Chapter 5
After Nate had calmed me down, he smiled. "You want to come and say hi to the fans?"
I nodded in response, not trust myself to talk.
"Come on, then." he laughed, standing up and offering me a hand.
I took it and pulled him back down. "Not yet." I muttered.
"Rose, come on! I was vlogging when you screamed!" Nate whined.
".....fine." I sighed, agreeing. "But I'm not getting up myself."
Nate looked at me, an eyebrow raised. "Oh really?"
I smiled. "Yes really, Mr. NateWantsToBattle."
He sighed as he stood up and then picked me up.
He then started walking, most likely to his recording room. I hadn't been given a tour yet, so I didn't know.
"Alright. You're getting my chair, I'm sitting in the spare." he explained, setting me down.
I grabbed his camera, and smiled at it. "Shhh.... I'm stealing Nate's camera..." I whispered after noticing that it was still recording.
I then proceeded to hide under Nate's desk before he could see me.
He pulled the spare office chair up, then looked around confused.
"Rose, where did you- ok, come back here and bring me my camera back." Nate sighed.
I covered my mouth so I wouldn't alert him where I was, and I slipped past him without his knowledge.
I was attempting to get out of the room when he finally saw me.
"Rose! Get back here!" he yelled as I sprinted out the door.
"Nope! This is too much fun!" I yelled back, making sure not to drop his camera.
"Please?" Nate pleaded.
"Since you asked nicely... No." I shot a grin over my shoulder at him.
I continued to run for a couple more minutes when Nate suddenly picked me up.
"Oh hush." Nate rolled his eyes as he took his camera out of my hands. "Sorry about that. But this little munchkin took my camera."
"Could you not?" he asked, laughing.
"How about no." Nate grinned as he took me back to his office.
He put me in his chair again, sitting in the other one.
"So... Say hi." he stated as I didn't do anything.
"Hi. I'm Rose. Nate's adopted daughter." I waved, before glaring at Nate. "Not cool, by the way. I was not ready for that."
"But I wanna!" Nate joked.
"My chest and my back! Oh, my Netflix and my snacks!" I referenced, grinning.
"Ok. Fine. I'll stop." he chuckled.
"I'M GOING BACK TO MY ROOM BYE." I yelled as I stood up and walked past Nate.
I heard him finishing the vlog as I laid on my bed.
He came in a minute later. "So... I'm having to meet up with a few friends later. Do you want to come with me or stay here?"
"I'll stay here." I muttered, not giving a reason why.
"Alright." he sighed. "What's wrong? Cause there's something wrong, I can tell."
"I'm afraid of what your friends will think." I mumbled.
"Rose, they'll love you. Trust me. You're just as crazy as me, and I love it."
I didn't reply, just smiled.
"You better now?"
"Yeah. Thanks Nate. For... everything."
"Hey, no need to thank me." he chuckled. "I'm pretty happy with you being here."
"You're awesome." I grinned, getting up and hugging him. "And I'll come to meet your friends."
"Alright! We leave in ten minutes, so go ahead and get ready." he smiled, hugging me back before I pulled away.
He walked out and shut my door behind me, making me roll my eyes.
"It's not like I'm changing or anything, da- Nate." I stopped myself before saying dad.
'He's not my father. I... I can't call him that. He'll leave me at the orphanage. Just like my real father did to me.'
"ROSE!! ARE YOU READY?!" Nate yelled.
"YEAH! I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!" I yelled back, getting off the bed and putting on my shoes.
I left the room, shutting my door behind me and headed for the living room.
"Ready to meet my friends?"
"As I'll ever be."
A/N Eat chocolate, smell roses, and kill squids! I'll see you next time! *salutes*
Rose out!
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