Chapter 3
A/N: There is going to be the use of Y/N/N in this chapter, which means Your Nick Name, remember that for another chapters as well. Watch the video above to have an idea of the rooms in the apartment because I'm bad at explaining stuff and I just imagine it would be the same but different decor? I don't know, but also if you want to have an even better knowledge of the apartment you can have a look at the video on Phil's channel called CASPAR JOINS THE PHILLUMINATI! And skip to about 3:47 where Caspar runs around looking for Phil, it help with the main hallway and stuff [And that's Dan and Phil's apartment anyways so you'll know what everything looks like when I talk about it in the story] ANYWAY I hate starting A/Ns as well so I'll stop now but that was just so you know where everything is and other stuff that's important now BAII!!!
You arrived at the building to Pj's apartment. Your new home. Even after the 43 minute long car trip you still couldn't believe that you were adopted by Pj. The actual Pj Liguori. The one you have watched for years and admired, along with Dan and Phil.
The two of you slid out of the car, and you followed Pj to the boot of his car to get your stuff.
"Are you excited?" Pj asked suddenly.
"For what?"
"Two things, number one is to move into the new apartment, and number two is to meet Dan and Phil and Chris."
"I am excited for all of it."
"Cool," you grabbed your backpack and slung the strap over your shoulder, and you started for the suitcase, but Pj offered to take it for you, "I probably shouldn't make you carry all of your stuff now, should I?"
"I'm fine with it, but take it if you insist," you replied with a smirk.
"What's that look for?"
"You, opening car doors and carrying my stuff."
"I'm just being polite and-"
"And falling for your British stereotype, not that being polite is bad or anything," you interrupted, finishing his sentence. Pj just shook his head, though he had a huge smile on his lips.
"I'm so glad I adopted you."
"I'm glad you adopted me too. Now I can interrupt your videos, make you have to edit more," you stuck your tongue out at him.
"I take that back," Pj joked. Pj closed the boot of the car and started towards the building, his apartment, your home. You followed behind him into the building and up the stairs.
Pj fumbled around in his pocket for his keys and let out a triumphant 'Ah ha!' When he found them. He unlocked the door and showed you to your room. It was bare, which you thought was a good thing as you would be able to decorate it yourself. All the room had inside of it was a cupboard, a set of drawers and a bed. He released your suitcase once you were in the room and sat on your bed, which of course was bare except for the mattress, and said, "Welcome home, Y/N. Now, I'll leave you to unpack everything, I'm gonna finish putting up my pictures, I didn't get it finished yesterday," and with that, Pj left.
You looked around, trying to process the fact that you were now living in Pj Liguori's new apartment. Which was next to Dan and Phil's apartment. The 3 YouTubers you looked up to the most. Right near you. You. Yourself. The actual you. You pinched yourself, could it be a dream?
You woke up, and your face fell in disappointment. It was a dream. You were back in the orphanage. You were upset, but it was a pretty nice dream to have. Better than a nightmare.You proceeded to get up and go get breakfast- [Don't worry, I'm joking. It would be a pretty cool plot twist though...]
It wasn't a dream. You breathed a sigh of relief. You began unpacking, putting your posters aside, you may have to put them up tomorrow, it was late in the afternoon, and by now you would usually be checking Twitter and Tumblr. You looked in the cupboard, and it had a space with a built-in clothing rack, four drawers beside that space and a shelf above all of it.
You put all your dresses, shirts, jumpers and hoodies onto the clothes rack (which already had clothes hangers on it, thank god), sorting them by colour. You put your pants and skirts into the top drawer, underwear in the drawer underneath that and you put your makeup (which you had little of) into the drawer underneath that, which left the bottom drawer as your miscellaneous crap drawer.
You put all your books (including quite a few YouTuber's books) on the shelf above the clothes rack and the drawers along with your GMM/Dan and Phil mugs and and your Rhett and Link bobbleheads. You had a brief thought that it may have been a waste of money buying all the YouTuber merch, but you pushed that thought to the back of your head. Why would it be a waste of money if you liked it so much? You pushed your suitcase and your posters to the wall near the cupboard and went down the hall and into the lounge.
