Finding out it's him
recap:after sandy came out jonhathan came out of the room and went to miss sprones desk."do you have a disistion sir" i heard her say. then i heard jonhathan mumble something i couldnt hear. but after he mumbled whatever it is he said miss sprones put papers in front of him then looked at me with a wide smile and big eyes i looked at her and my heart skipped a beat she wasnt serious was she.
ok children this is chapter 2 of this story i dont know how long it's going to be but here we go ;)
Angelina P.O.V
As i looked at miss sprones my heart stopped for like a second. was she really serious no she couldnt be i was awake i new that i was. i just stood there as jonhathan turned around and walked up to me. i was a bit shorter then him so he nelt on one knee and put his hand on my shoulder and said "go pack your stuff i'm adopting you". i made eye contact yet agian with him i dont know why, i really dont i mean i never EVER make eye contact. i was taken out of my shoked self with a fist to my arm "he said go get your stuff moron" lexi said to me quiet enough so jonhathan couldnt hear. i ran up stairs as happy as i have in a long time. "why me though...why?" i said to myself as i grabbed my red backpack. i then opened it and shoved my shirts,strechy pants and sweat pants, and my mich mach knee high socks then zippered up my bag. i then looked around to see some of the girls starying at me. but they qukily turned away and started talking smack about me. "shes so ugly" "why her" "wtf does a young hunk like that see in her" i knew that one was sandy because she thought he was cute. i felt hurt but shook it off as i heard miss sprones call my name. i ran down stairs and saw jonhathan standing there. " sure you got everything" he said in a calm sweet voice i smiled and nodded my head. i jumped the last step to hear jonhathan giggle while covering his mouth. "easy there tiger" he said his hand still over his mouth. we walked out of the orphanage. i let him walk ahead so i knew which car was his.he walked up to a white civic and unlocked it. i heard the trunk pop so i opened it and put my book bag in. then i hopped in the front seat next to where jonhathan was. he was on his phone doing something, he looked like he was texting. i was to shy to say anything but tried to get out my question. "what are you doing?" i asked he looked up and said well while i let this old pill of junk warm up i'm texting my friends. "who are your friends" i asked calmly he looked back up at me and said "people...duh" "god your just like me.. a little"i said with a smirk. he then covered his mouth and started to giggle. "what" i said with confusion. i guess my confussion made it even funnier because all of a sudden he burst out into laughter. 'HIS LAUGH!' i thought to myself. he then calmed down and stared at me with a smile "y-y-your" i stuttered still in shock. "yep i'm delirious" he said before bursting out into laughter,his laugh made me smile but at the same time my shy level had rised about 10% more. he calmed down and looked at me "dont think of me as a dad just as a good friend who you live with" he said "thank god" i giggled. "so before we go back to my place which is about an hour or 2 away want to get ice cream" "hell ya!" i said we both giggled when he started to drive.
{after getting ice cream:) }
angelina P.O.V
after a long line of silence i looked out the car window and asked "why me" he looked at me and slowed down and put 2 fingers under my chin so i had to look at him then he said "well 2 of them looked at me like i was crazy when i said my job is youtube. one was flirting with me which creeped me out. and the rest seemed a bit rude or mean". i grinned "thank you delirious" he smiled and countinued to drive.
{arriving at his house ^_^}
angelina P.O.V
we arrived at delirious's house my jaw dropped. his house was huge it was like a giant white manchion. as i looked from the window i heard delirious giggle. "you giggle alote" i said still looking out the window he giggled some more and got out of the car. i saw him pop open the trunk of the car with his keys i got out of the car and grabbed my book bag. i followed him to the front door when he opened it i saw my dream home a giant and i mean GIANT tv with a ps3,xbox,xbox one,ps4,and 3 controllers for each system. i smiled "you smile alot. now come on i'll show you your room" delirious said patting my shoulder. i followed him up the stairs to a giant room with red painted walls and a white carpet that covered the whole floor there were 2 white dressers a bathroom and a bed with black covers and a white sheet with white pillows. but what really caught my eye was a huge desk with a red headset a microphone and a giant computer. "wow its like you knew who you were going to adopted" i said my voice filled with happieness "i knew you'ed like it" delirious smiled at me. then i did something i always wanted to do i hugged delirious and he hugged me back. then i thought of the most exiting thing that i was to stupied to relize before i have seen H2O Delirious's face! delirious saw that i was staring at his face so he put me in a head lock and gave me a nugge. "no you big dop hehe" i giggled. he giggled back "make yourself cunfey i'll make lunch what do you want?" "chines food" i said "ok what do you want from there" i thought for a seconed then said sweet and sour chicken. delirious walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. i then jumped on the bed and screamed a happy long scream into one of the pillows before i started to unpack.
hey guys there will be more chapters to this i had ideas of angelina meeting the crew and having a bound with delirious like best friends. the reason i didnt want to have delirious have her call him dad is because i thought it would be really really weired so if you want more vote and comment lets go for 4 votes thanks love angelgaming45 ^_^
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