Chapter VII
Namjoon POV
We had already picked up Aidee, and we were currently watching her cook with Jin. She was teaching Jin about a few spices she knew of. Apparantly you could grow them in the kitchen, or so I translated. I was sitting on the kitchen counter, translating for the two. "She said that salt, pepper and garlic is all you need to season the chicken. Also to spray non-stick cooking spray on the pan first," I translated for Jin. He raised a brow, looking at Aidee. "You sure?" He asked. Aidee nodded and handed him the condiments. After about twenty minutes, the food was done and I called everyone to the table. "Alright, before anything, tomorrow is Halloween," started J-Hope with a grin. I looked at my left to Aidee, confirming if she could understand. It seamed she did, since she smiled at J-Hope and nodded. "So? We already filmed the Halloween version of GoGo. I was not pleased," Taehyung said, glaring at Jungkook for getting the costume idea. "Hey! Why don't we take Aidee trick or treating?" Jimin asked excitedly. "Good idea. Ask Aidee," Jin told me. Before I could speak, however, Yoongi spoke to her. "Do you want to go trick or treating tomorrow, shortcake?" She nodded excitedly with a big smile.
"Can we all of us go?" She asked in Korean. We all looked at each other and nodded. "What do you want to dress up as?" I asked her. She thought for a moment, taking a bite of her food. "I'll be Snow White if you're the seven dwarfs," she said. I translated to the boys and they all nodded. "Perfect," said Jin. "Oh, Aidee, you have to tell us today of your story. You know, for the album," I remembered. She nodded and took a sip from her water. "Where do I start?" She asked with a small smile. "Birth. That's the one I'm taking, since I'm the oldest," Jin said. I translated to her and she nodded her head, clearing her throat.
Aidee POV
"I was born on November 7th, 2001," I started. "When I was born, my mother told me that my crib was placed aside the window. The nurses who came to check up on me would say that they would find me smiling up at the moon. The same night, there was a storm. I don't know if this is on any importance," I paused, "but I would laugh and giggle at thunder and lightning." I looked at them as I spoke, their gazes showed interest as Namjoon Oppa translated for them in a low voice. I continued, "Since then I consider thunder and lightning companions when I'm lonely. Anyways, I know that my around that time, my parents started fighting. My father's job didn't pay much and mother was stuck at home taking care of me. When I was a toddler, she would tell me not to run, not to break anything or become sick, because I was too precious for disaster." I laughed at the memory of my childhood.
My brothers smiled at me and urged me to continue. "This next part is a bit sad..." I said. "You don't have to tell us today. We can stop here," said Yoongi Oppa. I took a deep breath and made this decision, "One last thing." They all started to listen intently again. "When I was a toddler, my father lost his job. Him and mother would fight almost every night. I always thought it was because of me, but when I was older, I got my answer." They were at the edges of their seats. I smiled and shook my head. I wanted to leave them on a cliff hanger so I had more to tell tomorrow. I stood up from the table and washed all the dishes while they all discussed what I had just said. It felt good to get everything off my chest, so I'm glad they're doing this for me. It's incredibly nice of them. After I finished my chore, I walked to mine and Kookie's room. I climbed in bed and pulled the covers over myself. My brothers then came in and tucked me to sleep. Tomorrow was Tuesday, but it was Halloween, so I didn't have any classes. Thank the heavens. I gave a small sigh as I closed my eyes, drifting away from consciousness.
"Wake up!" I heard a choir of voices chant, then a sudden pressure was placed over my body. I slowly opened one eye to see Jungkook Oppa laying over me, smiling. I sat up and noticed the rest of my brothers smiling at me. "Good morning," I greeted with a small smile. "Morning! Aidee, get dressed so we can go buy the Snow White dress for you!" Exclaimed Hobi Oppa. I mumbled an okay and they all kissed my cheek, leaving the room afterwards. Except for Kookie, who was still laying over me. He shuffled over me and got up, hugging me. "You're very cute, Dee Dee." I smiled at the nickname he gave me, with a slight blush on my cheeks. He released me and walked towards the kitchen, so I took my clothes and went to bathe. I dressed in a white sweatshirt that said 'spoopy' with a cute ghost on it, black ripped jeans and black converse. I sat on my vanity and started brushing my long hair, when Jimin Oppa came in. "Breakfast is done, Aidee," he said with a smile. Then he came closer and asked, "Can I braid your hair?" I nodded and handed him my brush and a hair tie. I never knew Jimin Oppa could do very beautiful braids.
