And Tour Begins
Patrick shook me slightly and I woke up quickly. I was nervous, Patrick told me there were going to be two other bands touring with us. Panic! At The Disco and New Politics. I'd heard of Panic! At The Disco before, Jessica would not shut up about them, but not New Politics.
I was slightly worried about meeting them. What if they were rude? What if I came off as rude? What if all I did was annoy them? What if they hate me? Oh My God, maybe I should've told Patrick that I wanted to stay with his mom.
I dressed nicely, wearing some black jeans and a My Chemical Romance shirt. Luckily my hair decided to straighten itself and it wasn't it's usual puff ball. I left it lose and just brushed out the knots. I grabbed this necklace, which I loved, that was just a golden C. While I put on my shoes, Patrick put all the bags in the car. "We'll eat with the guys," he said. I nodded and grabbed the bingo hat. He looked at me closely and said, "You look beautiful Cora." I blushed a little and said, "Thanks Dad."
We got into the car and drove off to where the guys would meet us. Joe and Andy were there. "Hey you guys!" Joe said raising his hands up. "Hi Joe!" I said and ran to give him and Andy a hug. They hugged me tightly and greeted Patrick. "Hey guys, where's Pete?" asked Patrick. "He said he'd meet us here." "Cool," Patrick said starting a conversation with Joe. Andy leaned against his car reading a comic book.
I walked over to Andy. I stood on my tipy toes trying to get a look of the comic book. He crouched down a little to let me see. "It's a Marvel comic book." He said turning to the first page. It was about The Amazing Spider Man. He sat against the car and I did too. He held on the the right page and I did held on to the left. I started reading it and immediately got interested. When I finished reading a page I would nod to him and he would turn the page. I didn't even notice when Pete got there, I was too busy reading it. When we finished reading it I looked over to Andy and said, "Wow, I loved it!" He smiled. "Want me to let you borrow the second copy?" "Yes, please!" "Okay!" "Thanks, you're the best," I said and gave him a hug.
I looked up to see Patrick, Joe, and Pete staring at us. "Hey Pete!" I said standing up and giving him a tight hug. "Hey kid." He said grabbing the comic book from my hands. He looked and the cover. "Really bro?" He asked Andy. He raised up his hands in defense. "Hey she liked it." He laughed and shook his head giving me back the comic. "Yay!" I ran off back to Andy and opened it again rereading it. I wasn't paying attention to the guys until I noticed the akward silence and I looked up from the comic to see the guys staring at me. "What?" I asked. They all had this half smile and shook their head. I shrugged and continued reading the comic. Note to self: Read more comics. Oh and finish the second copy to give it back to Andy.
"Hey Cora, what do you want for breakfast?" Patrick asked. I looked up. I bit my lip a little and thought. "I don't know, I'm good with whatever you guys want." I looked back at the comic book. "No but come on. You must have an idea of what you want." Joe said. "I want cookies and ice cream. I think you guys should choose on this one." I looked up to see the guys fighting on what they wanted. Patrick and Andy fought that they wanted omelets while Joe and Pete fought for breakfast pizza. I laughed at their silly reasonings. "But come on Patrick, last time you guys chose what to eat for dinner, remember? Now it's Joe and I who get to choose what to eat." Pete said. "But on the last tour, you chose what to eat on the last day," Andy said. They argued for a few more minutes and I smiled looking at how childish they fought over the food. I returned to the comic book."Okay since we can't decide how about we let Cora decide. " I looked up at the mention of my name. "What? " I asked. "Choose. Omelet or pizza." "Uh when do we have to be at the airport??" "9:45." I looked down at my watch. "Well I don't know but I'm feeling pizza." Pete said," HA!"
"Fine, I'll drive." Patrick said. We jumped into the car. Patrick and Pete were in the front and I was in the middle of Joe and Andy. "Domino's or Pizza Hut? " "Pizza Hut," Pete said. "Domino's," Joe said. They stared at each other. "Oh come on. Pizza Hut is better," Pete said. "No way. Domino's. " "Okay! We don't have time for this! Rock, paper, scissors you two." They played and Joe won. "Domino's it is," Patrick said and drove out of the Parking Lot.
