Chapter V
Suga POV
I took Aidee's hand as we all walked down the street. We all decided to get McDonald's, since it wasn't that far from the studio. We passed by a small plaza where the boys decided to stop to watch this DJ. He finished his song and started to look around the audience, his eyes landing on Aidee. "Ah! Miss, won't you come up here to help me?" He asked her. Everyone looked at her and she hid behind me again. "Come on, don't be shy!" The DJ exclaimed. "Go on, Aidee!" Exclaimed Hobi encouraging the teenage brunette. She looked at the boys and nodded, walking slowly aside the DJ. He asked her a few questions in English I hardly understood, but then handed her a microphone. I looked at the boys, raising a brow. "This is gonna be good," said Jimin. "She's gonna slay," commented Tae. "Totally," added Jin. "You can do it, yusulga~!" Exclaimed Jungkook. Rap Monster and I just looked closely at them, just in case. Then, he started to mix a very familiar song. We all looked at each other and smiled, knowing it was Attack on Titan from Attack on Titan. She harmonized a bit for his background sound, just for the mix, but we knew what was to come. "That song's really powerful. You think she can do it?" Asked Namjoon. "I believe in her," I said, not making eye contact with him. The others muttered yeses and aha's as they listened and watched. Then Aidee started to sing.
"Die Erde dröhnt und wird rot
Die Leute erinnern sich an diese Tragödie," She started. "Here it comes!" Exclaimed an excited V. Aidee took a deep breath and sang, "Ist das der Zerstörer oder der Schöpfer? Mit der Glut des Hasses schwenken wir die Schwerter. Ist das unser Schicksal oder unser Wille? Wir werden kämpfen, bis dieser heiße Wind unsere Flügel nimmt." Everyone listening applauded, but none as loud as we did. Jin and Namjoon whistled, V and Hobi jumped up and down and Jimin, Jungkook and I clapped loudly with wide grins on our faces. She then finished the song, with, "Was finden wir jenseits dieses Horizontes?" We could see her face glow red in embarrassment. She was extremely shy,and this was very good for her to get out of her shell. I hugged her once she came over to us, but it ended up being a group hug.
"You're crushing," Aidee muttered, making the hug break. Namjoon ruffles her hair and congratulated her, saying a few things about how brave she was taking the mic and stepping infront of all those people in English. They both hugged and we resumed our walk, Aidee's hand interlocked in mine. When we got there, McDonald's was basically empty, so we decided what to eat. "I want some chicken tenders!" Exclaimed Jungkook. V, Jimin and Aidee agreed as well. The rest of us ordered the burger of the day and we all sat to eat. The Maknae Line, like always, were sitting together, so Aidee was sitting with us Hyungs. "Eat well. We have a long day ahead of us still," said Namjoon to Aidee. She nodded and started eating. I was sitting with my back to the Maknaes, and I let out a sigh as I felt them throwing their straw paper behind my head.
I noticed a woman enter, along with a girl around Aidee's age. The woman seamed familiar to me, and once I saw her full face, I noticed she was the new assistant of our sound director. "Mrs. Lee! Hello!" Hobi exclaimed, waiving at her. She looked at us and bowed with a smile. "Ji-soo?" Aidee asked. "Dee!" The girl exclaimed. Aidee, who was sitting aside Jin, stood up and hugged the girl. "A friend I guess?" Jimin said. The girl whispered something in Shortcake's ear and they both turned to us. "Oppas, this is my best friend, Ji-soo," Aidee introduced. Ji-soo bowed and smiled at us. "It's an honor to meet you!" She exclaimed. "Hello!" Exclaimed V with a smile. "Nice to meet you," said Jimin. "Any friend of Aidee is a friend of ours," said Jungkook. "You're cute!" Said Hobi, making the ravennette blush. "Thank you," she said with a big smile. "I've seen you running around the studio before. Nice to finally meet you," said Jin with a smile and a nod.
