Oppa problems
When Jungkook's "Oppa" issue seeps in.
Nari is 8. They covered her face with pink hello kitty masks and Namjoon's oversized-(slightly damaged) sunglasses as well as put Hoseok's oversized hoodie on her until she was comfortable with the fans being around all of the time.
"Thank you for coming everyone! Please stay healthy and we look forward to seeing you again!" And with a final bow, they were off. The boys ran offstage, waving with large smiles and slightly dampened cheeks as adrenaline pumped through their veins, making their bodies shake with excitement as lights of different colors and shapes flashed around them, including the cameras and phones from the audience. They all smelled like they had ran a marathon in the desert, bullets of sweat running down their faces as their clothing stuck to their skin like personal towels, but they didn't care. As soon as they got backstage they immediately hugged each other tightly, wiping each other's tears with the tissues provided by their makeup artists who were nearby and ready to help them get ready for the meet and greet that they had in less than twenty minutes. Why was this so emotional you ask? Well, apart from their sweaty hugs and rushed waves, there's one thing I left out. The almost asleep eight year old girl in Taehyung's arms, who had just been introduced to the A.R.M.Y's for the first time ever. And they loved her. Nari was slightly scared at first, the large amount of screaming and lights flashing. She had hid her face in Hoseok's neck, who had carried her out. She started out with her baby pink mask on, her second favorite one that had princess Aurora on it. Her first favorite was her hello kitty mask, but she wanted to wear her pink princess one because it was Jin's favorite. She also explained that to the audience once she had gotten used to them. And afterwards, they put her near the front of the stage, and of course asked the security guards for extra protection, and let her watch spring day. She could also be seen dancing her arms around cutely and her mask moving gently, meaning she was singing to it. Jiminnie-oppa even ran up to her and let her sing his part! Which she loved of course. Mainly because she got a proud kiss on the cheek from him, and favorite thing was a kiss on the cheek from one of her Oppa. "Oppa?" Nari asked, currently sitting on Taehyung's lap as he got his makeup done in the dressing room backstage. "Yes, aga?" He replied, looking down at her but then immediately getting his head propped back up by the makeup artist. "What's that?" She asked, poking at the wextended black wing that came from the corner of his eye. Taehyung chuckled and looked down at her, not moving his head this time of course, and caught a glimpse of her attempting to get the eyeliner that had wiped off onto her finger. "It's makeup," he began, grabbing a tissue from the vanity in front of him and beginning to wipe off her finger. "Eyeliner to be exact." "Eye-...liner?" Taehyung hummed, encouraging her that was the right word. "Eyeliner. It makes your eyeballs look darker and bigger." Nari raised an eyebrow. Why would they need to do that? "Why do you need that? You already have big eyes!" Nari said, prying his eyes open while the makeup artist saw this as a perfect opportunity to pop in Taehyung's contacts. He blinked out of confusion once the little fingers that had previously been prying his eyes open had been removed, as well as a contact had been popped back into his eye. Once he finally was able to regain his composure and get over his slight case of distortion, it was time to go and Jin was rushing him out. Taehyung ended up carrying Nari out, even though Hoseok whined the whole time and begged him to let him carry Nari. And Taehyung refused because he had realized that he doesn't get much time with Nari due to his introduction and making her afraid, so he was hoping to bond with her more. But when they had gotten to the venue and saw the thousands of people waiting to meet them, Nari was terrified. And had somehow ended up with Hoseok. But Taehyung had a plan. Oh did he have a plan. He was sitting next to Hoseok, so he knew just how to he Nari all to himself and have the fans on his side. Once he sat down, Hoseok was showing Nari off to the eager fans, all of them cooing at her shyness as she hid in Hoseok's chest. Here's where his plan came into play. As soon as Hoseok turned to face him, he let out a whine. Hoseok raised an eyebrow at this as Taehyung reached out towards the two and made grabby hands, which the fans just ate up. Hoseok smirked. He had an idea. So, he walked up to the table, and set Nari down in his seat, then turned to Taehyung. That wasn't how it was supposed to go. And then, Hoseok plopped down onto Taehyung's lap, earning lots of laughs and screams from the large audience they had. Taehyung forced a smile out in between his embarrassment and shoved him over to Yoongi, who was on his other side, who shoved Hoseok to the floor while the said boy just laughed. Taehyung rolled his eyes and picked the confused Nari off of Hoseok's chair, setting her in his lap and giving her a big hug which she returned. "Oppa, what was that for?" Nari asked once he had let go. Taehyung just shrugged as fans began coming, and the signing began.
