On top of having a party with the lieutenants, the tenth division threw a party, to Toshiro's annoyance. He ended up disappearing as soon as he could, especially since it was the first time he had seen nearly all of his division get drunk. Except for a select few, none were sober. He also got comments about getting his hair cut. Thus, he was glad to get back to paperwork.
However, even though Toshiro was lieutenant rank, Matsumoto kept pushing her work off on him. He simply filled out the paperwork in her handwriting… which probably the hardest for him to mimic, then handed them back to her to sign. He couldn't figure out why she didn't just do the work so she could then do as she pleased, he found it quite convenient for himself, to finish his work, then go and take a nap, not the other way around.
He was working on the paperwork, when he felt his taicho sneaking up behind him. "If this is another one of your attempts to administer family love on me, it isn't going to work and I will seriously hurt you if you hug me."
However, he felt a hand close over his mouth, causing his eyes to go wide and for him to glace up. Isshin smiled down at him. "What did I say about getting your hair cut?"
Toshiro found his mouth uncovered as Isshin scooped him under his arm. He grabbed onto the desk and hung on. "You've been telling me for a month now. I'm fine. I'll get it cut when I visit grandma next… it isn't as if it grows that fast anyways."
Isshin shook his head. "You're nervous about visiting her due to the fact of why you left in the first place."
"So?" Toshiro muttered, narrowing her eyes.
"So… do you want to have long hair like Ukitake?" Isshin suddenly laughed, thinking his comment would get through.
"A long way from that baka taicho!" Toshiro wanted to fold his arms across his chest, however, he didn't dare let go of the desk, lest Isshin haul him off where ever he might haul him.
"Oh… well, maybe not that long," Isshin got an evil smirk. "But you are starting to look like a mini Gin… all you have to do is smile big and shut your eyes tight."
"What the… I hate you!" Toshiro continued to latch onto the desk, but then made a quick move and grabbed a pair of scissors from his desk.
"Oi!" Isshin got a startled look on his face. "You aren't trying to kill me are you?"
"Ehh?" Toshiro made a face at the man. "If I wanted to kill you, why didn't I just draw my zanpaktou baka?"
"Then what are those scissor's for?" Isshin got a rather annoyed look on his face. Toshiro shook his head, feeling that the man should be able to figure out what he was doing, then reached up to use the scissors on his hair. "What are you trying to do your idiot! If you do it that way, you'll end up with a very bad haircut!"
"So?" Toshiro muttered as he suddenly found himself tackled to the ground. "The problem was the length of my hair, right? All I have to do is cut each part to the same length, right?"
Isshin tried getting the scissors from the small hand, however the grip was tight. That was when Matsumoto walked into the room. "Ehh… Toshiro is trying to kill taicho with scissors?"
Toshiro, due to the fact that he had a huge hand clamped over his mouth, took his free hand and pointed out his zanpaktou. Matsumoto shook her head. "Taicho… is giving him a hair cut a good situation… you can just take him to the barber."
"That's what I was trying to do!" Isshin suddenly moved into a sitting position and let go of Toshiro. "He…"
However, both had their jaws drop as they heard a sniping sound. The next thing they knew, Matsumoto was screaming, as if someone was dying, hurriedly smacking the scissors from Toshiro's hand and scooping him into a hug, suffocating him. "You stupid idiot! You can't give yourself a haircut without a mirror!"
The hand that Toshiro hadn't had smacked suddenly pushed on her stomach. When he was finally able to get out, his face was turning bright red. "Surrender! Surrender!"
Isshin scooped the small boy under his arm, a groan coming from his throat. "About time. Word of thumb… if you ever want to freak Matsumoto out, do something like that again… it won't ever go well… ever…"
The shingami in charge of the barber shop glanced up at the familiar feeling of reiatsu coming through his door. "Oi… Isshin-san! The usual! I thought you were in here last week!"
The man then raised an eyebrow as he saw the small boy hanging from under Isshin's arm, a very annoyed look on his face. The boy suddenly piped up. "Since there are mirrors here, I could just cut my hair, right?"
As the barber's eye twitched, Isshin dumped Toshiro into the empty chair. "Hell no… if I let you do that, you'll do something really weird, and won't care. Proof is in the fact that you tried to cut your hair like you did."
"Ahh… Isshin-san?" the man stammered out as Isshin took a seat in a chair next to the one he placed Toshiro in.
"Be glad it is a slow day," the man muttered. "My lieutenant here is in need of a haircut, however, he's been fighting me hand and foot. He even went to chop of his own hair… what was it you said Toshiro?"
" 'All I have to do is cut each part to the same length, right?'," the boy gave his taicho a cold look.