"Hello, nice to meet you," I said, bowing a bit, smiling. "Hello! You probably already know who we are, but just in case, my name is Namjoon, these are Yoongi, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok. We're Aidee's brothers," Namjoon introduced us. Ji-soo smiled and nodded. Mrs. Lee came towards us and told us what we were going to do today while the girls ate and talked. "It was really nice of you to adopt Aidee," she said with a smile. "Specially after what she's been through." We all looked at Aidee and back to Mrs. Lee. The one to speak was Kookie. "We met her two days ago while walking along side the Han River. She was crying, so we comforted her." "We didn't know she was an orphan until we offered her a ride," I added. "She hasn't told us what happened to her yet," V said. Her face turned from a smile to a concerned look. Jin scooted over a bit so she sat where Aidee was sitting. "It's not my place to say, but you have to talk to her. You can't just wait for it to happen." We all nodded. "Can you give us any advice, Mrs. Lee?" Asked Hobi. "We don't exactly know how to raise a child..." Commented NamNam. "Hey! We raised Kookie!" Exclaimed Jin. "That's not the same," Kookie said. "Actually, it kinda is," Ms. Lee said. "Kookie joined BTS when he was 12. Aidee is 14. The only difference is that, well, she's a girl, and since she's adopted, you have to take her some places to certify that she can tour with you."
Mrs.Lee kept on giving us very useful advice and instructions as we all ate together. Then we all walked together towards the studio. I walked aside the girls holding Aidee's hand while they still talked. Well, Ji-soo talked. We entered the building and headed to the recording room. The trainee boys were still out at lunch, so Aidee and Ji-soo stayed with us. We practiced Mic Drop, HER and DNA. Then, while the others laughed and discussed mistakes, a girl peeked her head inside the room. She had curly brown hair and pale skin. Her name was Su-min. We'd seen her around before, since she's a trainee as well. She shyly waved at us, and I assume I was the only one to wave back, since the others were busy talking and yelling at each other. Su-min talked to Ji-soo for a minute, then Aidee and Ji-soo stood up. Aidee walked towards the mic on the recording panel and spoke. "Oppas, I'm going with Ji-soo and my new friend Su-min to the trainee studio." "Sure," said V. "Have fun!" Exclaimed Jimin and Hobi. The others sent their goodbyes while I got out the room. I have her my phone, which she took. "Call if you need anything," I said. She nodded and gave me a hug, then she left.
Ji-soo POV
I honestly still can't believe Aidee got adopted! And by BTS! Suga handed her his phone and we both exited the room, walking along with Su-min. Su-min is Korean-Cuban, so she knew three languages, just like Aidee, so they got along pretty well. "So what was their group name again?" Aidee asked as she walked in the middle of Su-min and myself. "I don't think they've decided yet," I answered. "It's in between Mystic Messenger, Mint Blitz, Charm of Karma and Chocolate Blizzard," said Su-min, using her fingers to count how many names they've got. "Wait- Mystic Messenger?" I asked, confused. "Like the game? Isn't there copyright or something?" Aidee asked. Su-min chuckled. "Yeah, but get this- Yoosung's cousin Rika works within Cheritz, and they got permission since Rika was in charge of character development and used their names for the game," the brunette explained. Aidee suddenly blushed, I chuckled, knowing why. "Dee, wasn't Saeran your husbando?" I asked with a snicker.
