New Years was spent in Hollywood. The guys were all in Pete's hotel room, which had a jacuzzi, and partying. I stayed in a bed playing around on my phone.
"Cora, you want something to drink?" Patrick asked.
"Yeah," I said, taking off one of my earphones.
"Here, I got you some soda," Patrick said, and returned to Elisa's side at the balcony.
I drank a little and placed it on the bed side next to it. I looked up from my phone when I heard Marie's voice.
"Thank you, Joe, but I can't drink, remember?"
"That's right, " Joe face palmed. "We don't want our little girl getting sick. Cora, can you place this on the counter?"
Placing it on the bed side next to me, I continued texting Jessica about new years here. I didn't accidently drink the alcohol, no, something better happened with the alcohol.
Patrick didn't want to drink, he said, "Drunk Patrick is not a fun Patrick." At eleven, he and Elisa entered the room again and they sat on the bed next to the one I was sitting on. "Cora, any new years resolutions?"
Without missing a beat I replied, "Start a diet, cut my hair, learn to play an instrument, and maybe join an after school club or something like that." I'd been thinking about this long and hard since November.
"Diet? What kind of diet?" Elisa asked, fiddling with her hair.
"A diet where I lose weight."
"I don't know, you're still young and you're not really overweight. It might not be healthy," Patrick said.
"You said 'not really', but you didn't say I wasn't. There's like ten pounds I want to lose, not too risky. Anyways, girls my age go dieting all the time. There's not much damage that can happen, puberty is almost done with me. Look, I got boobs and everything."
Elisa laughed and Patrick mostly looked horrified. "Tmi," he said, clearly disturbed with thinking about his daughter developing boobs.
"Okay, you said you wanted to cut your hair. Like what style?"
"Really short, pixie cut maybe. I don't have all the details yet, but I'll figure it out."
"Oh, I have a perfect look, my friend Diana wanted to cut her hair and I think that hair cut she wants would look perfect on you," Elisa said studying my face.
"What are your guys' resolutions?"
"I want this year to be better than last years. And that this album that we're working on doesn't get leaked. We seem to have terrible luck with that area." Patrick grabbed one of the cups on the bed side and drank it.
"Well, I'm think that it's time we had a baby." Patrick nearly chocked on the drink.
We laughed. "I don't think he's 100% up to it," I said in between giggles.
"I think this soda is out of date or something," he said, sniffing the cup.
I looked at the cups and realized what happened. "That's not soda, that's alcohol. Beer probably."
He looked at the cup and said, "Whoops. I think I want some more." He stood up and went to go find the alcohol.
"Should we stop him?" I asked looking at Elisa.
She looked unconcerned. "After the second, we'll stop him. Let him have a little fun."
She showed me a few pictures of hair styles and we decided on this boysih looking hairstyle. "There's this beauty salon I like going to, Frannie is the best hairstyles in Chicago, I swear." Then we heard Pete laugh loudly.
We turned to see Patrick busting some moves. "I think we let him surpass his limits," Elisa said. She stood up and walked over to Joe, who was calmly watching everything unfold. "How many did he drink?" Joe looked at his finger and started counting and shurgged.
"I don't knoooww, this mucchh," his speech slurred and held up ten fingers. Elisa looked at him with wide surprised eyes. Marie, who was sitting next to Joe, smacked his arm.
"He drank four right now, we tried to get him to stop but he just kept going," Marie said. Elisa sighed and giving up on Patrick, she started talking with Marie about exercises she can practice to ready herself for child birth. She seemed to really know her stuff. She really wanted that baby.
I turned my attention to Patrick, who was dancing like a white dad at a barbecue. Pete and Andy kept cheering him on and I laughed. He reminded me of the Dance Dance video when he danced. I flipped out my phone and recorded. There is nothing better than a dancing Patrick. I don't know where he got the idea that a drunk Patrick is not a fun one, it is amazing. I just wondered what he did in the past that lead him to believe it was an unfun one. Maybe he just didn't like hangovers.
After his white dad at barbecue dance, he sat back down next to Elisa and pointed to the bottle of wine or alcohol or whatever was in it.
"More?" He asked with a smile.
Joe, who was in between Marie and Elisa, said, "Sure, buddy," and reached for the bottle. Marie and Elisa both said a very audible, "No!" Joe leaned back on the comfy chairs and grumbled, "Fine, just trying to help."
"Please?" Patrick asked with a puppy face. Have you ever seen Patrick do a puppy face? It was like trying to say no to an angel. Yet, Elisa, once again, denied him the pleasure of one more drink. So he sat sadly on the chair with a pout.
Pete had us gather in the balcony and count down, but it wasn't anything special. Nothing changed and suddenly it was a new year. Maybe it's just an adult thing, I wondered why new years was made a big deal of.
Jaime and Angel spent their new years in Chicago and Jessica and Logan spent their's in Los Angeles. I couldn't visit them, sadly, but I Skyped them a little ater new years.
When I returned to school, I was a zombie. I went through everyday completing the same cylce (sleep, school, eat, homework, and more sleep) without a feeling except hunger and tiredness. Jaime seemed to be on the same page as me, just trying to survive January and February, but Angelina celebrated everyday about something new.
"My team is having a match against Rosewood!"
"Harris is so cute! He just learned a word!"
"It's my Uncle's birthday! We're having a party for him tonight."
Nothing new happened until a Tuesday in February. Though, I guess it really wasn't me who's life changed.
Elisa's Pov
I woke up to a warm bed, warm, but empty. I realized Patrick had gone already to the airport. He had a few shows in Japan for the next few days. I stood up and that moment I knew I made a terrible mistake. I ran to the bathroom and threw up the little dinner I had last night. I hadn't felt well.
