Chapter 22
You walked to school, annoyed and grumpy.
You couldn't see Dan until Friday.
Four days.
Four. Goddamn. Days.
You walked into the building, surprisingly without interruptions.
Wouldn't Jack and his gang usually be here to tease me?
Oh god no. Please don't be doing what I think you're doing.
You quickly stuffed your shit in your locker and grabbed your phone.
You know.
For safety.
You sped walked to the bike shed.
God no.
Please. No.
You looked behind the shed. From a distance.
You know.
For safety.
You saw Alex on the ground, pastel colours, flower crown and all, being beaten by the one and only, Jack. And the rest of them.
"Oi!" You shouted at the group. You started running towards the bike shed, "Get the fuck away from him!" Jack spun around, only to reveal a smirk on his features.
"Oh, Y/N. You can't stop us. It's all of us, against you and your faggot of a friend," he spat. You stopped. I didn't think this through.
"That's right dumbass, you can't beat us. No matter how hard you try." You started running towards him again. You made eye contact with Alex, his green eyes blazing with anger, fear, hurt, and everything in between. As soon as you were close enough, you punched Jack square in the jaw. He suddenly became angry, making moves to start running after you. The rest of the group looked at you in shock, before following behind him. You ran, as fast as you could, across the schoolyard.
Please, Alex, hide, you thought as you ran, praying that they were all following you and not staying behind to watch him.
You continued to sprint, breath heavy, lungs on fire. But you didn't care. No one touches someone for being gay, especially your friend. You stopped and spun around suddenly, the gang only metres behind you. A crowd started to gather nearby, whispering and watching in astonishment. You spun around and ran closer to the building, but Jack had caught up. He dived for and successfully grabbed your ankle, tripping you over. You kicked as hard as you could, and he let go. You kicked him in the, uh, yeah, and grabbed his shirt as he groaned in pain. His little gang watched in shock and fear, but you saw faces of admiration from the, rather large, crowd that had gathered. You lifted him up by the collar of his shirt, hands balled up in fists, and pinned him against the wall.
"You listen to me, Jack," you spat in his face, "Don't you fucking touch Alex, or you'll have to deal with me again. I'm sure you don't want that, do you, you little shit? And for that matter, don't you dare bully someone for being gay ever again, or I swear to god I will smash your face in, hear me?"
"Y-yes, Y/N," he stuttered. You released his shirt, leaving him to crumple onto the ground. You spun around to see his gang, who had looks of absolute terror painted on their faces.
"Now, you people go do some good instead of being sheep, will you? Just stop bullying people, it's one of the shittiest things you can do," you told them. The crowd started cheering and whooping, and you blushed, taking a sarcastic bow.
"Just doing my job, ladies and gentlemen. Now, go get ready for class, will ya? I've got a friend to check up on." You texted Alex, 'Where are you?'
He replied with a simple, 'In the library.' You speed-walked towards the library, knowing time was running out. You bursted through the door and apologised to the librarian, out of instinct. You looked around in a panic(!) for Alex, before spotting him slouched in a corner on a beanbag, on his phone. You walked over to him ans took a seat next to him.
"Are you alright?" You blurted out, giving him a massive hug.
"I'm alright, it'll take a while for the bruises for the bruises to heal but, other than that, I'm alright," he informed you.
"Lift up your sweatshirt," you said bluntly.
"What?" He asked, suddenly flustered.
"Lift up your sweatshirt. I'm checking the bruises," you repeated, rolling your eyes. He put down his phone and reluctantly rolled up his pastel blue sweatshirt, revealing a wide range of bruises.
"Reminds me of me," you commented, casually showing your not-quite-healed bruises. You adjusted his flower crown, which was crooked, and then noticed the mud on his sweatshirt, arms and jeans.
"Let's get you cleaned up," you stood up, holding out your hand, which he gratefully took, cringing as he stood up. Stupid bruises. The two of you started walking towards the toilet block.
"Wait, we're opposite genders, we can't go into the same toilets," Alex said, suddenly stopping.
"Oh, we have unisex toilets. I don't know if it was supposed to be for transgender or like non-binary people in general, but, mostly seniors, come here in the middle of class to, you know,"
"Fuck?" Alex finished.
"Yeah, that. Anyways, I'll get you cleaned up in there."
"Thanks, by the way," Alex added, "I didn't think they'd ever stop. They're so harsh!"
"It's been happening to me for years, same people, but I think they're not going to be doing it any more." The pair of you entered the unisex toilets, people nearby smirking as if they thought... You shivered in disgust. You went to the sink furthest away from the door. You grabbed paper towels and wet them, and Alex did the same, before he took a seat on the bench. You began to wipe down his sweatshirt as he wiped his arms.
"I don't know why," you began, "but I really like you. I already consider you my friend and it's hardly been a week."
"Honestly, same here. I've never really had friends, so maybe that'll change." You hummed in agreement.
