Chapter I
Aidee POV
I walked down the road from getting off of the taxi aside Han River, my drawing kit on my bag. I sighed as the wind blew against my hair and the cars drove by me. I carefully made it down to sit on the grass, looking at the river. The sound of the water running made my whole being relax as I opened my sketchbook, took a pencil, and started to draw what was on my mind. I always come to this part of the river to relax and let loose, but today was different. I woke up late for school, so everyone in the orphanage was gone. I didn't feel like going to school, so I decided to skip for today and head to the river. I plugged in my headphones and started to listen to BTS. I still had the same phone from 7 months ago, accident day, as I call it.
I smiled sadly at myself as I continued to draw. My mind always wondered else where whenever I drew, so I never actually know what I'm drawing until I finish it, and by the looks of it, I had drawn a pair of hands holding red spider lilies. I drew another sigh and started to color, humming to the next song that came up, which so happened to be Vogel I'm Kafig from Attack on Titan. After a while, I started low-key singing to it, but when at a certain part, it reminded me of my parents, and I started to tear up. I took a deep breath and continued to color, when I couldn't hold back the tears, and one by one, they started to fall.
Rap Monster POV
The boys and I had just gotten out of the Big Hit studio. We had lunch hour, after practicing our dancing all morning. We were nonetheless tired. "Hyung, let's stop by the river!" Exclaimed Yungkook. "Yes, let's!" Chimed V, putting an arm playfully over my shoulder. "Sure," I said, and all of them cheered as we walked down the road. The Maknae line was fooling around like always, meanwhile the rest of us were looking around. Suga was taking pictures of the empty streets and the close river. We were getting towards our usual spot, when Jin suddenly stopped, making all of us pause on what we were doing.
"Do you guys hear that?" He asked. "Hear what?" J-Hope asked. We were all silent for a moment until we heard it. There was someone sobbing close by. We kept walking, a girl coming into view. She had her back to us, sitting down, facing the river. She had beautiful wavy, brown hair, that fell to her lower back. It looked like she was drawing, but she was obviously the source of the sobs. We all looked at each other, wondering what to do. However, Suga was the first to make a move and approach her, with me following behind. I knelt down to her height, and startled she looked at me rapidly, turning her face.
Her eyes were visible to us two now. They were a mesmerizing shade of blue-green, and you could get lost in them in an instant. "Are you okay, dongsaeng?" I asked. She wiped away her tears and tilted her head to the side. That's when I noticed she didn't look Korean. "What?" She asked. Suga looked at me and knelt down aside me, giving her a small smile. "I meant to ask if you're okay, dongsaeng?" I managed to ask in English. She nodded rapidly. "I-I just.... Remembered something.... T-thank you for worrying....?" "Kim Namjoon. You can call me Rap Monster." I noticed she was very shy, but if she asked my name, I guess she wasn't really a BTS fan. "My name is Min Yoongi, but chu can call me Suga." Soon enough, the others joined us.
"Are you a tourist?" Jin asked her. We could all tell she was blushing as she shook her head. "You live here?" Jin asked again. She moved her head in a sort of way, meaning more or less. "I like your drawings." We all turned to look at Jungkook. She looked sadly at the drawing, then back and Jungkook. "Thank you," she answered. She rapidly looked at us, as if she remembered something. "I forgot! M-My name is A-Aidee Cordelia." We all smiled. "Nice to meet you, Aidee dongsaeng," said V. She smiled again, the blush on her cheek reddening. "I know who you guys are..." She finished. We all laughed a bit.
"It's okay!" Exclaimed Suga, in Korean. This caused her to look at him questioningly. After laughing a bit more, he repeated what he said, this time in English. Then I totally forgot something. "Aish! We have to get back!" I exclaimed. "I'll car the driver," said Jin, standing up and dialing in his phone. "Also, Aidee dongsaeng, aren't you supposed to be at school?" Jungkook asked. Aidee shrugged. "I woke up late," she said, beginning to put all her drawing supplies, as well as her phone, away. "Hyung, can we drive Aidee to her house? Please!" Pleaded Jimin. "Sure." I replied. They all cheered. "Aidee, mind if we drive you home?" I asked.
Aidee POV
Home.... That's a word I haven't heard in a while. I nodded with a small smile, trying to hide my sadness. We all stood up and I bowed to them. "Thank you," I said. They all smiled and Jin got off the phone, a van parking aside us, with the name 'Big Hit' on it. We all got inside quickly, and soon I sat beside Jungkook and Rap Monster. The driver asked them something, I couldn't understand what it was, but then Rap Monster asked, "Where do you live, Aidee dongsaeng?" "Go straight through...." I gave them the directions and address as Rap Monster translated. After that, they asked me to plug in my phone so they could listen to some of my music, and so I did as told. Automatically, "Love the Way You Lie Part 2" was playing, and everyone started singing. Oh my God, their broken English!
After a few, Rap Monster, J-Hope and Suga started to rap like Eminem, and when their part ended, I started to sing automatically. When the song ended, I blushed extremely when I noticed that they were all staring at me. "Your sing is beautiful!" V exclaimed happily. "You should become a trainee!" Yelled J-Hope. Before anyone else could say anything, the driver exclaimed something. "Which building?" Asked Jimin this time. "Fifth building to the right," I answered, and the van came to a stop. Everyone looked out the window, including myself. The building read, "St. Vincent's Home for AmerAsian Children". "This is it. Goodbye, oppas." I said, once I got out of the van and bowed to them. They waved and yelled goodbye as I walked inside the building.
I can't believe such a cute and shy girl lives in an orphanage. As your driver sped away, we all looked to each other in silence. I crossed my arms. "We're going back tomorrow," I said. "We should adopt the little artist," said Jungkook. "Yeah, we should," said V. "It would be nice for everyone. Who knows how much time she's been there?" J-Hope commented. "She has a great voice too," said Jimin. "What do you think, Namjoon?" We all turned our attention towards Rap Monster at Sugar's comment. "Oh, we are so gonna adopt that Ray of Sunshine," he replied we all cheered. Before we could continue the topic, our driver said, "She sounds nice, and you're all doing a great thing. Your families will be very proud." We all smiled at each other.
Now to wait for tomorrow to come....
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