Chapter 7
I woke up before the guys did. When I found them both asleep, I got an amazing idea. I ran to my room, grabbed all my pillows, and ran back. I opened each of their bedroom doors quietly. I quickly started throwing some pillows at Dan, then threw the others at Phil. Of course, none of them hit them since I have a horrible aim. When I noticed Dan starting to stir, I dashed to my room and pretended to read a phanfic on Wattpad that Eliza had recommended to me before I was adopted.
"LILY!" Dan shouted.
I facepalmed.
I had forgotten the pillows in my rush.
I ran up there and into his room. He smirked and threw a pillow at me, missing by, like, 4 meters. I giggled, grabbed a pillow, and smacked him with it.
"It's on!" Dan said.
He grabbed a pillow and smacked me with it. It erupted into a huge pillow fight. Dan was throwing pillows at me while I bopped him with the pillow I was holding.
"You realize that you are just giving me more ammo by throwing them at me, right?" I said.
"Um, yeah?" Dan said.
I giggled as I bopped him on the head several times. He used his last pillow as a shield. I repeatedly hit him with my pillow. Finally, he got up, so I stopped.
"Lily, we should get Phil," he said.
"How?" I asked, despite knowing the answer.
"Do what you did to me."
We gathered up all the pillows and snuck into Phil's room. He was still asleep. I grabbed all of my pillows that were still in here. We stood on each side of his bed.
"1...2...3...ATTACK!!!" Dan yelled.
We bombarded Phil with pillows. He woke with a start and put his arms up as a shield. When that failed, he took a pillow out of Dan's hand and smacked us with it.
"This means war!" Phil said.
It quickly erupted into a huge pillow fight. When I had no more pillows, I ran, Dan and Phil hot on my heels. I tried to hide in a closet, but they found me and showered me with pillows. When I tried to get out, I tripped and fell, knocking them over as well. We all laughed. Before they were able to get up, I took a few selfies. Dan sprung forward and tried to grab my phone, but ultimately failed. Phil tried, but failed. I got up and ran to my room. They got up and followed me. Dan repeatedly bopped me on the head while Phil kept throwing pillows at me.
I threw my hands up. "Okay, I surrender!"
Dan dropped the pillow he had. "Okay."
Phil threw one last pillow at me.
"Phil, I said that I surrender."
He grinned. "I know."
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."
They walked out of the room. I decided to record a short little vlog, so I did that. I told everyone that I needed to change my channel name and to suggest ideas in the comments. Shortly after I uploaded it, I already had several comments.
crazyaboutphan - why change it? it's awesome
everything_sucks - how about PhanIsn'tReal?
CrazedFangirl - RainbowLily maybe?
emoji_lover - LilyLovesEmojis? u said u loved emojis in an older video
Phangirl - just cuz Phan isn't really doesn't mean u need 2 change ur channel name
In_The_Phandom - I agree w/ @Phangirl and @crazyaboutphan
keepcalmandshipphan - I like @CrazedFangirl 's idea! ur hair can get so colourful!
I smiled at the comments. There were some really good ideas.
More comments came in.
danisnotonfire - I like @CrazedFangirl 's idea! it's totally you, Lily!
CrazedFangirl - oh my lord, Dan Howell liked my idea!!!!!!!!! #fangirlattack
AmazingPhil - @CrazedFangirl has a great idea! Lily, you should totally use it!
I giggled at how CrazedFangirl was reacting, so I decided to comment about it.
LilyShipsPhan - I love your idea, @CrazedFangirl ! it's amazing. LilyShipsPhan will become RainbowLily!
At that, CrazedFangirl started freaking out. I smiled.
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