"Can you put on some music?" I asked. "Sure kiddo. What would you like?" I shrugged. "I'm cool with anything, except rap and country. Please nothing of that." Pete changed it to some station that was playing old rock. I hummed a little to it, I didn't know any of the songs but they were okay.
Once we got there Patrick and Pete got off to buy the pizzas. I turned to the guys , Andy and Joe were on their phones. Not enough conversation, I thought. I poked Joe on the side and he smiled a little but didn't look up from his phone. I reached out and poked Andy on his cheek and he jumped. "Hehehe," I said, "Score." He looked at me with a playful glare and poked me back, this time in the side. I kept my face innocent and poked him on his side too. This went on again and again, I kept and innocent face and poked his side and he playfully glared and poked my side. We didn't break eye contact.
"ALRIGHT! Guys come on, enough poking. You guys are acting like children." Joe said. "Someone's just jealous he isn't Cora's poking buddy," Andy said sticking his tongue out a little. "Pft, please Cora likes me better than you." Andy and Joe argued. "Well we both like Marvel." "Well . . . we . . . uh," he thought about what bonding we've had. "Okay when we get on the bus, we're having some bonding time." Joe said pointing at me. "Aw, it's okay. I don't like anyone better than anyone." Andy faked coughed and said, "I'm still the better band uncle." Joe glared at him. I played with his curly hair. "You know I really love your hair." Joe said, "You're just saying that." "No! I'm not seriously awesome hair."
"I've been replaced," Andy said. I laughed and placed my head between my hands. It's so hard to please both. Patrick and Pete arrived with 3 large pizzas and some cans of soda. I grabbed the pizzas while Joe and Andy held the cans of soda. I still poked Andy's side and he would poke back.
We drove to a parking lot and ate the pizzas there. "Cora, do you have an ipod?" Asked Joe. "No." "Phone?" "Nope." "Any device?" "Uh, I got a laptop." Joe turned to Patrick. "Patrick you should get her phone. I mean tour is starting and things can get pretty intense." I awkwardly ate my slice of pizza and Pete joined the conversation. "Joe's got a point. She can get lost." Patrick spoke up. "She won't get lost. I won't let my little girl out of my sight." "Except when we're performing, " Andy said. "Or when we're signing," Joe said. "Or while we finish the YoungBlood Chronicles, " Pete said. "Or while I have to go to any place intended just for females, " I said chewing my pizza. "Okay, Okay, Okay I see your point. I'll get Cora a phone when we get to Chicago." "Yay," I said finishing my slice of pizza. Of course that wasn't the end of it. We tried to have an eating contest. Who ever ate the most pizza won. "READY! SET! GO!" I yelled. I ate one slice as fast as I could and when I was on my second one the guys were alreay finishing their third.
"You know what? Forget it I'm cheering. GO DAD! STUFF THE PIZZA IN YOUR FACE PETTE! YOU CAN DO IT ANDY! JOE, COME ON EAT!" I cheered on as Joe finished his pizza and grabbed another one. The guys ate on until Andy said he had enough, then Patrick, finally Pete (surprisingly), while Joe won. "YEAH BABY I WON! BOW DOWN PESEANTS!" I laughed and clapped. "So what's my prize?" They thought for a moment. "Uh, you can have Cora, no one likes her anyway," Pete said jokingly. "Yay, you're stuck with me Joe. " Joe picked me up and put me on his back. "She's mine now. Let's go Cora," he said as he carried me away. I laughed and held on to him. We walked around the parking lot and talked. "So Cora bonding time. Talk to me." I thought about what to tell him. "Well I have a problem," I said. "What is it?"
I thought about it for a moment. I still felt bad about the whole Patrick and Elisa thing. I felt really bad. I felt like I was one of the main reasons of their misfortune. But could I tell Joe? He would tell Patrick. But I needed to tell someone. "Okay before I say it, you need to promise me you won't tell Patrick." "You aren't using drugs right? Cause then I probably will have to tell Patrick, you're too young for that. At least wait till your eighteen Cora please. " He said it sarcastically and I laughed. "No I'm not using drugs. But seriously promise me." "I promise." I took a deep breath.
