Chapter 2
I sighed sadly as I walked away from the orphanage, absentmindedly pulling out my phone and checking YouTube. Sure enough, like Rose had said, there was a message from a person named Zed. I tapped on it and read it. It sounded exactly like what Rose had told me about her life, and I replied.
'Do you want to talk about it, or do you want to meet up somewhere?' I sent. Moments later I got a reply.
'Can't meet up anywhere. Orphanage owner doesn't allow it. I've told you everything I can. Can we just talk?' Zed asked.
'Sure. First things first. Are you a boy or girl?' I chuckled a bit as I sent it, and then I almost ran into a pole.
'Girl.' she sent back. 'Are you alright?'
'Yeah...I just- wait, how did you know something happened just then?'
'I can see you from the orphanage I'm at.' Zed replied. 'I'll wave if you want.'
'Naw. Do you by chance know a girl named Rose?'
'Yeah. She's my friend.'
'Well, I ran into her tonight. When you see her next, tell her Nate wants to talk again soon.'
'I'd love to!'
'What?' I sent back, confused.
'I mean, she said she'd love to. She stole the computer from me.'
'Ok...' I sighed, running my hand through my hair. 'Good night.'
'Night.' she replied. I turned to see Rose leaning against the only lit window. She suddenly cried out and everything went black for me.
*5 minutes later*
"I thought I told you not to talk to anyone!" I heard an angry woman shout. "Look what happened to this man!"
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Lars..." I heard Rose reply. "Won't happen again."
I groaned and opened my eyes, seeing a large woman wearing a bright yellow dress and holding a white bag. Her bright green eyes bore holes into me. I shivered under her gaze. I looked beyond her to see Rose.
"What's your name, sir?" the woman asked, venom dripping from her mouth, even though she spoke sweetly and softly.
"Nathan Smith." I replied with a fake smile. "I believe I called a couple days ago to talk to the children, but you declined."
"You called? I don't remember th-" Rose started, but at a glare from the woman, she stopped.
"Yes, I called. Are you Mrs. Lars?" I asked the large woman. She nodded slowly. "Alright. I'm going to come back in the morning, and I want to see the children you have for me to adopt."
"Alright, Mr. Smith. I will see you tomorrow!" Mrs. Lars said in the same voice.
'Faker.' I thought to myself as I walked outside. I went back to my home and went to bed, knowing that tomorrow was going to be another day. (Get my reference there? Huh? Huh?)
*time skip to next morning*
"How's it going folks! My name is NateWantsToBattle, and welcome to..." I started, but I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I paused the recording and grabbed it. It was an unknown number, and so I ignored it.
I started the recording again and apologized for the interruption.
*after he finishes recording*
I checked my phone to see who had called me. Turns out, it was the orphanage, and my appointment with the children would be at three, which, by that point, was about thirty minutes away, and I still hadn't had lunch. I grabbed my keys and ran outside to my car, knowing it would take about 20 to get there. I got in, and drove over to the orphanage, where I saw all the children lined up. I saw Rose first. She was near the end of the line, and she was wearing a Minecraft t-shirt, jeans, and purple shoes, with a purple jacket wrapped around her waist.
(Writing this with a cat on my arms. Do you know how hard that is?)
I smiled, and talked to each child. The first one I talked to laughed when I mentioned games.
"Gaming is soooo boring." she grinned. I kept going. A lot of the girls I talked to were the same, and one even attempted to flirt with me. Then I got to Rose.
"Wow. I was hoping I would at least meet your friend before I talked with you." I joked.
"Why? Afraid that one of them was her?" Rose giggled back. I kinda nodded. "Well, good news is that I'm actually my only friend in here. Zed is an online personality for me."
"Really? Wow. So, do you want to go with me?" I wondered. She nodded. I went over to talk to Mrs. Lars, who was standing off to one side. "I know who I want to adopt now."
"Who do you want, Mr. Smith?" she smiled.
"Rose Darkwood." I answered. Her smiled faltered for a second, and she led me over to her desk, where I signed the paperwork.
"Alright. You're all set. You can come back tomorrow to get her things and then on Wednesday you can pick her up and take her home with you." she grinned. I nodded, and started to leave. Rose suddenly ran over to me and gave me a giant hug.
"Woah! What's wrong?" I chuckled.
"Don't leave!" she cried.
"I'm coming back tomorrow to get your stuff. Don't worry!" I answered. "You'll be coming home with me on Wednesday, which is two days from now. You'll be fine."
"Ok." she whispered, letting go. "Bye Nate."
"Bye, Rose." I smiled, bending down and giving her a hug. I then turned around and walked out, happy that I was able to help someone out.
A/N You have no idea how long it took me to freaking finish this. My charge cable for my nook died and then my computer's monitor died, so I had to rely on the family computer, which everyone's always on, so I could never write for long periods of time...yada yada. I'm finished with chapter 2! Eat chocolate, smell roses, and kill squids! I'll see you next time! *salutes*
Rose out!
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