Momo Ranking Up
When it came to Toshiro going to the meeting of the lieutenants that would welcome Momo in, he had planned on going. However, to his dismay, Hinamori had come by to pick him up from the tenth division offices and had grabbed him by the hand and drug him off with her, as if he were a small child. He was not at all pleased by this.
"So, you are protesting this as much as you protested yours?" came Nanao's question as she raised an eyebrow.
"Oh… Shiro-chan, that isn't very nice of you to have done that," Hinamori suddenly stated to the small boy, causing him to nearly have a mental break down.
Well, one might have called in a mental breakdown, as he turned on the older girl. "What I protest is that you drug me here by the hand as if I were a small child. And stop calling me Shiro-chan!"
"But Shiro-chan!" Hinamori pouted suddenly.
"You promised Hinamori! You prom-ised!" the white haired second taicho couldn't help but glare at her. "You just don't listen to me do you, that I am not a little kid anymore!"
Hinamori just turned away from him, frustrated with his actions, just as Yachiru pulled out a cake and made to cut it, only to have Nanao pull her away. "Why don't we talk about something, since this meeting is about me becoming a second, and there isn't anything major going on? Anything great happen lately for you?"
"Hinamori, why would you care?" came his snappish reply. Most ignored him, but Nanao couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, concern on her face. Nemu also seemed to be staring at them.
"Because, I've known Shiro-chan for a long time!" came Hinamori's smile and bright eyes.
"Yes, something big did happen for me lately," Toshiro muttered. "But this is not the place to tell you, even if I did want to, and I am not sure I want to, as you are irritating me today."
"Shiro-chan!" Hinamori suddenly snapped. "That isn't nice. Tell me, I promise I won't laugh…"
Toshiro let out a sigh, then leaned over and whispered into her ear. "I achieved Bankai…"
Hinamori at first stared at him, complete shock on her face, grabbing his arm and hauling him outside, and a bit away from the place that they were meeting. She then spun him around, and the next thing he knew, her hand had struck his face, hard. "Toshiro…"
"Why did you hit me?" Toshiro narrowed his eyes at her, his mood becoming dangerously cold.
"Why did you make up such a ridiculous lie to tell me on this day that is supposed to be special for me?!" Hinamori snapped.
"Ridiculous lie? You don't believe me do you, even though I told you that I didn't want to tell you about this today?" Toshiro felt his chest hurt, his teeth clench and a pressure build up at the back of his face, but he found himself holding this rarely felt feeling back. "Do you still disbelieve me when I remind you of that?"
"Hitsugaya Toshiro! I admit that may be true, that you were not trying to usurp my achievement, but there is no way that a small child like yourself could have ever have achieved Bankai. If you did, tell me what it was like, hmm?" Hinamori had grabbed him roughly by the shoulder.
The small boy felt something wet drip down his face, but he wasn't sure what it was… it was childish to cry about something like this, wasn't it. "I am not sure… I was only able to sustain it for a few seconds after…"
He felt another slap across his cheek. "Enough Toshiro… isn't that statement there, proof enough that you didn't achieve Bankai?"
At this, Hitsugaya bit his lip, trying to keep his feelings from rushing out. "Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why is it that you can't see, that I am not the small child you once knew?" Toshiro stated.
"Hitsugaya Toshiro, do you really think that telling me lies will help!" Hinamori stated.
"I am not lying to you!" Toshiro suddenly yelled, then pulled away from her, his countenance growing dark. "Be that way then, Hinamori. Unless it is for work purposes, I am never going to speak to you again!"
With that, the small boy turned and stormed of, his anger and hurt building. Hinamori just glared at him, then burst into tears at the thought of him never speaking to him again, but she couldn't find herself to believe him, for as she tried to do so, a small well of jealousy began to spring up, that someone younger then her that she knew well had come so much farther then her.
Toshiro sat in a place that no one would be able to find him, and suddenly things burst out. A few tears at first, but then it came down hard. "Hyorinmaru… what is the matter with me?"
"You trust me to tell you little one?" the dragon stated.
"I trust you to tell me the truth," came the small boy's response. "I trust you not to tell me things you feel I am not ready to hear, but I also trust you to tell me things that I don't want to hear, but I might not want to."
