Play Date
"Why exactly are we at the eleventh division?" Toshiro asked, glancing up at the entrance to the division.
"Why are we here?" Isshin commented, stroking his beard. "I don't think I remember."
"Oi… I am sure that you do remember but you're trying to play with my mind again!" Toshiro snapped, folding his arms across his chest. "You said we had something to do, yet you can't remember."
Isshin reached over with one hand to ruffle the small boy's white hair, his other still stroking his beard. "Hold on… papa's still trying to remember… yes… still trying to remember."
Toshiro grabbed the man's hand and flung it away, going to kick the man in the side, but then thought otherwise about this action. "I am not going to lose my temper, as I am too old for that. I am also not going to react, which is what you want."
Isshin turned a surprised look on his face. He then shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "All right, all right. I came here to drink sake; you came here for a play date."
"Play date! Exactly how old do you think I am?!" Toshiro snapped.
"I'm here on a play date too…" Isshin sighed. "And what happened to not losing your temper?"
"How can you be here on a play date?" Toshiro muttered, turning to leave, only to be grabbed by the back of his kimono.
"I said we would come, so he eleventh is expecting us," Isshin stated, dragging the small boy inside.
"If I ever become captain, I am never going to say such things," Toshiro stated folding his arms. "Though with as crazy as you are, I don't see why anyone would want to be a taicho."
"Do you think you could achieve Bankai?" Isshin suddenly asked.
"Bankai… I've heard about it, but not many people talk about it, so I don't know much about it, except that it is a shingami's zanpaktou's next form past initial release. Because of this I never gave it much thought," Toshiro muttered.
"Do you think you might have the ability to become a captain?" Isshin smirked.
"Ehh… not really… but then, I've never thought much about my skills… just living from day to day," Toshiro muttered, still letting himself to be dragged.
"I think you could. Shiba is trying to work on his… but he's still far away from doing anything about this," Isshin sighed.
"But why… I thought he didn't want the second position, from what his wife has joked about," Toshiro got a confused face.
"You'll have to ask him that one yourself," Isshin stated. He then waved to some of the eleventh division men. "Oi! We're here to play!"
The men at first smirked, pulling out sake bottles, then spotted Toshiro. "He's too young to drink, isn't he?"
"He's here to play with Yachiru," Isshin smiled.
"Good luck…" the men muttered.
Suddenly, a very hyper voice came from inside the dojo, where fighting was going on. "You're here!"
Toshiro suddenly found something latching onto him in-between his shoulder blades. His teal eyes narrowed in annoyance. "Hello lieutenant Kusajishi…"
"Oi… Snowy-chan!" the small girl pouted. "You came here to play, no?"
"I don't play games," the boy muttered, only to suddenly found his hand grabbed by her as she jumped off.
"Let me show you my toys," the girl smiled, excited to have someone to play with.
"I don't play with toys! I don't have time to play!" Toshiro gave Isshin a glaring look, only to have the man shrug his shoulders at the small boy.
"Oi! Then what do you do during your free time?" the small girl frowned, letting go of his hand, and then suddenly pouting.
"I train or take a nap," Toshiro glared at her. "I believe that children that sleep well will grow well."
"Oh pookie," the girl pouted, then she suddenly brightened up. "Want to play like Ken-chan sometimes plays with his friends?"
"Ken-chan?" Toshiro muttered. He suddenly saw Isshin making a slicing motion across his neck.
"Yes… Ken-chan plays a certain game. We all play it here at the eleventh division… but nobody seems to want to play with me…" the small girl grabbed his hand. "Come on… let's go into the dojo!"
"Oh no…" Isshin slapped his forehead, while the eleventh division members chuckled.
Toshiro found himself dragged into the division dojo, not at all surprised to find some rather rough men in there. This didn't stop the small girl, as she went over and began to pull out two wooden swords. The bald man that Toshiro had met before walked over to the small girl. "Exactly what are you doing Yachiru?"
"I am going to play with Spiky-chan," the girl muttered.
"Oi… changing my nickname again?" Toshiro muttered, narrowing his eyes, his arms folded against his chest.
"Oh come on… this place is for serious training," one of the men laughed.
"I am going to play with him like you play with each other," the small girl stated, causing Toshiro to raise an eyebrow, as her aura perked.
"Exactly how good is she at a sword?" he asked.