"Ahh… ehh…" the barber pointed his scissors at the small boy. "You brought me… you brought me…"
"A new customer… I'm paying…" Isshin sighed. "And yes… he can be an annoying brat at times… really annoying…"
"Long day?" the man folded his arms, shaking his head. "You do know you've given me a piece of work, right. He looks like a shaggy little dog."
At that, the temperature in the barber shop dropped drastically, and a killing reiatsu seeped forth from the small body, as the boy suddenly glared at him. "There is nothing wrong with the way I look!"
Only to have Isshin reach over and smack him behind the head, causing things to return to normal. The boy rubbed the back of his head, while the right hand hung limp in his lap. Isshin gave the small boy a dark look. "You wouldn't have gotten your wrist hurt like that if you hadn't tried cutting your hair in front of Matsumoto."
"He didn't…" the man muttered. "You've given me a little monster."
"Ehh…" Isshin smacked the back of Toshiro's head again. "Apologies… but avoid comments about looks and such… he's very sensitive about negative comments… even if people are teasing him… and he got his face smashed into Ran-chan's chest, so…"
Toshiro's face suddenly turned red and the temperature dropped again. "Shut up!"
The barber shook his head, then reached to touch Toshiro's head as soon as the temperature returned to normal, only to have the small boy tense up and the temperature drop again. Isshin caulked an eyebrow, a half smirk on his face that lacked the normal humor to it. "Need help."
"No… I think I'll be fine… I hope," the man muttered. "Your name?"
Toshiro suddenly dropped his guard. "Hitsugaya Toshiro…"
"And what would you prefer me to call you?" the man asked, however, didn't get an answer, as Toshiro bit his lip.
"Toshiro prefers to be called by his last name, full title," Isshin scratched his head. "I've never seen a kid this young so stuck up on mannerisms."
The man covered the front of Toshiro with a cloth and pulled it behind. "Lieutenant Hitsugaya… I get the feeling you aren't very comfortable with people touching you… however; I need you to be patient, as I am going to have to touch your head to get this finished."
"Hai…" Toshiro muttered, his eyes dropping.
"I have an idea of what might look good on you," the man stated. "Something that is a little more grown up then the haircut you usually get."
"Ehh…" Toshiro's eyes perked up at this, and he turned to the man. "Granny always gives me the same haircut… can't I have the same?"
The man rolled his eyes and sighed and forced Toshiro to turn forward. "What does she tell you when she cuts your hair. How about staying perfectly still?"
Toshiro bit his head, but nodded it, holding still as the man proceeded to cut the small boy's hair. Toshiro even closed his eyes as he heard the doorbell jingle.
"Ikkaku… I don't know why you have to go for a haircut so often. I mean… you go more then me," a man muttered.
"Ahh… eleventh division!" Isshin commented.
"Oi… I was told by our lieutenant to set up a play date…" the man commented. "I don't get why."
"But if you don't, she'll bite your head," the second man laughed.
"Lieutenant Hitsugaya… I need to wash your hair now," the man stated, having finished cutting it.
"Why?" Toshiro piped up as the chair was spun around so he could move over to the sink. A look from Isshin though shut him up.
"The new second is a kid," a bald man's eyes suddenly went wide.
"Looks like the Gotei thirteen has a new terror," a man with weird feathers on his eyelashes spoke up, a smirk on his face. "How's Rangiku doing with a little heathen on her hands?"
"He refused to come and get a haircut, so I had to drag him here, but not before he decided to just go ahead and attempt to cut his own hair… while Matsumoto was there… and no mirror,"
"Ack!" the man with the feathers suddenly got the shocked look, to which Ikkaku and Isshin started laughing. "Why would a kid with such a pretty face want to butcher his hair like that."
"Pretty?" Toshiro stated, as the barber finished rinsing his hair out. The temperature dropped.
"Not again…" the barber muttered.
"Yo!" Ikkaku glared at the kid. "When Yumichika says pretty, it isn't an insult... things are either pretty… or ugly… no handsome, no macho…"
"He's in eleventh division? Never mind… I met your second… you guys are weirdoes…" the boy muttered. "I guess you like to shave your head completely?"
"Yeah… it's more macho that way," Ikkaku smirked.
"Are we finished?" Toshiro suddenly asked as the man directed him back to his seat.
"I have to dry of your hair, and there is another step," the man sighed. "At least you're calmer then when you came in here."
Toshiro winced as a hairdryer was brought to his head, the heat hitting his scalp, the temperature dropped again, causing the two eleventh division members to laugh. Isshin shook his head. "Shiro-chan… if you don't let the hairdryer do its work, your hair won't dry, and this will take longer."
"Hai…" Toshiro muttered.
As the hair dried, the man raised an eyebrow. "Your hair sticks up and about naturally… you should pay a little more attention to how you look, instead of not caring and using that watermelon shampoo..."
