The Happy Summer
[Please Read Author's Note]
Patrick eventually left for tour again and it was back to just Elisa, Declan, and I. I didn't feel as bad as before. I missed him, but I didn't feel guilty for missing him. I just smiled and told myself we'll skype soon. Patrick skyped us every week. Declan would lean up on the screen so the only thing Patrick could see was his cute little toddler face.
"Daddy, when are you coming home? I miss you," he'd say earnestly.
Patrick would always smile at him and say, "Soon, buddy. I'll be over there before you know it and we'll have pb&j sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. How does that sound?"
"Yay!" Declan would squeal and retreat from the screen so Patrick could see Elisa as well.
I think it was a little bit because of this that that August Fall Out Boy broke up. It was tragic for the bandom, what remained after all the years, and the sales of albums and merch boomed from what I overheard the manager tell Patrick. They didn't go on to solo careers after that. Everyone mostly resided to a normal life with kids. They announced it through their site, like My Chemical Romance, and it was over.
I would lie if I said I was completely heart broken by that decision. I was actually a little happy. Patrick would be the standard dad after that. Well, as normal as he got because dads don't wear fedoras or sing very well and have a guitar collection. Though, I was a little sad I knew the memories would still remain after that and they'd never been forgotten.
There was this one event that I remembered all my life. The 2018 BBQ. The guys had been planning it for a month. They had three days off where they could do whatever they wanted before having to get on a bus and drive to their next show on tour. They planned to have a BBQ on the 2nd day. Declan and I were woken early and given a light breakfast before being rushed to the groceries store.
"C'mon Declan. We have to hurry," Elisa said, grabbing his hand and rushing him into the store. "Okay, Cora, I need you to get these things for me," she handed me a list of stuff. "Make sure you get some plates, too. I'll see you here in ten minutes, okay?" I nodded and went on my hunt for the first item. Ketchup.
I strolled through the aisle looking for it when I saw a head of dirty blonde hair pass behind me. I was sure what caused me to turn and want to identify whose head I saw. But I did. I could only see the back of his head. He was tall and lean and had this kind of confident stride. I watched him walk away and then remembered my list of ingredients needed.
I grabbed some mayonnaise and went to find some plastic spoons and plates along with tin foil. When I found it, I heard the laugh of an old friend. I turned to see Logan, the Logan from the orphanage, walking around with a young woman who pushed along a cart of groceries. The woman said something to him, a command to grab something off the shelves, and he replied with, "Yes, mom." It was his adoptive mother I assumed.
I stared at him and I knew it was him. His face had changed from cute to handsome. He was still taller than me. His green eyes had a sparkle that I hadn't seen in forever. His hair was in a sufer dude kind of style and he was more muscular than I remembered. His smile faltered when he saw me. His face went pale for a moment. I gave him an awkward smile and a small wave. He did the same but did not try to engage in conversation. It was him after all who stopped talking to me.
As I continued to look for the items, we continued to awkwardly bump into each other around the store. It was I who broke our awkward silence. He was alone looking through the different pastas when I walked up to him. When he saw me approach, he looked around looking for an escape. He found none, so he turned to me.
"Hi, Logan," I said.
"Hello, Cora," he replied. Puberty had definitely struck and his voice was an octave lower than I remembered. "Listen, I . . . I don't want to talk to you. I'm sorry."
I nodded a little disappointed but I wasn't going to force him to interact with me if he didn't want to. He gave me a little nod as if to say goodbye and walked off. I bit my lip, but let it go.
I picked up the remaining of the items and decided that I wasn't going to let Logan ruin my mood. I tried to brighten up when I reunited with Declan and Elisa. Declan was holding in his hand some hot dogs. "We're gonna eat hot dogs," he said with excitement.
"Yes we are. Plus, look what I have here," I showed him the kool aids in my basket.
"Really?" He asked with wide eyes and a smile.
"Yes," I said patting his heads. When I turned I saw Logan looking at me. He turned away helping his mother bag the rest of his stuff.