In just a matter of minutes, he was done braiding my hair. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. We then walked together to the dining table. Seokjin Oppa had made scrambled eggs for everybody. I took a seat aside Jimin and Taehyung Oppa and ate happily. "Woah, Aidee! I love your hair!" Hoseok Oppa exclaimed. "Thank you. Jimin styled it," I quietly said, nibbling on a toast. Everyone looked at Jimin with wide eyes. "Don't ask," he said. After finishing our breakfast, I was washing the dishes when the boys started to discuss something. They laughed and argued a bit, but I guess it was of what to post on Twitter today. I turned around once I had washed the last plate to see then recording me. I waved shyly at the camera. I guess the boys were introducing me to the ARMY, since Hoseok Oppa was now speaking to the camera, taking glances at me.
Jimin was the one with the camera this time. Yoongi Oppa motioned for me to sit aside him, so I did. He put an arm around me, and I leaned on him. Jimin moved the camera to us now. I smiled shyly and waved a bit. I was a bit camera shy. "Aidee, introduce yourself, please," Yoongi Oppa said. "O-Okay... Hi, I'm Aidee Cordelia! It's nice to finally introduce myself to you!" The boys awed and after a while, Jimin stopped recording. Seokjin Oppa told me that they introduced me to the ARMY. Now I had to wear a mask to go out in public in some places, so Taehyung Oppa gifted me one if his. It was white to match my outfit. I thanked him and we all went to the elevator, with me holding Taehyung Oppa and Hoseok Oppa's hands. We walked towards the center of town, where a bunch of people were going about their business in the various shops. There were children playing and chasing each other in the center plaza, while their parents shopped in nearby stores. This sight reminded me of the center plaza in my home town. The memory made me smile as I walked with my brothers.
"Let's go look at the different stores!" Said Namjoon Oppa. Everyone agreed, finding ourselves inside a jewelry store. Yoongi Oppa was admiring a gold chain with the word 'SWAG' on it in cursive. Hoseok Oppa was asking a lady to have a look at a bracelet with 'Hope' lined in pretty words. I let go of Taehyung, who went to wander around the watch area of the store. I eyed the glass cases full of jewelry, stopping when one single fin caught my attention. It was a simple one line ring, with a pattern around of Swarovski diamonds and opal gems. It was indeed very beautiful. "You like it?" Seokjin Oppa asked from aside me, looking at the same jewelry piece. I nodded. "It's beautiful," I whispered over my breath. However, it was way too expensive for me to buy, and I didn't want my brothers to spend money on me, so I followed them to the next store. Yoongi Oppa had bought the golden chain he was admiring, and it now hung from his neck as we entered a clothing store. Jimin and Jungkook started running around the store like small children while the rest of us looked around. Seokjin Oppa grabbed some pink Barbie sunglasses and tried them on. "Oppa no," I said with a giggle, catching the attention of Jimin and Hoseok Oppa who were nearby. "Don't I look good?" Seokjin Oppa asked, sticking a pose. I saw Jimin Oppa smirk, saying, "You look like a princess." Seokjin Oppa looked really offended, but before anything else could happen, Hoseok Oppa grabbed my hand and pulled me elsewhere.
I stumbled over to the women's clothing area, where I found the cutest dress. It was white, and it probably stopped over my knees. It had pineapples printed all over it. I probably never mentioned this to anyone, but I love pineapples. It was very cheap, and I could buy it. "You like?" Asked Hoseok Oppa, gaining my response as a nod. "Let's check you size!" He exclaimed, helping me look for the Large sized one. We couldn't find it, so we decided to come back later that week to see if they had it. I wandered around the same store more, finding Jungkook Oppa by the shoe area, hiding from Jimin Oppa. He let out a small shriek as Jimin came from his front, stumbling over a shoe box. I helped him up, then Seokjin Oppa called that we were leaving, finally going inside the costume store.
