Chapter 24
"So are you going to skip detention then?" Alex asked as you walked together into the school. Ever since Monday, the two of you had met up on your route to school and walked the rest of the way together.
"Yeah, I can't not see Dan. I miss him, even though he did what he did."
"Fair enough. I mean, he is your dad. I mean, kind of."
"He's more of a friend to be honest, but he does have to act fatherly at times. Obviously."
"Cool. Well, I'll see you on Sunday? As we planned?"
"Yep. Call me after detention if anything interesting happens."
"Shall do. Now, leave quickly, before the crowds die down." You shut your locker and swung your backpack over your shoulder, squishing your way into the middle of the crowd so that none of the teachers could see you. As soon as you exited the building you speed-walked across the car park, heading towards the apartment. As soon as you arrived you threw your bag in your room.
"Ready?" Phil asked when you came into the lounge. You nodded your head as he rose from the sofa. "Lets go then, the uber should be downstairs." The pair of you practically ran down the stairs, excited to see Dan again.
"Nervous?" You asked as you entered the car, Phil sliding in beside you.
"Sort of. I'm afraid that he's actually insane and will act weirdly, honestly. I love him so much, I can't handle the thought of him being like that, let alone the possibility of it being real."
"Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine. Everything will be back to normal in a few months at the most." Phil's eyes widened, and he suddenly grabbed you by the shoulders just as you finished putting your seatbelt on.
"What do I tell the Phandom?! Sure it's normal him not uploading but there's no excuse this time! We're not on tour anymore!" His blue and green orbs stared into your own frighteningly.
"We'll do... something. Let's cross that bridge when it comes, he may not have to stay in jail yet." The rest of the trip was sat in a comfortable silence, except for the quiet hum of the radio in the background. Phil paid the driver and got out, and you followed closely behind. As you walked towards the police station you grabbed Phil's hand, and he gripped it tightly in return. You entered the building, the cold air conditioning a surprising contrast to the mildly warm air outside.
Phil walked up to the front desk as you stood back, tapping your foot nervously on the ground and tapping your fingers against your leg.
"Who are you here to see?" The officer asked, obviously disinterested.
"Dan Howell." The officer looked up and looked at Phil.
"And who might you be?"
"Phil Lester." The officer's eyes seemed to flash surprise temporarily before he allowed access, doing whatever it was that he did. Another officer appeared from a doorway, walking towards Phil. You quickly took a few strides to where Phil was standing.
"Hello, Phil. I'm officer Darrell Cliffe, nice to meet you. You're here to see Daniel Howell?" He asked. He's the guy that asked me all those questions after the incident. Holy shit.
"Yes, officer Cliffe." Cliffe looked at you, recognition flashing across his face.
"Y/N! I knew I recognised the name Phil. How've you been doing?" He asked rather cheerily.
"I'm alright. It's hard to stay optimistic with a dad in jail though."
"Fair enough. Now, follow me." Once you arrived at your destination, yourself and Phil sat on a chair as he disappeared behind a door. No less than two minutes later, officer Cliffe returned with Dan in his grips, handcuffed.
"Dan!" You exclaimed, shooting out of your seat. You stood there with tears in your eyes, hands covering your mouth. Phil let out a sob.
"Now, Dan, no funny business, or you know what happens."
"Y- yes, sir," Dan said, voice quiet. You starting to slowly walk the short distance towards him, and cautiously hugged him once you were close enough. Since Dan couldn't wrap his arms around you he kissed the top of your head instead.
"Hello, Y/N."
"Hey Dan." You slowly stepped aside and looked at Phil, he stood up and speed-walked towards his boyfriend. Phil hugged him, kissing his forehead multiple times.
"I've missed you so much," Phil mumbled.
"I'm surprised, I was the one that attacked you after all."
"Oddly, I forgive you." Phil placed a chaste kiss on the other boy's lips. "When do you get back?"
"Soon," Dan simply replied, resting his forehead against Phil's. "I'll be back to normal, well, mostly."
"Good, I'm sick of all this crap," Phil whispered.
"Me too."
"Me three," you added, causing the other pair to giggle. "I made a friend, in other news."
"Aww yay!" Dan exclaimed, smiling.
"Hopefully you'll meet him soon, I-"
"Time's up, Howell!" An officer interrupted, bursting though the door. "Get away from the guests, you're going back into the cell. Someone else wants to visit."
"But, Officer Lee-"
"Now!" Officer Lee shouted, pointing to the door with a scowl on his face.
"Bye, Dan," you whispered, moving away from him.
"Love you," Phil said, stepping back as the officer roughly grabbed Dan's arm and dragged him back to the cells.
"You two are free to go, have a good day," Cliffe said, obviously shooing us. You and Phil muttered a thanks as you turned around to go outside. Phil called an uber.
"I'm glad he's not mentally insane," Phil giggled as the pair of you entered the Phlat.
"Same. I hope he gets back soon," you added.
"I'll find out soon I suppose. Also, we're having pizza for dinner."
"Yes!" You cheered, pumping your fists into the air.
"What do you want? I'm ordering Hawaiian and Meatlovers, any special requests?"
"A cheese one please," you said.
"Cool. I'll get medium since we're having three pizzas then." Phil grabbed his phone and called the local pizza parlour as you switched the TV on, looking for a new TV show to watch.
"I'm done ordering. Also, can we watch Steven Universe? I want to start watching that. And yes, I'll rewatch the first few episodes with Dan. I'm just getting impatient."
"We could watch the pilot episode? It's pretty darn different from the actual series but it'll be cool."
"Okay. I ordered a bottle of Coke and a bottle of Lemonade, is that alright with you?" Phil asked.
"Of course it is," you replied. You brought up the pilot episode of Steven Universe on the TV. Phil got paper towels and plates for the pizza. Not even two minutes into the episode the doorbell rang.
"That was quick," Phil stated as he hopped off the couch. He soon returned with three boxes of pizza, two large bottles of soft drink and a stick of garlic bread.
"What flavour?"
"Oh, cheese please. I'll pour myself a glass of lemonade."
"Oh. I just realised I've been inactive on twitter. Dammit," Phil cursed. "Okay, we'll take a selfie, simple enough, right?"
"Yep." Phil got his phone out of his back pocket to take a selfie. You smiled at the camera and held up a peace sign as he took the photo, then grabbed your slice of pizza and took a giant bite out of it. Your phone buzzed against your though and there was a notification, saying that Phil had tweeted.
"Maybe when Dan gets back, everything will finally return to normal," you thought aloud.
I have no idea how jail works, I know they have temporary cells at the police station. I made it up from there. Also, it's short again. Sorry. In other news...
Kanye believe this is the second last chapter.
Don't worry, this story has a good ending lmao.
Sorry for not pre-warning you. About the end of the book. Oops.
Also, I'm going to start writing a Hogwarts/Phan AU, how would y'all feel about that?
I don't know if any of you are big Harry Potter fans or not.
Eh, I like Hogwarts anyways.
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