I was putting in the remaining of the groceries into the car as Elisa tried to buckle Declan into his car seat. I heard his voice behind me. "Cora." I turned to see Logan standing there with his green eyes looking straight at me. "I don't want to leave you without explaining this. I don't want to remember my life from before. I want to be Logan Thompson, not Logan the little kid whose parents died on 9/11. I don't want anything that has to do with the past. I'm sorry but that includes you. I want to continue being friends so badly but that would tie me down back to my past and I don't- I'm sorry, Cora. I really am. I'm so sorry. But there can't be a friendship between you and me if I want to forget the past."
Two months ago Cora would've been hard on him and tell him to fuck off or pretend not to care. But something told me that he was right. That was going to be our last time talking. I didn't want to leave one of my best friends with hatred.
"It's okay. It's fine. I understand. This is our goodbye. Take care of yourself Logan Thompson," I stuck out my hand for a handshake. He came up and hugged me. It was a goodbye hug.
"You too, Cora Stump," he whispered. He gave me one last squeeze and let go. He waved and walked away.
I turned around and got in the car trying not to seem to affected. I hoped that Elisa wouldn't ask about it, but the moment I got on the car, she asked, "Who was that?"
"Nobody," I said.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Declan asked.
"What no. Shut up," I said, but couldn't hide the smile on my face.
"Ohhh, he is your boyfriend! I'm telling daddy," he said.
I rolled my eyes and turned back to the front of the car. When we got to the house, Elisa went to prepare some salad and other stuff. We all showered and wore our best clothes. I wore shorts and loose shirt with cute little stars on it. My hair, which was finally cut short a little below the jawline, was adorned with a small tardis blue clip. It was basically the best I had looked in forever.
We were having the BBQ at Andy's. His house was a little far so we left early that afternoon. When we got onto the highway, Declan thought it would be a good idea to say, "Cora has a boyfriend. He gave her a hug."
Patrick looked at me through the rear view mirror. He was already giving me the dad look. You know, the one that says 'no one better even look at my baby girl'. "Is this true? I didn't know you had a boyfriend. Is he a good boy? Does he get good grades? What kind of music does he like? Does he play an instrument?"
"No, no, dad, no," I said, hiding my face in my hands.
"He doesn't play an instrument? Well, does he play a sport?"
"No, I mean, I don't have a boyfriend. He was just an old friend from the orphanage."
"Oh," he said, smiling, his usual 'all is dandy' face returning.
But I didn't get away from that so easily. When we arrived to the BBQ, I carried the salad in my hands. Pete spotted us and announced our arrival by saying, "Hey look, Patrick's here!" Everyone else replied with heys and Declan rushed to Pete's side. He was at the grill. He whispered something in his ear and Pete cleared his throat and said, "Excuse me, Declan has an announcement to make." I curiously put the salad down at one of the two picnic tables. I looked to see who was sitting where I had placed the food and was surprised to see a dude sitting there. He caught my eye and I looked away trying to hide my blush.
"Cora has a boyfriend, " Declan said loudly. Everyone looked at me. Then came the teasing.
"About time, Cora," Marie, Joe's wife, said.
"Is he cute?" Pete's girlfriend, Meagan, asked.
"If he hurts you, I'll be there to hurt him," Andy said. His arm was wrapped around Sydney. They started dating a month after they meet at the park.
"Yeah, me too," Pete said.
"I agree as well. That's what band uncles are for," Joe said.
"Oh, I forgot about band uncles," Patrick said with a smile.
"I don't have a boyfriend! He was just a friend from the orphanage. We don't even talk anymore," I said. I hoped that calmed them down and I did. They just said something like, "Sure he is," and didn't bring it back up.
"So, you don't have a boyfriend?" A deep voice asked.
I turned to see the boy from before. I prayed his brown eyes didn't see my blush. "No," I said.
He smiled. "Good." Woah,woah,woah. Did he just? Is that considered? Was that flirting? "My name is Daniel. You can call me Danny."
I had a stupid grin plastered on my face. "Nice to meet you. My name is Cora. Uh, what are you doing here? I've never seen you before. Are you with Marie?"
"Oh no (A/N not at all the name of my Dan Howell fanfic psh no) I'm here with Andy. Uh, well, Sydney, technically. I'm her nephew."
