Father Daughter Bonding
"Movie?" He nodded as he lowered the windows. "I, uh, don't know which movies are out right now?" I asked/said. "We'll decide when we get there."
I loved car rides. Wind in your face, signing at the top of your lungs cause no one can hear you, bonding with my Dad. Patrick always laughed when I miserably failed to hit a high note. "No all of us get to have amazing angel like voice, Patrick!" I shouted as I played the air guitar. He pretending to play the drums at a red light, while I sang. The middle aged man next to us gave us dirty lookes. I turned to Patrick and motioned to the guy by tilting my head a little with a smile. We turned to the man and smiled. He gave scowled and drove off. We laughed a little and drove listening to the GPS give us directions.
"Imagine if Tom Hiddleston voiced a GPS. Like he'd be all sweet and stuff. Like if we missed our turn he'd be like 'Oh it's okay. Now, darling, let's try this road.' But if Loki did it he'd be like, 'Make a right. You fool, you missed it!' And then he'd go on about us mortals being stupid and such. OH! But imagine, Gordon Ramsay!" I looked at Patrick and he was smiling. "You like the idea?" He just nodded.
We got to the Movie Theaters, which was a nice glass building with posters hung on the sides. When we entered, the smell of popcorn hit me. "I haven't been to the movies since I was 5!" I squeled as we got in line. I looked at the diffrent movies they offered excited. "Patrick, you chose. Go, chose." I looked to my right to see Patrick staring at me. "Dad?" He smiled again and said, "Well, I'm not sure which movie I want to watch." I looked back at the screen offering the show times. "But you have to chose, so chose." "Alright, how about Grown Ups 2?" I nodded and then we ordered our tickets.
After getting our snacks for the movie, we sat at the top of the seats. It sounds mean, but I was thankful that no one recognized Patrick. It was nice to have him to myself for a little. I was glad to see Patrick enjoying himself, laughing and smiling at the film in front of us.
Once the movie finished, I said, "So we're heading back to the bus?" He still had this day dreamy look and he said, "No, not yet. Last time we dropped by Michigan, there was this arcade that the guys and I loved. I'm taking you there." We walked out of the theater discussing the trailers we saw.
As we drove to the arcade, I noticed small little things about Patrick. He smiled a little more. He'd be driving with a straight face and then a big smile would take place. It was nice, really. When we parked in the arcade I smiled. It was a normal building that had ARCADE FOR KIDS in big red letter outside. Not many people were there. Just a few cars in the parking lot. As we walked in, I noticed how much I actually liked it. It was a classic arcade. There was pac man, air hockey, crane machine, and the normal shooting games, driving games, and other stuff.
Patrick lead me to a small machine that traded your money for tokens. I had 50 and he had 50. "Okay, one you run out we're get 20 for each and then we're done. Got it?" "Got it." We walked for a second before Patrick said, "PacMan." I turned to see him run off to play PacMan. "Well see you too."
I felt a little akward. There were about 7 teenage boys playing shooting games and racing games. Three small boys around 7 at the air hockey machine. And a few other people here and there. What do I play? I can't play the crane, I'll look to girly. The guys are over there playing those games, so no. Um, fuck it.
There was a car game, far enough from the older boys so they wouldn't notice me. I sat down on the seat, put in two tokens, and put my hands on the wheel. The story line began and basically told me I'd just stolen jewelry and was running from the cops. I put my foot on pedal and off I went running from the law. At first, I ran over some people. All people. But I got the hang of it and soon was driving on the streets normally, running from the cops. I took a left, right, left, left, left, right, rigjt, left, right. The police was catching up so I hit the pedal and ran the red light. But of the corner of my eye I saw one of the boys look in my direction. Please don't look at me, please don't look at me, please don't look at me. Fuck. He was no longer glancing in my direction, but was straight up looking at me playing. I heard him say something to his pals and they all turned to look at me. I gribbed the wheel nervously as I took a sharp turn and almost flipped the car over.
After a few minutes of staring at me, my nervousness got the best of me and I let myself crash into a building just to finish the game and get the hell out of there. "New Highscore!" The machine boomed. I cringed thinking, Do you have to be so fucking loud!? I got third place and decided to put the title as CoraS. I sat up from the seat and walked to find Patrick, which obviously ment having to pass the guys. I knew what they were going to say 'Wtf you're a girl act like one," "Seriously playing the easiest game here?" I passed them as they akwardly started at me but before I could turn a corner one of them spoke up. "Hey, um, we just wanted to say congrats on getting a highscore on there. Dylan, here, has been trying for weeks but he only gets up to 7th place." Dylan was a short blonde one with freckles and blue eyes. "Um, thanks. Good luck, Dylan." I was about to start walking when the brunette said, "How old are you? Sorry, we're just curious." "10, soon to be 11." They nodded. "Well, uh, happy early birthday," the one with curly black hair said smiling shyly. I smiled because they were being kind. "Thanks. I've gotta go now. Bye." I walked off hearing a couple of byes.
