Apparently Allergic
Nari is eight
"Nari, are you sure you don't want Taehyung and Hoseok to take you home to get some sleep?" Yoongi asked, his voice soft as he carried Nari outside of the large building known as the BigHit studio. Nari nodded with a grin, her pink princess Anna mask covering most of it other than her cheeks lifting up to indicate that she was smiling. "I'm sure!" She exclaimed. The boys has just finished practice for the night and it was somewhere around 11- wait no, maybe even 12 am, and even though it was extremely late they were hungry.
Very hungry.
And of course Taehyung and Hoseok were planning to take Nari home and eat at the dorm, but Nari thought otherwise. Yoongi. "Okay then... But if you get tired tell me and we can go out to the car and sleep. Yeah?" Nari nodded as Yoongi climbed into the eight-seater car he had been talking about. He carefully set Nari in her seat, sitting next to her while Jimin climbed in and sat on the other side of her, and got his seatbelt on, Nari and Jimin doing the same as they heard the engine of the car turn on (curtesy of Jin of course). "Oppa, where are we going to eat?" Nari asked, sliding her mask down and then grabbing Yoongi's hand and playing with it. His hand was very big compared to hers, and Nari liked to pretend his hand was the hand of a giant, and that she had made friends with the giant. This especially was fun to do with Namjoon and Taehyung. With Jimin it was near impossible though. "Most likely something fast and cheap. So probably fast food." Yoongi replied, looking down at Nari's hand while she played with his. "Ohhh... So like Casey's?" She asked, looking up at him with her head tilted to the side slightly. Yoongi chuckled and nodded. "Yes, like Casey's." He said. Casey's was one of Sung-Ho's favorite places to eat, and of course being Nari's "boyfriend", he told her all about it. Apparently they had chicken nuggets shaped like baseball bats! And the dipping sauces were in the shape of a baseball, so it was like the chicken was hitting the sauce! (A/N lololol it's obvious this place ain't real lololol) By the time they had gotten there, Nari had been so occupied with thinking about the place, she hadn't even noticed that they were already there and Yoongi was now carrying her inside. Luckily, he had already put her mask up so the probability of getting bombarded with fans was slightly lowered. "Nari, what do you want to eat?" Yoongi asked, shaking Nari out of her small trance. She looked around the place. It was a very cute little building, and it reminded her of what her teacher told her about what the 50's and 60's were like. She was an older woman, a bit on the chubbier side, but it just added to her kind aura. Her name was Miss Choi. The place looked like an old diner, with a little jukebox on each table where you could put a quarter in and request a song to come on the speakers. Directing her attention back to the menu, she immediately knew what she'd want. "Six chicken nuggets, please!" She said with a grin, her mask covering most of it. Yoongi chuckled and nodded, going up to the lady at the cash register with a small-"alright". Even the employees looked like they were ready to go to a baseball game! "Hello sir, welcome to Casey's." The woman said. Nari's eyes quickly scanned over her name tag to see that her name was Ji-Won. She had short black hair, a small amount of acne on her jawline and very faint freckles along with piercing brown eyes. "A #7 and a #3, please." Yoongi said, glancing at Nari who was still staring at the employee with no expression. She must be hanging around Taehyung a lot lately... The lady nodded, pressing some things into the electronic cash register before she looked up. "The #7 is made with peanut oil, is that alright?" Yoongi looked like he was about to open his mouth to say something, before he looked over at Nari. "... I'm pretty sure she's fine with peanuts... Right? ... But then again, I'm not sure if we've ever even given her peanuts... S**t..." Taking his chances, Yoongi looked back at the woman who now had one of her eyebrows peeked up at the two. "Yeah, that's fine." Little did Yoongi know, that one decision will seriously f**k up the two rest days they had beginning tomorrow.