"Ehh…" Ikkaku muttered. "I've never seen her use one." The man fished the two sticks out of the holder, then tossed Toshiro one. "However… if she wants to play… you might as well try."
"This should be interesting," Yumichika muttered, sipping his tea.
"You could at least practice too!" Ikkaku snapped. "Goodness knows…"
"Getting sweaty is not a pretty site," the man muttered, sipping his tea, closing his eyes. Ikkaku just shook his head and handed a sword to the small girl. She waved it but found her sleeves to get in the way.
"How exactly do I do this?" the small girl asked. This caused Ikkaku to groan, then go and pull out a few bands, then went and tied the small girl's sleeves back so that her arms were not obstructed. She glanced over at Toshiro. "If I have this done, shouldn't he."
"Good grief…" Ikkaku muttered. "We don't even normally use this equipment…"
"I don't need…" Toshiro protested, only to be hit on top of the head by another wooden sword.
"She says you need it, you'll wear it," Ikkaku muttered.
"She rather has you rapped around her little finger doesn't she?" Toshiro smirked.
"You little brat!" Ikkaku muttered, but backed away. "You two ready?"
"Hai," both of the small seconds commented, though the smaller of the two sounded more excited about the whole matter.
Ikkaku dropped his hand, and the motion was a blur, Yachiru's sword going flying from her hands and hitting Yumichika on the head. "Hey! What do you two think you are doing!"
The small girl pouted, and went to retrieve the sword, then came back. Ikkaku felt his eyebrow twitch as the process was repeated time after time. Finally, the small girl put her hands on her hips. "I don't like this!"
The next thing he knew, Toshiro found himself being attacked by a flying pink monster. Yumichika found this funny, but Ikkaku couldn't help but let out something. "What the fuck?"
Toshiro blocked the small girl's attacks using the wooden sword, effectively not moving around that much. Ikkaku closed his eyes, knowing that stepping in-between the two would be suicide. However, someone else grabbed the two by the scruffs of their shingami kimono uniforms.
"What exactly are you two doing?" the man muttered, an eye patch over his eye, and a rather cruel smirk.
"Hi Ken-chan… I was playing with Snoopy-chan," the small girl smiled.
"Sn…sn…sn…" Toshiro muttered aloud, only to find himself shaken so that he might be forced to let go of the wooden sword.
"What is a kid doing here?" the man stated.
"He came with Isshi-chan to play, remember?" the small girl commented. "He says he doesn't play with toys."
"Really…" Kenpachi took a good look at the small boy, and shook him harder.
"Seriously, stop shaking me!" Toshiro muttered.
"Oh?" the man just continued to shake, a smirk on his face.
"Baka!" Toshiro suddenly let out a huge blast or reiatsu, that went and knocked over a good deal of the eleventh division subordinates, knocking them unconscious to the ground.
"Oi… you have reiatsu the level of a captain?" Kenpachi muttered. "If you weren't a kid and weren't ice element, I would have a fight with you here and now… it would be a lot of fun."
"What?" Toshiro suddenly became confused, however found himself being grabbed by his captain.
"You just iced the entire eleventh division brat," the man muttered. "Good thing though as it means more sake to go around."
"You are such a baka," Toshiro muttered, narrowing his eyes.
"I think you should go play with her," Kenpachi stated firmly, dropping her to the ground.
"Just go Toshiro… you might find you like it… you need to act your age every so often," Isshin laughed.
"This coming from the man who almost never acts his age?" Toshiro muttered as the small girl led him off to her room.
"What is this?" Toshiro suddenly asked as she pulled out a game.
"Candy Land," the girl stated. "Feather head got it for me while in the living world… he says it is from someplace called America."
"And how do you play this game?" Toshiro stated, eyeing the very kid like game.
"You pull out cards and you have to move your character to the next in the color," the girl stated. "Oh… and when you get a candy card, not only do you have to go to that spot, you have to eat that kind of candy."
"You made the last part up, didn't you?" Toshiro muttered as she pulled out a few jars of candy.
"If we run out of a certain kind, we just get another," the girl smiled, opening one of the jars, glancing in and sitting down.
"I don't need to get overloaded with sugar," Toshiro muttered, folding his arms across his chest.
"Just play," the girl sighed, tossing a playing piece at his forehead.
