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it was a fine tuesday morning. as usual, there would be passer-by's walking to work or school. today's weather was a bit warm, a sign that it'll finally be the end of winter.
woozi had a rough night, considering how much he was studying, staying up till 4 am.
usually, the man would play games until 1 am and take a glass of water before his sleep. but suddenly, woozi felt all the need to be responsible and smart. so he decided to spend extra time studying on the subjects he was struggling on.
after getting a 30 minutes sleep, woozi realised the pros and cons.
pros; great! he is prepared for any upcoming test for his subjects, and he was able to understand more and it might help him get a nice job somewhere!
cons; oh, he was going to be restless all day, woozi cant predict that he would be sleeping during his breakfast, and his friends and parents asking what he was doing the whole night instead of studying.
and, his prediction was correct!
eating breakfast, he could barely finish the cereal and milk. he was dozing off every five seconds, and his father had to wake him up from his slumber party.
"jihoon, were you playing games all night? you know you're supposed to be studying for your subjects!" his father quickly lectures him.
feeling too tired to respond, woozi just hummed and continued eating his breakfast.
walking to campus, he had no energy and was limping all the way. he had to take a few breaks, sitting on benches and chairs around the journey to take a good two minutes nap. at least it somehow helped him.
he managed to arrive to campus without getting hit by a car due to his late walking.
immediately, he ran to his seat, placed his items and went into dreamland. his dream was little weird, to be honest. it was a video of multiple sheep jumping on a fence, with some silly pictures of his friends on them.
woozi was taking a nap peacefully in class. since he was always early, there was barely anybody inside except for him and a few people.
not to mention, he met up with ji-ae this morning. but it seems like the other had just spared a glance and went his own way, thankfully.
the man felt peaceful in his current surroundings — the sound of nothing except laptop clicking and papers flipping, the air conditioner keeping him cool and sane, his bangs not getting in the way of his eyes, and how he just had nothing to distract him from his nap.
this was one of the most peaceful moment he has had.
not until, none other than jeon wonwoo, decided to show up and ruin his beauty sleep.
"wake up! i gotta ask you something!" wonwoo exclaims urgently, basically throwing his bag on the seat. wonwoo aggressively shakes woozi's body to wake him up.
woozi groans, feeling tired that he had to wake up so soon. "agh, im up, im up! what do you want?" the younger asks and blinks his eyes open while trying to regain his proper sight. "it better be important."
wonwoo lets out a small chuckle, his mouth forming into a smirk. "of course it's important! the sebong team is having basketball practice after lectures today, and i dont wanna attend alone!" he exclaims.
woozi twitches his eyes out of annoyance. "you woke me up just for that?" he hissed. "im not coming." woozi informs and returns to closing his eyes.
"wait, wait, wait! but hoshi is joining!" the older exclaims and shakes the younger's body even more.
then, woozi suddenly felt more energetic than ever. "oh really? i'll come with you!" he brightly said, talking like a ball of sunshine. wonwoo sighed as his best friend. "as expected."
they both joke around for a few more minutes right until the professor along with most of the students arrived in class.
"ah, why is first lectures always so boring and weird? last time when i was sleeping during the break, i dreamt of fucking anne boleyn, the england queen from the 1500's!" mingyu rattled out, stretching his body to the fullest.
hoshi who was beside him, had a solid frown on his face the whole entire time. its like someone had turned him into concrete!
mingyu who was always the person to observe dmall details, noticed this. hoshi had never had the same expression on his face for more than an hour.
the younger hesitantly patted a hand on hoshi's back. "hyung, are you okay? you seem stressed out." he comments and observed the other's reaction.
hoshi leaned back into his seat, crossing his arms and avoiding the younger's gaze. seriously, what's with this dude?
mingyu sighed, "hyung. you know you can always talk to me, right?" the younger informs before getting jumpscared by a sudden ranting from the older.
"mingyu, help me. i still cant find my diary, that ji-ae dude is still stressing me out, and i dont know how to invite woozi to my basketball practice!" hoshi lashed out, finally speaking which made mingyu glad but not in a good way since this mad his ears bleed.
the younger covers his ears to protect his fragile eardrums. "okay, okay! dont shout for god's sake!" he protested, taking his hands off when hoshi seems to calm down a bit.
"hyung, you dont have to worry about those. wonwoo had already invited woozi, and ji-ae is long gone! you dont have to worry!" mingyu informs, hoping that it would help the older slightly.
but, hoshi wanted to slap him right now.
"alright then. what about my diary? can you spawn it in front of my eyes?" hoshi scoffed, obviously refusing to be happy and think positive.
mingyu then pretends to think deeply. "i got just the idea! maybe we'll ask woozi!" he suggests, being completely serious and honest.
the older felt so embarrassed to be friends with an idiot. "what?! you cant just do that! do you want me to be like 'oh, hey woozi! have you seen a diary that has my name on it with all the pages being about how i kill people for you so you can love me?!" he impersonated, using a high pitched voice to mimic himself.
"no! what i mean is that we'll ask him politely. and dont say those things out loud, will you?! somebody could hear us right now!" mingyu whispers and hits hoshi's arm.
the other displays an uninterested look on his face. "whatever."
hoshi goes deep into thoughts about what mingyu had reminded him about just a few seconds ago. someone could be recording this whole conversation, and post it online for the whole public to see!
they could send it to multiple people and it could go up to woozi. if woozi knows, he'll definitely be freaked out by hoshi. woozi was too pure to be accepting him. woozi doesnt even deserve hoshi's love. no, hoshi doesnt deserve woozi.
or... or maybe not. maybe he's just.. overthinking? yeah, definitely.
an unknown finger clicks on the screen, stopping the video from recording anymore.
"gotcha." ji-ae smirks.
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