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woozi groans as he rubs his eyes, enjoying the warmth of his body between the cold air. the boy still closes his eyes, having no strength to open it. he decides to treasure this moment before the prefects start knocking on each room door, calling them down for breakfast.
the clock ticks to 6:48AM, birds chirping, the sun slowly rising, and the smell of fresh baked pastries creeping through the air of his bedroom.
woozi wonders where the smell was coming from, desiring to open his eyes and take a look, but he was still feeling tired from all the rolling in the sand with two other people last night. it didnt take him long to fall asleep again.
"woozingie, hoshingie~ its time for breakfast!" jeonghan mumbles through his teeth-brushing as he zombie-walks to room 127. the man doesnt considers knocking, since he knows that woozi would kill him for knocking AND entering without knocking.
as soon as jeonghan enters the room, he notices how cold it was. the floor was literal ice, and he almost got a runny nose once he entered. next, he saw the tray of freshly baked bread that seungkwan and sakura had left in each of the students' rooms. the professors insisted that it was a treat for them since they sacrificed their time to join the trip.
jeonghan took a liking to the chocolate bread, which made him grab it and hold it with him so he could eat it after brushing his teeth. he then groans as he remembers what he was originally here for. "youre suppose to wake the students up, not steal their bread.." he reflected.
the man got distracted, again, since he eyed the full body sized mirror that he didnt have in his bathroom.
jeonghan continues to brush his teeth as he saw him in his black sweatpants and white t-shirt, lowkey checking himself out in the plain yet good looking outfit. just jeonghan being the confident man he is. he ruffles his hair with his free hand, attempting to look more.. 'hot'?
as the blonde man carries on with his styling, he notices something ruffling against the blanket and hears someone groaning. fuck, i got distracted again. what is wrong with me? jeonghan thought.
jeonghan turns around and walked over to the people on the bed, expecting to see two bodies completely naked. oops, my bad. he meant two bodies completely far away from each other, with one hugging a pillow while sleeping in an way you cant describe, and the other normally sleeping with their hands on their stomach. but he was so wrong.
there they were, hoshi and woozi both cuddling too close that they might kiss at any moment.
woozi's hands entangled in hoshi's hair, hoshi's arms wrapping itself around the other's waist, legs clashing between one another, foreheads and noses rubbing on each other's, and their lips almost brushing together.
jeonghan stops brushing his teeth, too awestruck at the adorable sight infront of him. he quickly snatches his phone out of his phone, and sliding to the right to click a picture at a nice angle. then he chuckles before exiting the room, thinking of sending the picture to the groupchat.
finally, it was time for breakfast. the students have heard that they will be eating pastries such as pancakes, waffles, croissants, cookies, raisin bread, and other types guessing by the tray of baked good that was left on the table in their room. and yep, they were so right.
seungkwan gasps as he saw the baker flip the golden brown pancake upside down before plating it on top with other pancakes, and adding a melted slice of butter on top.
"yahh, this looks so good my mouth is already salivating!" chan exclaims with his eyes as big as saucers. jisoo laughs, "youre acting like you havent eaten anything since the last time your mom cooked for you. wasnt that, a year ago?" he comments, patting the younger's back.
the rest of the friend group settles on a long table they found, which was suitable for a friend group of 11 people. "guys, we'll be at this table! also, jisoo! can you get me a plate of scrambled eggs and hash browns?" seungcheol yelled out across the table, in which the other nodded and immediately obeyed the order.
"hm, should i get the carbonara pasta? its 17.90₩ though.."
"yeah, you should! seungcheol hyung is paying for it anyways."
"hey! who said that?! are they asking for a death wish?!"
"guys shut the fuck up, people are literally staring."
"oh my gosh, the croissant dipped in hot choco is so delicious!"
"hot choco first thing in the morning? are you crazy, seungkwan-hyung?!"
"hello?! its literally winter season! of course it's normal to consume hot chocolate first thing in the morning!"
by the time, all the seats were taken except for two. it was fifteen minutes after breakfast started, and the friend group wanted to eat as a whole with the other members present, but it seems that two of them are still sleeping.
minghao notices this while eating his pancakes, wandering his eyes around the dining hall with a fork in his mouth, searching for his stubborn yet pretty best friend. "hey, has anybody seen woozi-hyung? i think he's missing." he comments. "hoshi isnt here, too." jun points out.
at that, jeonghan smirks with that infamous look on his face. it's called 'infamous', since he was well known for updating the students with the latest gossip even though hes suppose to maintain his role as the head prefect.
"jeonghannie-hyung, you have that sly expression on your face again. did you do something to the both of them?!" seungkwan yells, pointing at the older with a fork knowing how disrespectful that action was in his culture.