Everyone giggled quietly at Yoongi. Why? Well, he had the oh-so smart idea as to put French fries in his mouth and arrange them to look like the fangs of a vampire. But the others however... Ended up taking it for a walrus. "Nari, look at Yoongi-Hyung, he looks funny." Taehyung said, looking over at Nari. Nari wasn't looking at the two, but she was looking down. And that immediately set Taehyung off. "Nari...? Is everything okay?" A sniff came from her, making everyone look over. "My
Tummy hurts..." Nari said, looking up with her lip quivering and hugging her arms around her stomach. Jin could see that tears were pooling in her eyes and she looked as if she could cry at any second. He also could see the hives that started forming on her shoulder, just barely not hidden by her long hair. His eyes widened, but he tried to remain as calm as possible. He didn't want to freak out Nari. But well, I mean how can you remain calm when your daughter is having an allergic reaction to something she ate though!? "Yoongi." Jin said sternly, catching Yoongi's attention. "Her shoulder..." One of the rapper's eyebrows perked as he looked over at Nari, carefully moving her hair away from her shoulder only to see what Jin was talking about.
Hives going down to her forearm.
Then it clicked...
Nari was apparently allergic to nuts.
Yoongi turned white as a sheet, along with everyone else. looking as if all of the blood in their bodies fell to their feet within seconds. "Hospital." Namjoon blurted out quickly, getting out of his seat immediately. "What!?" Nari yelled. "Namjoon!" Jin yelled at him, not as loud as Nari as she had already caught the attention of a few nearby employees. Luckily it was only them and a nearby couple in there, or else paparazzi would be all over them. "Come on, Nari," Namjoon said, walking over to her and carefully pulling her out of her seat from behind her. "We're gonna go to the doctor's and get that checked out." Namjoon said. What? He wasn't lying... Mainly. "What!? Why!?" Nari yelled, tears once again pooling in her eyes and threatening to fall in large fat streams. Namjoon's eyes widened at the sight of her tears. "B-Because- Uh..." Jin rolled
His eyes, getting up from his seat and taking Nari from his arms and into his own. "We need to get you tested for a allergy," he began, walking over to the door and opening it, the other members completely forgetting about finishing their meals and now following pursuit. "So we're gonna go to the doctors for a bit, ok?" Nari shook her head. Nope. Not okay. Not okay at all. But she didn't want to talk back, so she simply let her tears fall and cried. "Jimin, take Nari. I'll drive again." Jin said, carefully passim Nari to Jimin while he nodded. Quickly getting into the backseat, Jimin placed Nari on his lap, putting the seatbelt over both of them as Yoongi and Jungkook filled in on either side, the rest of the members doing the same as they all worriedly eyed Nari. Nari was now in sheer terror. The rash had spread more so it was even easier for her to see it, as it was now on her left forearm. Jimin looked down at her. Her face was flushed and her breathing was now shallow, and her eyes were slightly hooded. "Oppa... I'm tired..." Jimin's eyes widened as he started to panic. She was going to pass out. All seven of the members started yelling things along the lines of-"No!" "Don't go to sleep!" And "It's so early! Don't go to sleep!" That one was accompanied by a nervous laugh. "But Oppa!" Nari yelled back, her voice quivering as her lip trembled. "Come on Nari, stay with us okay?" Yoongi said, having already grabbed her hand in between the bouts of yells. Nari only let out a small whine, feeling Yoongi give her hand a gentle squeeze before everything went black.
It was scary. Dark. Unknown. New territory. And she hated it. It looked like the TV when Yoongi-Oppa said that she couldn't watch my little pony, or miraculous ladybug anymore. But it also looked like the basement... But the dorm didn't have a basement! ... It looked like her old basement... The one that she'd be locked in for days at a time by her father. That's why it wasn't comforting. Whenever she was in the dorm, she felt happy and safe. But she never did in that basement. And that's exactly what this darkness reminded her of. She didn't like it. She wanted out. But she couldn't move... This only lasted a few more minutes before she opened her eyes, and then there was light.
