Cora brushed her three year old's daughter hair. She wanted everything to be perfect. Or at least go well. "Honey," she called to her husband. "Is Phil ready?" Her husband entered the room with their son Phil in his arms.
"He most certainly is. I have the diapers and formula in the bag already," he walked over to the mirror where his wife and daughter stood. He kissed the top of his wife's head.
"Can you tell I haven't had an ounce of sleep?" Cora asked, leaning back into her husband.
"No at all. You look radiant. So do you, Emily," he said smiling down at his daughter.
"Thank you, daddy," his daughter replied. Phil and Emily had inherited Cora's black hair and Xavier's blue eyes.
"Where's Jason?" Cora asked. Her brown eyed five year old son ran into the room with their cat, Cas, in tow. "Jason," she reproached. "Come here, let me fix your hair." Jason reluctantly walked over and let his mother fix his brown hair which fell a little over his head in a fringe. "There. Please don't chase the cat at your grandpa's house, okay?"
"But she won't let me touch him!" Jason protested.
"Some cats don't like being touched," Xavier told his son.
"But Cas does!"
"Cas is Cas," Cora said, placing a bow on her daughter's wavy hair. "There," she whispered to her daughter.
"No buts, mister," Xavier said.
"And we're taking the mini van," Cora said.
"But kitten," Xavier said. He hated taking the mini van. He had a preference for his car, which did hold everyone, but Cora considered unsafe because of their smallest child. He always managed to open the door somehow.
"No buts, mister," Jason mocked his father.
Xavier glared at his child for a moment before Emily giggled and Cora said, "He takes after you. Now give me my baby." Xavier passed Phil over to Cora and she kissed her baby to make his giggle. "Let's go or we'll be late."
The family filled into their mini van and drove off. Cora loved to bring the kids to Chicago every other summer. Their amazement grew every summer they came. They'd point at the different cities they'd see and just loved it really. It brought joy to Cora's heart to see her children this happy. The only things the kids got annoyed over was the choice of music of their mother. She had control of the radio and played her "old music". The kids were tired of The Beatles and My Chemical Romance basically.
When they arrived to the Stump residence, Cora was nervous. She hadn't seen her family since the Christmas prior. Not only were the Stumps going to be there, but so were the Wentz, and the Trohmans, and the Hurleys. She gave her husband a quick kiss which caught him off guard. "How do I look?"
"Great," he said. She bit her lip and her leg was bouncing. Her husband knew that meant she was nervous. "Hey, don't be nervous. This is just a get together. No need to be nervous. Okay?" She nodded and kissed him.
"God, I love you," she said. He smiled and before he could say the same, the children, the ones who could speak, groaned.
"Ew!" Jason and Emily said.
"Hey, if it wasn't for this, you two wouldn't be here," Cora said and they groaned again. "Okay, everybody out. I want you all on your best behavior. Yes, I'm looking at you, Jason."
"Will Uncle Declan be there?" Emily asked.
"Yes and so will Uncle Bronx, and Saint, as well as Aunt Ruby. Uncle Sam might, but I'm not quite sure."
"Yes!" The two children said. They loved their aunt and uncles. They were teens now, but wouldn't mind hanging out them. Sam, Andy's kid with Sydney, was a few years younger than the others so when the big kids got tired of their niece and nephew, they'd send Sam and them to go play. It worked out pretty well.
Cora picked up Phil and handed him to Xavier who didn't complain. He was used to being on baby duty when they visit the in laws. They walked the small path to Patrick's house and Cora knocked on the door. How much have they changed? Cora asked herself. Does Declan still remember me? Has he had an emo stage? What about Ruby and Saint? Do they remember me? Will we be the awkward brother and sister? They remembered me last time.
Before she had time to ask herself another question, the door was opened by a 40-something-year old Patrick Stump. "Dad!" Cora said and gave him a big hug.
"Cora," Patrick said, hugging her back. He laughed. "How are you?"
"Great. How are you? Have you taken your vitamins?" Cora asked being the concern daughter she was.
"Of course," Patrick laughed. "Declan never lets me forget. Hello, Xavier."
"Hello, sir. You look well," Xavier said. He was always stiff around Patrick. Even though he and Cora had been married for 7 years, Patrick always felt the need to give him the "if you hurt my daughter, I won't hesitate to break your bones" look. That is why he always acted as polite as possible to show that he was a respectable figure that was worthy and would never hurt Cora.