We all walked inside, instantly seeing the Snow White dress. It was very different than the one Taehyung Oppa wore for the video. This one had red glitter and the yellow skirt was very pooffy with glitter. Namjoon Oppa looked for the right size, finally grabbing the right one. "You'll look so cute!" Hoseok Oppa exclaimed. Jimin nodded, while Yoongi Oppa urged me to try it on. Seokjin Oppa handed me the hair bow as well, then I went inside the changing room. I rapidly changed into the costume, putting the bow over my head. "I'm coming out now," I said to the boys. Yoongi Oppa had his camera and snapped a few pictures of me. "You look so beautiful!" Exclaimed Jimin Oppa. I smiled shyly at them. I then noticed Taehyung Oppa recording me. "Smile for ARMY!" Exclaimed Hoseok Oppa. I waved a little at the camera, twirling around a little, in Seokjin Oppa's petition. After that, I changed back into my normal clothing. My Oppas bought the dress, then we headed back to the dorms.
.•° Time Skip °•.
I laughed. Internally, of course. All my brothers were dressed as the Snow White dwarfs, even if they were taller than I was. Yoongi Oppa was taking pictures of me non stop since I came out of my room, with each of the members. Namjoon Oppa was supposed to be Doc, Yoongi was Sleepy, Hoseok was Happy, Jin was bashful, Taehyung is Sneezy, Jungkook is Dopey and Jimin was Grumpy. Jimin Oppa started to act really grumpy when we got home for some reason, so they gave him Grumpy's suit. "Get next to Jimin, shortcake," Yoongi Oppa told. I nodded and went to the shortest of my brothers, who was sitting on a chair, pouting and crossing his arms. I raised a brow at him. "Why you grumpy, Oppa?" I asked him. He looked up at me and hugged me, sitting me in his lap. I resisted the urge of blushing and gently hugged back. "We ran out of rice cakes." That's it, I couldn't control my laughter and I exploded. It seamed I wasn't the only one, either, since Hoseok Oppa and Taehyung Oppa were laughing too. Soon after the pictures were over, we went to trick or treat.
We walked inside the elevator and went to the 15th floor to start trick or treating inside. We all got a few pieces of candy from the elders that lived in these upper apartments, and parents asked us to take pictures with their kids as well. I noticed Jimin Oppa wasn't being himself today. He was quiet, and walked behind us. He looked to be in a sort of daze. I noticed and decided to cheer him up, going to walk with him, taking his hand. In about a half hour, we were walking down the street just outside the apartment. "Hey Namjoon Oppa, can we eat candy?" I asked my brother. We all stopped walking and huddled aside a closed shop to let the other people pass while we talked. "Can we?" Asked J-Hope. "Just one. We have to check the others at home, okay?" Namjoon Oppa said, translating the same thing in Korean for the boys to understand. I nodded with a smile as I looked down at the wooden basket I used to carry my candy. I shuffled around it, finally finding a bag of my favorite candy: Skittles. I opened it and started to eat them, beginning to walk with my brothers again. I walked beside Jimin Oppa still, and I noticed he didn't eat any candy like the rest of us, so I decided to offer him some of mine. "Here," I said, motioning to the bag of half eaten Skittles. "Thank you. I don't want any."
His response got me a little off guard, but I decided to shake it off and nodded at him. I noticed he was paler than usual, probably as pale as Yoongi Oppa. He had bags under his eyes, and walked weakly beside me. "You okay, Oppa?" I asked him with a worried look. "I'm fi-" his response was cut short instantly, for his eyelids closed and he stumbled to the ground. "Oppa!" I shrieked, getting the attention of my other brothers. "Jimin! What happened, Aidee!?" Jin Oppa asked. I shook my head, saying, "H-he passed out I t-think! He looked really weak!" The boys looked at each other for a moment, then Taehyung Oppa said he was going to call an ambulance. Hoseok and Jungkook Oppa tried to wake him up, but it didn't work. My tears now ran over my cheeks freely, and I was scared of what was going to happen. Yoongi Oppa was calling Big Hit to see if they could bring a car for us to use to get to the hospital, since Jin was probably the only one allowed on the ambulance, which soon arrived. Everything then clicked, as if I had just noticed the situation.
My brother passed out, and now he is being wheeled in a cot to the ambulance. One of the managers came with the white Big Hit van, in which we were to get in. However, I was paralyzed, watching my unconscious brother bring placed in the ambulance. That's when Yoongi Oppa and Namjoon Oppa grabbed my hands from behind, but I tugged away. "No! Jimin Oppa!" I yelled, trying to get out of my other brothers grips. I failed, whatsoever, and Namjoon and Yoongi Oppa took me to the car, where I sat aside and hugged Jungkook Oppa, crying.
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