"Am i dying?!"
Nari is 9. And before you start an argument thinking you can't get your period at that age, yes, you most definitely can get your period at that age. It all depends on how quickly your organs mature. My grandma got hers at 9, and I got mine at 10. It's aaaallll normal. Some girls even get it earlier :( and btw I was kinda hesitant with publishing this but it's funny oh well. Besides people need to get more comfortable with this topic. It's legit just a natural thing that happens but people make it seem like you're talking about kinks.
"Oppa," Nari mumbled, walking over to Jimin and Taehyung while they played video games. Jimin was about to beat Taehyung on their final lap of a Mario kart course, until Nari caught his attention and Taehyung took this opportunity to make his character, Bowser Jr, zoom toward. Taehyung jumped up in victory, yelling along the lines of-"I WIN! NA NA NA NA BOO BOO!" In a sing song, while Jimin rolled his eyes and looked over at Nari with a smile. "What is it, Nari?" Nari frowned while pointing to her stomach. "My tummy hurts," Jimin frowned, sticking his bottom lip out comically while pulling her into his lap. "Aww, in sorry aga. Do you want pain medicine?" Nari nodded, wrapping her arms tightly around Jimin's neck while fighting tears. Her stomach really hurt, and she didn't know why. It hurt on the lower half, and it felt like everything was freezing up and trying to move, but once it moved it hurt. "Okay, stay with Tae-Tae, alright? I'll go get the medicine," Jimin said, carefully passing her over to Taehyung and smiling. Nari nodded and mumbled a small-"ok" while Jimin stood up and went to the kitchen to find the medicine. Taehyung smiled while Nari sat down in his lap, while his white pants blended perfectly with her white skirt. (*DUNDUNDUNNNNNNN*). Just then, someplace felt...
Nari's head turned to the side while she stared off into space. What was that? Was it just her imagination? Did she wet her pants by accident? Well, whatever it was, it had helped her pains. "Oppa?" Taehyung hummed, pausing the game he had resumed playing and looked down at her. "Yes?" "My tummy stopped hurting now..." Taehyung raised an eyebrow. Weird. Usually when Nari had a stomach ache, it lasted for quite awhile. It didn't really stop after awhile. However, he smiled "Well that's good!" Taehyung beamed, giving her a hug. Nari giggled and nodded, hugging him back loosely. But then once again, someplace felt...
She didn't get it! She wasn't wetting herself, she knew that... But it felt like that. Well, since it felt like that, Nari decided she'd go use the bathroom. "I'm gonna go potty," she said, standing up and running to the bathroom. Taehyung smiled and nodded, but froze when he saw a stain on Nari's tutu. Hm. Weird. "Probably she spilt juice by accident on herself... I'll tell her later." He thought to himself, shrugging. He then went back to his game, picking up the game controller that was laying on his lap, until he noticed the same stain on his leg where Nari was sitting. Alright, now that was weird. He just shrugged it off and figured she had spilt her juice recently and that the color transferred over to his pants. Oh well. He'll get some new ones. They weren't Gucci so they didn't really have any value anyways. Well. That was until he heard a scream coming from the bathroom, and froze. Wait.
Oh wait.
"JIN-HYUNG! GET OVER HERE!" Taehyung yelled, getting up and sprinting to Jin's room while pounding on the door. A few seconds later, Jin opened the door with tousled hair and his pajamas wrinkled, along with his eyes half-open. He yawned while rubbing his eyes with his palms. Oops. Taehyung had forgotten Jin wanted to take a nap earlier. Oh well. Taehyung then grabbed Jin's wrist, once again sprinting over to the other end of the hallway and stopping at the bathroom door. "I think Nari has got an... issue." He whispered, glancing at his leg. Jin's eyes widened as he immediately woke up the rest of the way. "What!? Is she okay?!" Taehyung shushed him and nodded. "Yeah, she's fine. But she had a stomach ache earlier... And you know how sensitive she's been lately...!" He whispered. Jin's eyes widened even more-if that was even possible- as he slowly nodded, glancing over at the door, then back to Taehyung before facing the door. He knocked gently a few times before speaking. "Nari? Are you okay?" A few seconds pass and then a small timid voice comes in from behind the door. "Daddy? I think I'm dying..." Jin held his breath. "How comes?" "T-There's blood in my panties!" Jin stifled a laugh and shook his head. "No! You aren't dying! Don't worry... uh... Just stay there ok? I'm gonna call Namjoon and ask him to pick up some..." He cleared his throat. "Essentials... I'll get Yoongi to stay with you outside the door, ok?" A small-"okay..." was heard from behind the door, and Jin took this as a sign to get going. "Taehyung, go get Yoongi. She'll feel more comfortable with him being out here." Jin said. Taehyung nodded, running to the other side of the hallways and throwing open the door to Yoongi's room. A small-"Hyung~!" Was heard, then along with a grunt. And then a string of curse words along the lines of-"Get the f**k off of me you fat little sh**" and another groan of pain, then something along the lines of-"Hyung! Stop pushing me off the bed!". Jin chuckled and shook his head. They really acted like kids sometimes. Now to call Namjoon. He took out his pink flip phone, walking to the living room and flopping onto the couch as he dialed Namjoon's number.
"Uh... We have a slight... Problem."
Namjoon froze in the middle of the aisle. What problem? Did Jungkook try making Nari lunch again? Did Taehyung try to get on Nari's bike again? Did Jin hurt himself while cooking?