"Yes, thank you. And there's Phil!" Patrick picked up his grandson and lifted him in the air making the small child laugh. He gave him a kiss and turned to the rest of his grandchildren. "Emily! Jason! How are my two grandchildren!?" He crouched down to hug them both. They all giggled and hugged him. "Gah, how much have you two grown! You have to visit more often. Listen, how does a fishing trip sound?" Emily and Jason erupted with yes's and Patrick laughed. "Well, if your mother agrees, we can go this weekend. What do ya say, Cora?"
She laughed. "By all means, take the kids on a fishing trip."
He winked at the kids and then said, "Come in! Come in! Pete and Joe are here already."
They entered with, "Hello, hello everyone!" Cora saw Elisa and hugged her. "Oh, how are you, mom?"
"I'm good. How are you? How's-" She turned to see Patrick carrying Phil. "Oh, Philly! Give him over here!" Elisa carried her grandson and made silly faces to make little Phil laugh.
"Meagan, Marie! Hello!" Cora gave her aunts their hugs and then turned to her uncles. "Pete! How are you, you pizza lover?" Pete chuckled and gave her a hug.
"I'm swell. But doctor says not to eat so much pizza, which is a bummer," Pete said. Cora laughed and turned her attention to Joe.
"Hey, Joe! How's your back?" She asked, recalling that his back was hurting the last time they meet.
"Better. I'm just old," Joe joked.
"Never," she said, pulling him into a hug.
"Where are the kids?" She asked Patrick.
"Upstairs," he said pointing up.
"Come on kids," I said interrupting their greetings with the family. "Let's go greet them!" She took her kids hands and lead them up the stairs. Her husband shot her a glance that said don't leave me, but she ignored it and went upstairs.
She knocked on Declan's room and heard him say, "Come in."
She entered to see her brother on the bed and instantly tackled him for a hug. "What? Cora! Hi! I didn't know you were here." He had grown up to be a somewhat replica of Patrick at his age.
"Yes, I am. How are you doing, little bro?"
"Little? I'm as tall as you."
"Shut up," Cora said, pulling his hat down.
"Cora?" Ruby asked. She grew up to a beautiful girl. Really, she was gorgeous.
"Ruby! Oh how I've missed you," she jumped from the bed and hugged her. "Where's-"
She was interrupted by Saint shredding it on his guitar. He was sitting Indian style on the floor with his guitar on his face. He gave off this pissed off aura. A bandana was wrapped around his head and Cora was sure he was going through his emo phase.
"Is that Bulls In The Bronx by Pierce The Veil?" She asked with a knowing smile.
"Yeah," Saint admitted showing his first smile of the afternoon.
"Nice. You play it well. Speaking of Bulls In The Bronx, where's Bronx?"
"He's probably down stairs making out with his girlfriend," Declan said. Ruby rolled her eyes and Saint snorted.
"He has a girlfriend?" Cora asked. She didn't know that he had one at the time.
"I know, right?" Saint said and Ruby giggled.
"Saint!" Emily ran to her Uncle and gave him a hug. Though Saint was in his emo phase, he put that aside and hugged his niece and said, "Emily, you're so big! How old are you know?" She held up three fingers for him.
"Are you wearing makeup?" She asked poking his eye.
"It's guyliner," Ruby explained in a teasing manner.
"Shut up," Saint threw his guitar pick at her.
"Declan, can you do that?" Jason asked his other Uncle while pointing at Saint's guitar.
"Well, I could. If I knew the notes. And had time to practice. I just know a few songs."
"What songs?" Jason asked looking up at him.
"Anaconda," Ruby mumbled causing Cora to laugh.
"God, no," Declan said.
"No one plays Anaconda in front of my children," Cora said.
"What's Anaconda?" Jason asked.
"It's a snake," Cora explained.
"Oh," Emily replied.
"I can play Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana. Uh, Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's. Love Me Tender by Elvis. Which one do you want me to play, Cora?"
"What's Nirvana?" Emily asked.
Cora faked gasped and said, "I have failed as a mother. Declan play Heart Shaped Box for the kids will you? I have to go save my husband before Patrick kills him."
"No problemo, sister," Declan said.
"I need to reach you Spanish," She smiled and went back down to rescue Xavier.
Back down in the adult world, Patrick was asking Xavier what he was going to do for Phil's birthday, that would be in the days that followed, when Cora came back.