"I feel like it's all my fault, Patrick and Elisa. Like maybe if I just hadn't been adopted then maybe they would still be together right now. I know Elisa was hurting, she was crying the night before she left and I just wished I could've given her a hug and told her it's okay and Patrick isn't alright either. Once in a while he would suddenly say he was tired and go upstairs and I'm no idiot he's also hurting. And I feel guilty, like it's my fault, which I mean it kinda is-" He turned to look at me and frowned a little.
"No Cora, don't think that. It's not your fault. Patrick decided what he wanted to do and you didn't do anything, so don't think it's your fault okay? " His words made me feel a little better but I still had guilt inside me. "Okay, just let me continue ranting to get it out of me," I said putting the side of my face in his hair. Seriously I freaking loved his hair.
"Rant away princess, " he said carrying me around the parking lot. "Hehe I like that. Okay, so like still I feel bad when I smile with Patrick because I don't know how Elisa is. Like is she happy, is she sad? Does she think about Patrick, does she not? Does she resent me, or does she have no feelings for me? I don't even know anymore." We walked around in silence as I played with his hair. "Well I told you, it isn't your fault. Please don't think it's your fault Cora, they were having a couple of problems so don't think that you being adopted was the whole problem. I mean, yeah it could've been one of the problems but Patrick was the one who decided to adopt you."
We walked around and got to the car where Pete and Patrick were playing some sort of game. He left me on the ground. "Thanks, Joe. I feel better now. " "No problem, Princess. I'm here for you so if you ever need to talk, I'll be right here." I smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thanks."
"Woah, seriously 5 minutes of bonding time and you're already close?" Andy asked. "Yeah, we were talking. She said she liked me better." Andy put his shades on. "Okay, alright fine then." He looked away as if he didn't care. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Aw, you don't believe that Andy. I dont have a favorite. " "She's lying. " Patrick said. "I'm her favorite. " I laughed. "That's not what she told me," Pete said. "Of course that's not what she told you, she told you I was her favorite, " Joe said. I smiled. "You guys are wrong, I'm her favorite," Andy said. I laughed. "You're all wrong, my favorite is Dan Howell," I said. "Who's Dan Howell?" "He's a YouTuber,"I said. Patrick pouted. I laughed.
"Well it's time to go to the airport," Pete said after a while. I sat upright from my terrible slouch and put in my seat belt. The guys did the same and we drove to the airport.
I was very excited since I'd never gone on an airplane before. After security check and all that shit we were on the plane in first class. I sat at a window seat and stared out the window. Soon I fell asleep and didn't wake up til Patrick shook me.
Once we got our stuff, everyone headed to their house. I sat on the passenger seat of Patrick's gray car and then said, "Dad I'm hungry." "Yeah, me too. How about I cook something when we get home?" "Sounds good." I was marveled with everything. The buildings and streets were a wonderful mystery to me and I loved every part of it.
When we arrived to Patrick's house, my eyes widened. It was also big, but had a familiar look. Well, familiar, but also more . . . comforting. It was a big comfy house and the furniture was less sophisticated . Patrick and I crashed on the couch.
"Ah, this is comforting," I said. "Sure is, when tour is over we'll be living here." I smiled. "Nice." "So I'm going to make you something to eat, alright? Go explore the house or watch tv or something." "Okay, Dad," I stood up and walked to the door. It lead to what seemed like a closet or something. I walked upstairs and found a room that seemed like a game room. I walked inside and saw a tv and on the shelf were different games. The games were from everything for Wii, Xbox, Play station, etc. Next to the tv there were different consoles and a few feet from the tv was a couch. There were different posters and stuff hung on the wall, including a poster promoting one of Fall Out Boy's first tours.
I walked into a different room which had a big bed, wardrobe, table stand and lamp. Elisa and Patrick's room, I thought. I walked out of the room and into another one that was empty. Why was it empty?Was this supposed to be my room? Probably?