"I think Chris has gone to get groceries or something, I realised earlier that he wasn't here," Pj said as you walked in.
"Oh yeah, I forgot he was staying here," you admitted, "I guess I was excited to have a family that loves me."
"Hey, I would do the same in your situation. Also, I just recognised the fact that you have an Australian accent instead of British, how come?"
"Oh, I was born in Australia, my parents moved here to London when I was a month old, but they kept their Aussie accents and so I kept mine," you replied.
"Ah, okay, that makes sense. When Chris goes back, do you want to meet Dan and Phil? I would take you now but Chris may not know where we are."
"Of course I want to meet Dan and Phil!" You blurted. You quickly blushed as you realised how over-enthusiastic you were, and continued, "And yea, I understand why you would want to wait for Chris."
"Cool, do you wanna do anything while we wait for him to come back?"
"Umm... Browse the Internet?"
"Sure, let me grab my laptop."
"I'll grab my phone," you walked back down the hall and into your bedroom. You entered the lounge as Pj was sitting on the sofa. You sat down next to him and turned your phone on, putting in the passcode and immediately switching out of YouTube and onto Twitter. There were surprisingly no new tweets so you switched to tumblr and looked through your feed, noticing that Tyler Oakley had reblogged some more stuff, as per usual.
You turned your phone off and looked over to Pj's computer screen and noticed him posting a tweet. It read, 'Family is a tight bond, one that should never be broken, though parents break these bonds more often than children. This tweet goes out to orphans in the world, whose parents have broken that bond, I hope that you will find a family soon.' He sent out the tweet and noticed you looking at it, dumbfounded, and he pulled you in for a side-hug.
The door downstairs burst open, and footsteps were heading up towards the lounge. Pj smiled, stood up off the sofa and grabbed your hand to drag you off of it.
"No, I'm comfy, don't drag me off the sofaaa," you complained.
"Too bad, you have to meet Chris, he is staying here for a month after all."
"Can't I do that sitting down?"
"Nope," he retorted with a smirk and continued pulling you off the sofa. He ended up pulling you off as Chris walked past and into the kitchen to put the groceries away. Pj beckoned you to follow him into the kitchen and meet Chris, so that is what you did.
"CHRIS! COME MEET Y/N!!!" Pj yelled across the apartment.
"You don't have to scream Pj," you implied. You walked into the kitchen, Pj still holding your hand, Chris turned around, abandoning the milk he was busy putting away.
"Hi there, Y/N," Chris greeted,
"U- um, hi, Chris.." You were freaking out, actual Chris. You were scared of how you were going to act when you saw Dan and Phil for the first time.
"How are you?"
"I- I'm good, what about you?"
"I'm good thanks, Y/N/N. Did you come here from Australia?"
"My.. Um.. Parents moved here when I was only a month old, I was born in Australia and they had Aussie accents so I grew up with one as well."
"Come on, let's go say hi to Dan and Phil now, we can ask more questions later," Pj nagged.
"Fine, let's go Y/N," Chris said and you walked back downstairs to your apartment door and Pj opened it. Everyone stepped out into the he hallway and Pj locked the door behind him before knocking on the door across from you. There was shouting from somewhere inside before the door opened, and the three of you were greeted by Dan and Phil. You hid behind Pj, you being a massive Phangirl and you felt extremely shy around them.
"Quick, come inside," Dan said and locked the door behind you.
"Go into the lounge, we'll be right behind you," Phil told you. Yourself, Pj and Chris hurried up and into the lounge, where you completely freaked out, though you hardly showed this on the outside. You saw the fireplace, the table, and the sofa, with Dan's sofa crease, and you wanted to faint. You knew it so well, seeing it in videos a lot of the time, but it was so much different just... Being there.