She sat down next to her husband on the love seat and said, "What were we talking about?"
"Nothing," Patrick assured her and went to answer the doorbell.
"I still think your dad doesn't like me," Xavier whispered into Cora's ear.
"Excuse my husband," Elisa said smiling at Xavier. "He's, uh, too overprotective."
Xavier smiled kindly and said, "I understand. I'm going to be the same way with Emily."
"The poor girl won't be able to have a boyfriend," Elisa said.
"That's the plan," Xavier said causing them both to laugh. "I'm not going to anyone hurt my little girl."
"Don't worry, mom," Cora said winking. "I'll keep him in check when she starts dating."
"Oh," Elisa said. "She'll have a dad, an older brother, and a younger brother. It'll be interesting when a date comes over."
Cora worried for her daughter's future date for a moment before the Hurley's walked into the living room.
"Hey guys," Andy said hands held with Sydney. Sam, their child, ran in between them and up to Pete and asked him where Declan and Ruby were. When Pete pointed upstairs, he ran up without saying another word.
They all chuckled and Andy went on to say hello to everyone before Sydney spotted Cora and ran over to give her a hug. A few lines were were exchanged ("How are you?" "Wonderful. How are your children?") before Andy had noticed and went over to give her a kiss on the cheek. They greeted each other with smiles and Cora couldn't help but feel excited that the band was all together again like that one summer so long ago.
The conversation went from health (everyone was fine and would live a couple more years without need of medicine and walkers and other stuff) to pets (the Trohman had a nice dog while the Stumps had a cat) to old memories. Somehow, the Save Rock and Roll tour came around.
"Remember the Save Rock and Roll tour?" Andy said taking a swig of his water.
"That's the one where we took Cora, right?" Pete asked. He was a bit forgetful. He blamed it on age, but Meagan argued that he'd always been that way. Everyone agreed.
"He just forgets stuff," Joe said rolling his eyes.
"Like us," Andy said chuckling. "Cora, do you remember when the bus left us and-"
"Yeah!" Cora laughed. "We called Pete through the payphone." They both laughed.
The girls who weren't on tour all were intrigued by the new story and asked more. "Well, uh, Cora and I got off the bus to get some stuff at the gas station and then the bus drove off without us noticing," Andy said.
"It was freezing," Cora recalled. "And then it took the bus like twenty minutes to arrive. That's also the story of how we got Tyson."
"Tyson? Your Saint Bernard?" Patrick asked.
"Yeah. He got on the bus and Pete thought it was us so he told the bus driver to go. Then you let me keep him and I called him Tyson. He was so cute," Cora thought fondly of her old pet who died a few years later after she had decided to call him her own.
"All those pranks," Joe said to himself which lead the band to outbreak of comments.
"Cora was always pranking us!" Pete said.
"It wasn't all just me! Panic! and New Politics helped," Cora defended herself.
"We got some good ones though," Patrick said.
"Yeah, like what?" Andy asked.
They thought for a moment but couldn't think of anything.
"Well, you probably did, but we can't remember. It's been like twenty years. But I do remember that none of the pranks would've happened if it wasn't for Pete," Cora said.
"Me? What's I do?" Pete asked offended.
"You took me to Panic!'s dresser and commit our first prank. Then one prank lead to another and it all started with that first prank," Cora replied.
"You agreed to do the prank though," Pete said.
"I was 10. You could've asked me if I wanted to get a tattoo at that age and I would've said yes," Cora said.
"What's wrong with tattoos?" Andy asked.
"Nothing," Cora said quickly trying to make what she said sound better. "Just getting a tattoo at that age is not wise. I'd probably have Castiel tattooed on me."
"Castiel?" Xavier asked his wife. "Like our cat?"
Cora laughed nervously. "Honey, remember a show called Supernatural?"
"Uh, good. We'll discuss it in the future."
He gave her a skeptical look.
"Didn't you make us watch that show once? It was about Lucifer and those ange-" Andy got interpreted by Cora.
"We will discuss this in the future," she said urgently.
Sydney chuckled. She knew what Cora talking about. Cora gave her a look and Sydney just smiled as a response.
After a whole conversation talking about tour anecdotes, Elisa announced that it was lunch time. "We'll go get the kids," Cora said taking her husband's hand and leading him upstairs.