"Cora! Come eat, " Patrick yelled from downstairs. I ran downstairs and Patrick handed me a quesadilla. "Yay," I said as I plopped on the couch and Patrick went around making sure he had everything, calling diffrent people, and doing some other stuff. When I finished the quesadilla Patrick said, "You ready?" "Yep!" "Alright, let's go! We're meeting the band at the venue. "
We got in the car and drove off to the venue. I already saw fans sitting outside looking as excited as possible. We went in by the back and Pete, Joe, and Andy were already there helping out with some stuff. We helped set up some equipment and chatted in a backroom. There I saw Panic! At The Disco. Brandon, Spencer, and Dallon were in their dresser and Pete said, "Hey Cora, wanna help me play a prank on Panic!?" I smiled. "Yes, what do I gotta do?" "Alright, you're gonna go in acting like you're just meeting God or something , act excited. Make them turn away from the door, and leave the door open. Then I will take care of the rest." "Alright, but won't they recognize me and call Patrick?" "No, I don't think they kniw who you are yet, which will make it better." "Okay! Lead the way to their dresser!"
We got to the dresser and Pete nodded encouraging me. I opened the door and saw Brendon practicing vocals infront of the mirror, Spencer was sitting in the small couch reading a magazine, while Dallon stood in the far corner staring at Brendon drinking water. I took a deep breath and then I started.
"OH MY GOD, YOU'RE PANIC! AT THE DISCO! I'VE BEEN WANTING TO MEET YOU GUYS SINCE I WAS 7, MY IDOLS ARE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!" They all turned to me with a confused look. "Who are you?" Dallon asked. "Oh My, I'm an idiot, um I'm Cora. I'm a huge fan and I kinda snuck in to meet you guys. I'm so sorry if I intruded, I just really wanted to meet you guys!" I advanced forward leaving the door opened.
"Oh, you seem pretty young," Brendon said. "Yeah I'm only 10." I said walking towards the couch. Brendon was now heading for the couch, as well as Dallon. "Listen, you can't be here sorry , you need to go but we'd be happy ro take a picture or sign something." Spencer said. "Oh that'd be great, thank you so much." I said and smiled staring at Spencer as I saw Pete walking up behind them. I smiled at all of them. "HAHAHA SURPIRSE BITCHES!" Pete yelled as he dropped three water balloons on their heads. Brendon yelled in surprise. Pete and I fell on the floor laughing. "Oh nice Pete. Get a fan to play a trick on us, hu? Don't worry we'll get you back," said Dallon. I tried to breathe and said, "I'm not a fan, I'm Patrick's daughter. " They looked at me like "are you kidding me? No one would believe that." I smiled. "He adopted me two weeks ago." "That's right," Pete said picking himself off the floor. Brandon acted like a little kid receiving good news. "OH ARE YOU COMING ON TOUR WITH US?" "YES!" He turned to his band. "GUYS YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS, RIGHT?" They all nodded. "Pete we're going to have to ask you to leave." "What? Why, man?" "Just leave."
Pete grumbled but left. "Cora, we need you're help," Spencer said. "With what?" I asked. "Sit down, we need to strategies. " I sat in the couch and they stood in front of me. "Okay first of all aww you're all tall, I feel so small." "You are small," Brendon said demonstrating by picking me up. As he held me in his arms I said, "Hell yeah! I suddenly like being small!" He was about to put me down when I said, "Brendon, if you put me down I will leave. Me being carried is the only reason I'm here." They all laughed and Spencer said, "All right, so we need to get Pete back for that. And we need your help." "What's in it for me?" "Uh, we'll all owe you a favor?" "Alright, I'm listening." "Well, we're still trying to decide how to get back, but will you help us?" "Hell yeah! I need my revenge from Monopoly."
"Awesome," he said putting me down. I pouted but didn't argue. "Fuck, you guys I don't know how to get back to Patrick's dressing room." "You don't need to go back now," Dallon said. "You can stay here for a while." "Alright, time for Cora to bug Panic!" I said as I plooped back on the couch and picked up a magazine. Rock Sound magazine awesome, I thought. After some silence, Julian Casablanca starts playing. "FUCK YEAH!" Brendon yelled as he sang. "Who's this?" I asked Spencer who sat next to me. "This is before show Brendon. It's okay, he won't hurt you. Usually. I mean, he ran over a man once but that was after show Brendon. You're good." I laughed. "If he gets crazy, I'm using you as my human shield." "Alright."