"Joon...?" Jin whispered, leaning towards Namjoon. He simply hummed in acknowledgement, eyes still fixated on the tiny body laying in a hospital bed while connected to a bunch of machines that he couldn't even name "When do you think Yoongi is going to stop... Um..." He glanced over at him. "Rocking himself...?" Namjoon looked over at Jin with a face of-"The f**k" until Jin gestured over to Yoongi with the face of-"Don't F**king sass me young man" and he looked over at him. And dang, he looked horrible. He was pulling at his hair, obviously stressed while curled up into a ball and rocking himself slowly. He looked paler than normal as well. Come to think of it, all of them looked that way. Jungkook was pacing at the foot of Nari's bed, Taehyung was tapping his foot impatiently while Hoseok was holding Jimin in a hug near the door. It was expected though. They had been there ever since last night, and it was now about 4 in the afternoon. Jimin hadn't even slept. He had just cried the entire night. Hoseok volunteered to take him back to the dorm and take care of him for the night, but now they both had large bags under their eyes. "What did Hoseok say about Jimin?" Namjoon asked, turning back to Jin. Jin sighed and shook his head. "He cried the whole night apparently. He wouldn't let go of Hoseok, and once Jimin fell asleep and he tried to go to his room he'd wake up and start crying again..." Jin said, eyeing the pink balloon Reji had left when she had visited earlier in the morning. It was tied to the guards on the sides of the bed so Nari wouldn't fall. "They ended up falling asleep on the couch together..." Namjoon nodded, his attention snapping towards Jimin and Hoseok when tiny sobs once again came from that area, before looking back at Nari. She looked like how she had looked when they found her. Sickly pale. Veins were slightly prominent on her face, extremely visible on her hands and forearms, as the hospital gown didn't help to make her seem less weak. The one they had changed her into was too big for her, therefore they had to use safety pins to keep it from falling down. Yoongi sighed, still pulling at his hair while he looked over at her. This was his fault. It had to be. He was the one who thought it'd be fine if she ate the food. He was the one who let her eat it. The test results came back early in the morning, saying that she was allergic to peanuts. They said it was good they acted quick, or else Nari could've gone into anaphylactic shock, and could've even died. Jin was the first one to burst out into tears of course when the doctor announced that, along with Jimin and Taehyung next and small tears shed by Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook. Yoongi didn't say anything though. He simply got up, went to the restroom, and cried. At somewhere around 5 in the morning the nurses tried to push them out of the room, asking them to go rest themselves at their house and to not stress about it anymore, but all seven of them refused. That was their baby on the hospital bed, and she could wake up at any second. And she wasn't going to be alone once that happens. "Jimin, please stop crying... She's okay, the doctor just wants her to rest...!" Jimin shook his head, burying his face into the crook of Hoseok's neck as he shook with sobs, panting from the lack of air. "I-... Can't...! S-She almost... Died!" Jimin stuttered, sobbing into the last dreadful word. Hoseok just frowned, rubbing Jimin's back while gently shushing him. His sobs soon died down and once again the horrid silence came. And now they once again had to play the waiting game.
About an hour later, Yoongi and Hoseok fell asleep. Taehyung was now obviously taking care of Jimin as the shorter boy was curled up to his side, clutching his shirt in fists while small bursts of tears fell down his cheeks every so often. Namjoon sighed. "I'm gonna go call Reji and tell her what's been going on, she's been worried sick about her." Namjoon said, taking his phone out of his pocket and looking around in the contacts for Reji's name. Jin nodded, not taking his eyes off of Nari. While Namjoon was on the phone a small groan was heard. "Hold on Reji," Namjoon said, taking the phone from his ear and putting his hand over the speaker momentarily. "Tae, I need you to calm down Ji-...?" Namjoon was cut off by Jin smacking his arm. He looked over at Jin with a face of-"Why the f**k did you do that" until he saw Jin wasn't even looking at him. He was looking at the now half conscious Nari on the hospital bed. Her face was contorted into a look of discomfort, and she was slowly regaining a small amount of color back into her face. "Oppa...? Daddy...?" Nari mumbled, eyes hooded while she looked around. Yoongi's head shot up from Hoseok's shoulder, now awake, his eyes immediately going over to the hospital bed. "Nari...!" Getting up from his chair, he quickly stumbled over to the bed, falling onto it and engulfing her in a hug, his tears finally falling. "You scared us so badly..." He said, shaking gently. Nari was now fully awake and alert, and felt horrid even though she didn't even remember what happened. "I'm sorry..." Yoongi just shook his head, now close to sobbing as he moved her hair, gently kissing her forehead and shushing her. "It's okay, it's okay... You're okay..."
Btw, in case you're wondering just why Nari is a bit more childish for her age, it's due to the trauma of when she was little. Sometimes when kids have a rough childhood they tend to act a bit younger than they actually are due to them subconsciously attempting to live out their childhood the way they wanted to. It may seem sad but for some it's actually a very good comfort system.
Btw thanks for 4K reads guys
~ Alex💚🇨🇮
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