"Ah. I ,uh, have to go do, I mean, help my mom. Bye." As you could tell, teenage Cora was smooth as hell.
He didn't loose his cool though or think it was a turn off. He just chuckled and said, "Okay." I gave him an awkward smile and walked off to where Elisa stood. She unpacked things left and right with the other adult females. They all chatted away.
"Need any help?" I asked. Elisa turned her head only a moment to shake her head and turn back to the gossip. There were only three other options. The guys, the kids, or Danny. I, obliviously, went with the kids. "Hey, guys. What are you doing?"
They all sat on the grass with coloring books. "Coloring," Ruby replied in her soft and sweet voice.
"What are you coloring?" I asked, not wanting our conversation to end.
"A rose," Ruby said showing me her picture.
"A guitar," Declan said.
"A soccer ball," Saint said.
"A monster truck!" Bronx said. "Remember how you said I could be a monster truck driver?"
I honestly was quite sure. "Yeah," I said anyways.
"So, you don't have a boyfriend?" Ruby asked.
"No," I said.
"Would you like to?"
"It's not on my priority list, but it would be nice."
"Is that a yes?"
"That's a maybe."
"Oh," she said with a small smile.
The conversation was dead and I knew I couldn't stay there. I walked over to where the men talked by the grill and sat on the grass next to them. Thankfully, they didn't question me. I texted Jessica informing her of my situation and asking for advice.
Jessica: Is he cutecan you get a pic
I discreetly took a picture of him and sent it to her.
Jessica: He is at least a 9 what did he say exactly
After a long series of messages explaining the emotion in his voice and a quotation of our conversation she replied.
Jessica: Oh girl he is flirting you better flirt back
Cora: I don't know how and he is cute but I don't know if I like him
Jessica: You don't need to like him, you just need to date him
Jessica: jk well talk to him
Cora: That's scary
Jessica: Do iiiitttt
Cora: I'll see what I can do
I walked over to him and sat down across from him. What am I doing? I'm going to regret this, I thought to myself. He smiled at me and I gave him one too. He started the conversation by saying, "How old are you?"
"Fifteen. I'm turning 16 soon. How about you?"
"Sixteen. Uh, are you adopted?"
"How'd you guess?" I asked sarcastically. My tan skin was an outcast in the pale white hue of the family. "Yeah, I'm adopted."
"Oh. I didn't mean to offend you or anything. It's just that when you said your friend was from the orphanage I assumed-" He said trying to make me feel better. He was even more cute when he was like that.
"It's fine. So . . . Do you play any instruments?" It was the first thing that popped into my mind. Don't judge me.
"Yeah. Nothing cool though," he smiled and looked down.
"All instruments are cool. What do you play?"
"The violin." He looked up awaiting my reply.
"What do you mean that's not cool? That's amazing. How'd you learn?"
This started our whole conversation. I learned that his dad originally wanted him to play the guitar but little Danny only wanted to play the violin. He took lessons at seven and pretty much played since. He learned that my mom had died and I had was adopted at ten. I didn't give him all the details but he was smart enough not to press the issue further. He liked the same music as me. He listened to me ramble about supernatural and Harry Potter even though he hadn't really watched the show or read the books. He smiled and nodded the whole way, laughing at the jokes and asking questions about the subject.
We took a break to eat and I texted Jess to try to get some more advice.
Jessica: You've just gotta woman up and ask him out. Ask him for his number. Do something!
Cora: But that's scary.
Jessica: You're scary now go ask him out
Cora: : p
Jessica: Not impressed. Btw, Frank and Doug say hi
Cora: I say hello
Jessica: What are you doing right now?
Cora: Stuffing my face with hamburgers and kool aid
Jessica: Are you trying to turn him off? Are you at least using a napkin?
Cora: Yep, that's the plan.
Jessica: Do you want him to ask you out or what?
Cora: Ish?
I looked up from my plate to see the kids had joined me to eat. Ruby and Declan whispered something to each other, giggled, and then Ruby went over to Danny. She whispered something to him. He smiled and nodded as she squealed because of his response. He glanced over my direction and I offered a small smile. He looked over at Ruby and told her something I wasn't able to hear. Hell, I wasn't able to hear any of the conversation. She nodded and ran back to my table.