We watched as Brendon danced around to some song. We all laughed at him until he stopped in front of me and held out his hand. "COME ON, CORA! LETS DANCE!" "I don't know how to dance!" "WELL I DO, SO FOLLOW ALONG!" Beat it by Micheal Jackson played and I stood in front of him. He did the sprinkler and I followed, "Dude this does not go with the music at all!" I yelled as he suddenly made us do the moon walk. "I know! Hammer time!" I fell on the floor laughing as I watched him do the hammer dance. "OH IM KILLING IT YOU GUYS! IM KILLING IT WOO!" Brendon said as he he continued to dance as the guys smiled and shook their heads. "So this normal to you guys!?" I said pointing at Brendon. They laughed and nodded. "COME IN CORA! FINALE TIME!" He picked me up from the floor and walked away from me and said, "JUMP INTO MY HANDS!" "NO! ARE YOU CRAZY?" "ILL CATCH YOU!" "NO YOU!" "YES I WILL!" I groaned and run to him and jumped into his arms. For a second I was held up into the sky but then I fell foward onto Brendon. In a split second, Brendon pulled me close to him and I fell on top of him. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY, CORA?" Spencer and Dallon asked. Brendon just toom deep breathes still holding me in shock. I laughed so hard I almost cried. "THAT WAS TERRIBLE BRENDON! WHAT THE HELL? I THOUGHT YOU HAD ME!" He still held me tightly and looked scared. "What? I just would've fallen, chill." He shook his head. "Look besides you," he said. I turned and saw that just a few centimeters from my face was a glass bottle.
Sudden realization hit me, and if Brendon hadn't pulled me close and had just let us fall I probably would've been bleeding at that moment. Brendon started laughing and so did I. I patted his chest, "Okay, you can let me go now. I'm not gonna die." He held me even tighter. "Dude let me go," I said. "Nope. You need to beg first." "Guys can you help me out on this?"I asked. "Sure Cora," Dallon said. He walked over to Brendon and sat on him. "Let her go." "No," he said and he was out of breath. "Spencer come sit on Brendon!" "Yes!" Spencer sat on him and they chanted, "Let her go. Let her go."
And then Patrick walked in. Everything went quite and then we all started laughing except Patrick, who had a confused smile. "Alright, I'm just going to reclaim my little girl soo ," he said as he helped me up. "Aw come on Patrick, she still hasn't danced with me yet," Spencer said. Patrick laughed. "Well, you have a show to do so bye," he said. "Bye Spencer, Brendon, and Dallon!" I said as I walked out of the room and I heard muffled goodbyes. I laughed. "Okay, I'm not going to ask what that was about." Patrick said taking something out of his pocket. "What is that?" He handed me a phone, a Samsung Galaxy S4, and said, "I got you a phone." I smiled. "THANK YOU SO MUCH DAD!" I hugged me and he smiled and lead me to the dresser.
I fell on the couch and Patrick said, "I already put in the guy's numbers, and mine." "Thanks," I said exploring the phone. I changed the wallpaper, and put in Jessica's phone number. I texted her saying Hey Jessica, it's Cora. Guess who got a phone? Anyways yeah if you ever want to talk I'm here. "Ddaaddd," I said. He sat down next to me. "Let's take a photo." "Alright," he said positioning himself next to me. I smiled and took the photo. "Perfect. Now give me a sassy face," he gave me the sassiest face I took the picture and just applauded. "Beautiful. " He took the phone from me. "Now I get to take picture," he said and I pouted and he took a picutre of my pouty face. "Seriously smile," he said and I did.
I went to work after, downloading diffrent songs into my phone. Once I was done with that half an hour had already passed. "I'ma go bug Joe, bye Dad!" I said. "Bye Cora, don't get lost." I walked out and knocked on the door of Joe's dresser room. "Come in," Joe said. I walked in and Joe was sitting watching tv while playing something on his guitar.
