Chapter XII
This story will be narrated in 3rd Person Point of View from now on unless notified by the author.
The same pattern repeated up for the next few days. They'd leave Aidee at school so she could practice, she'd walk to the building for lunch, then she'd be driven back. A lot has happened in the past few days, too. The boys were invited to the American Music Awards to perform, and for a few interviews, so they took up this chance to promote Love Yourself Her and Aidee all on it's own.
It was currently November 7th, at around three in the morning, when Aidee awoke crying again. This time, she didn't scream or yell. She silently cried. This time, the dream was different, because it wasn't entirely a dream. It was a memory. "Aidee?" Jungkook awoke, turning to illuminate the room with his lamp. She turned to look at him, shirtless, blanket covering half of his pijama pants. Her tears ran freely and silently down her cheeks as she tried to wipe them away with the back of her hand. Jungkook rapidly got up from his bed, sitting at the side of hers. "What's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?" Aidee nodded, and Jungkook enveloped her in a hug. She cried for a few minutes on his shoulder, then moved to let him sit completely on her bed. She took one of her anime plushies, a Ciel Phantomhive one, and hugged it as she spoke. "It was a real dream, Appa." Jungkook shifted on the bed as he looked at her to continue. "I dreamt of how I was before everything. How my mom and I were abused by my real dad, until they divorced. How I was bullied when I was young because I didn't have a dad. How I met my dad, and my mom's wedding, and how they... died," she said, her tears stopping, giving her an air of coldness and trauma.
"H-how did they...?" Jungkook dared to ask, hugging her close to his chest, laying down with her. "In a post office, a man came in and shot everyone inside. Except for me." Her voice cracked as she spoke, tears falling again. "My father's body was right in front of me and he killed my mother with me watching. The worst is that, I can't remember him anymore. His face slipped away from my mind after a few days, and I hate it. He could.... Be... Any... One...." Her voice slightly disappeared as she fell back asleep in Jungkook's arms.
He laid both if them properly on the bed, covering their bodies with the blanket. Then he began to think. He was her older brother now. Her father. Rather, one of them. He had to act like one. He had to protect her, even and especially from her past. He couldn't understand how a girl like her could still be going with a situation like that. How is she so strong? She truly is something.
The next morning...
"Yah! Jeon Jungkook!" Yelled Jimin, causing the duo to suddenly wake up. "Yes miss I'm getting up I'm late-" Aidee cut herself off as she babbled half asleep, sitting up. Then they noticed the snaps of photos. "Cute," commented the shorter male at the pictures taken by Taehyung. "Yah, we're late! Get ready!" With that, the duo got up from the bed and headed their separate ways. Today was the day of the official rehearsal for the concert at the school, so Aidee dressed in a pair of sweatpants, a BTS sweatshirt, a black coat, sneakers and a scarf. Jimin was right. They were so late, Jin could only prepare Aidee's to-go breakfast sandwich and juice box. A new van had been appointed to them, for more space to fit them all comfortably, and so they drove the young brunette to the school. However, before she got out of the van, Namjoon said, "Baby girl, we're gonna be extremely busy today, nonetheless late, so we won't be able to have lunch." He put his hand in his wallet and took out some money, handing it to her. "Here. Go have lunch with your friends today. Okay?" Aidee took the money and nodded, hugging him. "Got it, a-oppa," she replied. She hugged all of her Appas and left the van to go to the school.
"Annyeonghaseyo! Sorry I'm late!" Aidee exclaimed as she stepped inside the dance room. "Dee Dee!" Jisoo exclaimed as she was sitting on the floor with Sumin while the boys danced. "How many times are they gonna change their song?" Aidee asked, sitting aside the duo. "Miss Evans said this was the last time. Tomorrow is the general rehearsal after all. Plus, it's all Seung's fault," commented Sumin, furrowing her eyebrows. "By the way, what happened to him?" Asked Jisoo, moving to face Aidee. "He got expelled from the company," Aidee inquired as she leaned back against the wall. "I'm so tired. Namjoon-ssi and Yoongi-ssi stay up all night producing songs, and just when I thought I'd get some sleep... The nightmares came back." "Again?" Asked Jisoo. "What nightmares?" Sumin asked, leaning in. "The death of my parents. It repeats on in my head sometimes at night." There was some silence, none of the two girls finding words to console their friend, but they were saved by Mrs. Kang, who called them up for practice. "Alright, show me Havana and Boombayah, please."
