Chapter IV
Aidee POV
One shot. My father fell to the red ground. Three shots. The workers all met face-to-face with my father. One turn. One shot. My mother had joined them. One face. Two eyes. They met my own, filled with fear. A smirk. He pointed his gun at me. Seven shots behind me. I turn. My new family, all scattered throughout the ground. A laugh. A turn. Gone. I'm alone.
I woke up, panting and crying. I screamed a little when I abruptly woke up and I looked around. Where am I? Where was I? Oh, right. I'm home, with my oppas. I tried to calm down my sobs, but I couldn't. Suddenly, the lights went on, causing me to flinch and close my eyes shut. "Aidee? Aidee!" Jungkook's voice was groggily still, and my name foreign to his tongue. I didn't open my eyes to look at him. I rocked myself back and forth, hugging my knees close to my chest. I felt a weight infront of me on the bed, then a pair of arms enveloped me in a hug. My hands found the touch of a bare chest, which I hugged instantly. Jungkook was hugging me and comforting me. "There, there, dongsaeng. I'm here," he said, rocking back and forth like me. I hid my face in the crook of his neck and cried. He pulled me closer, in which now I was sitting in his lap. I heard other foot steps come inside the room, but I paid no attention. The thought of losing my new family went around my head in circles non stop.
That's until I felt someone shaking me. "Aidee!" I heard Jin's voice. I peeked a bit to see all of my brothers with worried looks. I jumped and hugged the closest person next to me, other than Jungkook, which happened to be Hobi. "Aidee, what is wrong? Why are you crying?" Hobi asked. I didn't respond, but kept on crying. "I think...... Nightmare," was all I understood from Kookie. "Did you have a nightmare, Aidee?" I heard Rap Monster ask. I nodded. They all sighed in relief. I had recently stopped shaking and I parted from the hug I was giving Hobi and wiped my tears. Suga made me sit on the bed again. "Want to talk about it?" Asked Jimin. I nodded. It was better to talk it out, I'm not stupid. But,what was I dreaming about? Now I can't remember... I looked up at all of them and shook my head, signaling I didn't remember. V wiped away my tears. Jin said something I didn't understand to the others while V played with me, trying make me feel better. They told V something and he nodded, then they all left, and V stood up. He took my hand and made me stand. He led me to the small living room and sat me down at the couch. Jungkook rushed into our room and got two blankets and pillows, throwing one of each at me. Oppa Jimin and J-HOPE helped Oppa Jungkook move things from the living room to other rooms, then they brought their mattresses and payed them all in the floor.
Oppa Namjoon and Oppa Jin were in the kitchen with Oppa Suga. I was a little paranoid for some reason, and I jumped when I heard the microwave oven beep. "Relax, Aidee. There's nothing to worry about," said Oppa V as he pulled my crying self closer to his warm body. Soon, I was sitting in the floor mattresses with Oppas V, Jimin, J-HOPE and Jungkook. Oppa Namjoon soon entered the room and handed V, Kookie and me glasses of warm milk. I was confused but decided to skip it anyways, and noticed it was mixed with honey. I smiled slightly through my silent tears that we're still falling down my cheeks. Oppa V ruffled my hair as he noticed my small smile and gave me one back. Oppa Suga gave the others their glasses as well and then Oppa Jin showed up with a box of donuts. "Pick one, dongsaeng." I looked at them all and picked one that was decorated with yellow and a sort of lemon design on it. I liked lemons, so I picked it. Everyone else started to cheer, getting their own donut. Jimin and Jungkook started to fight over a chocolate donut, to not get the glaced one. They ended up having half and half of both donuts. We were all lying down on all the mattresses on the floor soon enough.