"Ay Joe! I'm here, so let's do something." "Hey Cora," he said. I sat down next to him and he said, "You want to play a game?" "Sure, what do you have in mind?" "Okay, " he said setting up 12 plastic cups. He went over to his bag and held a bunch of ping pong balls. "Okay, you get 12 balls. You try to shoot one ball per cup. The person who has the most balls per cup wins." I nodded. "Sounds easy." "Oh, let's make it interesting then. We have to shoot 6 feet away from the cups, and if I win I get to drench you in water." I laughed. "That's all? Alright." "On stage." I stooped and stared. "On stage? While you the fans are staring?" "Yes. " I thought for a moment. "What if I win?" "You get to throw a pie at my face." "On stage?" "On stage." I thought. This is too much to risk. I don't wanna be embarrassed in front of so many people. But the fans. I think they'll appreciate it. "Let's do this shit!" He laughed and back away from the cups, six feet.
He grabbed a ping pong ball and missed. Then tried again and made it. When he finished he had 9 ping pong balls. I had to get 10. Woah this was going to be hard. I stayed back and threw my first ball. I missed. I was about to throw and I made it. In my third try Joe coughed and I messed up. I glared and him and threw my fourth ball. I made it and made every one of them. When I got to the 12th and final ball I could see the fear in Joe's eyes.
"MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS GODDAMNIT, MISS!" I shoot it and made it in. "WOOOO! GUESS WHOS GETTING A PIE IN THE FACE? YEAH YOU ARE!" I happily bounced around as Joe sat in the couch pouting. "I was so close." "GO TELL THE GUYS, THAT YOU'RE GETTIN PIE IN THE FACE!" He pouted and stood up and walked to Pete's dresser where Andy was too. "You guys , after we perform we need to have a little time for Cora to throw a pie at me face. I lost a bet." It was quiet and then Pete and Andy started laughing. "Im sorry," I said hugging him."But a bet is a bet." He nodded and we walked to Patrick's dresser holding hands. I felt like Joe was the protective brother for me.
"Patrick, your daughter won me in a bet and now she gets to throw a pie at my face, just giving you a heads up," he said. I could hear Patrick laughing. "Holy Smokes, Cora I have never been more proud of you." I laughed. Joe went off to do last minute practicing and I stayed outside of the dressing rooms listening to music. I remembered the stories my Mom would tell me as a little girl. After what felt like an eternity, it was time for the guys to go.
I followed the guys backstage as we got to the back of the stage I saw Panic! say goodnight to the crowd and come back in. "You guys did great!" I said giving them a thumbs up and a smile. The guys had to go on stage so I gave them a hug. "Good luck," I said.
I watched as the crowd lost it as they started performing. It was quite fun to see how the fans really loved the music. They knew every song and jumped up and down. I smiled and texted Jessica.
Jessica: So they're performing right now?
Cora: Yep and I get to throw pie at Joe's face
Jessica : Omg no really?
Cora: Yes
Jessica : I need to see that.
Cora: Uh I'll ask someone to record it for me
Jessica: And you'll send it right? Please I'll beg
Cora: Alright, Alright but now I've gtg pie time
Dallon was walking by and I said, "Hey Dallon!" He turned. "Oh hey Cora." I smiled. "Yeah, hey can you do me a favor?" He nodded. "Sure, what do you need?" "Uh well I won Joe on a bet and I'm going to throw pie at his face right now, so would you mind recording on my phone so I can send it to a friend?" "Woah woah woah woah, you're throwing pie at Joe?" "Yep, on stage." He started laughing and said, "Man the guys need to see this. " "So will you?" "Hell yeah!"
I watched the stage as they tried to quite the crowd a little. Pete grabbed the mic and said, "Alright recently Patrick adopted a kid, her name is Cora." The crowd cheered a little and I smiled. "Well Cora and Joe played a little game and did a bet. And Joe fucking lost. Yeah, so now little Cora gets to throw a pie at his face." They crowd started screaming and laughing and cheering, it was the best thing I'd ever seen. "Well, I didn't know she was really good at it. But she only won by one," Joe said. "But she still won, loser," Pete said grabbing a pie from someone on stage. Someone from backstage urged me onto the stage and there I was onstage with them. It was quite scary, having all those people looking at me but also so fun. Adrenaline and fear rushed to my veins as I waved to the crowd a little. Some waved back ,other ignored me ,some where in between. Pete handed me the pie and whispered, "Good luck and aim right for his face." I chuckled and saw Dallon recording from the side.