"Sit down, everyone," you decided to sit down at the dining table, you knew you weren't worthy of sitting on the sofa just yet. Phil sat in the chair next to you, Dan sat in his sofa crease, of course, and the other two sat next to him. You had an internal meltdown, the actual Phil Lester was sitting next to you. While you were lost in thought about how sudden meeting the actual Fantastic Foursome was, Pj spoke up.
"Well, Dan and Phil, this is Y/N, the absolutely amazingly fantastic girl that I have adopted," Pj gestured to you and all eyes were on you. You blushed at the compliment and all the attention, from the actual Fantastic Foursome, and decided to speak to prevent an awkward silence.
"Um, hi..." Your voice came out much quieter than you wanted it to, and all of a sudden Phil enveloped you in a hug.
"It's okay, Y/N, don't be nervous. It's just us," you started to blush even more before he let go and looked at you with the most adorable smile, and you couldn't help but smile back.
"So, Y/N, how old are you?" Dan asked.
"I- I'm 13."
"Did you come from Australia?" You met Pj's eyes and he looked at you with a touch of sympathy, but you continued.
"My.. Umm... Parents moved to London when I was only a month old, I was born in Australia and they had Australian accents so I have an Aussie accent but I have lived here most of my life," you replied rather quickly.
"That's cool. So I take it you are a fan of us?" You blushed because of how obvious you had made it, and suddenly you felt shy all over again.
"I, um, yeah. I have watched the four of you for four years," you didn't watch Chris's videos but you didn't want to make him feel awkward so you said you watched him anyway, "I also watch other YouTubers like Tyler and Grace and I have most of the YouTuber books, and I have a lot of Dan and Phil and Rhett and Link merch..." You answered quite quietly, and Chris said,
"I'm gonna go back to Pj's apartment, see you guys."
"Bye," everyone chorused. Suddenly, Phil grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the sofa, placing you next to Dan and he sat on the other side of you. You started blushing again, you were seated next to two of your favourite YouTubers. Phil hugged you again, and you hugged him back this time.
"Sorry, Y/N, Phil is quite the hugger," Dan apologised sarcastically, ending his sentence in a snort when Phil looked up at him with false hurt in his eyes.
"It's not my fault hugs are nice, I think it would help make her feel less awkward around us," Phil replied defensively
"I think it makes her feel more awkward," Dan retorted.
"Do you feel awkward when I hug you, Y/N?" Phil asked. You liked the hugs a lot, so you replied with,
"No, not really. I can't complain if I'm getting hugged by one of my favourite YouTubers, right?" Phil looked back up at Dan with satisfaction in his blue eyes.
"Well, in that case, I want a go!" And then Dan pushed Phil off you and pulled you into his own hug. You wrapped your arms around Dan.
"Aww, come on! Her hugs are nice!" Phil complained. You giggled at the attention you were getting from the boys.
"I bet you guys are jealous, I got to hug her you before either of you did," Pj piped up, and Dan let go. Phil immediately latched onto you again, and you just let him rest there with his head against your shoulder.
"Well, I'm going to get my laptop, do you want yours, Phil?" Dan asked.
"No thanks, I'm content with just hugging Y/N/N for a while," Phil replied.
"'K then," Dan left the room.
"Is it okay if I call you Y/N/N?" Phil asked you.
"Yea, I don't mind Phil."
"Okay then. We'll just watch Dan browse, how about that?"
"UM-HUM! I'm still here you know!" Pj complained. You and Phil burst into a fit of giggles before he continued, "I'm going to get my laptop, be right back," and Pj left the room. Phil shuffled in closer to you, still latched onto your torso.
"You right there?" You complained sarcastically.
"I'm good," he replied, and you again burst into a fit of giggles.
"PHIL!" Dan screamed across the house, "COME HELP ME FIND MY LAPTOP!"
"Come on, it'll give you an excuse to explore Dan's room," the two off you hopped off the sofa and you followed Phil down the hall. He slipped into Dan's bedroom, and you had a look around. You started to 'look for the laptop', but that was really just an excuse for you to be in there. You weren't looking around for long before Dan said,
"Found it!" As you were inspecting the piano. You planned to teach yourself the piano one day, you really liked it, and from the few things about piano notes you had learned in music class it seemed like the notes were fairly simple.