"Do you feel better, dongsaeng Aidee?" Asked Namjoon. Her eyes were half closed as she nodded. She was laying aside me and Jungkook, cuddled in her blanket. She's short for a 15 year old, not to mention shy, quiet and somewhat childish. "Get rest," Jin said, kissing her forehead. "Goodnight, shortcake," Suga said from afar, turning off the lights. "Goodnight blueberry," I said, laying down. "Blueberry? Really?" Jimin asked. "What? Her eyes are blue!" I retorted. Jin shushed us all. "She's sleeping, JK, Namjoon and Hobi too." "Sorry Hyung," Jimin and I said, drifting off to a deep sleep. I was woken up the next morning by all of our alarms ringing at the same time. I grunted, along with the rest of the boys. Sitting up, I yawned and looked around me to find everyone waking up, Suga glaring at everyone. "Why does life hate me?" He asked. "Because," J-HOPE replied. We all looked at him to hear his explanation, which never came. "Because what?" Jin asked. "Just because." We all threw our pillows at him. I looked to my side to see Aidee still sleeping. She looked so sad while she slept. I decided to gently shake her awake, which actually worked. She sat up and looked around drowsily. "Where am I? How did I get here?" She asked. "You don't remember? You had a nightmare and woke up crying really bad. We calmed you down by sleeping with you and drinking milk and eating donuts," Namjoon said, getting up.
"I don't remember that," she replied in Korean. Namjoon and I looked at each other, but shrugged it off. "You're not going to school today, Aidee. We're going to Big Hit, so get dressed," Namjoon said before going to his room. Aidee nodded and we both got up to look for our clothes. I got a black T-shirt and white pants, and I was next in line to the bathroom. Jin was the first one in and out, so now he was making breakfast with Suga and J-HOPE, who already showered. Jimin got out of the bathroom and I went in, then Aidee came in when I got out. I went to help get the mattresses to the rooms with Namjoon while Jungkook showered. "We're late!!!" Jin yelled as Jungkook got out of the bathroom, running. We all took what we needed, our phones and our headphones, then headed to the door. Jin stood aside the door with a pile of sandwiches. "Suga," Jin said, handing him a sandwich and a juice box. He repeated the same with everyone; "Hobi." "Nam Nam." "Chim Chim." "Aidee." "V." Was the last I heard going out the door to the elevator. "Welcome to the idol life, Aidee," said Namjoon to Aidee. She nodded and took a bite out of her sandwich, scurrying to a corner in the elevator to give space for Kookie and Jin. Namjoon pushed the button for the parking lot floor and I took hold of Aidee's hand.
When we got to the parking floor, we made a run for it to find our driver infront of the exit. I sat in the back with Aidee and Jungkook, while Suga sat upfront calling shotgun and the rest were scrunched up in the middle. The car started and Aidee peeked through the window on my side. It was 4am, so it was still dark, but it was raining. Her eyes shined brightly as she briefly stared at the rain outside, then sat back on her seat. J-Hope's mixtape, 1 Verse, started to play through the speakers as everyone started to cheer, but the first to voices heard rapping were Suga's and Aidee's. Everyone looked from Suga to Aidee as they both accompanied each other and switched turns. We all started singing the chorus very off key, that caused Suga to say, "Really? Aidee and I were having a bonding moment." Everyone laughed, and I heard Aidee chuckle. "Hey hey Aidee! Let's sing together!" I exclaimed as the idea popped into my head. She shrugged with a smile. "Sure," she said simply. Then, Arianna Grande came up on the radio. "Come on, V! You got this!" Exclaimed Jimin. I made a duck face and flexed my muscles as everyone laughed. "I know what I came to do, and that ain't gonna change, so go ahead and talk your talk,'cause I can't take your bait," Aidee sang, motioning to me to take the next verse. "I'm over here doing what I like. I'm over here working day and night, and if my real ain't real enough, I'm sorry for you bae," I sang, then we both, "Let's find a light inside our universe now, where ain't nobody keep on holding us down, just come and get it, let them say what they say, 'cause I'm about to put them on their way ooh!" "We're here!" The driver yelled, the car and the music both coming to a stop. We were lucky the Big Hit entrance had ceiling all the way towards the street, or we'd all be wet meat. We all got out the car and headed up to our usual floor, our usual room. Our practice studio.