"I'm sorry," I said laughing at Joe. "It's okay, just throw it. I would've been glad to throw a bucket of water at you, go ahead and enjoy it," I laughed and threw it on him and it fell off his face, leaving traces of apple pie on him. I laughed and so did the crowd as well as the guys. The pie was on the floor and somebody would probably have to pick it up. I looked at the corwd and they loved it. "How'd you guys like that?" Pete asked. "Great!" The crowd replied. I went over to hug Joe and he hugged me tightly. As my head lay on his shoulder he shoved the remaining pie to my face. I yelled in surprise. "You didn't think I'd give up easily right?" He said. "Ah, you idiot," I said wiping some off my face. "Well nice played, Trohman," Pete said. I playfully stuck my tongue out to Joe and waved at the crowd as I left. Panic! and New Politics were laughing their asses off. "Shut up," I told them as one of them , I'm guessing from New Politics since I didn't recognize him, handed me a towel. "Thanks," I mumbled. Dallon handed me back my phone and I said, "Now who wants to help me get pay back?"
"We haven't pranked anyone yet so count us in," one guy from New Politics said. "Okay, this is going to sound like a stupid question but who are you?" I said smiling. "Oh right, I'm David," said the one who handed me a towel. He was hot, with brown hair and a beautiful smile. Wow Cora, just wow, I thought to myself. "That's Soren," he pointed to the blonde one and I smiled at him. "And he's Louis." Louis smirked and waved. "Hi Louis, Soren, and David from New Politics." They laughed. "Or you can just call us by our first names," Louis said. I shook my head smiling. "Nah, it only sounds correct if I say 'from New Politics. '" "Alright so what's your name, again?" "Cora," I said wiping the last of the pie off my face. "Well nice to meet you Cora from Fall out Boy," Soren said. "Pleasure is all mine, Soren from New Politics. " He smirked and I smiled. Brendon picked me up and out me on his shoulders. "Wow okay is this how it feels like being tall?" I asked holding on to Brendon tight.
"Yes, now hold on!" I grabbed on tightly and said, "Where's Spencer when I need him?" I asked. "OH DONT WORRY WE'RE GOING TO SPENCER!" I looked at David and said, "If I don't come back, you guys will know it was probably because Brendon killed me!" I said. "We'll be at you're funeral," Louis called back but Brendon had already taken me. We stopped outside of some busses, which I guess where the ones we were going to tour in. There were already a group of girls surrounding each tour bus. Brandon carried me off to one of the busses, which I guessed was Panic's!, and started signing some papers , all while carrying me. "Who's she?" One of the girls asked. "Oh she's Patrick's daughter, Cora. I've kidnapped her. She's not going back." "Oh I'm not?" "No, you're not." The girls laughed and one of them said, "Maybe you should let her go. She did throw pie at Joe." I laughed, "And it was awesome." I said. After taking some pictures and signings, Brandon declared he had to go inside and said goodbye.
We entered and I saw Spencer sitting drinking a beer with Dallon too. There were a few other guys I didn't recognize but they were all slightly drunk, I could tell. "Spencer!" I squeaked and he looked at me. His eyes widened and said, "What are you doing here, Cora? Not that I don't want to see you or anything but-" "Brendon has me kidnapped heellllppp!" I said and Brendon laughed. "Told you after show Brendon is pretty crazy," Spencer said. Brendon took out his phone and took a picture of us. I tried to smile but I was a little too busy holding on. "Well it's not kidnap if you agree," he said. "What would make me want to agree?" Brendon set me down. I sat next to Spencer and said, "Yeah you're my body guard here." He laughed and put and arm around me. "Don't worry, he won't do anything. And if he does I'll protect you." "We have cookies," Brendon said showing me a pack of chocolate chip cookies. "Gimme that shit," I said grabbing the cookies and practically devouring it. "Yay Cora's staying!" He said and grabbed two beers. Then stopped. "Wait, you can't drink yet sooo," He left the beer and grabbed a juice box. He handed it to me. I gave him a really? look but drank it anyways.
