Do this Thing
Taylor took me to a really big and cool theater. It looked really awesome.
"So, Parker Ellen," Taylor said, "How'd your aunt abandon you? And why?"
I thought before I spoke. If she was being sincere, I could tell her, but even if I did, she could always throw me into foster care.
"My aunt never liked me. My parents died in a freak accident when I was young, and she was the only guardian I could go to."
"Oh that's awful. You poor thing."
I shrugged it off. "It's not really important. And besides, I'm never going back."
Taylor nodded as she opened a door. "Well, come meet the cast of Mean Girls!"
I walked to a massive stage with a bunch of people. Oh no.
There were women singing loudly, men dancing, and talking and laughing and-
I fell to the ground and covered my ears. Loud crowds and noises never agreed with me. That's why I hate public places, like Time Square.
I couldn't block out all the loudness, and I ran away to the first quiet room I could see. I slammed the door and locked it as I tried to calm down. I took deep breaths, but they didn't help my pounding head.
Suddenly, the door handle started jiggling, and I heard yelling. I was in trouble. Taylor was gonna take me away and throw me into the foster system, I knew it.
"Parker Ellen! Please open the door, sweetie!"
"Just leave me alone," I shouted. I felt my heart beat faster, but Taylor kept knocking the door.
"Parker Ellen, please. I need you to open the door so I can help you."
"Please go away, Taylor," I said, sniffling. Then the knocking stopped.
"Are you OK? Parker, are you crying?"
I rubbed my eyes quickly and slowly opened the door. Taylor and a few people I didn't know was at the door.
I fell into Taylor's arms and started crying. "I'm sorry," I said quickly, "I-I understand if you d-don't want me any-anymore."
Taylor rubbed my back in circles. "It's OK, honey. You're OK. I'm here."
One of the women I didn't know sat down next to me.
"Hey, Parker Ellen. I'm Ericka. Are you OK?"
I sniffled. "I- I don't know. Nice to meet you, Ericka."
She smiled softly and started singing. "Cheap, fake, easy to break."
I blinked. How was this supposed to help me? But Ericka kept singing, and she took my hand and squeezed it a little bit.
"I see stars," she sang softly, "So many stars at night. You can make diamonds dull. You are so beautiful."
I sniffled and smiled softly. "That's a pretty song."
Taylor rubbed my back. "Ericka sings it at the end of the show. I'm sorry you were so overwhelmed, Parkie."
"Parkie? That's cute."
A guy came and sat next to me. "Hey, Parkie, I'm Grey. How ya feeling?"
I shrugged. "Better."
A group of ladies helped me up.
"Hey, Parker Ellen. I'm Ashley, the blonde is Kate, and that's Barrett. We're all pleased to meet you."
I smiled. "Thanks."
I stood up and everyone else walked around me like a barrier. They told the others to quiet down when I was around, and I calmed down better.
"Thanks for taking me in, Taylor," I said, squeezing her hand.
"You're welcome. Hey, if you want, you can watch one of our rehearsals."
I winced. "Is it gonna be loud?"
Taylor shook her head. "We're just gonna use the pianist. Can you handle that?"
I nodded. "I'd like to go."
Taylor spun me around. "I'm glad I met you, little one."
I gave her a hug. "Me too."
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