"what? no, of course not! i'd never do anything to my babies." jeonghan says, still smiling from ear to ear.
jeoningie wonwoo 🎮
wake up wonwooooo
are you still asleep
i pulled an all-nighter lol
mingyu's sleeping tho
ive got to show you something
what is it
its about your friend namely woozi
is it about him and hoshi....
what happened
i was gone for one night 💔
open | close
omg holy shit
am i seeing things
is kwon hoshi literally hugging my best friend in the whole wide world?!???
yes. its true
wait but why are you in their room
are you a creep
i had to do my duty as a head prefect
i had to wake up all the male students while the deputy head wakes up the females
wait there was a deputy head prefect????
of course???
dont you remember her??
oh nayeon
she's in the same major as me
gosh wonwoo, i expected you to know more
you were a prefect before this.
keyword; before
btw what r u guys doing rn?
oh just having breakfast, howoo still isnt here tho
they havent woke up yet
maybe u should wake them up..?
nvm theyre here bye jeoningie!!
have fun taking care of a big baby!!!
after what seems like years of waiting, the awaited duo has finally arrived.
woozi came in his hoodie he wore yesterday with his sleeping attire and the other came wearing checkered pants with a white t-shirt, an unzipped jacket and a beanie he had brought.
the whole group watches in astonishment while the other two takes a seat. "good morning, my favourite people in the world." hoshi exaggerates while stretching his body and yawning at the same time. woozi rubs his eyes, "morning." he greets. the rest kept silence, eyeing them every 2 seconds while eating their food.
hoshi chuckles nervously, "why are you guys so quiet this morning? did we miss anything?" he questions with a smile to not make it seem like he was panicking on the inside. vernon choked on his tea, which seungkwan had to help him by patting his back. "calm down, vernonie, it will be okay.." he reassures, still eyeing at the two.
it was obvious that woozi had completely given up trying to talk with the others, with the way hos head was on the table, probably still sleeping.
the silence was too awkward considering that they were the best of friends, so minghao spoke up. "did.. you guys sleep well?" he asks, his chin resting on his palm. hoshi lights up at the question. "yeah, it was awesome! it was the best sleep ive ever had in my 24 years of living!" he exclaims with that iconic eye smile of his. jeonghan continues to consumes his food, "we can tell.." he says. after, jisoo started to cough on his pancakes, too.
hoshi stared at his friends left and right, they were being suspicious. as if they knew something was going on.
meanwhile, woozi was far back into his own world, since no one has heard from him ever since his morning greeting. "alright guys, lets discuss! what do you want to do after our activities today?" chan who was beside woozi, says as he slaps the nape of woozi's neck before joining his hands together. woozi hisses at the sudden shock, "yah you bastard-!" he exclaims before putting the younger into a headlock.
the group laughs as they watch their maknae currently getting tortured by one of his hyungs, "okay, oka- ouch! okay im- im sorry-!" chan manages to say between the headlocks. finally, woozi releases him after a few more seconds. he proceeds to grab a raisin bread which was on his plate, and takes a few bites of it.
hoshi watches as woozi who was beside him, nibbles on the pastry. not because of the delicious looking bread, but it was something else. hoshi doesnt know why, but it was getting him aroused.
no! not right now, kwon soonyoung. your friends are literally here. hoshi screams in his thoughts.
hoshi turns his attention towards the dining table, but still, the members were quiet and awkward while eating their food. and hoshi finally had enough.
"okay, why are you guys so quiet when me and woozi arrived? i saw you guys happily chatting and laughing together while eating your food. is there something youre keeping to yourselves to? why not tell me or woozi about it?" hoshi snaps, and everyone knows how bad it could be when hoshi gets angry.
seokmin clears his throat before speaking, "are you really sure you want us to tell you?" he asks with the other nodding eagerly.
jeonghan runs his fingers through his hair, which was a sign that he would be the one to announce it. "well, long story short we noticed how woozi smelled so much like hoshi's cologne when you guys arrived. we could even smell it meters away." he explains, stabbing his fork through the scrambled eggs.
jun raises his hand to speak and gets the approval from jeonghan. "and we know that hoshi wouldnt spray his cologne on woozi, since hoshi told me earlier yesterday that his cologne spray bottle had finished right after he changed into his clean clothes for the night." he adds, which proved one very big thing
which was; hoshi and woozi definitely cuddle through the night.
the whole time the two was talking, woozi was just listening, still taking bites of his raisin bread and too tired to be against it. hoshi on the other hand, was trying not to protest from the statement.
"so, it would be really nice if you could tell us if you guys are dating or not." seungcheol says, clasping his hand together with lips pressed into a line. hoshi gulps. "no, we are not dating." woozi states, wiping his hand with a tissue and a serious look on his face.
seungkwan eyes him, "really?" he asks.
"really really reaaaaaaaaalllllyyyyyy......"
"seungkwan, i will bury you 6ft underground if you say that word one more time."
"okay, alright! not saying it anymore." seungkwan exclaims, before resting his head on vernon's shoulder with a sulky look on his face.
"alright guys, can we finally discuss about what you guys want to do after pur activities today? it'll be oring if i just stay in my room today!" chan whines, begging for his older brothers' attentions. "of course we can, chan! sorry, we just got distracted by woozi outting you into a headlock, haha!"
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