Chapter 4
"I'm so sorry for your loss, Y/N."
"Pj was loved very much, Y/N, I'm so sorry."
"Sorry for your loss, hun. I wish you the best for the future."
The hollow apologies blur together as you left the Church.
"It's annoying when everyone tries to lift you up, isn't it Y/N?" Phil said as you entered the taxi.
"Yeah. It really is. It doesn't help at all, it makes me feel worse."
"I've been through it before, I completely understand." You sat in silence between both Dan and Phil for the whole 20 minute taxi ride, not having anything to say. You all walked up the steps in silence and entered the apartment, still silent
"So, Y/N, let's sort out your room. We need to figure out something, we only have two bedrooms." Dan said, breaking the quiet of the group.
"I can sleep on the pullout bed upstairs. I can have all my stuff up there, just as long as it doesn't get in the way of your gaming stuff, right?"
"Right." Phil confirmed.
"I suppose that would be the best option." Dan added. You walked into the lounge where all the boxes were lying, Phil almost tripping over twice.
"Phil you clumsy spork, come help me move these boxes up to the gaming room." Dan said, a dimple-revealing smile spread over his features.
So in love, those two are.
"But I'll drop something important!" He protested.
"It's alright Phil, I'll do it." You volunteered. Dan and yourself both grabbed the biggest and heaviest boxes to drag up the stairs first. You stacked all the boxes beneath the window, neat so they were out of the shot of the camera if Dan and Phil were to record a gaming video.
"We may have to get you some sort of cupboard and some shelves, there isn't much room in here." Dan commented.
"We can get them tomorrow sometime, it's getting late and I want to Internet." Dan laughed as you grabbed your laptop and it's charger out of one of the boxes. You plugged the charger into an extension board that sat behind the monitor.
"Can you come downstairs? Phil and I need to talk to you about something, it's kind of important." Dan said once you finished with your laptop.
"Okie dokey!" You said, cheerful that you had moved in properly. You followed Dan down into the lounge.
"Phil! Come here for a second!" Dan yelled out to his roommate. Phil entered the lounge but Dan immediately dragged him out, whispering to him in the hallway. You looked around the lounge, feeling at home as you always have when you came here. "Okay, Y/N, time to discuss." Dan said as he entered the room once more, Phil following close behind.
"Well," he began, "I'm not sure if you have guessed or not, but Phil and I... We... We are dating." Dan said, looking at you in anticipation of your response.
"Oh no I never guessed that you love each other. You only stare at each other like lovesick birds that want to eat each other's faces off." You said, sarcasm dripping off your tongue.
"Not in videos, right?!" Phil said, panic laced in his tone.
"Well sort of, people just say that whenever you look at each other, but it is literally not even it. It's only noticeable because I've been around you two for a long time, so don't panic. At the disco."
"You are not to tell anyone, okay?" Warned Dan.
"Of course I won't, I'm not stupid." You replied.
"Okay. Good. Thanks, Y/N, we really appreciate it." Phil said.
"Ima retreat to my room for the night, goodnight you guys." You informed the pair.
"Goodnight Y/N!" They said in sync.
I have a home again.
A/N: Cheeky Phan.
You are welcome.
Let's ramp it up to five votes aim before the next chap?
Also sorry I didn't update it's been more than a week but I totally forgot oops heheh 😓
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