"Whatever for?" Toshiro narrowed his eyes. "And it isn't shampoo…"
"Toshiro…" Isshin shook his head at the boy. "That is completely disgusting… using watermelon juice so your hair won't stick up. Why didn't I notice it when I touched your head before."
"Possibly because he doesn't let anyone touch his hair very often," the barber muttered. "Not if he can help it…"
"May I ask why I'm not being allowed to look in the mirror?" the small boy asked.
"So you'll be surprised by your look," the barber muttered as he took some gel an applied it.
"Watermelon juice…" Yumichika muttered, sounding like he wanted to throw up.
"Even I feel that was on the far side," Ikkaku muttered.
"I'm fine with the way I look," Toshiro muttered.
"Sure…" the two eleventh division members muttered. "Not that we care."
"Crazy kid," Ikkaku suddenly laughed. "He'd fit in with eleventh division, except for the fact his zanpaktou is not a physical type… and we also don't need another kid… she's enough."
The barber then spun the chair around, causing Toshiro to blink a couple of times. "W…w…w…w… taicho!"
Matsumoto was munching on some snacks at Toshiro's desk when Isshin got back with the small boy. She at first didn't say anything, but then her eyes went wide and she hurried over to run her hand through his hair. "I didn't know your hair was so nice and soft!"
"Just make sure that he doesn't go and use any kind of fruit juice in his hair Matsumoto…" Isshin muttered, sinking into his desk chair. The man seemed very exhausted. "At least it was worth it… I think…"
"So what do you think of your haircut Toshiro?" Matsumoto commented.
"I hate it…" the boy muttered, folding his arms across his chest. "I had no problem with the way I looked before…"
"But you look so mature…" Matsumoto sighed. "It looks much nicer then your previous hair cut."
"My granny liked my hair the way it was," Toshiro muttered.
"Well… after Hinamori visits, you and I can go and visit her. I am sure that she'll want to see your haircut and your lieutenant badge. She will be so proud of you!" Matsumoto smiled.
"I guess so…" Toshiro sighed, only to have Hinamori come crashing in behind him.
"Ahh… Momo-chan! Doesn't Lieutenant Hitsugaya look so… grown up," Matsumoto smiled.
Hinamori turned to the small boy, at first confused. She then burst into a fit of giggles. "Grown up… more like absolutely adorable!"
"Ma…Ma… Hi… Hi… stupid bed wetter Momo!" Toshiro's cheeks flushed a bit, then he hurried off.
"Shiro-chan… I didn't mean…" Hinamori had an upset look on her face. "He still looks like the same adorable Shiro-chan I've always known. And seeing him with that kind of haircut is weird. His hair was practically flat before… how much gel was used."
"Try… he used his own special watermelon shampoo," Isshin sighed, looking like he had a major headache coming on.
"Shiro-chan has a special shampoo?" Hinamori's eyes went wide. "Can Ran-chan and I try it if we ask?"
Matsumoto suddenly burst out laughing. "The little fool has been putting watermelon juice into his hair so that it wouldn't stick up. He really has self-esteem issues."
"That explains why we always ate watermelon…" Hinamori sighed. "However… how can Toshiro have self-esteem issues. He's always telling me he doesn't care about anything."
"What person Momo-chan," Isshin muttered. "Doesn't care about anything?"
"Uhh…" Hinamori closed her eyes. "Gin-kun?"
Matsumoto burst out laughing again. "Momo-chan, Momo-chan! Eventually you'll understand what we're getting at."
"As I told the barber… avoid comments about his looks and anything he might find derogatory…" Isshin muttered.
"Ahh… Isshin-san… are you all right?" Hinamori frowned at the tenth division taicho.
"Next time… Matsumoto… you get to take him. Smother him in your boobs if you have to… I don't care…" Isshin muttered.
"Do you really think he'll be this bad next time?" Matsumoto shook her head, a smirk on her face. "It was his first experience. He'll get used to the way he looks… and considering what he was doing before… I mean, what did happen?"
"Ikkaku and Yumichika are in laughing hysterics about all of this," Isshin sighed. "Complete laughing hysterics… and he said some really weird things… I've never been so embarrassed in my whole life… I mean… he saw the mirrors, and said something along the lines of… if there are mirrors here, then I can cut my own hair…"
Matsumoto suddenly burst out laughing. "That kid is even more stubborn then you are… just watch… your first born will be a boy who is just as stubborn! And perhaps you should think about how your actions embarrass others."
Isshin groaned at this. "First part… I am never marring. Second… embarrassment wasn't the right word… headache… misery… grief… sake please…"
"Ohh…" Matsumoto's eyes went wide. "I'll get my stash!"
"I… I had better go," Hinamori gave a weak smile, then headed out the door, shunpooing away.
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