They didn't care, I thought, that I wasn't acting like a girl. Is it that guys don't care? Or is it that nobody cares if I act like a girl? Well she cared.
*Flashback to meet and greet day*
I was talking to a girl named Ally about an action movie we both liked. Out of no where she asked, "So do you always dress like that?" I looked down to my outfit. "Dress like what?" "Like jeans and a t-shirt?" I shrugged. "Yeah, why? You don't like it?" She shook her head with a smile. "No, I love it." "Well I don't. " We turned to a girl behind her. Straight, black, long hair and blue eyes was how I'd describe the girl. She wore a blue dress and had a purse to her side. "Excuse me?" Ally said. "You're the daughter of a celebrity?" She said looking at me. "Act like one. First of all, you're a girl. You're daddy asked for a girl not a boy. Dress and act like a girl. Don't disappoint him." I stared at the girl. Ally looked mad. "Excuse me, but please apologize to her for being a rude bitch." The security guard, who stood a few feet away, saw Ally glaring at the girl and walked over here. "Is there a problem?" The blue eyes girl rolled her eyes and put her hand out like a signal for stop. "No, sir." She turned to me and said, "I'm sorry." Of course, she wasn't sorry.
*End of Flashback*
I turned a corner to see Patrick playing PacMan. He looked way too focused so I went around and played a couple of games here and there. Then, the most terrible thing happened. I saw a cute boy. I glared at the game I was playing because I couldn't finish the last level. Then I looked up annoyed and looked around trying to calm down my frustration. Three games down, stood a boy around 12. He had blonde flippy hair and stunning blue eyes that stared determined at the screen. My stomach sank and then butterflies filled it. I felt myself blush and I looked back at my game. God fucking dammit. He had to be cute, right? Shit. Don't look, don't look. He won't pay attention to you, just continue.
I failed the game and turned around to see the guy eyeing my game. I walked away feeling myself blush again. Before I turned a corner, I saw him walk to the game I was playing. He looked behind and just as I walked past the corner, he caught my eye. I blushed and right in front of me stood Patrick. "Hey! You okay? You look red!" I looked back to see the boy blushing with an akward look. I glared at Patrick and grabbed his hand dragging him away. "Patrick, I don't know how embarrassing you'll be when I'm a teenager. But, this, this very moment, is the most embarrassed I've been." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "What'd I do?" I face palmed and took a deep breath. "Nothing. Just don't do it again." "Alright?"
I sighed. I walked off to the crane machine and looked at the prizes. Weird, creepy, toys filled it. Every toy, doll or teddy bear, had an accessory. A baby doll had a necklace attached to her and a dragon had a blue band that said AWESOME. I put two tokens in and aimed for a puppy with a nice necklace. The first try, I missed by 3 inches. And the second, the crane grabbed the hair lightly but didn't lift it up. I groaned and just decided to walk away before I spent all my tokens. As I turned, Patrick stood behind me. "Hey, I-" "So that's what I did?" "Hu?" He pointed behind him and when I looked at what he pointed, it was the boy who started at his game with wide eyes and a blush. "What? Um, uh, I d-dont, I mean, uh." A blush and a smile where hard to hide. I tried to speak low because he was just a few feet away.
"Uh hu." Patrick said with a smile and took my place in front of the crane machine. He leaned in and whispered in my ear as I moved, "He was staring at you." I blushed deeper and covered my mouth to hide the smile. He gave me a pointed look which meant 'Cora.' I looked down and watched as he put two tokens in and moved the handle without hesitation. He pushed the big red button that read GO and the crane dropped on top of an elephant. It picked it right up and dropped in for us. Patrick picked it up and handed me the elephant. "How'd you do that?" "Do what?" "That!" I said motioning to the crane machine. "I don't know, I've always been good at those." My jaw dropped and I stared at him surprised. "Close your mouth, sweetie." I giggled and Patrick said, "Well, I think it's time to go, don't you?" I shurgged. "Yeah, okay."
Patrick decided the best way to get to the exit was to pass through the aisle the boy was playing. Just as we passed him Patrick said in a loud voice, "Cora aren't you going to say bye to your friend?" My eyes widened in horror at his words and I turned to see the boy looking at us akwardly with a blush. Patrick laughing at my suffering as I walked through the aisle. I couldn't wait to get out of there.
Once we reached the exit, I hit his arm. "Patrick what the hell? Oh my God, no . I'm done. I can never come back to Michigan again with pride." Patrick laughed and rolled his eyes. "You're overreacting. I was only teasing, and you'll probably never see that boy again." We walked to the car and I still had a shocked look. "Anyways, even if you did, you're too young for anything and no one is getting near my baby girl." I smiled. "Aww are you going to be protective dad?" "Heck yeah. You're never leaving the house with a guy til your 18 and you can't date til your 18 and anything that involves a guy you can't do til your 18." I laughed and said, "I'm lovin this now, but in around 5 years I'll probably be in misery."