"Who's Castiel? You never told me about him," Xavier said.
"He's, uh, an angel of the lord?"
"Look, let's not dwell on the past of a fangirl's life. He's one of the reasons why I don't let you listen to Elvis in the house and enjoy the song Twist and Shout."
"But, you said you could dig Elvis?"
Cora held back her cries. "Okay, I'll talk to you about this when we get home."
"Promise?" Her husband wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. She giggled and gave him a quick peck on the lip.
"Promise." She opened the door to Declan's room where the teens sat on the bed and stopped mid conversation. "Where are my kids?"
"We sent them to Missy's room," Declan said. "Hey, Xavier."
Xavier waved and Cora was confused on something. "The cat has a room?"
"Well, what were we supposed to do with your room?"
Ruby and Saint burst out laughing and Xavier tried to hold back a smile.
"I am unsure if I should be offended or smack you. So I'll do both," his sister smacked his head. "So, they are in my room which is now Missy's room?"
Declan nodded and Cora left the room to find her children.
"Lunch is ready, by the way. Come down and you'll have a nice sandwich," Xavier said pointing his thumb to the kitchen before going chasing after his wife.
The kids were in Missy's room. So was Missy. She was in Sam's lap and Jason was begging him to let him pet her when Cora barged in the room. "Where's Missy?" She asked afraid for the cat's state of being. But all she found was the fat cat's fur was being brushed lightly by Sam's caring fingers. "Oh Sam, thank God. I was afraid Emily or Jason, mostly Jason, had hurt her."
Sam gave her a grin and said, "Jason wanted to kick her but I stopped him. Kitty's need care, not harm."
"Well said," Cora said winking at him before glaring at her son. "And no music for you, young man, until Friday."
"What? Why!?" Jason asked.
"Because you tried to kick the cat," Cora told her son. "Now come on. Lunch is ready."
"He wanted, he didn't try. He just said he felt like kicking the cat if she didn't stay still," Sam tried to defend his cousin.
She turned around to bump into her husband. "Who tried to kick a cat?" Xavier asked. She shook her head.
"Fine. No music til tomorrow."
"Okay," Jason said reluctantly.
The kids all stood up and ran downstairs. Cora and Xavier followed them. She sighed and said, "He's a handful."
"He'll grow out of it," Xavier promised.
"Are you sure? I mean, I wasn't like this when I was younger. Were you?" Xavier laughed. Cora rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah. I forgot. You were the one who got arrested."
"Hey, that was once. He was asking for it."
"Yeah, he was," Cora agreed, remembering the assbutt who got a little, scratch that, very violent in a mosh pit with her and Xavier who thought it'd be a good idea to punch him after the concert.
They went downstairs and joined the rest of the people eating. She took Phil from Elisa's arm and feed him his bottle. Cora supposed he'd fall asleep as he usually did after his lunch, but he stayed awake and allowed himself to be burped by his grandmother who would not get tired of him. She didn't argue because it was nice for a change not to have to worry for her child while she ate.
In the middle of the beautiful lunch, Patrick said, "Emily, want to see a magic trick?" Emily nodded her head fast anxiously watching her grandfather. "Okay," he showed his empty hands and Emily nodded. Then, he reached for her ear and then showed her a quater.
"Wow!" She said, looking at her grandpa and feeling her ear. "How'd you do it?"
"Magic," Patrick said mysteriously.
"Where'd you learn the magic from?" Jason asked.
"Hogwarts," Sydney blurted out which made all the adults laugh.
"What's Hogwarts?" Jason asked.
"I have failed as a mother again," Cora said hanging her head in shame. "We're starting a new book when we get home, okay?" Emily and Jason nodded.
After the lunch, the adults cleaned up and talked until the sun set. Around that time is when Pete Wentz jumped from his seat and said, "Everyone go outside. I have a surprise, " before running back outside and returning something flat wrapped in plastic.
"Go," he said, shooing them out. Everyone got up and went outside. In the backyard, the kids ran around the yard playing tag and the teens hung out in the corner by themselves. Cora sat next to her husband with her small child in hand.
"You know, he looks a little like you," she said, lifting the baby next to her husband's face. Phil reached out for his father upon seeing him. His father couldn't say no to him, so he took him over and let his play around with his fingers.
"But he looks more like you," Xavier argued.
"No. He looks more like you. Look at that nose. All you," she said.
