10 Year Olds
When I woke up the next morning, the bus was empty. I got out of the bunk I saw the other bunks empty as well. "Guys?" I called out from the back. I walked to the front of the bus and saw they weren't there. I worried a little until I saw the window. The bus was parked outside I small supermarket. "They shopping? And they didn't invite me!?" I said to myself as I walked to the bathroom to change. "They better of bought Nutella," I mumbled. I changed into an All Time Low shirt and blue shorts. But before changing I took a shower.
I combed my hair when I heard the door open. "Cora?" Patrick called a little after getting in the bus. "Padre?" I called back. "What?" A confused sounding Patrick asked. I smacked my forehead and mumbled, "Right, they don't speak Spanish." I opened the door and walked to the living room part of the bus where Andy and Patrick put away stuff into cupboards and the fridge. "Did you guys get Nutella?" I asked. "Um, sorry no," Patrick said. I saw him put away a jar of pickles and proceeded to ask where Pete was. "Por supuesto compran pickles pero no compran Nutella ya vèo como es." I mumbled which roughly translated into, 'Of course, buy pickles but not Nutella, I see how it is."
Pete and Joe came on bus with a couple more bags declaring they were "stocking up for summer." "Good morning everyone on the bus, what's our choices for breakfast?" I asked after everyone had put everything away (Yes, I helped out. Some what. Like took out everything I found interesting and put it somewhere where I could find it later.) and rested for a bit. "Cereal, hot pockets, or . . . " Joe said as he looked through some cupboards. He took something out and tossed it to me. I looked down at it. "Um, I'm allergic to pickles." I said tossing back the jar of pickles he decided were suitable for breakfast. "Seriously?" I nodded and got up to heat up some hot pockets.
When I sat back down, Andy was channel surfing, Pete was reading, and Patrick and Joe were on their phones. "Pete are you actually reading?" I asked. He looked up bored. "Well there's nothing on Tv and my phone isn't pleasing me. It's gonna take us a long time to get there so I thought 'Hey, Meagan had given me this book to read. So I might as well get to know it a little.'" I raised my eyebrows at him and said, "Respect you for reading."
After watching a four hour marathon of Star Trek, we were at the venue. I followed the guys out of the bus. I saw a huge line of fans and I thought to myself, Wow I've aseen only two venues in only Chicago but it's packed. They've got a lot of fans. I saw many fans who yelled and smiled and cried when they saw them get off. It was weird, but I seeing them gave me pleasure. It was like seeing distant relatives who greeted you kindly with cookies and gifts and hugs. Yeah, weird metaphor to use, but closest thing to what I was feeling. But, you know, they didn't give me hugs, or cookies, or gifts. But seeing them so happy was good enough for me.
At Fall Out Boy's dressing room the guys were well on preparing for the show. And by that I mean, exercising, talking, and playing video games. Patrick cleared his voice and sang a few notes. Andy was druming with his fingers. Pete was talking with Brendon and Joe was playing something on and Xbox. I giggled at how they acted like this was no big deal-(Well, they have done this a million times before so it is no big deal.) performing and everything -and decided to take a picture. Patrick had his eyes closed and look liked he was singing a pretty hard high note, Andy looked extremely concentrated, Pete and Brendon were laughing, and Joe looked normal.
Patrick patted my head and said, "We've got ta go. See ya after the show!" I smiled at the guys as they walked out the door. "Adiós! Have fun!" I said. There were a few "Alright"s, and ,"Yeah"s. I smiled and waited a few moments to make sure they had gone. Then I slowly walked to the door and stepped out to find three men.
After awesome show, I went back to the dresser to tell Cora about the awesome fans from the show. I saw a girl with a sign that said in big crazy letters 'Youngblood For Life!" that glowed in the dark! And a guy with a sick mowhawk and part of his hair was blue and the other green. Man, I loved seeing the different fans.