After a while of dancing endlessly, they were off to lunch. "Aren't you leaving, Aidee noona?" Asked Yoosung, who walked with the rest to the cafeteria. Aidee shook her head. "No. My dads are working today, so I won't have lunch with them." "Yah! Aidee's staying with us, hyungs!" Exclaimed the blonde, catching the ear of everyone. "Really? Yes! Aidee's sitting with me! I call dibs!" Exclaimed Zen, grabbing the brunette by the wrist and pulling her towards their table. "Woah! Mystic Messenger is sitting with another girl! Omooo!" A girl whispered to her friend. "She's cute!" "Ew no she ain't." "She's stealing our mens." So on and so forth. They bought their food and sat down. Aidee sat aside Zen and Saeran. "Aidee, why don't you have chopsticks? Didn't you get any?" Asked Saeyoung. "You can have mine," offered Jumin. "No, it's fine. I eat with a spoon because I don't know how to use chopsticks. Seokjin appa said he'd teach me when he'd have time." They all let out an ohh, and continued eating. "Actually, we have a special announcement," informed Zen, elbowing Jumin.
"Ah, yes. We've officially picked out a name." Everyone of the girls awaited his response, and he finally said it. "Mint Blitz." The girls looked at each other. "Why?" Sumin asked. "You don't like it?" Asked Yoosung. "I like it. It's nice and simple," Aidee said, eating her kimchi. "Thank you. That's what I said," Saeran smiled. "It's because we didn't want to use MysMes or anything that had to do with it. We're making our own fame. From the beginning," explained Jumin. "Cool, right?" Asked Saeyoung, nudging Sumin. She rolled her eyes, but clapped. "Love it. It's cute." "Yup," said Jisoo. After lunch they all headed to fit their costumes, then up to the last class. "Alright, tomorrow is the general rehearsal at Seoul Art Center. The school will provide the transport. Are your costumes ready?" asked Zen to the girls. "Yes, we're trying out the finishing product today!" responded Jisoo with enthusiasm.
After lunch, the groups headed out to the respective fashion designers and tried on their outfits. Sumin had Camila Cabello's outfit complete with the barrette, while Jisoo and Aidee had the same black dress, so they didn't stand out much. However, Aidee's outfit was a red Leotard made out of the same fabric as Sumin's Havana dress, and underneath it was an even more revealing leotard made of silver glittery fabric. The only thing she wore with it was a pair of heels. "My dads are going to kill me." "This is what K-Pop is, Aidee. You're either cute or bold, and you're a cute bold," Jaehee said as she looked around her and fangirled over her own masterpiece. "I can't believe how good it fits you!" She exclaimed. Later, they were able to leave to their last class to plan what was going to happen the next day.
"Hey, where's Jisoo?" Aidee asked as the duo was walking in the hallway. "I think she left to class early," Sumin said, shrugging her shoulders. They walked towards their dance room, and what happened caught Aidee off guard.
"Surprise! Happy birthday!" The whole classroom ceiling was covered in helium balloons and the walls had streamers and a huge banner that read "Happy Birthday" in English. She was paralyzed at the door, and soon a huge smile crept on her face and tears rolled from her eyes. "Don't cry, sunshine!" exclaimed Hoseok as he walked up t her and hugged her. She sniffled a bit, but looked up at Hoseok and smiled. "It's happy tears, don't worry," she said and walked inside. Her dads had planned a bunch of games, from random play dance to try to sing challenge. "Baby girl," started Namjoon, "Your presents we'll give you at home, okay?" Aidee nodded, She didn't care about her presents. She was having so much fun she couldn't think of anything else but how happy and grateful she was of having them all together.