Su-min looked at her teasingly. "Oh really? Well, Jumin texted me later and said Zen tried to flirt with you, Aidee. However it seams it backfired since he didn't catch that you didn't speak Korean too well." Su-min laughed. I chuckled and nudged Aidee in the side. "Stop being so embarrassed~! We're here already," I said, opening the door to the rec room. "Yo, yo, yo, yo! What time is it?" Su-min sang as she entered, getting immediate responses from the boys. "Rap time, yo! Saeyoung is here, bringin' some cheer. I drink Dr. Pepper, please hold the beer." "Zen came popping, party pumping, with this beauty I see them panties dropping." I snorted and laughed, gaining an unamused look from Zen. It wasn't the first time I heard him say that. I discreetly elbowed Aidee on the side and wiggled my eyebrows, her face blushing slightly. Everyone looked over to Saeran, who forgot he's supposed to rap next. He let out a sigh and started, "Forget 'bout money, forget 'bout Felicia, these rap lines are gonna give you amnesia. My name is Saeran, and just a heads up; these guys are messed up so you better run." He looked at Aidee as he rapped. She shuffled nervously in her place as he did. She's kinda socially awkward, but I was kinda used to it already. She's a pretty interesting person when you get to know her. "Don't mind me, I'm kind of a geek, when you first met me I thought you were gon' freak. Su-min is the name, you better learn it for when I get all the fame." "Ooh! Ooh! I'm Yoosung, nice to meet ya! I'm not a rapper, I'm a vocal-liner, but I hide it like a ninja!" "I'm Jumin Han, I'm part of the vocals. I'm the group leader; a bit of a local." It was my turn to rap, yes! Oops, I don't rap.... Improv it is!
"My name is Ji-soo, I'm not a poet, I'm in improv just to show it! And I'm Aidee's friend, she's socially awkward so don't startle her, man!" Nice, Ji-soo. We all turned to Aidee and I whispered in her ear, "Go on." She took a deep breath and started to rap. "I already met you all, so hi again. Like she said; Ji-soo is my friend. I was an orphan, until yesterday, but BTS adopted me so progress is underway." We all clapped at her improv. We all entered and Aidee sat in a near by chair. "So what are we doing today?" I asked, sitting aside Aidee. I translated what I said to her, and she looked at them with an interesting look on her face. "It's freestyle day, so DJ-nim isn't here today," Yoosung said. "Noted," replied Su-min sarcastically. "I know! What about a little sing-off?" I asked, a smile plastered on my face. "Isn't six against two a little unfair?" Asked Zen with a smug smile on his face. Su-min hit him upside the head. "Not like that, and you forgot to count Dee. I mean like a little battle, three groups of three," I mentioned, translating what we were doing to Aidee. "Nice," Aidee muttered, causing everyone to turn and look at her, then at me. "She knows a few phrases," I said. They all nodded in understanding.
"Who's with who?" Asked Jumin. "I want Zen and Seung on my team!" Exclaimed Saeyoung. "Fine, then Ji-soo, Aidee and I are a team." "That means I'm stuck with Yoosung and Jumin? Great," sarcastically said Saeran. I smirked a bit and said, "But first, a little warm up." They all raised their eyebrows at me. "Duets. I pick," I stated with a grin. "Fine," said Jumin, crossing his arms. "Get it over with," Seung said. "Jumin and Zen, Yoosung and Seven (Saeyoung), Su-min and Seung, and finally, Dee and Saeran." I printed to the pairs and they all got together. Aidee looked at me with a blush and a small pout, then moved close to Saeran. "I hope you know how to sing," he said to her. She gulped and nodded slowly. I sat on the chair in front of the panel and plugged in my phone to the aux. "Pick a song. Rock, paper, scissors says who goes first," I stated. A bunch of murmurs could be heard around me, then they all changed, "Hana, Dul, Set!" To see who won. First up was Yoosung and Saeyoung. "All of Me by John Legend," said Saeyoung. "You can sing?" Asked Su-min with an eyebrow raised. He smiled at her and said, "You'll see." They entered the small sound room and I started their music, clicking record on the button. The door outside was soon opened and a familiar face came in. "What are you guys up to?"
V POV (I mean, it's chapter V, so why not?)
I finished recording the last of my lines for the "I swear" cover we were doing when I decided to check up on the trainees and Aidee. I walked down the hallway and opened the door to peak my head in. "What are you guys up to?" I asked, but I was shushed by some of the boys. I pouted. Rude. I let myself inside and closed the door, noticing two figures in the sound room. That red haired dyed kid and the blonde kid were singing, and the recording light was on. I sat in one of the couches as Aidee looked at me and smiled, waiving slightly. I smiled back and waved as well, my attention going back to the kids inside. So far, the blonde kid Yoosung was the one singing the intro.
