We got tagged by disneyintrovert to do this to sort of introduce ourselves on this account, aside from just our bios!
And I got tagged by two different people as well LoganIsRelatable and Aspiringgaybean
{Hi this is future editing Max, um, this was made over the course of the month since I messed up and missed a question so we had to wait for everyone to answer and sign off on it, so if dates seem off?? that's why XD also I may pop up in the chapter a few times XP}
So, first up is me! Max!
{Or you might hear the others calling me Deceit
er well, Remy, but if we're going by the actual sides I'm Deceit XD}
I'm typically the one in control of the google doc we write on, so that's why I'm first :P {Guys don't hate me for that later-}
[1. Do you have a crush?]
I'm takin a bit of a me break to get things figured out so... Nopeity nope!
[2. Middle Name?]
{Trinity in spanish}
[3. Height?]
[4. Shoe Size?]
Tbh I don't know,
I think like
Yeah 8 ½ or 9
[5. Eye Color?]
Bright brown that when in the right lighting, have golden specs in them.
[6. Last time you cried?]
Like twenty minutes ago
dammit Tumblr-
[7. Biggest Fear?]
Um, I think... It's... Accidentally hurting people I care about... I try to be a nice person, but... Sometimes I just... Slip up...
Really, Really badly.....
[8. Last song you listened to?]
First Time He Kissed A Boy- Kadie Elder
{But I was humming 'The Greatest Show' a minute ago so idk if that counts-}
[Editing Max: as I'm posting this 'Forever Stuck In Our Youth' by Set It Off is playing XD]
[9. Last person you texted?]
On text, my mom
On discord {The only thing I use beside text to dm people}
The other pride dragons!
Now with my answers out of the way, I now pass it on to whoever decides to go next!
Who happens to be Ty!
Okay so hi, my name is Ty (also known as Logan) and ye it's my turn now!
[1. Do you have a crush?]
Hah um, I kinda did a while ago? On a theater kid but I kinda found him with his girlfriend at the screening of Love Simon so um-
But other than that, no I'm just hopelessly CRUSHed *ba dum tss*
[2. Middle Name?]
[3. Height?]
I am 5'1 and I receive a lotta short jokes due to my height lmao.
[4. Shoe Size?]
7.0 (i have smol feet)
[5. Eye Color?]
Just brown, nothin' special.
[6. Last time you cried?]
The other night, felt alone and kinda left out but everything is alright now.
[7. Biggest Fear?]
Honestly, besides dentists, I am afraid of being alone ;;.
[8. Last song you listened to?]
Hello! -Book of Mormon (lol fun fact that's like the only song I've listened to outta the musical)
[9. Last person you texted?]
The Pride Dragons! OwO
Oof. Hi, wonderful people! I'm Marsh! :3 {Also known as Patton}
[1. Do you have a crush?]
[2. Middle Name?]
Fun fact time! People used to believe that if someone knew your full name, then they could control you or stuff. To prevent others from taking control of your body, people gave their children middle names. Hence why people don't usually ask for your middle name
Oof. Sorry, went on a tangent...hmm... tangents and circles ... circles... pie...
My middle name is Ke.
[3. Height?]
I thought that I was 5'4"...
Turns out that I'm 5'3...
I'm salty.
[4. Shoe Size?]
But I know that I have small feet...
Oh well.
[5. Eye Color?]
Brown? Red tint? I don't know...
[6. Last time you cried?]
Stuff happened with family...
[7. Biggest fear?]
Betrayal, Rejection, not being enough, etc. ;-;
[8. Last song you listened to?]
Girls like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko.
[Editing Max approves^]
[9. Last person you texted?]
I don't have a phone number. Ha...
On Wattpad it would be @Sammy2427
HIYA! It's me! Z! (Also known as Virgil)
[1. Do you have a crush? ]
NOPE!...I'm crush free!
[2. Middle Name?]
Queen....My parents are very extra!
[3. Height?]
[4. Shoe Size?]
I don't know! I don't check!
[5. Eye Color?]
Blue! I wear contacts ;>
[6. Last time you cried?]
Hahah! Last Night!
[7. Biggest Fear?]
I'm scared of relationships s..I've been in many relationships..and in every single one of those relationships....I've been hurt and cheated ..so i have this uneasy feeling whenever I get into a new one.
AND ALSO DUCKS...i'm terrified of ducks.
[8. Last song you listened to?]
[Editing Max still approves^]
[9. Last person you texted?]
The Pride Dragons!
You may have noticed that we put our sander sides besides our names...
You may have also noticed that one, particular Prince, is missing
That is because we are now welcoming Grace! Our Roman as part of our Pride Dragon Fam-Ily!
Uh i think you mean...
Fami-Z! Sorry I ...I hate myself! - Z
FALSEHOOD!... yeah me too Z. -Ty
Same - Marsh
I love trying to keep them in line- Max.<---- you bastard deceit...-Z
Hello lovelies! I'm Grace! The one and only Creativity Prince!
[1. Do you have a crush?]
[2. Middle Name?]
Elizabeth. I'm a basic child. •-•
[3. Height?]
5'2 wit some attitude!
[4. Shoe Size?]
Um...8 I think? Not sure why you'd wanna know but alright.
[5. Eye Color?]
Blue! ^^
[6. Last time you cried?]
Uhhh, the other day I think? April 4?? Yeah moving on...
[7. Biggest Fear?]
Oof, that's a tough one. Um...maybe...demons? Mental or literal? Both? I don't know really. Also failure. Um, yeah, okay, moving right along!
[8. Last song you listened to?]
Hmm. Not sure. One second.
*goes to personal playlist and hits shuffle*
Ah yes. Alligator Skin Boots.
[Editing Max again approves^]
[9. Last person you texted?]
The Pride Dragons. Only the best! ;)))
So, that's us!
XD I'm speaking for myself too on that!
Um, hope you enjoyed this tag and, welcome Grace to our account!!
See ya!
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