Little Phil giggled and tried to reach for his father's face. Xavier lifted his head trying to get away from Phil, but Phil only stood to reach him. He out his two little hands on each of his father's cheeks and smiled at him for a moment before putting his forehead on his fathers. Cora's heart filled with joy at the sight. Then baby Phil removed his hands from his father's cheeks and then smashed them back on his face with a loud slap! "Ow! Mother-"
"Xavier," Cora warned in between laughs. Phil giggled and fell back onto Xavier' lap. Xavier stiffened and a small cry escaped his lips. "What?"
"He fell . . . On my private parts," he said quietly. Cora laughed even harder. She took Phil who whined and reached out for his father.
"Oh no," she said, kissing Phil's head to calm him down. "You've caused him enough trouble today."
"Emily's the good child," Xavier said after a moment.
"That's cause she takes after me," Cora said with a smile.
"Oh shut up. It was one time."
"What about the time you nearly got charged with trespassing."
"It was to get back your Frisbee."
'Or the time you nearly got in trouble for not returning your friend's dad's car on time."
"You wanted to sleep under the stars."
"Why is it always that you get in trouble for me?"
"I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe, to make you well," he quoted from an old song she loved.
She blushed and said, "I love you," before kissing him. Their kiss was interrupted by Phil pulling on Cora's hair. "Phil," Cora whined before kissing his cheek. He giggled smacking Cora's arm. "Ow!"
"Young man, we do not hit women," Xavier said, taking his son and going into a full on staring contest before Phil blinked and looked away. Xavier thought this was enough disciple and then put him in his lap again before hugging him to his chest.
"That is freaking adorable," Cora said.
"Alright, I need five volunteers. Jason and Emily! Saint and Declan, you can help too Ruby. Sam, you're going to help me." He took out what looked like light paper and unfolded it to what looked like one of those air balloon lanterns. He unfolded another and then using a lighter lit a small square on the bottom. "Okay, hold them right here," he showed the two pairs where to hold them. "And let them heat up." Sam waited patiently at his side.
"It's hot," Emily complained.
"Wait, let it go for a moment," Cora's kids let it go and it floated for a moment before losing altitude. "Okay, no. Hold it some more. It's not ready. Okay, you too," Declan, Ruby, and Saint did the same, but there's just lost altitude. "Definitely no. Wait a little more."
Jason and Emily turned to their mother and grinned. Cora took out her camera and started to take photos of the two. And then the three. And the two that were just standing.
"Let it go and this time throw it up. Like a little push up. Not too hard," Pete told the kids. They nodded and pushed the red paper lantern up. It floated away and everyone watched it go up.
"Why haven't we done this before?"
"It looks like a star."
"What if it makes something catch fire?" Patrick asked and everyone thought of it for a moment before laughing.
They watched the last of the lantern fade before Pete said, "Next one." The teens all looked at each other smiling like they were toddlers again coloring at the BBQ before releasing the yellow lantern into the air.
"Look at it go!"
"How far will it get?"
"Are you filming this?"
"Of course."
They watched the last one leave their eyes before turning to Pete hungry for more lanterns. "I just have one more," Pete warned as he unfolded that a green one and told Declan to hold it while he lit it. When it was lit, Pete took Declan's place and waited for the lantern to heat.
"Is it ready?"
"Did it take so long before?"
"Last one, better get a good shot of it, Marie."
"No shots, Joe."
"Is it ready?" Saint asked his father with no patience.
"Yeah, yeah," he said and looked at Sam. He nodded and they released it. The young children chased it for the the first feet it gained and then retreated from it as they saw it go down. They couldn't do anything as it fell on the grass and burned. They laughed at the irony of it falling but were a little devastated they didn't get a proper ending. Pete stomped on the lantern to extinguish the flame. It was a funny sight.
Phil was falling asleep. But he wouldn't go down. Cora carried him around and tried all the usual tricks but he wouldn't. Patrick finally said, "Give him here. He just wants his grandpa." Cora passed Phil over who looked up at his grandpa with tired blue eyes. Patrick cleared his jokes before staring, "Honey is for bees and bears. Besides, they're jelly beans everywhere." Cora smiled at the familiar song. Jason and Emily ran over at sat down next their grandpa til the end of Lullaby.
"Was that Fall Out Boy?" Cora asked with a smile as she saw her Phil fall asleep.
"Yeah," Patrick said.