I put it off as a small virus and went to prepare breakfast. Cora came down stairs in her blue Fall Out Boy shirt.
"I like your shirt," I said.
"Thanks, you know, I gotta show my support while the guys are not here."
I served her waffles and I ate a banana. I wondered how Cora looked as a baby and realized I didn't know why she was an orphan.
"Cora, do you have any baby pictures of yourself?"
She stopped pouring her syrup for a moment and thought. "No."
"Why not? Did your parents not take any pictures, or you just didn't keep any?" I hoped I wasn't being too snoopy.
She pushed away her half eaten breakfast. "I doubt Patrick told you, but let's just clear it out. My biological father didn't stick around and my mother was a teen pregnancy. They were seventeen and he left. My mom tried her best to give us a future, but when I was around five, she got really depressed. She would just lay in bed and only get out to feed us. Even then, sometimes she forgot." She smiled but there was no humor in it. Maybe I had gone to far. "I have this memory of me going to the neighbor's house asking for some food. It was embarrassing, really, but I hadn't had lunch and I was six."
"Anyways, one day when I was seven, my mom got a phone call. It upset her. Next thing I knew, we were on a highway and she left me there, saying she loved me." I was surprised at how calmly she spoke of this. "The police found me, took me to the orphanage, but not before delivering the news that my mother was dead. I went to the funeral, it was depressing as hell. So, yeah, that's my childhood. I don't think I have baby pictures."
I didn't know what to do. I almost forgot about my nausea for a moment. I hugged her and ran to the restroom, where I threw up again. I wiped off the spit on my mouth and walked back to the kitchen to see Cora looking panicked and worried. "Are you okay? Do you need a doctor?"
I smiled and said, "I'm fine. I think it's just, like, a bug or something. Let's get you to school." She grabbed my purse, and handed it to me, and watched my ever move as if trying to decide whether or not I was stable to drive.
I drove her to school and right before she got off she said, "Wait, what day is it?"
"February," I said slowly. "F-fourth."
She counted on her fingers and then smiked at me and said, "Thanks. I got three more days til I have to turn in the book. Have a good day. Stay in bed, alright? We don't want you getting you sick."
I waved and drove to the nearest drug store. It's the fourth, I missed my period. Last time we didn't use protection, oh my god, I might be pregnant. That's bad. No, it's great. Wait, no its bad, or maybe not. A child is always a blessing. Just not right now while Patrick's in Japan and the tour and oh no. My thoughts were a mess.
I bought three diffrent test and drove home, tapping my fingers on the wheels. I arrived and ran inside, almost stepping on the two pugs. In the rest room, I sat outside, trying to think about the possibilities of being pregnant.
I looked at the first pregnancy test. It read +. My heart skipped a beat. I looked at the second. Two lines and I was squealing with excitement. The third one said Pregnant 1-2. I gasped. I was pregnant. There was no doubt.
I was near tears. A baby, I was going to have a baby. I rubbed my belly and went to schedule a doctor's appointment.
Cora's POV
I opened the car door to see Elisa smiling, like a really big smile. I sat on my seat and looked at her. She bit her lip and said, "I have big news."
"What's the big news?"
"I'm pregnant."
I made a noise that was inhuman.
"Yes!" I smiled and she smiled and it was a smiling festival. I hugged her and congratulated her.
"How old is the baby?"
"Just a few weeks. Maybe two, or three. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. "
"Have you told Patrick?"
"No! You can't tell him anything until he gets back."
"My lips are sealed," I said pretending to zip my lips."
"Great, now put on some tunes and let's celebrate."
Patrick didn't get home until Monday. During those days when he wasn't there, I took it upon myself to be Elisa's nurse. I did everything she asked me to do and then some more.
But finally Monday came along and we were anticipating his return. I had school and spent the day fidgety. "What's up, Cora? All you do is stare at the clock," Jaime said.
"Patrick is coming home today," I said, suddenly trying to concentrate on my math problems.
"Oh, well that's a reason to be excited. Anyways, my mom is making a cake-"
I ran out of school that day and when I saw the car I suddenly started walking. I waved at Patrick, who was driving. I got in the back seat and said, "Hey, Patrick, how was Japan?"
"I loved it. I'm taking you guys there one day."
"Mmm, yeah, we should go sometime, "Elisa said, giving me a look. I knew what I had to do.
"Hey, Patrick, there's something we got to tell you." I looked down at my lap and sighed.
"What is it?" He asked concern filling his voice.
"We'll tell you when we get home. We don't want to cause a car accident," Elisa said, looking out the window sadly. Patrick looked so worried, I almost felt bad.
We got home and he looked at us with crossed arms. I looked at Elisa and nodded. She went into the kitchen and came back with a fortune cookie. "Open it," she said.
I went to the living room and grabbed the stuff that we were going to need. I came back to see Patrick opening the cookie with a confused face. "You guys are scaring me," he said, and finally took out the fortune. He read it and looked at us with wide eyes. "Seriously?" Elisa smiled and nodded. Patrick hugged her and lifted her up. "We're pregnant!"
He laughed and said, "You will not believe it! Pete and Meagan are expecting, too!"
"Our kids will grow up together! Joe's and Pete's and Our's will grow up together," Elisa said with a smile.
When Patrick put her down, I said, "Don't forget you're starter dad pack." I handed him the packet. It contained a shirt that said I'm Dad and a mug that said You're a Dad! The best part was that it had 100 Dad jokes for Dads.
Elisa was getting her baby. So was someone else.
Author's note:
Hey Guys! Hope you liked the new chapter, I really enjoyed writing this. I have so much in mind for the next few chapters. I want to thank all of you who always read and vote for my story (I Love Yyooouu) I hooe you had a good new years (I was sick on new years eh) Well, vote comment share whatever Love You All!!
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