Chapter 4
I woke up on the couch. Wait - how did I end up here? I sat up and looked around. I saw Dan sitting in a nearby chair.
"Dan?" I said.
"What, Lily?"
"How did I end up on the couch?"
He laughs. "Oh, yeah. I wanted to tell you something."
"What's so important that I ended up on the couch."
"I've been pranking Phil, but he doesn't know it."
I sighed. "How long has this been going on?"
"I started last week. I put my cereal in his box and his in mine."
I laughed. "How does he not notice the different type of cereal?"
"He eats my cereal."
"Oh, yeah!"
"Now, I need your help to prank him again."
I thought for a moment, then got the perfect idea. "I have the perfect idea."
He smiled. "Great!"
Suddenly, Phil calls, "Dan, Lily, you're already up?"
"Yeah!" Dan called back.
Dan walked out. I pulled out my phone to plan my prank.
Time Skip
This is what my prank turned into:
Pranking Phil
1. Duct tape his bedroom door shut while he's sleeping
2. Hide his cereal
3. Put hidden cameras in his room
4. Fill the hallways with balloons
5. Hide his electronics
6. Live stream the whole thing
I went to find Dan, but instead, I found Phil.
"Phil, do you know where Dan is?" I asked.
"His room," he replied.
I went up to Dan's room and opened the door. I saw him recording a video. I stood there until he finished.
"What's up, Lily?"
"I planned the prank."
He smiled. "Great! Can I see?"
I handed him the plan. After he finished reading it over, he handed it back to me.
"Do you like it?"
"Yeah, but how?"
"The balloons will be easy to get. We just buy a pack of them from the store. The only other difficult part is hiding his electronics."
"It won't be that hard if we do it when he's sleeping."
"That's when I was planning I was planning to do it."
"Good. Now, let's go get our supplies."
I smiled. "Let's do this."
Time Skip
I carried the cameras in. Dan said Phil was with his girlfriend, so I decided to set up the cameras. I carefully placed the cameras in hidden locations, making sure they were set up correctly. I heard laughing and yelling from Dan. I giggled and continued what I was doing. When I finished, I went downstairs, where Dan was carrying in the duct tape. We had gotten a lot just to be sure we wouldn't run out. I help him hide it. After we hid the rolls of duct tape, Phil came home.
Perfect timing!
I looked at the clock. 11:37. Whoa. We've been doing this longer than I thought. Phil went up to his bedroom. I grabbed a snack and sat on the couch. Dan went to do something. I pulled out my dry erase marker and carefully drew cat whiskers on my face. I giggled and pulled out my phone. I took a selfie, then opened Twitter. I tweeted:
Hello everyone!
I'm about to do my first ever live stream. I - along with @danisnotonfire - will be pranking Phil! Get ready for the LOLs!!!
I giggled and took another selfie.
I got a notification on my phone that Lily had tweeted something and tagged me in it. I opened the tweet.
Hello everyone!
I'm about to do my first ever live stream. I - along with @danisnotonfire - will be pranking Phil! Get ready for the LOLs!!!
Perfect! Phil should be asleep by now. Besides, we hid his electronics, except for his phone. I went to check on Phil. He was asleep. I ran downstairs to find Lily.
"Lily!" Dan called.
I closed the camera feed and stood up. Dan came running down.
"It's time!"
Dan went to hide Phil's phone and I went to get the balloons, which we got inflated. After I got them all in the house, I ran to get the duct tape. I ran upstairs and duct taped his bedroom door shut - don't worry, Dan was already out. We ran downstairs and carried up the balloons. We ended up filling the hallway and more. After we finished everything, we ran out to Dan's car, where we had hidden his cereal and electronics. I pulled up the cameras' feed.
I woke up to the strange sound of balloons rubbing against each other. I tried to open my door, but I couldn't! I wildly looked around my room for my electronic devices.
Soon, we saw Phil wake up. We suddenly got quiet. He tried to open the door, but he couldn't. We laughed. He looked so panicked! He ran around his room, looking for his electronic devices. He looked ridiculous! It was super funny! I saw him approaching the camera whose feed I was on, so I switched. He noticed the camera I had been monitoring. I sighed. He grabbed it and turned it off. Dan went to un-duct tape Phil's door. He came back a minute later. I switched to the camera's feed that was right outside his door. I remembered that we were live streaming the pranking footage. I switched back. Phil tried the door again and it opened. He walked out into the hallway filled with balloons. He looked very confused. I switched camera feeds. He tried to get through the balloons, but failed epically. We laughed really hard. Dan went back out of the car. Soon, he jumped up in front of Phil and scared him. I laughed and ended the live stream. I shut down the cameras, grabbed all of Phil's electronics and cereal, and got out. I went in and found them.
"Here you go, Phil!" I said laughing.
"Thanks?" he said.
I smiled. "You're welcome. I pranked you."
Dan and I started laughing like maniacs. Phil glared at us and went upstairs. Prank successful!
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