until 10pm, when you and Pj decided to go back to the apartment. Phil latched onto you again, giving you a big squeeze before you left, which made you feel happier than you already did.
Everything was perfect.
"I'm gonna go to bed in half an hour," Pj told you.
"I'm gonna go to bed after I've finished putting these posters up, I forgot all about them," you informed him.
"Okay, goodnight Y/N."
"Night Pj," you continued down the hall and into your bedroom, where you turned the light on. You had put a cover on your blanket similar in the style of Dan and Phil's, but the colours were purple and blue instead. You grabbed the blue tack that you had brought from the orphanage, and proceeded to put your posters up around the room. You put one on the back of your door, one above your bed, one on the cupboard door, one above the set of drawers and the other four on other walls around your room. You set up your laptop charger on top of the set of drawers, and plugged your laptop in.
After you had finished that, you got changed into your pyjamas, which were pink and printed with teddy bears. You turned the light off and settled into bed, and fell asleep quickly, finally feeling happy and loved.
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