"Do you play piano, Y/N?" Dan asked.
"No, I don't, but I was planning on teaching myself. It looks simple enough, I would just have to get used to the flow."
"Can you read music?"
"Yeah, quite easily, actually, I sing a lot and need to read music sometimes, and I have played saxophone."
"Ah, okay. Do you mind if I play something on the piano real quick?"
"Nope, I don't mind at all."
"What do you want me to play?"
"Do you know how to play 7 Years?"
"Yes, do you know the words?"
"Yes, quite well actually."
"Would you sing for us?" As soon as Dan had finished the question the door had opened downstairs, signalling Pj's return.
"I'll go get him, I want him to hear you two together as well," Phil said and sped off down the hall.
"Well, he seems to want you to sing, so will you? Please?" Dan pleaded. You replied,
"Of course, Daniel the Spaniel," Dan's eyes widened in mock shock.
"You did not."
"I just did," and then Pj and Phil entered into the room. They stood a distance behind you, Phil had obviously briefly explained what was happening because Pj hadn't said anything. Dan played the intro, and then you started singing.
Once I was seven years old, my mama told me,
"Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely."
Once I was seven years old
It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger
Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker
By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure
Once I was eleven years old. My daddy told me,
"Go get yourself a wife or you'll be lonely."
Once I was eleven years old...
Dan continued playing and you were singing through the whole song, neither of you making a mistake once, and a couple of seconds after you had finished, a round of applause burst from behind you.
You turned around, having completely forgotten you had an audience you were so lost in the music, and you blushed. All of a sudden you felt someone hug you from behind, the culprit obviously being Dan, and you beamed.
"You did so well, Y/N! We should do that often!" Dan praised.
"Yes, do that," Pj agreed, Phil vigorously nodding his head along side him.
"Thanks, but you played well too, Dan. You have to give yourself credit."
"I know I'm fabulous already, Y/N. No need to address that," Dan joked, and all of you burst into laughter. "Anyway, let's go back to the lounge and browse the Internet."
The four of you continued back down the hall and into the lounge, taking up your positions from before. You whipped out your phone and checked for any more notifications, not that there were any. Phil was on his phone tweeting something, and Dan was on his computer in Twitter, also tweeting something,
You decided to check Tumblr, but then a new notification came up.
It read that Dan had tweeted something, so you went and had a look. The tweet simply read, 'New person!' And most of the replies were, 'What?'. You chuckled quietly to yourself. Another notification came up, saying Phil had tweeted something, and you were quick to read that one too. It said, 'I think we found a Musical Duo, nice score, Peej!' Attached was a video, and when you clicked into it you knew what it was. Phil had recorded your duet with Dan. The colour drained from your face, but you thought to yourself, At least he didn't record my face yet, as you continued to watch the video.
About halfway through, Dan had leant over to see what you were watching, and he immediately glared at Phil.
"Really, Phil?"
"What?" Phil asked innocently.
"I'm not mad that you have recorded us, I'm not surprised really, but I am annoyed that you didn't let Pj even mention her first before showing her off!"
"It's alright, Dan. I don't mind, it's not like people understand what happened anyway. I'm going to record a video with her tomorrow to introduce her to my fanbase," Pj said, trying to calm Dan down.
"Hmm, you're lucky, Phil," Dan fake scowled very badly, and the four of you again burst into a fit of laughter. You guys continued browsing for ages, showing each other different replies from the tweets Dan and Phil sent out and just random other things on Tumblr.
"We'd better go, Y/N. It's getting pretty late," you checked the time on your phone, and it flashed up on the screen as 8:39pm.
"Well, see ya, Y/N," Dan said.
"Bye, Y/N!" Phil said and wrapped you up in yet another hug. You hugged him back before following Pj out the door and back into your own apartment.
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