a new friend
reacap:"bed time angelina" delirious said walking up to me after i got up from my computer. "no" i said turning away with a grin on my face my grin turned into me laughing as delirious picked me up and threw me on my bed then he sat next to me i layed there and climbed into my bed joined by rocky. delirious said good night and began to rub my back which makes me fall asleep fast. i snuggled up next to the warm pitt bull rocky. delirious still rubbing my back and then fell into a nice calm happy sleep.
Angelina P.O.V
I was sleeping with a good dream i was at the park with Rocky playing fetch with a stick and delirious was on a bench tweeting his fans. it was a good dream but i was taken out of it with a big BOOM i jumped to sit up in bed it was raining with thunder i'm scared of thunder so i was sweating and a tear ran down my face. rocky was woken up by my sudden action so he put his head on my lap i pet his head until another loud BOOM came from outside i was scared so i jumped out of bed rocky stayed because he fell back asleep. i opened my door as quietly as possible and tip toed to a room that said delirious. i opened it just anuf to see delirious sleeping in his king size bed i walked into his room when a big BOOM of thunder came. i screamed which made delirious shoot up and look at me. i was now crying and embarrassed because i was crying in front of him. "whats wrong baby girl?" he said in a soothing voice i'm afraid of th-thunder" i said shaking. he looked at me for a minuet then he held out his hand and said "come here" i walked up to him. he got up and hugged me before putting me on his bed. i was all toasty under the covers delirious laid down next to me i was almost asleep when i heard another BOOM i hopped into delirious's arms he held me close to his chest. i heard his heart beet he began to rub my back and i slowly fell back asleep.
{in the morning no longer raining}
Angelina P.O.V
i woke up to the smell of bacon i got out of delirious's bed and walked down stairs to see delirious cooking. "what you making?" i asked now wide awake "bacon and pancakes" he said still cooking i saw rocky sitting there drinking his water. "angelina rocky is an old dog he's 15.... i think today we are going to go get a puppy". i looked up at delirious and almost screamed out a YES. he put my plate of pancakes at the table. i sat down and started saying "you want the puncake i want the puncake we ALL want the PUNCAKE!" delirious laughed and sat across from me with his own stack of 3 pancakes. when i finished delirious cleaned up because i went to take a shower. i washed up and dryed my hair i then threw on my shark eating a cheesburger shirt and then threw on my my red jacket. "ANGELINA LET"S GO" i heard delirious say while knocking on my door.i opened my door to see delirious in a black long sleaved shirt and black jeans. i looked up at delirious and said "what kind of dog?" he looked at me and put his hands on my shoulders "you will knpw when you you see him or her". with that we were walking down stairs and into the car.
{time skip because nothing happened in the car}
Angelina P.O.V
when we arrived at the pet store i looked at delirious who was looking at me "what?" i asked "dont call me delirious in there ok call me Jonathan when we are out ok. there might be a fan and i dont want to get mobbed with pictures and questions". i nodded and got out of the car. we walked into the pet store and heard a bunch of dogs and cats meowing and barking. "go check out the dogs i'm going to go get dog food" delirious said as he walked away i nodded in response and went over to the dogs.
{looking at the dogs}
angelina P.O.V
"i dont think any of them would be a good choice for me" i said to myslef while still looking for the right dog most of them were to energetic and some of them were sleeping. i was about to go find delirious when i heard a slite whimper i turned my head to see a grey lab with blue eyes staring at me with his eras purked up with intrest. i walked over to his cage and put two fingers through the holes to pet him instead of going to bite me or just back up he rubbed his head ageinst my fingers. i smiled and said "your the one" i then went over to delirious who was picking out toys and treats "i found the one"i told him with a smile on my face delirious then went over to the guy that had the keys to the cages. i lead him over to the cage he opened it and out came the labs little head "he's 3 mounths" the man said with a smile as he put the dog on the red leash delirious brought. "you have to name him" delirious said from behind me i thought for a second be fore saying "Buddy" the lab went crazy and started jumping up and down. delrious payed for everything and the man handed me the leash we walked to the car. i hopped into the front seat and put buddy on my lap "good boy" i told him patting his head. "thank you" i then told delirious as he got in the car "no problem" he said grinning. when we got back to the house i picked up buddy and walked into the house. behind me i heard delirious's phone ring he put it on speaker and anseared it "hello this is delirious you are on speaker how my i help you" i laughed as i gave buddy and rocky a piece of left over bacon they already got along. i then turned to delirious with his phone still on speaker "hey delirious we have pax's thats only about an hour away from your place. so me and the guys were woundering if we could crash at your place" before delirious anseared i yelled "VANOSS!" i heard the boy that was on the phone gasp because he jumped before delirious and the boy on the phone burst into laughter. "how did you know" vanoss said still calming down i let delirious finish talking to him by walking into the living room to play with the dog's. i was in there for 16 minuets before delirious came in and told me that the guys were coming some time tomorrow. i nodded smiling before picking up buddy and going up to my room i sat on my bed and talked to buddy "i hope they like me" in response i got a lick one my cheek. "good boy" i told buddy before i went on my phone and watched vanoss's new video with me in it.
did you like it tell me in the comments i dont know why but i just had to have her get a dog and i just had to have the guys come down to delirious's well whatever i'll be wrighting agian in a few days love, angelgaming45 :D
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