"Ruby, what were you talking about?" I asked trying to be discreet.
"A secret. Declan knows. I know. Danny knows," Ruby said.
I held back a groan.
Jessica: So how many days are there left with Patty before he leaves for the rest of tour?
Cora: Not enough. You know what? Danny over there could wait a bit. I'm going to have a good time with my family.
Jessica: You're a strong independent woman who don't need no man *snaps fingers*
Cora: Shut up
Jessica: Ouch
I went over to Elisa and sat down next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and giving her a kiss around the cheek. She gasped a little in surprise and then smiled at me. "How are you, mother dearest?" The other girls gushed over my show of affection.
"She's so cute!" Meagan said giving me a smile.
"She is," Elisa admitted. "A really good daughter, too."
"What? No, I'm the worst. I drink soda after 9 pm. I'm a rebel," I said which earned laughs.
"But you still get all As, right?" Marie asked.
"As always, auntie," I said.
"And well behaved?" Sydney asked.
"Oh, Cora is the most behaved teen there is," Elisa said.
"Really? I wasn't," Marie said.
"I was," Elisa said.
"I was, too," Sydney said.
"Of course you two were," Meagan said. "You're always so calm and don't even show an ounce of rebellion. I was in between."
"I was rebellious once," Sydney said. "There was a meet and greet happening near my town and I was just dying to go. My parents wouldn't let me go so at night I jumped out of my room, which mind you was on the 2nd floor. I worried I'd break my neck. I didn't luckily. I got to meet my favorite author. They never found out. I nearly got caught though when I couldn't find an excuse for why my clothes were stained with grass. I hit the grass hard after my jump."
I couldn't imagine Sydney being so rebellious. She was so calm and nice most of the time. After a few more stories, I excused myself to grab a new can of soda. Pop as Patrick called it sometimes. The cooler was right behind the guys so after I grabbed a can of Sprite I wrapped my arms around Patrick necks. "Hello father," I said.
"Remember when you weren't taller than me?" Patrick asked. I wasn't even that tall. I was a little taller than Pete. Probably a few centimeters.
"Yeah, like when you were ten and your favorite was. What was him name?" Pete asked.
"Dan, Dan something," Andy said.
"Dan Howell. That Youtuber that interviewed us. Oh! You remember that interview?" Joe asked. Oh no. (A/N Ha there is is again. Okay, I'm sorry. Shameful self promoting.)
"Ohhh yeah!" Patrick said laughing. My cheeks turned a light shade of red.
The second time around that they got an interview with Dan and Phil, they were all ready. When the interview started and the cameras were rolling Patrick asked, "Hey Dan, you're a Youtuber, right?"
"Yes, I am," Dan said, looking between the guys and the camera with a look that said what's going on.
"Oh, that's the one Cora was talking about," Joe said sarcastically. They had everything planned out and were doing the worst job at faking it was a normal conversation.
"Oh yeah!" Andy said, winking at Patrick over dramatically.
Dan and Phil looked confused, looking between themselves.
"Who was talking about me?" Dan asked with an awkward smile.
"My daughter, Cora," Patrick. The first time I was watching the interview I was confused and worried about what he was doing. "You're her favorite." At this point, Patrick looked directly into the camera and I knew that look was meant for me. His look just screamed how'd you like that, Cora.
Dan kinda laughed and blushed a little. Phil elbowed him and said, "You're her favorite, Dan!"
"Uh, Cora if your watching this,hi, and why? Out of all the perfectly good role models there are out there and you choose the socially awkward and nerdy one?" Everyone laughed at his comment.
"No, I'm kidding. Hello, Cora, and thanks for making me your favorite," he gave me a smile and wave. As you could understand, 11 yr old Cora was beyond happy. The feels consumed her for the rest of the day.
The next I saw the guys I hugged and then smacked them.
"What the hell?"
"i love you so much and I hate you as well. A simply 'hey my daughters a fan' would've been okay!"
"But where's the fun in that?" Pete asked. I stared at him for a moment.
"Okay, another hug cause that was amazing. I love you all."
And if that wasn't enough, Patrick got him to give me a signature!