Later when they got home and they were all showered, they made a V Live for her birthday and sat her in the living room, facing the camera.
Aidee: You don't have to do this... *Is embarrassed and hides her face in her hands*
Taehyung: We want ARMY to see our beautiful little girl~!
Jimin: ARMY say hi to Aidee~~
Hoseok: *trumpet noises with mouth* It's her birthday!!!
*They all start singing happy birthday in Korean while Aidee claps shyly. Namjoon enters the room holding what is left of the cake with a candle that says 16 on it*
Aidee: Yah, it's gonna fall! Hold it like this. *Puts Namjoon's hand on the bottom and side of the plate*
*Everyone ends singing and sit down in chairs aside her*
Yoongi: So, it's Aidee's birthday. *The members stop to applaud* And being her first birthday with us and turning sixteen, we got her presents and an ice cream cake.
Seokjin: We ate the cake earlier today, by the way.
*Everyone chuckles*
Jungkook: Can I start? *Nervous laugh*
Jimin: You're not the youngest, ayeee!
Taehyung: Say something nice before giving her present!
Jungkook: *laughs* Okay okay *takes his present and stands aside Aidee on angle*
Aidee: *smiles* Hi *Everyone bursts out laughing* Why do you laugh?!
Seokjin: Because you're funny! *windshield laughing*
Jungkook: Okay, okay. So, when we went Halloween clothes shopping, we went into this store, and I found this and thought you might like it. *Jimin and Taehyung aw* Shut up hyungs! *Everyone laughs* And, uh, I don't want you to forget your childhood or have a short one like mine, since I had to grow up pretty fast, and I thought, "Hey why not buy her this so she'll never forget where she went or what she did?" So here it is. Youth is never coming back, sis.
*He gives her the present, which is inside a box. Aidee opens the box and awes at the gift. She takes it out of the box to see it's a ticket stub diary, to put all the tickets from concerts, events, shows and movies.*
Namjoon: I didn't expect that from you, Jungkook.
Seokjin: You've become a man! *starts applauding*
*Everyone applauds and Jungkook gives Aidee a hug and goes back to sit down.*
Jungkook: There is something inside, too.
*Aidee opens the book and squals*
*The members are frantically asking her what is inside, and Jungkook nods.*
Jungkook: ARMY knows already. Just show it!
*Aidee shows a ticket that says American Music Awards TALENT BTS. Then, Seokjin stands up with and stands where Jungkook stood.*
Seokjin: His was cool, but mine's perfect. *Everyone oohs* I'm the oldest and the wisest. I know when you like something, and in the Halloween clothes outing we had, I asked you about something in the jewelry store, so I went and bought it for you.
Hoseok: Hyung! Give it to her already!
Yoongi: I want to give her mine too! Hurry up!
Seokjin: Don't cut me when I speak! I'm your hyung!
*Aidee laughs along with the maknae line and Namjoon. Seokjin kneels down and opens a small box*
Seokjin: Will you be my princess forever and always?
*All of the members start squealing and Aidee frantically says yes. Seokjin puts the ring on her right hand's finger and she shows it off to the camera. It's the ring she eyed at the store, the one with an opal in the middle.*
Aidee: How did you know I liked this one in particular? I looked at all of them!
Seokjin: You spent five minutes just looking at it!
*Everyone laughs and Seokjin sits down, with Yoongi standing up.*
Yoongi: Can I say it in English?
Namjoon: Can you speak it?
Seokjin: *windshield laugh*
Yoongi: *turns to Aidee while the maknae line leans forward to expect his English* Aidee, my shortcake, my love, my inspiration *Namjoon whispers: Oh my god he's doing it* I fell for your shy personality . I knew we had to adopt you, and thanks to it, I got to know more you and loved you more. *Aidee tears up* You're creative and caring and have such wow things, I had to give this present. Please use it to capture the world in your eyes. I love you.