I opened the door to FOB's dresser laughing about thinking about another poster. I looked around for Cora in the room and didn't find her. "Cora?" I called. "Cora!" I paniced for a moment and then I thought, she's probably with Panic! right now. Okay, I'll go check on her. I walked over to Panic! 's room and knocked on the door. Brandon opened the door and said, "Hey Patrick. What can I do for ya?" "Have you seen Cora?" He thought for a moment. "Ah, I think I saw the girl walk past here. I think she was heading for New Politics' room." He shrugged. "Anything else?" "Nope. Thanks." "Alright, bye." "Bye," I mumbled as I walked off to New Politics' room. I don't know why but the idea of Cora seeking out someone she just meet yesterday made me feel uneasy. I shook my head. I was talking nonsense. Why should I feel uneasy?
I was about to knock on their door when I heard Cora voice. "-longer, til the tour's almost over." Then David's, "Alright. But are you-" I knocked on the door because I didn't feel okay eavesdropping on someone's conversation. "Um, Cora?" I heard shuffling and people moving. David opened the door and Cora stood behind him. "Hello Dad." She said in a weird voice. "Hey, just came to check up on you." She looked at me, then David, then back into the room. "Yep, I was jusy leaving. Um, bye David." She turned back and said, "Bye, Soren. Thanks again, Louis. " I heard them muffled goodbyes and then she stepped out with me. We walked back and I thought. What was she doing in their room? She just meet them yesterday and voluntarily went to see them. What did they talk about?
As a man who's meet many bands, and has gotten to know what some of them are like, and is a man, I slightly worried about what they said around Cora. Cora was just 10, they could be cussing, saying inappropriate things around her, letting her watch things she couldn't. I feared for a moment the worest. Then I relaxed. Cora had just gone over to talk to them, right? They know how to behave around a child. I sighed in relief and tried to remember what I went for Cora for. Ah yes, fans.
"Hey Cora, guess what I saw. There was this girl who made a poster . . ." I went on to talking to her about all the amazing things I saw. There was always something new. I watched her face turn to surprise, awe, and then happiness as I told her some of the things I saw.
When we got back to the dresser, Pete said, "Where've you been? The meet and greet is in 3 minutes! Let's go!" I hurried after him and dragged Cora with me. "I'm going too?" She asked confused and shocked. "Yeah, I am not leaving you alone in the dresser." She corssed her arms and said, "Well can't I stay in the bus? I'm just gonna bother at the meet and greet." She said matter of factly. "You'll be sitting on a chair in the back, don't worry." She mubbled something in Spanish that I didn't understand but then said, "Alright." Joe, who was right behind us, said, "You should teach me some Spanish." "I only know a little, the basics and suchs, and mess up frequently. " She said turning around. "I think you'll be better off learning Spanish from someone else." Joe shrugged and I said, "Well you can teach me a little. Whatever you can." "I don't know . . . " "Please? Once we're done in the US we're going to Mexico so it'd be nice to at least know a little to communicate with the fans a little." She bit her lip, which I noticed she did alot and looked quite cute doing so, and smiled. "Okay!" She said with excitement.
At the meet and greet, I sat her down at a chair in the back where the line of fans began. She waved goodbye with a smile and I walked off to where the rest of the guys were. I sat down with a sharpie in hand and it began. A girl with curly red hair was first and she said, "Hi Patrick. I'm so excited to meet you, you've been one of my favorite vocalists since I was 10 when I first heard of Fall Out Boy." She was around fifteen so I smiled at her and said, "Aw thanks. So did you enjoy the show?" I signed a copy of Save Rock And Roll for her. "Yes, this is my first time seeing you guys." "Really? So were we what you expected us to be?" She smiled and said, "Yeah, you were a little more than I bargained for." I let put a short laugh and said, "Awesome." "Alright, bye Patrick!" She moved over to Pete and the next fan came.
While I signed stuff and conversed with the fans, I occasionally looked over ar Cora to make sure she was okay. One time she was talking with some fans laughing, another she was on her phone texting, I actually saw her take a picture with one of the fans. She looked very happy no matter what she was doing. The fans where pretty great. A girl around thirteen came all the way from Indiana because it was the only day her parents allowed her to come. And there was a guy with a broken hand who's cast I signed.