"Turn around, I need to do your back," you told him. He spun around, crossing his legs on the bench. You continued to remove as much mud as possible.
"You'll need to put this in the washing machine as soon as you get home. Actually, soak in warm water first, then put it in the washing machine. This is quite a good sweatshirt, I don't want you to stain it."
"W- well, do you think you c-could come over to my h- h- house this afternoon?" He asked, nervous.
"I need to check up on my dad back at home first, but sure! Do you take the bus?" You asked.
"No, I walk home," he answered.
"So do I, do you wanna come over to my house first? Then we'll walk to yours."
"Cool. Oh! Oh, random fact, did you know that a few days ago AmazingPhil was admitted to hospital? I wonder what happened to him?"
"He was cut really harshly across his wrists, but it wasn't self harm."
"How do you know that?"
"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. Yeah my 'dad' is Phil. I didn't tell you for some reason. When Pj died, they adopted me so I wouldn't have to go back to the orphanage. Also while Pj was still alive and in his depression Dan and Phil basically looked after me, so I wasn't surprised."
"Oh. Cool!" He exclaimed. You finished wiping off the last bits of mud off of his back as he finished wiping down his jeans.
"Wait, what homeroom group are you in?" You asked.
"Same! Thank god for that."
"Let's go, we're going to be late," Alex slid off the bench, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the bathrooms.
"Shit, my legs are starting to hurt real bad," Alex complained.
"Get on my back," you told him. Without a thought he jumped on. You held his legs and began to walk.
"My god you're strong!" He complimented.
"Yeah, I know," you agreed. "Where is your locker?" You asked. He pointed in the general direction of your locker area and you started to run.
"Oh my god stop please holy crap I'm going to fall!" He exclaimed, laughing slightly. You laughed, joining his giggling fit.
"Okay, okay," you said, eyes watering you were laughing so hard. You arrived at your locker and Alex said,
"Stop! My locker is across the hallway."
"My locker is this one," you gestured with your head to the locker next to you.
"Uh, can you put me down now?" He asked.
"Oh, yeah, forgot about that." You dropped him on the ground. He glared at you.
"I hate you."
"Good for you." You spun around to your locker, opening it and taking your stuff out, before you turned around to find Alex still on the ground. "Come on, you're going to be late!" You offered your hand, pulling the boy up. He rushed to his locker and grabbed his books and pencils.
"Let's go," he said, bumping to forward with his shoulder. You started to walk towards your homeroom, taking notice of how Alex hugged his books to his body, as if he was scared. The classroom door was open and you sat next to each other. Just as the teacher was about to mark the roll, an announcement came through the speakers.
"Can Y/N Liguori, Jack Lane and Alex Arterberry please come to the office?" The class started to whisper, wondering what was happening.
"Miss Liguori, did you or did you not beat up Jack?"
"I did, but-"
"I'm sorry, but you will have to-"
"No! You listen to me for a second," you snapped at the principle, "Jack here has been bullying me, verbally and physically, for over three years! The word got out the Alex was gay, and Jack decided to get his gang all up on Alex, so I decided to do something about it. I know that teachers won't listen, I've tried to tell them. They don't do anything about it, and considering most of you are homophobic, they definitely weren't going to help Alex. I don't care if I get punished for it, but don't you dare let Jack get away with it."
"There is absolutely no proof of the bullying that Jack has apparently committed, so-"
"No no no, there absolutely is. For a first, just look at Alex's sweatshirt! It has mud stains from being kicked into the ground behind the bike shed, which is very muddy. Not to forget that we both have bruises from it. In the same places," you argued.
"Prove it," Jack retorted. You lifted up your shirt to reveal your stomach, with bruises still healing. You looked at Alex, signalling to do that same. He did just that, and Jack widened his eyes.
"Fine. You will all be included in the punishment."
"But Alex didn't do anything!" You protested.
"All, or one." You kept silent and looked at your feet. "You will all be on garbage pickup duty for the next two weeks, as well as have Friday detentions every afternoon until the end of the term." You looked up suddenly.
"Oh, please, any day but Friday!" You begged.
"No, that is what is happening. I will inform all of your parents via email. Please return to your classes." You grabbed Alex's hand and dragged him out of the office, angry and upset. You felt a tear trickle down your cheek.
"Woah, you okay?" Asked Alex, suddenly concerned. "Wait, didn't you mention your other dad is in- holy shit. Dan's in jail?"
"Yeah, it's- hard to explain," you said sniffling. You cried even more. Alex picked you up and carried you to the boys' bathroom, setting you down on the bench like he was before.
"Can you only visit him on Fridays?" He asked.
"No, it just that it's hard to get in other days and it's going to be the first time I've seen him since he left this Friday, it's when they're going to let us, we can't go earlier."
"Just skip detention," he told you, eyes full of concern.
"I was planning to," you said, giggling through your tears.
"Lets go to class. Get this day over with," he said, wiping your tears away with his hand.
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