"Okay... what's wrong?" He asked.
"We need you to pick up.. uhm..."
"Need me to pick up..?" He repeated urging for him to go on.
"P-Pads... The smallest ones you can find."
"Oh dear."
Namjoon burst through the door, looking terrified as he had about 15 different cases of pads in his arms. "I-I didn't know which one was small!" Jin sighed and nodded, getting up from his previous position on the couch to overlook things. "I did some research on this... apparently the..." He looked over all of the packages until finally finding the correct one. "Blue one is the smallest!" He exclaimed, grabbing the package from him while Namjoon fell down with the rest afterwards. Not even giving a sh** about that, Jin then ran towards his and Nari's room, getting a new pair of underwear, and a new tutu of course, hastily and running back to the bathroom door to see Yoongi on his phone and talking to Nari. "Hmm... Isn't it Fluttershy?" Yoongi sighed, probably bored. "Right again," "Yay! I'm so good at this!" "Yep..." Jin stifled a laugh, catching the pale boy's attention while he looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "Finally," He mumbled, standing up from his previous sitting position. "I love her, but half an hour of online My Little Pony quizzes were killing me," Yoongi said, leaning his back against the wall and crossing his arms. Jin rolled his eyes going to the door and knocking softly on it. "Nari?" "Yes?" "I'm gonna close my eyes and open the door ok? I have something to help clean it up." Jin could practically hear Nari nodding. "Ok!" So he then shooed Yoongi away and put his hand over his eyes, opening the door with the pad and clothes in one hand as he blindly placed it onto the counter while he had his head peaking through to show his eyes were closed, getting out of the bathroom and shutting the door afterwards. He then uncovered his eyes, getting his phone out and going to the website that showed what to do and mumbling the steps to himself. "Okay..." He said once he finished reading through the steps. "Okay Nari, get your new underwear on and put the dirty ones on the floor." "Okay..." A bit of shuffling was heard.
"Ok.. But what's this blue thingy for?"
"It's to catch the blood."
"Wait... There's more!? Where does it come out of!?"
Oh dear.
"Wait... Does it come out of THERE!?"
"W-Well.. yes-"
Jin sighed. He's feminine, but not that feminine. So, instead of continuing all of the other sh** the website told him to tell Nari, he decided to call one of the makeup artists and ask her to help.
"Reji?" He mumbled into the phone after dialing her number. She was a makeup artist from Japan, and she was absolutely adorable. Jin almost didn't know if she'd be educated in this subject because of how innocent she seemed. "Yep, that's me!" She giggled on the other line. "What do you need?" Jin held his breath. How does he say this... "W-We need your help..." "Uh... Alright. What's up?" "Nari had a stomach ache earlier today, and-"
"Oh no! Poor thing, is she okay?"
"Y-Yeah! She's alright. But she got her.... um..." He cleared his throat,
"H-Her... WOMAN.... I-Issues..."
There was a pause on the other line, before a giggle was heard. "Alright, where is she? I can help, if that's what you called for?"
"S-She's in the bathroom. I can put the phone under the door for her to hear you. Can you help?"
"I'm a woman no."
"O-oh.. okay.. thanks anywa-"
"Oppa! I was joking! Gosh. Of course I can help her!"
"Y-You can!?"
"Yes! Now, she cannot use a tampon yet, so you need to pick up pads at the store."
"We have the p-... pads. But what are tampons?"
".... Anyways, so can you put the phone to where Nari can hear me?"
Jin then crouched down onto the floor, sliding the phone under the door and yelling to the other side that she was inside the bathroom.
"Alright, Nari! It's Reji!"
"Oh. Hi JiJi!"
"Hello! Okay, I'm gonna help you get the diaper-looking thingy on, ok?"
And then, Jin left them to it. But he was still wondering... Exactly what was a tampon? He had heard of it, but how was it different from a pad?
"She was right..." Nari mumbled while she walked out to the living room. "It is like a diaper." Jin frowned, but then remembered something special he had. He researched a bunch of things on... Woman issues. And had found out that girls usually crave candy, chocolate, and anything sweet. So... "I'm sorry, Nari." He said, standing up and walking over to her, bending down to her height and hugging her. "I don't like it! How long does it last??" She whined. Jin then quickly pulled out his phone, looking it up hastily. "... it depends, it could be two days or it could be a week..." He said, scanning the rest of the article quickly before putting his phone away. Nari groaned and fell limp dramatically, Jin catching her with a laugh. "Come on, stand up straight," He smiled at her while she giggled and did as she was told. "I have something that might make you feel a bit better~!" Jin said, picking her up and taking her over to the kitchen. Nari gasped excitedly, grinning. "Really!?" Jin grinned and nodded, opening a cabinet in the kitchen. The little girl cocked her head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "Daddy, that's the candy cabinet. What are you doing in there?" She asked. Honestly, she was just secretly hoping he'd shrug and say "because why not", but she knew better than that. Or so she thought... Jin kept his grin while getting out a chocolate bar and walking over to the couch. "Well, while you were in the bathroom with Reji on the phone, I shooed one of your Oppa out to get some-supplies! And one of those supplies were chocolate bars!" Nari grinned as Jin handed her the bar of candy. "How did you know I've been wanting chocolate lately!?" Nari yelled, ripping the wrapper open and immediately devouring it. Jin laughed. "I know everything! I'm your dad!" And he silently thanked all of the other female makeup artists who had almost yelled at him to get candy.
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