Toshiro let out a sigh, and after a couple of hours, felt like he was going completely bonkers. First reason was because the mind was way to simple for his mind, and second because he was starting to get a major sugar high, as it seemed that the small girl had purposely added hand drawn candy spot cards, but he wasn't going to argue the point.
Finally… "Can we possibly do something else?"
"Oh…" the small girl stated. "You look like you've drunk sake…"
"Ehh…" Toshiro's eyes slightly glazed over. "Do you always eat this much sugar?"
"Duh!" the girl commented, pushing the game back into its box. "More candy?"
"I'd rather have something else," Toshiro muttered.
"Umm… all right," the girl pulled out a couple of clacker devices and handed him one. "You make them go clink."
Toshiro almost jumped as the marbles suddenly clicked together, up and down. And to his dismay, they suddenly shattered, scattering material everywhere. The small girl pouted. "I hate it when that happens…"
"Oi!" Ikkaku suddenly called from the doorway. "I made you a new toy."
"Yeah! What is it!' the small girl stood on one toe, her hands behind her.
"A top… see, it works like this," Ikkaku spun the small top on the ground, then walked away.
Yachiru tried multiple times to get the top to work, then looked like she was about to give up. Toshiro was watching this. "Do you want me to teach you how to make it work?"
"I thought you didn't play with toys," the small girl stuck her tongue out at him.
"A top is not a toy. It is a nice competitive device that I got really good at," Toshiro motioned her to come over to him, then positioned the small girl in his lap. Taking her hands in his he carefully maneuvered them so that the top would spin. "See?"
"Fun! Do it again!" the small girl laughed, Toshiro yet again spinning the top, the small girl's eyes fascinated by the toy.
Isshin walked into the room later, to find both children fast asleep, the small girl curled into the older boys lap, clutching his shirt tightly, Toshiro's arms having come to hold her in his sleep, somewhat protectively. The top was sitting in front of them, their small snores reaching the man's ears.
"Amazing…" Yumichika muttered. "I've never seen anyone put up with her this long when they play. I thought he had less patience then Ikkaku."
"Yes and no," Isshin sighed, trying to think of a way to get the two away from each other. "It may not seem he has patience, but in truth he really does. That was the way he survived really. I think we'll be staying here for the night. If you don't mind, could you send a message to Matsumoto so she doesn't worry?"
"Hell no… I hate her," the man muttered, turning to leave as Ikkaku came up to them, Isshin settling down to sleep in a sitting position next to the two children.
"Not bad… but a bit early for settling in?" the man muttered.
"Ran-chan rather expected us back before midnight, and it's been a long time," Isshin muttered. "Plus… you want to try to get your lieutenants grip lose of mine? I'm staying here in case he wakes up and loses his temper."
"Hai, hai," Ikkaku sat down on the other side. "It isn't usually quite in this room."
Soon, both were sleeping in peacefully bliss, the first person waking up being a pink haired demon. She saw Ikkaku lying there and her small brain got an idea in her head, and she went and got some of the paint that Yumichika had given her and began to pain the mans face, first starting by covering the mans face with a white paint, then moving onto some red, and other colors.
She then went to hide behind something, waiting for someone else to wake up. The first one to wake up was Toshiro, who had turned over in his sleep after she had loosened her grip and was facing the eleventh division third seat. The look on the man's face couldn't help but cause him to yell loudly, ducking behind Isshin, shaking profusely.
"Ehh… Shiro-chan… what…" Isshin woke up, and took a look at Ikkaku, who had also woken up, then burst out laughing. "C…c….c…clown!"
"C…c…." Toshiro couldn't get the word out.
"What do you mean clown? I am not a clown?" the man muttered, only to have Kenpachi and Yumichika peer into the room and start laughing.
"You might want to look in the mirror…" Isshin smirked, handing him one of the toy ones.
"Why… what the fuck!" Ikkaku suddenly grabbed his sword. "I am going to kill that little brat!"
"If you can catch her," Yumichika pointed at the door, where the second was making her escape.
"Get back here!" the man roared.
"Should we tell him that he should wash that off?" Isshin muttered.
"Nah," Kenpachi popped his shoulders. "Plus… that was one pretty scary clown face… not a nice one."
"I wonder what she used," the pretty boy of the eleventh muttered. "I think she used paint, not makeup… it will be a pain on the skin…"
Isshin glanced at Toshiro, who was still shaking. "Good grief… first nightmares about twelfth division, now this?"
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