Death of a Shiba (Part 3)
Shiba Kukaku was much heavier then Toshiro had ever carried before. This was also the first the first time he had ever used his reiatsu in such a manner. The manner was one that they didn't teach in the academy and was something he had heard about and read about only.
By the time he had somehow managed to reach the Rukongai, his muscles ached and his body had broken out into a cold sweat. His breath also came to him quite ragged and he found himself collapsing to his knees. "Damn it… damn it… damn it…"
He suddenly found Kukaku being lifted up off of his shoulder, completely catching him off guard. A familiar voice came to his ears. "You're using your reiatsu wrong… we'll have to work on that later, won't we?"
"Taicho…" the white haired boy chocked out, his voice strained. He then found himself scooped up and hoisted onto the man's shoulder.
"So which Rukongai doctor were you taking her too?" Isshin suddenly asked.
"What…" came the weary reply. "All of the doctors I know of refused to treat me, so granny always took care of everything."
"Toshiro… this injury is very serious… did you really think that your grandmother could have done something?"
"I never said the doctors refused to help granny and bed wetter Momo, just me… granny and I always told Hinamori it was because I was a problem child, or we couldn't afford the doctor at the time being," the small boy felt Isshin's grip suddenly tighten on him.
"Prejudicial bastards," the tenth division taicho muttered.
"Taicho… I never was bothered by that, so don't worry about it," the small boy stated.
"The only reason it doesn't bother you is because you pretend these things never happen. I can't pretend like you, and I defiantly can't turn a blind eye like Hinamori does," the man muttered. "She acts like the world is a wonderful place and nothing can go wrong, and when something does… I'm sorry… I shouldn't talk about her like this, but one of these days Toshiro, she's going to get really hurt by that naivety of hers."
At this, Isshin arrived at the small house, carefully sliding the door open. Toshiro opened his mouth and called out. "Granny…"
"Toshiro! You're able to… visit," the small old lady, upon seeing Kukaku, was rather taken aback.
"Apologies… but we needed to bring her somewhere," Isshin gave her a weak smile. "Would you please boil some water?"
"Understood completely," the old woman muttered. "Toshiro… you seem exhausted, lay down for awhile."
"I'm going to help taicho,' the small boy muttered, sliding off Isshin's back. "I'll get the water from outside."
"I'm not sure I like him seeing this," his grandmother stated.
"Except I'm going to need his hand," the tenth division taicho sighed. "While I did train in fourth division for surgery, my hands have always been on the big side."
Toshiro's granny frowned, but folded her arms across her chest. "Even though I understand, that doesn't mean I have to like it."
Toshiro hurried back in, the old woman took the water from him and set it to boil. She watched as the older man explained thoroughly what the white hared boy needed to do for him. While the boy remained calm, there was a tinge of green to his cheeks, and his eyes were dropping from his tiredness.
After a couple of hours, the two finished. The young boy's head was sagging. The man took one of the few clean cloths and cleaned off his hands, then proceeded to clean of Toshiro's hand and face, the lieutenant's movements having become robotic. The man then tilted the boys chin up and looked into his glazed eyes, rubbing the top of the boy's head as he did so.
"Hitsugaya, you did a very good job… not just know but getting our friend here out of a spot of trouble. Get some sleep now," the man stated, pulling Toshiro into his arms as the boy quickly fell asleep.
But not before he said something, not at all aware of exactly what he was saying, his voice very low. "Oto-san taicho, will Ku-nee-san be all right?"
"Can't promise you anything Shiro-chan," Isshin muttered, rubbing the small boys back as his head rested on the tenth division taicho's chest. The man then turned to the boy's grandmother. "You wouldn't happen to have a clean summer kimono?"
The old granny went and got the clean garment, handing it to the man, then watched as he carefully changed the boys clothing. "My grandson… it is hard for him to get close to people like that. The fact that he called you oto-san actually means a lot to me."
"I am surprised he even let me hold him like this, but his body is completely crashed, so he doesn't know what he's doing," Isshin sighed.
Kukaku woke up, her nose itching and the sunlight streaming in through the doorway. She reached to scratch it with her right arm, but then remembered as pain shot through about the fact that her arm had been cut off. She tried moving her left arm, but found something pinning it down. Glancing over, she found a small boy with white hair leaning up against her.
"If your wondering, he moved their as soon as his taicho left. He was still half asleep," an old lady suddenly stated. "I am Hitsugaya Toshiro's grandmother."
"I thank you for your hospitality," Kukaku nodded her head, wiggling her left arm out from underneath Toshiro. She rubbed the top of his head, the white hair tempting even her. "He's a stubborn kid, but I understand what Kaien saw in him."
