Chapter 1
(Written by admin Theory)
I was woken up by the usual banging on my door.
"Get up! There's a couple here that want to adopt a 13-16 year old which makes you fall in that category!" She screeched. This was Mrs. Colons. She was awful to only me.
I got up and put on a pair of dark purple leggings with a pair of short-short tight shorts on. I pulled a Green Day shirt over my head and shoved my Dan and Phil hoody over my head. I didn't bother with makeup. I knew they weren't going to pick me. I brushed out my long pastel teal hair and went down the stairs.
I was walking down the stairs when I heard a familiar voice. I recognized the voice instantly. It was AmazingPhil. I was having a fangirl heart attack.
I kept walking down the stairs until I was pushed. I toppled down 2 flights of stairs and just laying there. A girl came over and kicked me. I knew who it was once she started talking.
"You should start watching where your going, crap." She laughed. It was Mindy Larson. She practically ruled the orphanage. She was all the staffs favorite, was really pretty and got all the guys, and her parents owned this place.
I just got up and walked over to the line everybody from the category was standing in.
I was amazed to see that Dan and Phil where adopting. They walked by the line and looked at all of us. They of course choose Mindy. Her parents don't care if she gets adopted or not. A couple other girls. And when they got to the end they surprisingly chose me.
I had over heard some of theirs and Mindy's conversation because it was mostly yelling.
"You can't adopt that skank out there with the blue hair! She's awful! You have to chose me!" She screamed. Wow she's desperate, I thought in my head.
"Well on your way out can you send her in, please." Asked Phil.
"Fine, lamo's" she said and stormed out.
"You just cost me an adoption!" She screamed at me.
"Well I don't blame them for not wanting an awful person like you." I said with a smile. I walked off to the conference room ready to meet my hero's.
I open the door. "Hi, I'm Light. It's nice to meet you." I said, taking a seat.
"You're a fan?" Asks Dan.
"Of course. You guys make me laugh at the weirdest times and I'm actually part of your fandom." I say looking down at my sweat shirt.
"Well what do you like to do?" Asks Phil.
"Me? Oh well I like to play on my laptop and my phone. I like scrolling through Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and I have my own YouTube channel that I post on when I can." I say, trying not to squeal because of my excitement.
"What music to you like?" Dan asks. Of course Dan's the one to ask what music I like.
"I like to listen to Green Day, Black Veil Brides, Panic! At The Disco, Pierce The Veil, Deadmau5, Paramore, Twenty One Pilots, and My Chemical Romance. Occasionally Kelly Clarkson and Taylor Swift." I said trying to remember how many thousand songs I had on my phone.
"What's you're personality like?" Phil asks.
"Well I am a darker person. No huge bright colors. I absolutely hate neon. I'll only wear the darker shades of colors. I read, a lot. Most of its fan fiction. I love dyeing my hair different colors. I like donuts and pancakes. And I watch a ton load of anime. My favorite being Free." I said. I was kinda worried they wouldn't like me.
"We'll come beck tomorrow with a decision." Phil said getting up. Dan followed about 3 seconds later.
I walked back up to my room and locked my door. Being 14 sucks. Being a teenager sucks. I pulled my laptop out and opened it up. I am so glad I had worn that hoody. Dan and Phil would have seen my scars if I hadn't. I acted so polite and perfect. What was wrong with me?
I got on my laptop and pulled open YouTube seeing there was a new video from Danisnotonfire. I clicked it and watched.
After the video I had a fangirling heart attack. The video had killed me. Dan and Phil had come out. Phan was real. My OTP was real.
I was squealing for the rest of the night before falling asleep in the same clothes.
I wasn't woken up the next morning by banging on my door. This time it was light nocking.
"What do you want, Mrs. Colons?" I yelled through the door.
"It's actually not her. It's me, Phil." He said.
I walked over and unlocked the door. I opened it and let him in showing him all of my band posters on the walls, tee-shirts that didn't fit anymore pinned up, and everything else that was in there.
"Cool room." He stated.
"It's all I got. This is one of the biggest rooms here." I said sitting down in my desk chair.
"Did you see the video last night? You might not have being it was posted quite late." He said, a smile nipping at his lips.
"Oh I saw it alright." I said. I was American so I talked like one.
"I didn't know you were American." Phil said sitting down on my bed.
"Yeah I was born there. My parents brought me here for a trip but killed them selves. Been here since I was 4. I have a question?" I said.
"Yeah, what would you like to ask?" Phil said.
"Where's Dan?" I asked.
"Right here." I heard a voice from the door. I turned to see the tall Dan standing there.
"Can I ask another question?" I said kind of embarrassed.
"Sure." Dan said, still standing by the door.
"Why are you guys here? I know your here to adopt someone but why in my room?" I asked.
"You don't understand do you?" Phil said.
"No, I don't." Then it clicked in my head. They were here to adopt me. But why? I'm so socially awkward and different. I'm no where near perfect. They stayed quiet.
"I know why you're here. You're here to adopt me, right?" I was practically squealing.
"Yes we are. I've already signed the forms and know all we have to do is pack." Dan said.
I picked up my suit case and started folding my clothes. I only had about 4 outfits and a ratty old pair of converse. I shoved my little amount of makeup in and zipped it closed. I went to the bathroom and grabbed something I knew they couldn't see. My blade. I really didn't use it lately because I was only leaving my locked room for meals. I grabbed my backpack and started folding my posters.
I finished folding the posters and grabbed my laptop and chargers and put those in it. I picked up my headphones and shoved them in my backpack. I put my phone in my back pocket and skipped down the stairs to the front.
"Finally leaving this horrid place." I mumbled to myself. "Finally away from the awful people. Finally away from every crappy memory in this suck hole."
"Ready to go?" Dan said from behind me.
"Yeah." I said.
So how was the chapter? I think it was pretty good. If you've forgotten, this is admin Theory writing this.
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