"What's Fall Out Boy?" Emily asked.
"I have seriously failed as a mother," Cora said again.
Patrick smiled and said, "Fall Out Boy was a band of four. I was in it, Pete was in it, Joe was in it, and Andy was in it."
"Did you go in tours? Like on buses? Did you do concerts?"
The guys laughed at their enthusiasm. "It all started when Joe and I met," Patrick started.
~ ~ ~
Cora went home that night with two children who were mesmerized by their grandpa's stories of song writing and playing on stage. You bet that when the kids were old enough, Cora taught them all about Nirvana and Harry Potter and Supernatural. Phil learned about his name sake, Phil Lester, and Jason and he grew out of their trouble making phases.
Cora didn't just love watching her kids grow. She watched Delcan, Ruby, and Saint grow. She watched them go on their first dates and go through their emo phases. They complained it wasn't a phase, but some time later they took off their eyeliner and let go of their straighters for a different look. They never did let go of their music taste. Cora didn't either.
Cora loved her family. She didn't stop visiting Patrick. When he got sick in the hospital, she visited him and sat there until she was forced to leave. When he went home, she was there to take care of him. When he went back to the hospital, she was there to make his days less boring. When he was grave, she always put on a smile and told him how she'd make him his favorite snack when he got better. When he didn't get better, she hid the tears and told him he'd make it. When he didn't make it, she was devastated. Elisa and her cried and cried and somehow always found more tears to shed. At his funeral, she talked about her father who was caring and nice and always there for her. At his grave, she always told him she missed him and was happy that she had the privilege of calling his dad. She made sure treat Elisa right after her husband's death. She invited her over as much as possible and informed her she was there for her. When she heard Elisa had passed in her sleep, she recalled Elisa telling her that when her time came, she'd be happy she could be back with Patrick. When the guys got sick or were near death, she was there in the hospital just waiting to give them a smile. When the guys died, she teared up and wished she was ten again. She wished she was on tour with them. She wished she could hear them play another song. She wished they could play another stupid prank on her. But she knew they were dead. But their memory would remain for centuries.
She was luckily not alive for Declan or Saint or Xavier or her children's death. But they had lived for hers. She was in the hospital. She was frail, but even so, she wanted everyone to come visit her. Xavier, now old and wrinkled, sat by her side and whispered, "I snuck this in." He showed her her old mp3 player with her songs. He played softly her old songs for her. She smiled and happily listen to her old tunes as her grandchildren called them. They were shocked when screaming started blasting from the mp3 player and looked at their parents who chuckled at their mother's music taste. "You always break the rules," she chided and put a hand on his cheek. "I love you," they whispered softly to each other.
Her kids sat besides her trying to cheer her up. "Mom, when you get better, we'll take you to Disneyland. Uncle Declan said you love that place." Cora smiled but knew she wouldn't make it til then. "Hey Mom, Hannah learned a new word. Cake. She drew you this picture." "I love you. Don't leave us."
When her children sat next to her, she made sure to tell them how much she missed her trouble making Jason, her beautiful little Emily, and their tiny Phil who just loved to hit everyone all the time. They'd all smile and say they weren't like that anymore, but Cora always said they'd be that to her.
But that one night that she said goodbye to everyone as they left the room, she held back her husband and said, "I love you. You make sure to remind our kids about The Beatles and Supernatural and My Chemical Romance and Harry Potter and how they must teach their children about that cause that's what I wanted. You make sure to remind them how much I love them and how stupidly we acted in our younger years, okay?" Her husband nodded and kissed her cheek. "I love you."
I love you was the last thing Cora heard before falling asleep. But she didn't wake up. The next morning the news was broken the Xavier that his wife was gone. He cried and cried and was comforted by his children and Declan and Saint and Ruby, who had kids of their own. At her funeral, he talking on and on about the love of his life and her interests in music and film and literature. He talked about everything and anything he could about her. How her hair fell to the side when she woke up or how she loved nutella and was allergic to pickles.
The love of his life was gone, but she didn't do down swinging. She went down peacefully and accepted her death. And so did everyone else. The future generations always had stories about a wacky grandma who went on tour with her dad and listened to the strangest music and watched shows about a gay angel and a blue box and read about a wizard with a scar and a girl who became the mockingjay. They learned about Dean Winchester and The Boy Who Lived, but never knew too much about the girl who had Fall Out Boy as a family.
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