*He hands Aidee a gift bag. She pulls out a pink polaroid camera and stands up and hugs Yoongi*
Aidee: I love you, dad.
*She wiped away her tears and they both sit down. Hoseok stands up.*
Hoseok: Why did all of you sound like you're proposing to her? She's our daughter! *Laughs with everyone else*
Namjoon: That's what I was thinking!
Hoseok: Well, when we went Halloween shopping you wanted to buy a pineapple dress, but your size wasn't there. So, I went back and bought it your size! Happy birthday sunshine!
*Aidee and him hug and he hands her the bag, and she takes out the dress to show it off*
Taehyung: Ohwaa! It's my turn! *Stands up with a box wrapped in a heart patterned paper* My little blueberry-
*Yoongi snickers*
Taehyung: *Looks at Yoongi* As I was saying *smiles back at Aidee* You've grown a lot from the time we've spent together. I didn't know what to get you, so I asked Hoseok-hyung to help me. He told me to get you matching shoes for the dress! But when I went shopping for them, I saw these and thought they'd fit your wardrobe better. So here, blueberry. I love you so much!!
*Taehyung envelopes her into a hug for a few minutes. He sits back down and Aidee tears down the paper of the box. She takes out white booty heels with spikes.*
Namjoon: Oh my God, Taehyung!
Seokjin: They look grEAT!
Jimin: *Laughs* Those don't look her style!
Yoongi: I approve of those shoes.
Aidee: I like them a lot! Where did you find these? I have a board full of these on Pinterest! *Looks at them in awe*
Taehyung: *grins* I have my sources.
*Aidee laughs and sets them carefully with the rest of the presents*
Jimin: Namjoon-hyung, I think you should go first.
Namjoon: Okay, if you insist. *Stands up with a small box and stands aside Aidee*
Hoseok: Everyone has their tissues, right?
Aidee: What for?
Seokjin: It's Namjoon, princess.
Jungkook: He always gives a speech.
Jimin: I should've let him last...
Namjoon: Hush, I'm going to speak. *Clears throat* Aidee, you've seen our dark sides, as well as our idol side, but most of all, you love us for who we are, and support us all the way. However, I feel like we haven't been able to support you as much. In these past few days, you've attended concerts with us at night, while during the day we take you to school and that's it. You cheer for us, while we don't do much for you. But we know what you do, and what you are capable of doing. You have many talents, like vocals, dance and art. Sometimes you surprise us with your acting skills. We want you to develop your skills and your hobbies so you can succeed in life, and I hope my gift- our gifts, help you in your life and in your journey to find who you are. We are here for you, forever and always. Aidee fighting!
*Namjoon hugs Aidee and gives her the small box, opening it to find a stainless steel bracelet with her astrological sign on it*
Aidee: APPA- EH OPPA! *Blushes, hoping no one noticed her mistake* It's beautiful! I love you guys and I'm going to support you even more from now on!!! *Hugs Namjoon tightly*
Jimin: IT'S MY TURN YAH!!! *stands up holding a gift bag*
Aidee: Yay Chimchim~!
Jimin: So, um-
Jungkook: Aww he's nervous!
Seokjin: *snickers*
Jimin: *eyes the two of them* Alright, so, you're getting old, and since you're already a second year student, I thought it was about time you got a phone. I see you carrying one around, and I quickly found out it was a sort of toy phone you use with the wifi here? I guess? So, as a surprise, I got you a phone. So even if we're all apart from each other, we can speak to each other. I already saved our numbers in it. *Gives her the gift bag and she opens in it to find the BTS x LG phone. It comes with a charger and headphones with their logo on them.*
Hoseok: Because you deserve them!
*After a while, Aidee takes all her things to her room and the boys end the VLive*
Why did it take me more than two years to get to her birthday? Any who, IM BAAAAAAACK!! There'll be more action in the next few chapters so look forward to them!!!
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