"What would I do without your smart mouth
Drawing me in and then kicking me out..."
Damn he's good, for a trainee I mean. It was time for the chorus, and then the red haired kid started to sing. I knew he was the rapper of the unnamed group, but God, I didn't know he could sing! "Woah," I heard Su-min say. "He's good," I said, leaning so I had my elbows on my knees and my head rested on my palms. In a few minutes, they were done. I stood from my seat and clapped as hard as I could. "That was great!" Beamed Ji-soo from her spot in the seat as they came out of the room. "Never knew you could sing, Seven," said Su-min as she pated his back with a grin. He laughed and nodded. "Saeyoung here is our prodigy," Yoosung commented. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey there Taehyung-nim!" Saeyoung beamed. "Hey! Loved the performance. Now, who's next?" Next was Su-min and Seung. They sang to "Kissing Strangers" by DNCE ft. Nicki Minaj. Then Jumin and Zen decided to sing "We Don't Talk Anymore", which was amazing, but I still prefer Kookie's version.
"Aidee and Saeran~! You're the last ones~!" Ji-soo exclaimed as Zen and Jumin made their way out. "The Emo and the shy. Was it a good combination, Ji-soo?" Jumin asked. She smirked. "Trust me." Aidee whispered something to Ji-soo, who looked up the instrumental while the pair got inside the sound room. I immediately took out my phone and started a V Live. This was going to be precious.
"Oh Angels sent from up above
You know you make my world light up
When I was down, when I was hurt
You came to lift me up~"
His voice is angelic, I swear to God. Saeran was also a rapper, but damn could he sing. It appeared that the song was a mashup, and here came Aidee singing. "Here she comes!" I whisper-yelled, adjusting the camera to zoom at Aidee.
"You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us?
Another star, you fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see us
Damn her voice tho. I wanna faint but I want the ARMY to see this so bad. I looked at the comments for a second, all of them were people asking who Aidee was, and if she was a trainee or something. This was supposed to be a surprise, so I'm not gonna tell them yet. Saeran and Aidee then sang together.
"You put your wings on me
When I was so heavy
So ring a symphony
When I'm low, when I'm low, when I'm low, when I'm low-oh
Low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low"
"ThIs Is sO AmAzIng!!!" Exclaimed Ji-soo, fangirling and spinning in her chair. "I'd never thought...." Trailed on Su-min. "Saeran seams to be enjoying himself. I think he likes Aidee. Or at least singing with her," commented Yoosung. I swear I could see Zen frown for a second. Then Aidee continued to sing,
"Your lip's a drink, and love's a drug
Oh no I think I might be miles up
When I was a river dried up
You came to rid the flood"
"Where are you now?
Was it all in my fantasy?
Where are you now?
Were you only imaginary?
Where are you now?
Was it all in my fantasy?
Where are you now-ow-ow?"
My Lord I hope the guys are watching- Wait a minute, the door is open and I can see their faces peeping inside. I smirked and psst at them, making at least Hobi to look at me. I motioned for them to enter and they all sat around me, listening intently. The song ended too soon to my liking. Everyone applauded loudly as they came out of the room. Aidee was an embarrassed mess while Saeran muttered, "Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week." The seven of us hugged Aidee and said how cute she was and how amazing she sang. "You're drowning her in embarrassment," chuckled Ji-soo. "That's what brothers do," said Saeran. "Alright, Alright. Bangtan, you boys have a meeting in five with your managers and staff. Trainees, it's creative songwriting time for you guys. Your debut is coming soon and you have to pick your name. Su-min, to dance class. Ji-soo, to the studio, please. No, move along," Mrs. Lee instructed. "Say bye," I told Aidee. After a moment, we were all walking to take the elevator to the 11th floor.
