Introduction: 3
Alright I wasn't supposed to update until next week but I wanna update now so hahahaha and also this makes no sense so try to bear with meh
"S-so you promise he isn't that loud normally...?" I sighed and smiled. "He isn't, I promise!" I said. She then giggled and nodded, slowly dragging herself off of me. "Ok.. Then what's his real name? V is a letter... Not a name..." She asked, cocking her head to the side cutely and looking over at Tae confused. Tae just blinked and stared at her. I "gently" pushed him off the couch and he finally introduced himself. "T-TAehyung! I-... I'm Taehyung..."
She giggled and nodded. "What's your name, sweetie?" I asked, shaking my leg a bit so that way she'd bounce lightly in my lap. "K-..." She paused a little, almost looking scared to tell us her name. "Hey, we won't hurt you...!" Jimin said, sitting down next to us and gently holding her hand. I had a feeling that she was going to grow attached to him... She looked at him with wide eyes. "Really?" Jimin frowned. "Well.. Yeah! Of course...! No one should get hurt..." I heard her sniff and watched as her eyes became glossy.
"T-Then why did Daddy and M-Mommy wanna-.. Wanna hurt m-me...?" She said, beginning to cry more. I frowned and pulled her close, stroking her hair. "Hey.. You're alright, honey... Your parents aren't gonna hurt you anymore." She sniffed again against my chest. "Promise...?" I nodded and kissed her head. "Promise." She raised her brow in confusion and pulled away to look at me. "What was that?"
I blinked, confused. "What was what?" I asked. She poked my lips. "When you put your lips on my head, why'd you do that?" Tears filled my eyes. This poor little girl...! She didn't even know what a kiss was! I guess her parents weren't even loving to each other... I covered my mouth as I glanced over at Jimin who had already began crying a little. "Why are you sad?" She asked.
"Baby... You don't know what a kiss is?!" I asked, shocked. She shook her head. "I haven't even heard that word before... Wait..! No I heard someone say that before.. I don't know what it means though." I smiled sadly and kissed her cheek. She giggled. "I like it." She said. I laughed with her. This little girl's laugh... I swear it would be able to light up a room. "Well.. A kiss is a way of trying to make someone feel better, comfort them. It's how you show you care." Her eyes lit up. "Really?!" I smiled and nodded. "Yup! And some people put their lips to another person's lips to show that they really care for them and love them." She giggled and I joined, glancing over at Jimin to see him wiping his tears. "So.. What's your name again?" Yoongi asked, sitting down on my other side and resting half asleep on my shoulder. "K-.. Kim Nari." I cooed. "Awwe! That's such a pretty name!" I said. She shook her head and laughed quietly. "No it isn't...!" I gently tickled her, but such to my horror I could feel her rib cage while she laughed. I immediately stopped and hugged her. "Sweetie... When was the last time you ate?" She paused and thought to herself. "Uhm... When I went to school last." "And when was that?" "December 12th! My birthday I turned seven!" She said smiling. I froze. It was December 16th. How this poor thing's kidneys didn't stop functioning was a miracle. Jimin frowned again. "We need to get some food in you..." She frowned and tilted her head. "Why?" I started stroking her hair again and tried to make her feel relaxed in case it scares her. "I-... It's December 16th, Nari..." She paused before pouring. "Aw.. Man! I missed my birthday!" I heard Jimin laugh through his tears. "You also missed four days worth of food!" She paused and blinked for a few seconds.
"Oh yeah that too..." She then frowned and looked at Jimin's hand that was still wrapped around her's. "Daddy says that.. I don't deserve to eat..." My eyes widened. "Sweetie...! If you don't eat you could...!" I stopped and hugged her tightly. I knew that if I were to say something else I would just burst into tears. "... How about we bake some cookies, yeah?" She gasped, excited most likely. "Really?!" I smiled and nodded, picking her up as she let go of Jimin's hand and clung onto me for dear life.
"W-wait...!" I stopped walking towards the kitchen and looked over at her, confused. "C-could... Actually.. N-never mind..." I frowned. "You can ask us anything, Nari. Did you want Jiminnie to come with us?" I said, slowly starting to smile. She shyly grinned and nodded. I could almost feel Jimin beaming from behind me while he ran up, taking her from me and running over to the kitchen with her in his arms. I sighed and smiled at the two, running over to them.
"Jimin be careful!" Jimin immediately stopped spinning, throwing her up lightly and playing around with her in his arms and turned to me, slightly confused. "What do you mean? This is how all people play with their kids..." I sadly smiled. "I know... I'm just not wanting her to do anything really crazy active until she can get her weight back up..." Jimin immediately frowned and hugged her tightly to him.
"Sorry..." I continued smiling. "It's okay. We'll be able to play soon with her!" Nari pouted and smashed her cheek to Jimin's still slightly damp cheeks. "Okay..." She mumbled. Jimin grinned once again at her cuteness and pulled away from her to kiss her cheek. She giggled again. "You guys must care a lot or something!" I smiled, glancing over to see Yoongi getting out the cookie tray for us and accidentally dropping it In the process. I saw Nari immediately cling onto Jimin tightly and hide her face in his shoulder while he also tightened his grip on her.
It looks like an overprotective older brother holding his little sister... Yoongi blankly stared at them for awhile before picking it up and gently placing it back down onto the counter. "Sorry, Nari..." He said quietly, almost walking away before I quickly turned him to face her, realizing she hadn't been introduced to him yet. "Oh, Nari this is Yoongi!" Yoongi timidly waved, tired. Or maybe just sad that we forgot to introduce him...
Jimin smirked and whispered something into Nari's ear. "Are you sure?" Nari asked. Jimin nodded violently, making her laugh. Jimin then gently set her down and had to hold her hand to help her walk over to Yoongi. She looked up at him while Jimin let go of her hand, replacing his with Yoongi's. She blinked for a few seconds, looking as if she were studying his face. But she then smiled, and weakly pointed up at him.
I'm the Real trash™ right here.
Lol. We only have about four more introduction chapters to go~! I'm excited to actually upload some real oneshots.
~ Alex💚🇨🇮
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