I stand still in the front room while Jared and Dan are talking in another room- probably about Jason.
After a few moments, I swing the door open, causing a loud bang when it hits the wall, and I storm out and across the front yards of Jared's and my house- then over to Dan and Phil's house.
I swing their door open and find Phil in the living room.
Where the fuck is the jackass? I snap, making Phil flinch and then turn to face me.
"He just got out of the shower- wh-"
"Okay, thank you!" I call as I head up the stairs.
"Jason!" I shout, walking down the hall, towards the bathroom.
The door swings open and reveals Jason, who just has a pair of boxers on.
I clench my jaw when that stupid smirk of his forms on his lips.
"Hey, baby."
"Don't fucking call me that." I hiss threateningly as I walk up until I'm in his face.
"What did you tell Dan?"
"What are you talking about?" He asks, laughing a bit.
"Don't fucking play dumb!" I snap, punching him in the ribs before shoving him into the wall and holding him there with my forearm against his chest.
"Okay, okay!" He says and laughs.
"I told him I'm not leaving until I can make you my boyfriend,"
"Yes you fucking are." I snap, my nose crinkling in anger and disgust.
"Says wh-"
"Alex!" Jared shouts from behind me, but I don't move. I just stare Jason dead in the eyes.
Then he leans forward and kisses me, cuffing my jaw in one of his hands and securing my head with his other.
My eyes widen and I try to pull away from him, duck out of his grasp, anything, but it doesn't work, and I'm stuck with my lips locked onto his.
Until I'm yanked away that is, and Jared steps in front of me protectively.
"What the fuck?!" He shouts, his voice echoing through the house, the anger in his voice making me flinch.
"You need to get the fuck out of this country by tomorrow or I'm calling the fucking cops." He snaps.
"Okay," Jason says, arching an eyebrow and folding his arms over his chest.
"But I'm taking him." He says and grabs me quickly.
"No you are not." Jared snaps and punches him in the jaw, making him drop me.
Jared the quickly picks me up and takes off running.
"Wait- Jared where-"
"Away!" He shouts as he crosses the yards and stops beside his car, pulls the keys out and unlocks the car.
"In. Now!" He shouts as he gets into the drivers side, starting the car quickly after.
I quickly open my door and jump into the passenger seat, hardly having enough time to shut the door before Jared speeds off.
"Jared- where are we going?!" I shout as he speeds down multiple streets.
"I don't know- just out of here!" He shouts, his knuckles turning white as he grips the steering wheel, weaving in and out of different neighborhoods.
"Jared- pull over and let's talk." I say, placing a hand on his shoulder, the tense muscle slightly relaxing under my touch.
A couple of seconds later, he pulls over and stops the car, parking it afterwards.
"He's not going to take me away from you," I say reassuringly, although even I'm not completely sure if he'll take me away or not.
"I know. Just the thought of him though-" he says and turns to look at me.
"That man boils my blood, Alex." He says softly.
Without thinking about it, I lean forward and kiss him.
He seems taken aback for a moment before he kisses me back, and seconds later I pull back.
"Trust me. Okay?" I whisper.
"I'm not gonna let him take me away from you." I say, looking into his eyes as I do so.
He stares into my eyes for a few moments before nodding slowly.
"Now let's go rent out a hotel room for the night so we don't have to deal with jerk face back at the house." I say, smiling, Jared's facial expression softening up before he starts the car and starts driving to the nearest hotel.
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