Hey Cora,
thanks for being a fan and watching my videos! Hope I could continue to be your favorite for a long time to come. You know, if you want a socially awkward nerd to be your favrite, be my guest.
Love, Danisnotonfire
"Oh my God," I said to them at the BBQ. "I still love you for that." I gave them all hugs.
"Oh, but you were so embarrassed when we first saw you after the interview. You kept blushing and everything. I think you had a crush," Joe said.
"Big time crush," Andy said.
"I was 11!"
"You're not denying it," Patrick said.
I groaned. "You know what? I'll go play with the kids. They're a little bit more mature than you four." I grabbed my Sprite from the cooler and walked over to the kids.
"But you love us?" Patrick half said and asked.
"Yes! Which is why I'm leaving before I say something nasty." I sat down with the kids on the grass. "Alright, what are you rascals up to?"
"We're playing with Bronx's toys," Declan said showing me an airplane.
"Oh cute. Can I play?"
"Okay. You have to be the police car," 9 year old Bronx told me. I had to admit, he was cute. He was going to be a handsome young man when he grew and right now he could win any girl's heart with his looks and charisma really.
I played silly and ran over pedestrians and didn't stop for stop signs. "Cora! That's not what a policemen does!" Bronx said laughing.
"It's not?" I asked faking surprise.
"No! He's supposed to stop bad guys not be a bad guy," Bronx chuckled. "Silly Cora."
"Why does it have to be a he? Why can't it be a she?" I asked trying to be as foolish as possible. They were only going to be this age once and I wanted to make them laugh as much as possible with stupid things before they grew up and I had to make dick jokes to get a giggle out of them.
"'Cause police men are boys," Bronx said.
"Oh, wait til your mom hears that, Saint, and she'll go off on him," I told his brother. He nodded. He and I knew well that Meagan was an equality for all type of gal.
"No! I mean, girls can be police officers. Most are boys though. B-but they can! Just be a boy for right now, okay?"
"Okay," I said.
The kids did not want to stop playing. Even when their mothers told them to come on over the the tables, they begged for a few more minutes which they didn't get. They relctently walked over to the table and decided to play there.
"Who wants a song?" Pete asked.
The girls all yelled a yeah in response.
"Oh, let me get my guitar!"Patrick ran off and came back with his favorite guitar.
"Was that in my car, Patrick?" Elisa asked with a raised eyebrow. She was done with guitars. And Patrick knew it.
"Maybe," Patrick said and pulled the cute smile card.
"Next time, I'm making you put it away for good."
"Okay," Patrick said.
"But for right now, play a song." Patrick smiled at that.
"Any requests?"
A list of songs were shout at him. None of them really caught his attention until I heard Danny say, "Stand by me." I had almost forgotten he was there and when I remembered my stomach fluttered with butterflies.
He pointed at him and said, "Yes." He started by trying out a few chords and everyone got into place. Declan sat next to Elisa where she wrapped an arm around him. He giggled and leaned into her. Pete had Meagan pulled into his lap where she gave him cute kisses every other second. Bronx and Saint sat next to them talking about sports and music. Joe had Ruby on his lap and his arm wrapped around Marie. Andy and Sydney were holding hand beneath the table and looked at each other ever once in a while. I sat at the the other table where Danny sat behind me at the other end. I just hoped he didn't try to talk to me. I became extremely nervous for an unknown reason.
Patrick strummed a few chords and then hit his guitar lightly to make the melody of the song. "When the night has come, and land is dark, and the moon is the only light we'll see," he started. His voice matched well with the song. "No I won't be afraid, oh, I won't be afraid. Just as long as you stand by me, stand by me. So darling, darling stand by me, oh, stand by me. Oh stand, stand by me, stand by me."
I was so into the song that I didn't notice Ruby walking over to Danny. I didn't notice them whispering and nodding. I didn't notice him switching quietly and sitting on the same bench as me. I only noticed him when he sat by me.
I turned to him and said, "Hey." I didn't know what to say. I felt my heart beating.
"Hey," he said back with a flirtatious smile.
I gave him a smile and turned back to Patrick. I wished he'd leave yet I knew that if he did I would be disappointed.
