Visiting Fifth Division
Isshin had possibly made a mistake in bringing up the lieutenant testing in front of the captains, instead of going straight to the general about the matter. Aizen, being the stick in the ass he was, had put the bug into everyone's ear that perhaps Toshiro should spend some time with the other divisions to see exactly where he would fit and if he really was lieutenant material.
And of course, Aizen had pushed forward a little project for Toshiro to work on, something that was in need of some help as Aizen was short one lieutenant, as Gin had moved on to being a captain himself. Aizen didn't really feel that it was fare to push it all onto one of the new recruits of a lower seat, yet if Toshiro was lieutenant material, he would likely be able to handle the sorting of mail.
Of course, Hitsugaya thought that he had been assigned a task just because of the fact that he had been turned into an errand boy. He also wanted to finish the task as soon as possible so that he could get out of the room, however, he ended up finding that the room was filled with unsorted mail and that the division had some how become behind in its duties.
On top of this, Aizen liked to keep the rooms of the office warm for some reason or another, and he had problems staying awake in the room, as he found that the temperature, while bearable for most people, was not for him. Of course, he ended up finding out that day that Gin didn't like the heat any more then he did.
That was because Gin had taken it into his head to help the boy with the task, much to Toshiro's disgruntlement. The man just walked in and started sorting things. "You do know, Captain Ichimaru, I don't need help."
"With this big of a task?" Gin suddenly commented. "I overheard that Aizen was having you help, and he never asks for outside help, so I figured that the situation must be pretty bad, and I was right. It wouldn't have gotten this way if I was still lieutenant. Hell… my division doesn't get this bad, and I don't have one."
"You did most of the work in here?" Toshiro suddenly asked.
"Ehh… I guess I did. I did whatever Aizen-sama told me to do really," the young man smiled.
"Why do you attach sama to the end of his name?" came the curious question. "I mean, you are a captain now, aren't you?"
"Well… yeah… but I've been under his wing for a long time… over fifty years really," came the fox like grin, which caused Toshiro to shudder. "I sure wish he wouldn't leave it so hot in here."
"Most people don't complain," Toshiro stated, sweat dripping down his face. "I really…"
That was when Hinamori stuck her head into the room. "Umm… uhh."
"Ahh… Momo-chan!" Gin waved his hand at the girl. "It is nice to see you made it into my former division!"
"Ahh… yes… I was wondering if I could help out in here as I haven't been assigned a task at the moment Lieu… Captain Ichimaru," the girl stayed on the other side of the doorway, hugging it.
"Yes, well… the more the merrier, right Shiro-chan?" the man smiled.
"Its Hitsugaya fox face," the boy muttered, suddenly glaring at the man, the temperature in the room dropping drastically.
"Shiro-chan, that is not the way you address someone of a higher rank then you!" Hinamori admonished.
"It's Hitsugaya, Hinamori… you promised," Toshiro muttered, his cheeks turning a little pink from the frustration.
"Ahh… a bit childish about your name are you. I don't mind people calling me Gin," the third division captain stated handing a pile of letters to Hinamori.
"He doesn't like being treated like a child is all," Momo smiled. She then spoke up. "What exactly was it like, being Aizen taicho's lieutenant?"
"It was… wonderful actually. I was given the orders, not giving them. I could depend on him… I kind of still do, as I am rather new at being a captain, so he rather helps me out. So does Isshin-san… I've always liked how the tenth division feels like home, and I kind of want that feeling with mine."
"Doesn't fifth division feel like home?" came Hinamori's sudden question.
"Ran-chan isn't here," the man replied.
"Ran-chan… you mean the third seat of Shiro-chan's division?" both heard Toshiro groan at her using the dreaded nickname again. "Why Ran-chan?"
"Because he likes her," Toshiro suddenly commented.
"Oh… so you are good friends. But aren't you good friends with Aizen-sama too?" the girl suddenly asked.
"No Hinamori, he likes her likes her," Toshiro groaned. "Even I can tell that… and I barely know them."
"Huh?" Hinamori was still confused.
"Well… the kiddo doesn't miss a beat. I guess one could possibly say that, but I'm not sure it's completely true that our childhood friendship had become a crush, but I guess one could take it that way," the captain stacked some of the mail in a pile and pushed it to the side.
"But… how did Shiro know… he's just a little kid!" Hinamori protested. "And I didn't know!"
"Because when I first met him, he said the thing that we have in common is Ran-chan and that she had taken an interest in me. It was in his tone, he's rather protective of her," Toshiro suddenly stacked the papers else where.
"But… you're over protective of me, and you don't have a crush on me, do you?" Hinamori suddenly frowned.
"No… but you would walk into a wall, turn around and say sorry to it Hinamori. So until the right guy comes along, I have to look after you as…" Toshiro suddenly closed his eyes in frustration. "Hinamori is Hitsugaya's sister, and not only did he make a promise to protect her, it is the job of the male family to look out for the females."
"I wish that you wouldn't switch to third person when you are talking about your feelings Shiro-chan," Momo sighed.
"It's a coping mechanism," Gin suddenly laughed. "He's not comfortable with…"
However, Gin was suddenly interrupted by Toshiro's eyes rolling back from getting to hot, and collapsing onto the floor. Gin opened his eyes briefly in surprise, but Hinamori ran over to the small boy's side, not noticing this fact. Gin then went over and placed a hand on his forehead. "I think that we should go and place him in your quarters to rest for the night… the heats gotten to him."
"But it isn't that hot in here," came her protest.
"To you it isn't, but his zanpaktou is of the ice element, and both of them thus like the cold temperature better," Gin stated, scooping the small boy into his arms.
The next day, Isshin came to pick Toshiro up from the fifth division barracks, the small boy having passes his job onto Hinamori and Gin. The third division captain had insisted that the boy stay with Hinamori for the night, and then Isshin pick him up in the morning, after he had recovered somewhat. He found that while Toshiro was sitting up, his eyes were not able to focus.
"Seems that Shiro-chan gets heat sick easily," the man sighed.
"Shut up," Toshiro mumbled. "You're just a baka…"
"Sure I am… your not walking back, I'm carrying you," Isshin stated, scooping up the protestant white haired boy.
"I am not an infant or a toddler you moron!" came the protest.
"I can tell from your eyes that you're still sick, and as captain of your division, papa can't take any chances of you having a relapse," Isshin laughed, the boy hung out under one arm, glaring at him. A string of foul words slipped out of his mouth, causing the taicho to roll his eyes. "Seriously, do I have to wash your mouth out Shiro-chan? If you don't think I won't, think again."
"So… I've heard you and quite a few others use profanities, what is the difference!' the boy snapped.
"Age… little one… age. It is very unbecoming for one your age to have a foul mouth. I think I will wash out your mouth with soup," Isshin stated, then smiled when Toshiro got a horrified look on his face. "I think for now the threat is enough."
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