slowly becoming best friends
recap: "make yourself cunfey i'll make lunch what do you want?" "chines food" i said "ok what do you want from there" i thought for a seconed then said sweet and sour chicken. delirious walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. i then jumped on the bed and screamed a happy long scream into one of the pillows before i started to unpack.
Angelina P.O.V
After i screamed a long happy scream into my pillow i got up and started to put my clothes away. i took advantage of having 2 dressers so one i used for shirts and pants and the other… socks uh and other girl thing’s you know. as i was finishing putting my stuff away i heard the door bell ring followed by delirious calling to me. "Angelina foods here!" this was to good being adopted by my faviriote person i walked down stairs and into the dinning room it seemed that every room was bigger then the other. before i went to sit i was pummeled to the ground by a pitt bull it sarted to lick my face i giggled because even though it was a giant dog it was so gental. "ROCKY get off her" delirious said pulling at the dogs coller. after rocky got off me delirious helped me up i walked over to the table and started to eat my sweat and sour chicken delirious patted my back before he sat down to eat "sorry about that he loves to meet new people" i smiled and said "its okay i love dogs anyway". in the middle of eating delirious's phone went off he took it out and read the text in his head. "hey angelina...i have to recored in an hour or so.. do you want me to help you make a skype so you can play" delirious looked at me with a smile. i looked at him in the eyes with a grin on my face and nodded my head. we cleaned up and went up stairs.
{in angelina's bedroom :) }
angelina P.O.V
i sat down in the wheely chair that was with the computer and delirious pulled a chair up next to me. "you already have a youtube account so this should be easy just type your email in" i typed it in. "good now make a password and come up with a name and you'll be set". i smilled and typed in everything he looked at my user name and giggled i looked at him and said "hey do not make fun of the all mighty angelgaming!"(sorry i couldnt think of a name :l). he stopped laughing and looked at his phone "i have to recored soon you dont need to be shy around my want a delirious hug". i paused i heard about delirious hugs they were warm and soft and the best thing ever he held his arms out. i jumped into the hug it was true a delirious hug was like being hugged by a big fluffy cloud it was warm and the way he held you... it was amazing when we pulled out of the hug he put me in his skype call his that friends were going to join. he then left the room i put my headset on "hey angelina you going to be ok" i heard delirious say through the skype call "yes delirious i'll be fine what are we playing" "prop hunt" yessss i thought i always wanted to play that game i opened up gmod prop hunt. "hey delirious" i heard a squeaky voice say. "hey lui, o and lui this is angelina the girl i adopted" "hi" i said with my squeaker voice i practice in my spare time. "hey delrious you a dopted a fan cool"lui said now in his regular voice. then i heard the others join the skype it was vanoss,marcel,nogla,delirious,lui,wildcat,mini ladd, and then me. "so delirious when do we meet this all powerful angelina" vanoss said giggling. "shes in the skype call vanoss. angelina say hi" i gulped but then said hi. "oh my god your voice sounds awsome" mini said i grinned and said "are we going to start or just sit here".
{during prop hunt :D}
angelina P.O.V
"were are you angel" wildcat said in a creepy voice i was the last alive on my team i was a banana. "where the fock are ye little girl" nogla said i giggled nogla had just walked past me so i followed behind him "hey hey HEY angelina dont dont aye!"mini screamed at me i just laughed and followed nogla. "please say something and stop being shy angel...give us a hint". i sighed but then smiled an evil grin and said "you want a hint fine i'll give you hint in a riddle.there was a young irish ladd who was to dumb to...TURN AROUND!" i stopped after eveyone burst out into laughter i laughed with them. then nogla turned around and pointed a gun at me "o you little ass" nogla growled as i ran. "YES" i screamed when the timer ran out and showed i won. "now what" i asked "well end the game and video and just talk for 5 minets" vanoss said. we all ended the game and i heard the clicks that would happen when they stopped recording. "so angel how has the past 4 hours been with delirious" wildcat asked "good are all your houses this big" i felt stupied to ask everyone laughed "well not everyone's" marcel said.i grinned "well i should put the princess to bed" delirious said "Hey i aint no princess i am the all mighty angelgaming" everyone laughed even me "bye angelina" everyone said. i said my good byes before delirious walked into my room.
{after getting off the computer}
angelina P.O.V
"bed time angelina" delirious said walking up to me after i got up from my computer. "no" i said turning away with a grin on my face my grin turned into me laughing as delirious picked me up and threw me on my bed then he sat next to me i layed there and climbed into my bed joined by rocky. delirious said good night and began to rub my back which makes me fall asleep fast. i snuggled up next to the warm pitt bull rocky. delirious still rubbing my back and then fell into a nice calm happy sleep.
hey guys more chapters will come it's june when shes adopted so no scholl for a little bit and sorry for here user name i just couldnt think of anything lets go for 7 votes thanks love angelgaming45 ^_^
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