I saw there were only ten fans left in line and looked over to Cora. She was frowning at her lap. She had taken off the bingo hat she wore when we went to a venue. She put on her earphones and went on her phone. Why was she upset?
Once the meet and greet was over it was time to go. I walked over to Cora who hadn't even noticed it was over. I put my hand on her shoulder and she jumped on surprise. She looked at me amd weakly smiled. "You scared me there." She took off her earphones and said, "How'd it go?" "Well. Why are you sad?" She looked confused. "I'm not sad. I'm just tired. Being excited takes your energy. "She smiled at me and I decided she was right.
"So what were you excited about?" I asked as we walked to the bus. "Ah, just everything. It's not everyday a 10 year old gets to tour with 3 bands. Um, 10 year olds. Patrick, how were you when you were 10?" What an odd question, I thought. "Um, I was a kid? I spent my days doing kid things in Chicago. Why?" She shrugged. "Just wanted to know. Anyways," she went on a full on rant about some of the fans she had meet and some girly stuff that I didn't pay attention to. She was talking about nail polish and the different colors when I said, "So you like make up then? Or nail polish? I'm guessing clothes too?" She stopped and put a disgusted face. "No, uh, yeah. I mean, girls like that right?" "Do you like it?"I asked. I was taking this as I light hearted conversation but when I turned to look at her she looked troubled.
"What's wrong?" I asked. She was happy talking about girly stuff a minute ago. "Nothing. Just thinking. But as I was saying," she continued to talk about some movies that were rated pg-13. Different Cora from the morning. As we got on the bus she stopped talking about a fashion show and stared at Joe who was playing something on his Nintendo. "Whatcha playing?" "Legend Of Zelda. You wanna play?" He asked. Her eyes widened and she looked at him offering the Nintendo longingly. "No, thank you. I'm gonna go sleep." She looked down as she walked to her bunk. I looked at Joe and when she was out of listening range I said, "Was I the only one to notice she was acting strange?" He nodded. "Yeah, Cora wouldn't have said no. She would've bet with me that she could finish the game before tomorrow night and I would've won the bet." I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. She would win. " "No, but she was different. She asked if she could play on the Nintendo in the morning. "
"Maybe she's just tired? She said she was tired and shes going to sleep so . . ." I said. "Yeah, that's it." Pete and Andy came on soon after and played Wii til 1 am. Around 10 I went to ask Cora if she wanted dinner but she was asleep. She had left her laptop opened and she was on some gaming site playing mario. On a diffrent tab was Youtube in which she was watching that Youtuber she liked, Dan was it? I smiled and turned off the laptop. I kissed the top of her head and went back to make sure Pete didn't steal my turn.
~~~~Next Morning~~~~~
"No Pete, God dammit. You're stiring it too much."
"Shut up, I've stirred it just fine."
I walked into the front to find Pete and Cora. Cora was glaring at Pete as he stirred a bowl of mix. "Pete the instructions clearly say," she grabbed a box of what seemed like pancake mix, "'stir until mix turns beige', Pete the mix is white not beige!" Pete looked at the bowl he was holding. "Looks beige enough to me." Cora grunted and hit her head against the counter. "Just pour it into the machine thingy." "Excuse you, it's called a waffle maker," I said. Cora looked at me then at Pete and said, "I give up, just make the waffles please." Pete poured it into the waffle maker and said, "Well only cause you said please." I laughed and soon so did Cora.
After eating deliciously made waffles, Cora asked Joe, "Hey can I play Legend Of Zelda, now?" "Sure, but lets make a bet. If you can complete the whole game before the day after tomorrow at night, I'll give you $30." "Nah, I'd rather just play it." Joe's face fell. "Okay, I'll give you $40." "I think not." "$50." "No Joe. Hehe that rhymed. " "$60 and a camera." "Joe don't do this to yourself man." "Cora, just say yes." "What if I lose?" "I get to dump a bucket of trash on you." "I'd say no, Cora," I said. "You're on, give it to me."