"Cora," he said and I turned back. "I-I know this is short notice and that we barely know each other and that I'm not exactly dating material and that you're very cute and could have whoever you choose and are a very amazing girl and you probably don't like me but-"
"Would you like to go out?" I whispered taking a risk. He smiled and looked a little embarrassed at not being his normal cool self. I found it adorable.
"Yeah," he said. I smiled and turned back to the song.
"Just as long as you stand by me, stand by me," Patrick sang out.
I felt a hand wrap around mine. I smiled and turned back. He was staring at Patrick enjoying the music but had a knowing smile on his face. I looked at him for a few moments until he looked back at me and gestured with his head towards Patrick. I turned back but didn't let the smile fall. It was permanently stuck to my face.
"Darling, darling, stand by me. Oh, stand by me. Oh,stand now, stand by me, stand by me. Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me, oh, stand by me."
He finished the song and everyone started clapping. We let go of each others hand and clapped. Patrick took a bow. "One more song!" Pete called out but everyone decided otherwise. It was getting late. The kids were now tired and Saint had knocked out.
Everyone was saying goodbye. I was hugged multiple times and said goodbye to even more.
"Goodbye, Cora!" Meagan said.
"See you, kid," Pete said, ruffling my hair.
"Bye, Cora! Here you can have my monster truck drawing," Bronx said.
"Bye, Cora! Take care of your brother," Marie said as she held Ruby. When she turned Ruby gave me a wink. She had set Danny and I together.
Joe gave me a hug. "Adios, Cora."
Andy hugged me and waved a small goodbye and gave me a smile. Sydney just gave me a fist bump and then leaned in and whispered, "I saw you two holding hands. Don't worry, I won't tell." I blushed.
When Danny came up to me, he gave me a hug. I wished I could hug him longer but I knew that would look suspicious. When we broke away, he put his fingers to his ears in a gesture that said call me. I shook my had and mouthed I don't have your number. He just smirked and looked down next to me. Declan smiled up at me and handed me a note that said had Danny's number. I smiled back and went back to Elisa and Patrick.
We all got in the car. Declan didn't seem to be tired at all. "We could draw a police car on your cast," he said. "Or a heart. Maybe a D because it stand for-"
"Hahaha slow down there, pal," Patrick said. Elisa looked at you and winked. She knew. She had seen you and Danny. You gave her an awkward smile. She just rolled her eyes and put her finger to her lips. You nodded. Patrick looked at you with a curious look. He saw the exchange.
"D stands for Dan Howell," I said and he laughed. Declan giggled and looked at you. You looked at him with your best shut up look. He just smiled and looked away.
When we arrived home, Patrick parked the car and instead of getting out he stayed there for a moment. He stared at every one of us and said, "My lovely family. How does pancakes sound for breakfast tomorrow?"
Declan replied yeah but all I thought was my family. I was his family. My family. This was my family. They were proud of me. And they were happy. And they weren't going to leave me. My family. A small grin spread on my face. Patrick looked at me awaiting a response, "Sounds good, dad."
Author's Note:
Holy fuck that's the end. I'm trying not to get emotional over a silly story I wrote on my spare time, but it's hard. So this is the end. There will be no sequel. Sorry. But I will write a epilogue so keep your eyes out for that. Thank you to everyone who has read this story, everyone who has voted, everyone who has commented, everyone has even taken the time to read this silly little fanfic. You don't know how much I appreciate you guys and how much this story has helped me survive. But don't worry, I'm not leaving. I'm working on a Dan Howell fanfic (Check that out please) and maybe I'll do another FOB or a different band fanfic in the future. What do you guys think about that? It is literally 10:40 pm over here so there might be some errors which I will fix in the morning. {{{RECAP AKA SHORTER VERSION}}} this is the end. There will be an epilogue so it's not the end end but kinda the end. I love you all so much and am so happy that you guys have stuck around til the end of it. I will continue writing so if you like Dan Howell make sure to check out my other fanfic (all this self promoting, I know, such a loser, just don't check out the story as revenge). Thank you all and that concludes Adopted by Fall Out Boy (FAN FIC). For now. ;) Until the epilogue.
Love, okaykidforever
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