Aidee POV
I entered holding Kookie and V's hands. I saw Suga move a chair and something else to a corner, but I didn't put any thought into it. The boys put their things down in a corner, and I let go of my Oppas' hands. I looked around the room, looking at the mirrors for a second, and I turned my back to the door to look at the rain, but the door opened abruptly and I jumped a bit, startled. "You're late!" A male voice rang through the room. I turned and saw a man in his 30s. The boys blurted out an apology and bowed. My shy nature took a hold of me and I soon found myself behind Suga. The man asked them something I didn't understand, so I kept myself hidden behind my Oppa. Suga then looked behind him to me, and took my hand. He placed me infront of him as Namjoon introduced us. I didn't really understand much, which kinda frustrated me, but I slightly waved at him. He frowned at me, then turned to talk to the boys. Suga knelt down to my height, and whispered in my ear, "Go sit on the table and chair in the corner over there. We'll be practicing our dance for a few songs here, then we'll go out for lunch, okay?" I nodded and headed to the corner and sitting down. I had brought a notebook with coloring pencils inside my bag, so I took them out and started drawing. I heard the manager talking rather close to me, but I didn't look up to look at them talk, until I heard him yell.
The sudden burst of action made me yelp and jump in my seat, my view automatically looked up, and I could see the face of the manager, obviously angry. Namjoon and Suga yelled something at him while Jimin and Tae walked towards me. The manager turned and walked towards Namjoon, Suga, Jin, Hobi and Kookie, who all argued with him, apparently. I looked up at Jimin, who was aside me. He knelt at my side, along with Tae. "I don't understand. What's going on?" I asked, worried. Tae took a deep breath, then looked at Jimin for an answer. "Manager asked you a question. You not notice him, so he angry and thinks you is ignorant." I was surprised, nonetheless. He would've known I wasn't Korean due to my facial features and darker skin, but I guess these things just happen. I didn't want the boys to get into trouble, so I stood up and walked towards the manager. I bowed and said, "I'm terrible sorry. I not know you speak to me. I am not Korean." After a few moments I straightened myself and saw the manager had walked pass me to the door, which he opened and slammed.
Was he angry because of me? Are my oppas gonna get a penalty or something? I started to tear up thinking of the worst possibilities in my head. "I'm sorry," I said, turning towards the boys. Jin patted my shoulder as Namjoon knelt to my height. "It's not your fault, kiddo. He's always like that. He'll come through," he said. I nodded and smiled a bit at all of them. After a while, the manager came in again, giving them some instructions that I couldn't understand. Then, another man came in, wearing a black sleeveless shirt that said 'BIG HIT' in the middle, along with some baggy pants. He approached me and said, "My name is Kyo-moon. I'm their choreographer, and hopefully your new friend!" The other man said. I smiled at him and said, "Nice to meet you! My name is Aidee Cordelia. I hope we get along well!" The boys awed for some odd reason, but I shrugged it off. He turned towards the boys before replying, asking them something about Aegyo. He then turned to me with a smile and a nod.
After a while, they started to practice and filming their dance practices. I tried not to laugh, but Baepsae and War of Hormone got me good. I was sitting in the chair Suga Oppa had set up, until Kyo-moon called me over. "Yes?" I asked as I stood up. "Around this corner, in the third room, there's another choreographer working with a trainee group. Give him this paper. He'll give you seven chairs. Bring them over, please?" He asked. I nodded. I figured they were going to dance to Just One Day, so I smiled and took a piece of paper he handed me and left. I followed his directions until I found the room. All the doors were made of see through glass, so it was easy to spot the room full of male teenagers dancing to a fanmade English version of I Need U. I quietly let myself in, looking around at six boys dancing. "Don't even wanna have to think of you, you keep invading; I don't want you to. My head explodes; I overload; don't say you're sorry 'cause I'm over ya!" The lyrics said. I made my way towards the choreographer, who was just standing and eyeing their performance. I tapped his shoulder and gave him the note, which he quickly read. He stopped the music, the boys looked really confused for a moment before noticing me.
