A small step to recovery ft. Declan
Declan slept calmly in my arms. He was the cutest thing ever. I knew I wanted to see him grow up, so when Andy brought me a ham sandwich I ate it all without hesitation. Okay, there was a little bit of hesitation, but I still forced myself to eat it. I then realized how hungry I was. When Elisa woke, they brought her a plate of food, but she wasn't hungry and I happily ate it.
The baby hadn't opened his eyes yet and we were all hoping that he'd open his eyes soon enough so we could tell what color they were. As I held him, he opened his eyes and when he saw me, he blinked a little and started fidgeting.
"Patrick," I said softly. He looked at Declan and smiled, taking him in his arms and calming him down. There was this moment when Declan stared at Patrick and they seemed to be alone together in this brief moment of discovery. I smiled at how cute they seemed to be when they were both trying to learn so much from each other just by looking at one another.
When Elisa saw me eating she said, "It's good your eating. I hadn't noticed but you had stopped eating." I shook my head and devoured the small biscuit that was on the plate.
The next day when I was at school, Jaime and Angel approached me happily. "Declan? Wow! How's the baby? When can we meet him? Can we meet him?" Angel was practically begging to meet him and I was laughing.
"I'll ask Patrick," I said. "But you should've seen him! He's so cute and small."
In our lunch time I said, "Do you guys wanna go to lunch?" They gave me a strange look.
"We never go to lunch," Jaime said slowly.
"Yeah, I know, but I heard they were giving cookies. Plus, it's been a while since we've gone to lunch."
"Okay," Angel said and we went to lunch. Sure, school lunch tasted like cardboard, but I reluctantly took a few bite from the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I was a little proud of myself for taking the courage to eat more.
I was most excited for when the baby could come home. But by Friday, everything was fine and the baby was with us in the car. Elisa was still a little tired from birth, but she turned around every minute to make sure the baby was okay. Even if she wasn't, I still kept a sharp eye on him. He was awake and looking around. If his eyes focused on one thing I'd lean in and whisper what it was to him. I guess if looked weird cause Patrick asked, "Cora, why are you so close to Declan? Let him breath."
"Patrick please, I'm trying to teach your child from a very young age," I said.
"Cora, just get away from the baby," Elisa said, a little irritated.
"K," I said and leaned far away from him, but continued staring at him.
When we got home, Elisa said she was still tired and a little sore and wanted to sleep. She went to bed after she saw that we safely brought the baby indoors. Patrick and I carried him to his nursery. Patrick carried him and showed him around his room.
"Look, this is your crib where you'll sleep, and that's a rocking chair." Patrick started.
"Yeah, it's for rocking out. Is this the moment I play Elvis?"
"No, Elvis. Declan's ears are still a little sensitive."
We put him in the crib and he wiggled a little as he looked around. "I feel like we should formally introduce ourselves, " I said. Patrick raised an eyebrow. I put my hand in the crib and stuck a finger to him. "Hello, Cora Stump, your new big sister. Pleasure to meet you, Declan." He looked at the finger for a moment and wrapped his hand around it. That melted my heart.
As you've heard, the next two weeks were painful. I'd wake up in the middle of the night to Declan's cries. I'd walk into the nursery to find Elisa desperately trying to get him to sleep by rocking him and singing to him but to no avail. "Go back to sleep. You have school tomorrow," she'd say when she'd see me. The first week was practically Elisa taking care of the baby at night, and Patrick taking care of him in the evenings. In the second week, the switched and Patrick took care of Declan at night.
Declan was cute when he wasn't crying. We were cautious of not taking him out in case of paparazzi or anything or the sort. What I was excited for was his first bath. It was in the middle of his second week that he was ready to take a bath. Patrick got the baby bath thing ready and Elisa got the baby ready. I stood off in the corner helping both when necessary.
When we laid him in the warm water. He seemed to enjoy it and that's when we starts to dab him gently with a damp sponge. I stood to the side, mostly just helping pass stuff around.
He didn't fidget much. He was a pretty calm baby. Elisa wrapped him in a towel with a hood and he just giggled as Elisa carried him to him nursery. "That's my baby boy. You're so sweet and calm." Elisa dried him and Patrick picked out the clothing for him.
While Elisa slept, and Patrick was in the studio or anything else, I took care of Declan. I sat him in his highchair and feed him his milk in early November. "Open wide, Declan. Like this," I said and demonstrate and stuffed an spoon full of bananas into my mouth. His arms reached for me, and started to complain in him childish manner. "Aahhh. Ahh. Eehh." Whenever he said, "Ah," in a complaining manner, you should probably do what he wants quickly before he starts crying.