And it started. She did not let go of that Nintendo. She spent all day on it. At the show, she stayed in the bus playing. The guys and I watched her in amazement as she played on it. She started at 9am and around 10:30 she turned it off. We watched her stand up and grab an apple. She rubbed her eyes as she looked for a soda and then returned to the game. She didn't sleep for the night, which made me worry.
The next morning when I woke up she was eating cereal with her eyes closed. "You should take a nap." "Yeah, once I'm finished." "Where are you in the game?" She mummbled where she was and I said, "Cool your half way there." She nodded and finished her cereal and went back to the game. Her eyes were red by 1 pm and I said, "Cora I think you should sleep." "No, no I can't. I'm almost done Patrick. Just a few more hours and I'm done." She didn't speak for the rest of the day until it was 8:30. Joe was taunting her.
"Looks like you're not gonna finish. Maybe you should give up now. What kinda garbage would you like?" "Joe cut it off man," Andy said. "You can do it Cora." He patted her head and she smiled. "Thanks Dad. Oh wait, you're Pete. No, Andy right. Yeah, I'm sleeping once I finish this."
She fell asleep on the couch at 1 am and woke up at 7 am. She played until noon and then talked to us a little, and ate. Then she continued playing and I could see the fear in Joe's eyes. After the show, we came back to the bus to see a banner that said I FINISHED THE GAME and the Nintendo was on a counter with a sticky note that said, "I finished the game, Joe you owe me 60 and a camera, I'm asleep don't wake me up til September ends."
I laughed and said, "Joe looks like you owe my little girl." Joe looked shocked. "You didn't think she'd finish it, did you?" Andy asked with a smirk. "Not at all. I need to buy her a nice camera." "I'd recomend an Olympus Tough TG-3." He nodded and I smiled. She actually made it. Wow. As I calculated her time, it took her around 48 hours to finish.
Cora's pov
I woke up groggily and walked out of the bunk. My stomach growled and I walked to the front of the bus. It was around 8 and the guys weren't back yet. I opened the door to get some fresh air when I saw David walking to his bus. "DAVID!" I called put and ran to him. He turned to me and smiled, "Hey, we're you been munchkin? I haven't seen you." I smiled proud of my my accomplishment. "I made a bet with Joe that I could finish the Legend Of Zelda before . . . What day is it today?" "Sunday?" "Oh well on Thursday he bet I couldn't finish it before Saturday and I did. I've been sleeping since I barely slept trying to finish the game."
He looked surprised. "Wow congrats." "Yeah, now we need to make plans for Joe." He nodded with a smile. "Yeah, well I could get us to some water balloons and at the very end of their show, you know, have a water ballon fight. I think Brendon and Spencer would like in on it too. Oh, and not just Joe, but everyone else too." I was shocked by how good that sounded. I stood on my tipy toes and pinched both his cheeks. "David you are a genius!" He blushed and said, "Well I do take pride in my revenge plans." I laughed and realized how hungry I was. "Hey I'ma go eat. Bye, David."
He waved and walked to his bus. I entered my bus and made myself a couple of sandwiches. I yawned and ate my sandwich while watching Hell's Kitchen. I was still slightly tired and read a little.
Later that night, the boys walked in and smiled when they saw me watching tv. "Hey, you're up!" Andy said happily. "Yep. Joe, I will never lose sleep over a stupid bet ever again. Sleep is very important to me." Joe sat down net to me and patted my head. "Sleep is very important to me too." Patrick sat down next to me. "So what are you watching?" I giggled and said, "Supernatural. " I watched as Cas exploded and gasped. Patrick was quite confused on what was going on and I tried my best to explain in 10 seconds or less. "Wait so who's Micheal?" "I don't know, I've just started watching this show and I've watched episodes here and there. But goddammit, lucifer is being a bitch."
Patrick nodded, still confused, and watched with me the season finale. He didn't understand whh I was cirled up in a ball after wailing but I understood so it was good enough. After crying for a bit, I decided to go to sleep.
I woke up hearing Patrick's phone ringing. I stood up and looked at my phone to see it was around 7 am. I laid back down and relaxed as I heard the ring tone stop and then what I heard made me tense up. "Hello? Elisa?"
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