"Alright, so you're the girl BTS Adopted, right?" I nodded my head to answer his question. "Yes sir. I came to get some chairs," I said. He nodded and told the small boy group. Then, he turned to me. "They'll help you with the chairs. Their in the corner over there," he said. I walked over and grabbed one, the boys taking care of the others. "My name's Jumin. These are my group mates, Yoosung, Zen, Seung, Saeran and Saeyoung," the brown haired boy introduced. It seams choreographer-nim told them I didn't speak Korean well. "My name is Aidee. Please follow me," I walked towards the door and held it open for them to go through. I then led the way to the BTS practice room. I opened the door and let them all inside. I smiled as their eyes went wide at the sight of my brothers. They were trying to face Whistle by BlacKPink. Failing endlessly.
"Not your best dance, Oppa," I said, setting the chair I carried aside the wall, the other boys doing the same. "How bad is it?" Asked V. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "You can't make a four people dance turn into a seven people dance without arranging the steps. And your body rolls are out of order," I answered. They all started to laugh, even Kyo-moon. I smiled and motioned to the boys behind me, who were all looking at them in awe. "Trainees," I said and they walked towards the teens, greeting them. While they chatted and took pictures, my eyes caught the computer and speakers. I turned the volume and pressed play on Whistle, starting to dance a bit. Dancing soothes me, and it's comfortable for me. It makes me forget about all the bad stuff that's happened, and my thoughts slip my mind while the beat takes over my body. I didn't notice they were all looking at me until the music was louder; basically at the chorus. I stopped and felt my face grow red as they all looked at me. My brothers all yelled and hugged me while I just stood there, embarrassed. After a few, they let go of the blushing me.
Jumin POV
I passed my hand through my brown hair to get by bangs out of my face. I watched as BTS hugged Aidee. She was really cute, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that. "Hyung, I'm gonna give it a shot," said Zen. I rolled my eyes as he made his way towards the brunette girl, with the rest of us not far behind. I chuckled as he started to speak to her in Korean. "Guys, check this out," I whispered over to the guys. "Hey so, I was wondering if you'd like to karaoke with us later? We're gonna practice vocals like this today after lunch. So, what you say?" We all chuckled as we saw her tilt her head to the side with a confused face. Then, a cough was heard, which came from Namjoon-nim. "She doesn't speak Korean. Nice try asking her out," Namjoon-nim laughed. Zen sheepishly laughed and scratched the back of his head, then Namjoon repeated the same thing to her in English, to which she happily accepted.
We all said our goodbyes and left the room. "That was weak!" Exclaimed Saeyoung, laughing at Zen. "Her dad had to help you. That sucks," said Seung. "Shut up!" Zen exclaimed, brushing away a strand of his dyed white hair. "I'm pretty sure that was her brother," I replied. "I think all of them are her brothers," said Yoosung, walking ahead of the group. "We should invite Ji-soo and Su-min!" The blonde exclaimed, skipping ahead. "We'll tell them at lunch," I heard Saeran say from behind me, grunting from his twin, Saeyoung's, pinches. "At least we know she's coming," added Zen. I nodded. Then, we all headed off to get lunch.
Suga POV
We finished our dance session, and we currently are sitting down on the floor. I took a small towel from my locker and wiped my sweat with it. "Okay so, lunch," started Jin, looking at all of us. I took a sip of my water bottle and said, "Let shortcake pick." I motioned over to Aidee, who was putting her things in her bag. "Okay, it's fair. What'd you guys think?" Jin asked. They all nodded or hummed in response. "Shortcake, where do you want to eat?" I asked her. Even if we have very little money, and we drive around in our manager's car,we still wanted Aidee to pick. We want her to be happy. "Didn't Big Hit not allow you to eat out because of money shortages?" She asked. I guess she was informed. Before I could say anything, however, Hobi interrupted me. "Yes but, we want to take you out for eat." Everyone nodded. She smiled slightly and said, "Anywhere is fine." We all nodded and soon headed out.
I meant to post this for Kookie's birthday, but here it is.
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