Whats so amusing?
Nari is seven
Nari giggled as she "secretly " spied on Hoseok while he played on his phone. He was lying in his bed, one arm behind his head and his legs crossed while he looked around twitter to see a few ARMY's posts.
Nari was simply peeking around the doorframe, her small ponytail hanging off of the back of her head was the only thing seen along with her eyes.
She giggled again, slightly louder than she has meant to which somehow flew to Hoseok's ears, making him look over. Not even minding that they made eye contact for a split second, Nari whipped her head away from the doorframe, covering her mouth and stifling a giggle while he hid on the walls of the corridor. Hoseok simply chuckled and shook his head with a smile. What was so amusing?
"Ah... She must be playing make-believe... That's it." He thought to himself.
He smirked smugly, pretending to go twitter when in reality his phone had turned off and he was simply listening to her movements while staring at a black screen. In the corner of his eye he could faintly see Nari's little ponytail hanging off of her head, but decided not to do anything. He'll wait a little to see where this will go...
Hearing a small giggle come from her, he had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling. Even if it was a small giggle, If it was from Nari it was almost guaranteed that you'd be joining her in laughter.
In the corner of his eye he could make out her slowly sneaking along the wall of the room and making her way to his desk. As she bent down to hide on the side of his desk, Nari accidentally bumped the said desk with her knee.
A few papers ended up floating down to the ground along with the rattling of pencils in a metal tin, followed by a small-"Ow!" as well. Hoseok stifled a laugh and raised an eyebrow, putting his phone down onto the bed, standing up walking over to the area and picking up the papers that has fallen, placing them back onto the desk.
Whistling, completely "not suspicious" of course, Hoseok began to walk back to his bed. "Oh, I wonder if my smol little child is here~! Oppa misses her~!" Hoseok sang in a voice five octaves higher than his regular voice.
"Smol" was a word he had seen associated with Jimin many times by fans, and he thought that is must be a play on the word "Small" so he began calling Nari his; "Smol little child" as a cute nickname.
Another giggle sounded from behind him as teeny tiny footsteps could be heard behind him. Hoseok stopped walking and grinned, still hearing her walking.
"Now what did I forget to do?"
He asked himself, tapping his chin with his finger and placing a hand on his hip. "Oh right!" Hearing one last giggle, Hoseok quickly turned to face Nari, yelling; "Boo!" loudly.
Which in response Nari just squealed and ran towards him, hugging his legs tightly with a grin while Hoseok smiled down at her, hugging her back as well as he could being somewhere around two feet taller than her. "What are you doing, silly?"
Nari giggled and shrugged, squealing softly again when Hoseok decided to pick her up. "I dunno!" She replied while wrapping her arms around Hoseok's neck. "I'm bored!" She said.
Hoseok gasped over dramatica- scratch that he told the author to just say dramatically instead of over dramatically because the reaction was genuine.
Hoseok gasped dramatically at this statement. "You're bored! Good heavens!" He yelled, making Nari both cringe at the loudness and laugh at him. She had almost gotten used to the yelling by now. Key word "almost".
"Yup!" She said, squealing for a third time as Hoseok threw her up into the air gently, catching her afterwards. "Well then Princess Nari, what shall we do?" He asked with a smile after she was once again securely in his arms.
Nari put her arms around his neck, laughing but pausing after his sentence. "Hm..." She hummed, thinking to herself. Until she finally thought of something. She gasped. "Can we go pretend to be spies and spy on Kookie-Oppa?!" She asked, a big smile forming in her face as her eyes turned into crescents. Yet you could still see wonder shining through the small slits where her eyes were while she smiled.
Hoseok laughed and nodded, putting her down gently and getting into his knees. "You have made your decision, princess!" He said. "You can now mount your horse!" Nari giggled, jumping onto Hoseok's back and wrapping her legs around his waist while her arms wrapped around his neck. Hoseok grinned, standing up and heading towards the door. "To Jungkookie's room?" He asked. Nari nodded, pointing down the hall triumphantly.
"To Jungkookie-Oppa's room, J-Too-Much-Hope-Oppa!"
This was trash and auditions for The Wizard Of Oz are on Tuesday
There's these two people that I hope aren't there Bc they're rude. One of them is 7 and acts like she's 2 and the other is just so rude. She literally bad mouthed my sister because she had a seizure during a musical, when she's epileptic and can't control it. I told her off tho
Plus I forgot that it was a Sunday the other day so here's a Monday update hahahahaha you all love me and my updates right 0u0
~ Alex💚🇨🇮
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