Introduction: 4
Nari POV
We made something called-"gingerbread" cookies, and they tasted really yummy. I'm still not sure what they are though... W-wait it isn't poison right? I don't know... But all I know is that I fell asleep on the couch after eating lots of cookies and now I can't find anyone...!
I start to feel myself start to cry while I looked around. "Hello?" I said quietly. My lip twitched and more tears started coming. It was really dark and everything looked scary...
There were a lot of shadows everywhere... One when looked like mommy...! But I was too scared to get up and look for anyone... "I want my Oppa..." I said to myself. Then I heard heavy, sleepy footsteps... Wait... Is that Daddy!? No! I don't wanna be punished again!
I tried really hard to be quiet but I couldn't and ended up crying kind of loudly. "Nari?" I stopped crying and looked at the hallway near me. "... Oppa?" I asked. I felt kind of calm when i saw Yoongi-Oppa's face come out of the dark.
Third Person POV
Nari sniffed, holding her arms out to Yoongi while tears still trickled down her cheeks. "Oppa," she whimpered. She was terrified as more shadows began to dance onto the walls, and didn't even realize that Yoongi had already picked her up and was carrying her back to his room. "Nari, did something happen?" He asked tiredly. Nari sniffed, clutching the teddy bear that she had woken up with tightly in one hand, and her old baby blanket she had also woken up with clutched in her other hand.
"N-no one was there..." Yoongi sighed, opening the door to his room. "It scared you?" Nari sniffed again, mumbling a small "yeah..." As Yoongi sat down on his bed with her in his lap. "Well, I'm no singer so you aren't getting any lullabies, but you can sleep in my bed tonight." He said, gently sitting her down against the head board.
Nari's eyes widened. "Really, Oppa?" Yoongi smiled tiredly and nodded, going to the other side of the bed while building a small pillow wall in between them.
Nari just stared at him. How could someone be so nice? And why would someone be so nice? Yoongi also took notice of the little girl's staring and smiled tiredly again. "What? Something on my face?" Nari immediately shook her head, using Jimin's earlier violent shaking as reference. "Yah, don't shake your head so roughly..." Nari was about to apologize like she had killed someone, and climb out of bed then limp back to the scary couch before Yoongi cut her off.
"You'll get a headache..."
She looked back over at him, curious. "That's why you wanted me to stop?" She asked. Yoongi yawned and nodded. "Yeah, headaches aren't exactly pleasant." Nari was curious as to what that word meant, but she just figured that it meant headaches aren't fun from his tone. "Oh... Thank you for letting me stay here, Yoongi-Oppa..." Yoongi glanced over at her, laying down and getting comfortable. "Why wouldn't I?" He mumbled, trying to find a comfortable spot to sleep.
"Well... D-Daddy never let me sleep in his and Mommy's bed..." Yoongi frowned and turned to face her. "How comes?" Nari shrugged. "I guess they didn't want me there..." She said, sniffing again afterwards. She clung onto her teddy bear tightly, holding onto it like a lifeline. Yoongi then sighed, and tiredly sat up.
"Well... We want you here, Nari." Yoongi began, taking her blanket and putting it over her. "We aren't your parents... And You've been very a sweet girl to us..." "I have?" Nari questioned. Yoongi nodded, tucking her in and laying back down on his side. Nari was never called, "nice," or "sweet,". She was always told she was a brat, or a disrespectful child. She was astonished at his words.
Nari pouted when she remembered there was a wall of pillows in between her and her new favorite person, so with all of her strength-(they were oh so heavy pillows), she managed to push the pillows to her feet and climb over to Yoongi, only to see to her dismay, him sound asleep.
She pouted again. "Oppa fell asleep already?" She thought to herself. "Well... If Oppa is asleep, maybe I can cuddle him without him knowing!" Concluding that this was indeed a good idea, she slowly pulled herself towards him, just barely being able to with her starved body. She smiled and wrapped her thin arms around Yoongi's larger one. "Goodnight, Oppa..." She said quietly, closing her eyes peacefully while she cuddled up against his arm. She didn't know why... But she had just felt so safe around Yoongi. She felt as if she could tell him about anything bad and he'd protect her.
And he contributed to her safe feeling, for tonight he kept her protected from the terrifying shadows that looked like her mother. Yoongi sighed and turned over to face a now sleeping Nari. He had felt bad for faking his sleep, but he felt slightly awkward and didn't exactly know how he could calm her fears. So he figured he'd fall asleep and let her work it out on her own... But he wasn't able to sleep. At least not until her fragile body clung onto his arm. He smiled and closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Nari."
Alright. Where's my house I'm going home *spots trash can* oh there it is
~ Alex💚🇨🇮
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