"Okay. Okay. Here comes the plane. Whoosh," I said, stuffing the "airplane" full of milk into his awaiting mouth. He made a sound of happiness as he drank his milk. I ate pieces of bananas. It was a small step for me. I was actually eating lunch.
When thanksgiving break came, I was really excited for 1) Thanksgiving and 2) Mornings with Declan. See, I normally only spent a little of the afternoons with him. But with Thanksgiving break, I could spend all morning with him.
We started the first day watching cartoons, Winnie the Pooh, as I feed him. Elisa was grateful that I took care of him because she was now on constant alert with Declan. She had little time to herself, but with me taking care of him, she could spend the day sleeping, reading magazines, and other stuff without having the constant fear of baby crying or falling.
He mostly stared at the screen and I spoke to him, describing what was going on to him. He was on his bouncer and he usually fell asleep half way through the show and didn't wake up until he needed a diaper change.
Jaime and Angel came to visit one morning. Yeah, Elisa gave permission and got ready that morning. She dressed Declan in his cute frog pajamas. A knock came from the door informing us that the girls were here.
I opened the door with Declan in my arms. "Hey, come in. Declan just woke up from his nap."
They melted at the sight of him. They seemed to forget that I was there. They both volunteered to feed him, change his diaper (not even I did that), and take care of him. "I should invite your friends more often. I am going to take while I can." But, she didn't do that. She kept an eye on them. I could tell she was going to be a protective mom.
We took him outside where Tyson was. Elisa made me put him inside while we were outside. We held him his the arms and made him take a few steps. Then we played peek a boo with him and tickled his stomach and all that. Declan was tired after his play date with my friends and fell asleep around noon.
"Aw, he's such an angel. It was nice spending time with him. Thank you, Mrs. Stump," they said as they stood at the door.
"No problem girls. Come around whenever you want," Elisa said.
When they left, Elisa looked at me and we laughed. Declan woke up from his nap. He was grumpy that he was awoken. "Dang, Declan, you're already a lady's man from a young age," I said. He looked at us with squinted us, probably from waking up. Elisa grabbed his hand and put them up as if to make him dance. He just made a sound of protest. Elisa rolled her eyes,but let Declan sleep.
When Thanksgiving came around, Elisa dressed Declan in a very nice baby clothes and I wore jeans and a shirt. Patrick was like the proud dad that loved to show off his son. So when we got to Elisa's family Thanksgiving, he showed everyone and anyone Delcan. He showed off how he recognized his voice and how he laughed every time he sang five little monkeys.
When the actual eating part of Thanksgiving came around, I was anxious. I didn't feel like eating, but I knew I had to. I stared at my corn and turkey. Declan turned to me and started making gurgling noises and pointed to my plate. I smiled and took a bite which made him give me a smile.
I ate my entire plate and before Declan feel asleep him gave me one last smile. I smiled at him as well. He fell asleep and after saying our goodbyes, we left. On our car ride home, Patrick spoke about the new album.
"I'm very excited. The guys and I have been working very hard. I hope our fans like it," he said smiling.
"I'm sure they will, Patrick. So much effort was put into that album," Elisa said, caressing his face.
When we got home, Elisa put Delcan to bed, and Patrick was telling me of his experiences in the tour. "Paramore was fun to tour with. I mean, it's not like they beat us at a water gun fight."
"What?" I asked, turning around to him.
"Yep. We had a water gun fight."
"I wish I could've been there," I said glumly.
"I took some pictures," he said, taking out his phone.
The first picture was Hayley shooting Joe with the cold water. I could tell it was cold cause he seemed to be cold. The next was Taylor and Jeremy ganging up against Pete. Taylor held him down, and Jeremy drenched him. I laughed. The last picture was of the bands laughing together as they sat in chairs, talking as if the only thing that mattered was that moment. I felt happiness fill me when I saw that picutre.
I went to bed and woke up to cries. But they weren't Declan's. They were Elisa's. And the cries were coming from Declan's nursery. I got out of bed rapidly and ran to the nursery. Elisa was looming over Declan's crib, and Patrick was holding her, trying to calm her down. He looked at me and with a look that was in between panic and fear yelled three words. "Call an ambulance!"
Author's Note:
Haha . . . Please don't hate me. Cliffhangers are the kind of thing I'm liking now. What do you think happened? What is going to happen? I am finishing typing this on the family computer instead of my tablet instead of my tablet and I feel weird. Since I am writing this on the giant screen my Mom saw this and said, "Adopted by Fall Out Boy? What's that?" Embarrassing. Please vote, comment, share or like. Luv you guys.
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