"I am going out to get some more food," the old woman stated. "Isshin taicho went to go and get someone from fourth division to help further, as he stated, he did the best he did with what he could, but he would like for you to rest."
"As if he could order me around," the woman smirked. "Of course, I'm not stupid either. When exactly did he leave?"
"About half-an-hour ago," the old woman stated, moving towards the doorway. "He wanted to wait until you were closer to waking up, as he was getting you a pain medication… and some sort of medicine for my grandson due to the fact he used up a bunch of his spiritual power."
"I can feel that he did," Kukaku sighed, watching the woman disappear. She leaned against the wall, enjoying the sunlight, every so often glancing down at the small boy, who was rather pale. A clunking was heard outside the house, causing Kukaku to glance up, wondering what could be going on.
"Nee-san!" a voice came to her ears, causing her to let out a groan. "Ukitake-taicho and Isshin-san taicho told me where I could find you!"
Ganju appeared in the doorway. "For some reason Isshin-san thinks you need medicine and is bringing a fourth division member! I am the greatest shingami hater ever, and told him you don't need…"
"Is something the matter Ganju?" Kukaku muttered, feeling the small body to her right wake up to the noise and begin to rub his eyes.
"That… that… shingami… your… your… your arm…" Ganju pointed.
"You… are… a… loud… mouth…" Toshiro muttered, still half asleep, standing up, his mind not quite registering what was going on.
"Don't you touch my nee-san!" Ganju muttered, suddenly going and lunging at Toshiro. The small boy stepped aside, his senses not fully registering what he was doing, then suddenly he launched himself onto the Shiba boy's back. Ganju tried to hit him from where he was perched on his back, however, he kept missing. "Hold still and fight like a man."
"Considering your not," Toshiro hissed in the older boy's ear.
"Oi! Toshiro… just hit him hard on the head. He's stupid and needs to be taught a lesson every so often," Kukaku murmured.
"Won't hitting him in the head make him even more stupid," two teal eyes glared at her from over her brother's shoulder.
"Then hit or kick him somewhere else," Kukaku groaned, flexing her right shoulder and maneuvering it, feeling the pain.
"Any suggestions on where?" Toshiro asked, his eyes narrowing and beginning to droop again.
"I don't know… the groin?" Kukaku stated, not thinking that the young shingami would take her seriously. However, the next thing she and Ganju knew, he had pushed off from the older boys back with his feet, and while still grabbing onto the neck to hold on, flipping over. His knees bent straight out and he brought both heels into a very tender spot, causing Ganju to stumble forward, Toshiro still holding on.
"Hitsugaya Toshiro!" came a stern voice from the doorway. The next thing they knew, Isshin had grabbed Toshiro away, just as the small boys almost slid close. "I can't believe…"
"Don't…" Kukaku muttered. "I am the one who suggested it."
"Nee-san! How could you!" Ganju muttered, holding his private area, a few tears coming out.
A man with blond hair and wearing glasses stood in the doorway, staring at the scene in front of him. "Please tell me that didn't just happened."
Isshin grabbed something strapped to his side and tossed it to the young woman. "Your sword. If you do, something stupid like that again… I'll… I'll… good grief… your to old to tan your hide."
"I got it… I got it… I got the point," she stated as the man from the fourth unwrapped her arm.
"This work… it isn't yours, is it Isshin-san?" the man suddenly asked, suddenly surprised at this.
"Sort of yes, sort of no," the taicho stated, rubbing the back of his head. "I had Hitsugaya's hands to do the work for me Yasochika."
"It's… half way decent," Iemure muttered, not admitting that it was very well. He bandaged it with clean bandages and handed a small bottle of pain medicine to Yasochika. "May I ask who needs the reiatsu replenishing medicine?"
"My lieutenant… he tried carrying her here on his own…" Isshin stated as his second dangled from his arm, hanging down, having fallen back asleep. "As you can see… he's not himself."
"Wonderful… I am stuck playing babysitter and nurse to a bunch of idiots," the man muttered.
"You aren't writing in your journal," Isshin muttered, narrowing his eye at the man. "Your speaking out loud. Just give me the blasted medicine so I can give it to him. I could have used anyone else but you…"
"I am a better healer then…" the man muttered.
"Still talking out loud, not writing in your journal," Isshin stated as the bottle was tossed to him.
"Oh… by the way Ganju… when Toshiro's granny comes back, you'll tell her you ran into a pole down the street, all right!" Kukaku smiled at her younger brother.
"What… nee-san!" the boy squeaked out.
"Do you want a bump on your head?" she glared, threatening to hit him… with her right arm. However, it still had the needed effect.
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