<{After the signing}>
"Tae-Tae-Oppa?" Nari called out, currently laying on Taehyung's chest while he cradled her in his right arm, signing with his free hand. He hummed of acknowledgement, glancing down at her while writing. "I'm sleepy..." She said, yawning in the middle, making both Taehyung and the fan who was currently in front of Taehyung giggle. "Do you wanna take a nap? It is pretty late..." he mumbled to himself, checking his phone from where Nari had it in her hands. She had been playing some puppy care games on his phone the whole time, until she grew sleepy and the phone automatically turned off. Nari nodded while Taehyung took his phone and put it in his pocket. She held the blue bear that she had carried with her close while Taehyung carefully passed her over to Yoongi so he could finish the signing quicker, although Yoongi was also half asleep and somehow thought it was something he needed to sign so he almost signed her arm, until Jungkook grabbed her from him before he could. Yoongi just blinked a few times and attempted to wake himself up, and of course the fans loved that as well as they loved the millions of pictures taken of Jungkook and Nari. Jungkook was slightly uncomfortable and it was obvious, but Nari had fallen asleep immediately once everything stopped moving and she was securely in someone's arms, she was out. After a few minutes, she felt the lap she had been laying in disappear as she woke up, arms wrapping tightly around her as the person bowed and a crowd cheered. She could hear a familiar voice saying something, but couldn't exactly make out who it was. She was just sleepy. But she wanted to know who it was talking. So she sleepily opened her eyes, clutching her bear tightly in one fist as well as tightly clutching someone's shirt in her other. She rubbed her eye with the back of her hand as she looked up sleepily, her other eye barely open as she saw Jungkook's nose right in her face and almost hit her head on his chin. She then looked over to the voice to see who was talking, and silently nodded to herself as she noted Yoongi's black hair and pale skin. Then she flopped her head back onto Jungkook's shoulder tiredly, making the shy boy look down at her. She wasn't asleep, she didn't wanna go back to sleep. But she was still waking up, so she might as well flop onto him. She then heard the crowd cheering and saw Yoongi turn to face them, making slight eye contact with her and smiling. Hoseok then stepped out of the line and walked over to Jungkook, holding his arms out for him to take Nari. Nari was so tired she didn't even notice the change of pillows at first, until she saw Jungkook walking behind her. Then she yelled something that made all of the fans freeze.
Yeah. Including Jungkook. He had a look of horror on his face meanwhile Taehyung and Yoongi had died of laughter, and the fans all had their cameras out ready for YouTube. Nari whined softly and held her arms out to him, while Hobi turned to face Jungkook with a look of shock on his face. Nari wasn't extremely close to Jungkook. Mainly he just held her hand and saw her off to school with Jin, and then she didn't talk much to him because Taehyung and Hoseok picked her up afterwards. Then she played around with different members, ate dinner, and she usually went to bed about an hour later depending on how much homework she had. "Jungkook-oppa!" She whined again, pouting. Jungkook let out a shy smile, hiding his face with his hand while stiffing a laugh. He then looked back up to see Nari still pouting and staring at him intensely. So he gave in, and took her from Hoseok, balancing her on his hip as he took the microphone from Yoongi. Nari had already made herself comfortable, laying her head on his shoulder and playing around with her bear quietly while he spoke, and all of the fans caught it on tape.
"She can call me that because I know for sure she's younger than me."
lol I liked that one.
By the way, thank you for 1K reads, guys! :D
~ Alex💚🇨🇮
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