Aidee had taken my hand while we walked and entered the meeting room with our five managers, the head of the makeup staff, the head of the recording staff, the head of the wardrobe staff, and finally, the head of the propaganda. Aidee sat between Jimin and I as the meeting finally started. "Who's this?" Asked Mei, who's the head of the makeup staff. Jimin put a hand over Aidee's head and ruffled her hair. "This is Aidee. We adopted her yesterday," he said. I nodded. "She's really shy," I added. I looked around to see only four managers instead of five. "What happened to manager Soo-Won?" Asked Jungkook. As if on queue, Bang Shihyuk PD entered the room. "He quit, and told me all about the girl and how disrespectful she is," he angrily said. He quit because of a misunderstanding?! Weak. "She isn't disrespectful. He was," Jimin stated. "Yeah! Aidee doesn't know much Korean, so she didn't know he was talking to her!" Hobi said. "Calling a child disrespectful because of a misunderstanding isn't very mature either," Namjoon said.
"Mr. Shihyuk, if I may?" Mrs. Lee stood from her seat as assistant. Be turned and nodded towards her. "Aidee is very sweet and very shy. She's the kind of child you rarely find nowadays." I turned to look at Aidee, meeting her confused face. "Aidee, this is Bang Shihyuk PD. Please introduce yourself," said Namjoon. Aidee stood from her seat, setting her hands over her lap and bowing slightly. "My name is Aidee Cordelia. I'm pleased to meet your acquaintance, Mr. Shihyuk PD." I could see Kookie smirk from his seat at PD-nim's reaction. Mrs. Lee had sit down now and motioned Aidee to sit as well. She attently looked at PD-nim as he sighed and talked. "She's your responsibility now, got it?" We all nodded our heads. He looked around the table and asked, "What do you want to do for the next album?" I smirked. We all knew exactly what we wanted. I looked at the guys, who were all looking at each other and nodding. "We want it to be about Aidee," Jimin said. PD-nim raised a brow.
"About the girl?" We all nodded. "You see, she's been through a lot," started to explain Hobi. "We read her file when we adopted her, and she's very interesting," Jin said. "We can make a 'based on a true story' album. It'd be different," Suga continued. "And it would surely be unexpected to the ARMY," I added. PD-nim nodded. "I don't think it's a bad idea," said Mrs. Lee, elbows on the table with a smile. "It gives out a positive message too," Mei said. Thianlee, the head of the wardrobe staff, nodded as well. Our managers gave the thumbs up as well. PD-nim let out a sigh. "Alright, it's not a bad idea, but you have to ask the kid first." We all turned to Aidee and met her confused look.
Aidee POV
I looked as they all talked to their managers and staff directors, along with Mr. Shihyuk about something. I honestly hate not being able to understand another language. Who knows if they're talking about me right now? My thoughts were interrupted by NamNam Oppa. "Aidee, is it okay if we make our new album about you?" I was internally fangirling. I also kinda felt freaked out, since I technically didn't have the best of childhoods, but I agreed to it, nonetheless. They all cheered afterwards, and discussed more about the album, I think... Mr. Shihyuk then dismissed everyone, and we got to go home. The driver of the car we used was actually one of the managers, and he was busy and couldn't drive us home, so we decided to walk instead.
I held Jimin and J-Hope's hands as we walked down the street. "Aidee, you're going to school tomorrow," said Jin Oppa. I inner cringed. J-Hope laughed. I was pouting, so it seamed. I hate school. The only good thing is that I get to see Ji-soo, Su-min and the boys, since we all study there. "Oh! You have to go the the principal's office to sign some papers and stuff..." I said. NamNam nodded. "Let's make a dare!" Jungkook exclaimed. We all turned to him. "Let's have stages for the album; from birth up to now, and each one of us have to write a song of a life stage. From oldest to youngest!" Kookie explained. Everyone nodded and agreed with the idea. It wasn't bad; now all of them got to chance to write a song! "Which means: Aidee has to tell us about her life, in detail," added Jimin. I nodded. "Okay!" I exclaimed with a small smile. We decided on a storytime afternoon after I get home from school tomorrow.
I then remembered something, and gave Suga Oppa his phone back. He smiled and ruffled my hair. Damn, this is the best family ever.
Quick note:
I live in Puerto Rico so I can hardly update.
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