Hyorinmaru could hear the sobs racking the small body hard. "What is the matter with you is that you have trusted Hinamori Momo a lot, and you expected her to be more understanding of your feelings."
"Shingami don't feel emotion, Hyorinmaru," Toshiro protested.
"That is a lie… shingami do in fact feel human emotion, they just are not supposed to show it as a way to protect themselves and those around them," the dragon murmured, working to try to calm the boy down, knowing that there was a lack of emotional rationality with his shingami.
"I've never felt like this before. I've been upset that someone has died, but never upset like this…"
"She betrayed her trust, and that has never happened before to you," Hyorinmaru stated firmly. "I mean, you could count Sojiro, but you knew something was wrong with him, and he wasn't acting like his normal self. Hinamori… she was acting like herself."
"Did I really achieve Bankai?" Toshiro suddenly stood up, shaking as he did so.
"Toshiro, you are 'not' thinking rationally!" Hyorinmaru went into a small panic, knowing that the boy was going to attempt Bankai again. He knew that he could refuse to perform it with the boy, but knew that if he did so, Toshiro would stop believing in himself, not to mention his ice dragon. Thus, he allowed Toshiro to speak the words, and in a few minutes later, Toshiro was passed out on the ground, while the entire area was covered with ice.
Toshiro slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurring. He saw Unohana smile at him. "You are in here for the same reason, aren't you?"
"Hai…" Toshiro muttered, then closed his eyes, but heard Kira's voice snap next to him.
"I don't know what you did, but it was really stupid. Not even my taicho will tell me what you did!" came the reply. "And you made Hinamori cry!"
"Because I got mad that she wouldn't believe me?" Toshiro opened his eyes, realizing that he had been placed on something to keep him calm.
"No… because you got hurt," the blond haired shingami snapped, uncharistically like him.
"It isn't her fault. She treats me like I am a child," the boy murmured.
"See her so that she can sleep tonight, will you?" came the next comment.
"No, I refuse. I told her I am not speaking to her," Toshiro stated, only to suddenly find Ichimaru Gin's smiling face above his.
"Your taicho figured that you might say something like that, so you know what he told me?" the man was firm in his tone. "He said, he will not come in until you take the time to speak to her."
"Fine…" Toshiro's eyes closed for a few minutes.
"Shiro-chan," came the timid voice from the doorway.
"The only reason I am speaking to you right now Hinamori is that taicho insisted," the boy murmured.
"Toshiro! Taicho this, taicho that!" Hinamori suddenly snapped.
"Same goes for you, it is Aizen-taicho this, Aizen-taicho that," Toshiro suddenly muttered.
"I want you to transfer to fifth division," came the quite voice.
Toshiro suddenly turned to her in shock. "I am not transferring."
"You are a child and have proven that you need to be taken care of!" Hinamori protested.
"I am not as much of a child as you think I am!" the small boy suddenly pushed himself up from the bed. "Stop treating me like one!"
"When you stop acting like one!" Momo snapped back.
"When you grow up Hinamori! You are more childish then me sometimes! I wonder a bit why you got your position…" Toshiro commented.
"Take that back!" Momo looked like she was about to cry.
"I will not! It is true and you need to hear it!" Toshiro mumbled. "Start acting like you are a second in command of your division!"
"Says the person who has the worst role model ever!"
"What did you say?" Toshiro knew that the temperature had probably dropped then.
"I don't know if you know this or not, but Aizen doesn't like your taicho!" Hinamori stated.
"How the hell would you know! You're forming your opinions based of another. You've not once given him a chance! He's like a pa…" Toshiro stopped short, his cheeks turning red from what he had almost said aloud.
"Fine…" Hinamori stormed off. "I am not speaking with you either, Shiro-chan!"
Toshiro felt something inside him break, yet again. That was when Isshin stepped in, and he spoke up. "You knew that she wouldn't believe me, didn't you?"
"Yes," the tenth division taicho had a sad look on his face. "If I had thought you would have believed me, or if I had known it would have turned out this bad, I would have said something."
"You were just trying to do what was best for me taicho," the boy closed his eyes. "Even though it doesn't always work out the way you want to, you do your best…"
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