I remembered that Patrick might worry where I was so I texted him : Hey father Brendon kidnapped me xc and now I'm at Panic! bus just in case you were wondering where I was. I'll leave whenever you want me to bye. Drunk people were funny to watch. Brendon and Dallon were having some game at who could imitate who the best. After watching Dallon try to act like Kristen Stewart and Leonardo Di Caprio and Brendon act like Justin Bieber and Ellen I was ready to die. I was laughing so hard I was near tears. "Hey Brendon act like Pete!" One lf the guys there called out. "Hey I'm Pete Wentz from My Chemical Romance and I love pizza." He said laughing.
My phone buzzed and I saw I had a message from Patrick. Hope you had fun but now it's time to go meet us at the bus. I turned to Spencer and said, "Which one's Fall Out Boy's bus?" "The one in the middle." "Alright, I have to go bye!" I said hugging him and he said, "Okay, goodbye, Cora. " Brendon and Dallon seemed to be in a diffrent world so I just walked out of the bus and saw the guys outside the bus surrounded by many girls asking for pictures and autographs. I squeezed my way through the crowd wth many "Excuse me"s and "Sorry"s. When I got to the part where the guys were I said "Hi," to my Dad and akwardly leaned against the bus waiting for them finish. I looked through my phone trying to find something to entertain myself with when I heard Pete say, "We'd love to do more but we have to go, sorry girls." There were some "Aww" and goodbyes and then we entered. It was pretty nice and tidy. "Well our stuff is already here," Patrick said. "Nice," I said and went to the back where the beds were. I chose the last one in the back, since there were eight. Patrick and Pete took the two on the right and Andy and Joe took the ones on the left. I also chose the one on the left and made sure it was the one closest to the ground.
I crashed and would've fallen asleep if Andy hadn't poked my face. I scrunched up my nose and said, "Aannndddyyy. I'm tired." I turned the other way and he said, "You aren't hungry?" "Uh kinda." "Well we got subway." I jumped out of bed and made my way to the guys who were eating. "Aw did you guys get me one?" "Yeah, but Pete ate it." I wasn't sure if he was serious of joking. "Here it is," Patrick said giving me a sandwich. I was seriously tired and didn't even care what it was since I was starving. "So what was this of Brendon kidnapping you?" Patrick said with a slight smile. "Well I think it wasn't kidnapping since I agreed to stay. But I mean, c'mon you would've stayed too, there was cookies." Joe said, "We have cookies, too." "Really? Chocolate Chip cookies?" "Damn, Patrick we don't have cookies!" "We'll get some in the morning." Patrick said finishing his sandwich and handing me a water bottle. I drank it down and went to take a shower.
When I got out, I was tired as a dog and went to say goodnight. "Goodnight, Dad," I said giving Patrick a hug as he walked to get some video game. "Goodnight, little girl." "I'm not small." I said walking to my bed. "Yes, you are!" Joe said. I stopped walking and turned to him."You're just saying that because you're tall, Joe!" "And you're small, Cora!" "Well goodnight to you too, dear uncle of mine," I said. I was about to start walking when Pete said, "Aw and I don't get a goodnight ?" "Goodnight, Pete," I said yawning. I walked but not before Joe said, "Aw that's cruel, Andy she didn't even say goodnight to you." I walked back into what was like the living room and gave Andy a hug. "Goodnight, Andy." I said and then turned to the guys, "He's the only one who gets a hug because hes the only one who hasn't gotten me mad." I walked off and into my bed. "Goodnight, Cora! " Pete called. "Sleep tight!" Joe called. "Sweet dreams!" Andy called. "Uh, yeah goodnight," Patrick called and I laughed.
I laid in bed for a moment snuggling witht the green blanket. Yeah, that's right I brought it I wasn't going to leave it. I smiled and fell asleep to the sound of video games the guys were playing. This tour was going to be interesting.
Authors Note:
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