We drove out of the parking lot and a good song passed and we sang as usual. When the guitar solo hit I asked, "But you're kidding right? About the guy thing?" He shook his head. "No, seriously. Maybe not 18, but around that age. And I need to approve your date. I need to approve, Elisa needs to approve, Pete needs to approve, the president needs to approve. " I laughed. "Alright, Dad." Hell, I didn't know what I was getting into when I agreed to that.
When we got back to the bus, he went straight to bed even though it was only around noon. Today was our day off thankfully, and Andy asked me how it was going. "Well you were right. A man in love is dangerous. He embarrassed me in front of a cute boy around two, three times in a manner of two hours. It was the same freaking boy every time! Andy, if I was your daughter, would you embarrass me in front of a cute boy?" He blew air out of his mouth and said, "Of course not. I mean, why would I do tha- Absolutely. I would." I shook my head. "Since I'm only your band neice, would you still do it?" He frowned and looked away. "Andy?" "Uh." "Why?" "Well, it's a thing to embarrass you so the guy won't go near you." "But Andy, we want the guy to go near me. No boy goes near me, if he shows interest then it's my lucky day, dude." "You're 10." "Good point, but like in the future, when there is a chance of a guy liking me and actually having a relationship, please please don't embarrass me." "So when is that? When you start being able to date, I mean?" "Uh, I don't exactly know. Like, 17 or 18." He smiled and clapped his hands. "Perfect we have 6-7 more years left to embarrass you." I graoned and got a bag of chips.
I sat back down and Andy said, "Can I have some?" "No! Okay, yes but only if I can use you as a pillow?" "Okay." I lied on the couch using Andy's shoulders as a pillow. As our show, Game Of Thrones, was to a finish I fell asleep on his chest.
The weeks after that were fun. It was a mixture of slight sight seeing, interviews, concerts, bets, fans, and pranks. Brendon and Dallon made sure to dump a bucket of fish on New Politics, and they returned the favor by covering them with glitter. I couldn't wait to see the pics fans took with the sparkly band members on tumblr. Joe and I had done two bets, one which I lost and got drenched in ice cold water at 2 am , and one where he lost and got slapped with a fish. We just loved each other that way.
They recorded a music video during that time. I sat at set of The Mighty Fall and watched as the guys were chased around by kids. And by 'sat on set' I meant waited in the car. And by watch, I meant 'listened to the mighty fall on my phone'.
The interviews were cool too. Most of the time, I just sat in the corner waiting for them to finish. But in one special one, I got to be in it. It went something like this:
I sat on the couch of a room in a venue with the guys. "Shit, I forgot we have an interview today at 3." "3?! It's 2:47!" "Well, get ready." I sat watching YouTube and there was a knock on the door. Pete opened it to reveal a girl in her early twenties with a camera man. "Hello, you must be Pete." "Yeah hi." She greeted the guys and then looked at me. "Oh hello, Cora. I've heard all about you." I smiled and said, "Really? That's great. Who are you?" "Oh, I'm Cindy Baker." "Hello, Cindy. " She turned to Patrick and asked, "Can she be in the interview? Just for a little, ao I can ask her a few questions?" Patrick looked shocked at the question and looked like he was about to say no when I said, "I'd love to." "Great. It's settled. "
The interview started and she asked the guys a few questions each. After around 10 minutes she said, "And we have a special guest with us. Cora Stump, Patrick's new daughter, has agreed to answer a few question for us." The man pointed the camera to me and I smiled and saluted with two fingers to the camera. "So, Cora, tell us. What's it like to be adopted by a Patrick. "
"It's been fun. It's really great. Patrick's a wonderful dad and I've been happy with him since the first day. Uh, it's pretty great really. I love every minute of everything we do together from the talks, to the arguments, to the wild embarrassing," I looked at him and he had a smile smile," things we do. And I also love the concerts, interviews, and tour life. And I have now learned that I love traveling. So yeah, being adopted by Patrick has been great and I've been happiest with him these past months than I have this past year." I looked at Patrick and we smiled at each other and I looked at Cindy.
"Beautiful. So how's tour life? Are you enjoying it, hating it? How are the bands treating? Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, New Politics?" I raised my eyebrows and looked at the guys who had the same knowing looks at what's happened the padt month.
"Oh, tour life is the best. I love touring on the bus and seeing the amazing fans. I actually enjoy being on the road. And all the bands have been friendly and great. We've all pranked each other at some point and I'm close with Panic! and New Politics as I am close to Fall Out Boy, who are practically family." Pete clapped my shoulder and I smiled. "That's nice. Well thank you for being in the interview. This is all for today, and I am Cindy with Fall Out Boy and their newest little member Cora signing out." She smiled and said, "That was great! Thank you so much for agreeing to do it." "No problem." "Sure." "Thank you for interviewing us." "Thanks." She left soon after taking picture with us.
And the end of tour was coming up. Which meant, the final and big prank was soon to take place. I couldn't wait.
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