I want to die.....
So I decided to redo my entire One Piece OC in the TenshiNoFuu format and I want to die.
Here we go......
Freya D. Jones (Norse in origins. Significations: Lady, Noble Woman)
Race: Human/Sorceress | Origins: East Blue
Birthday: March 1st (Pisces) | Age: 15(Pre Time Skip), 17(Post Time Skip)
Blood Type: O-
Height: 175.26cm (5'9") | B.W.H: 34A-68-90
Hair: Black curls, pixie length / Eyes Colour: Dark Blue
~STATS (RPG Style, AD&D rules)~
(3-18 scale with a normal distribution in a normal population, scores such as 3-6 and 16-18 being quite rare unless you're a hero or a bakemono)
Strength (STR): 16 Chibi!Luffy would be 3 ; 9 for Nami & Robin ; 10 for Usopp & Brook ; 15 for Franky & Big!Chopper ; 16 for Sanji ; 17 for Zoro & Luffy ; 18 for Garp & WhiteBeard
Dexterity (DEX): 17 Big!Chopper would be 10 ; 13 for Franky & Robin ; 16 for Sanji, Nami & Luffy ; 17 for Zoro, Brook & Usopp ; 18 for Yasopp
Constitution (CON): 18(Healing Factor) Nami & Vivi would be 10 ; 12 for Chopper & Robin ; 15 for Brook-milk-healing & Sanji ; 16 for Luffy, Zoro & Franky ; 17 for Ace-Logia ; 18 for Marco-regeneration
Intelligence (INT): 16 Luffy would be a baka 5 ; 7 for Zoro ; 8 for Usopp ; 10 for Sanji ; 12 for Brook ; 16 for Chopper Franky ; 17 for Nami & Robin ; 18 for Ohara Scholars
Wisdom (WIS): 16 Luffy would be a reckless 6 ; 7 for Usopp & Chopper ; 8 for Zoro ; 10 for Franky & Sanji ; 14 for Brook ; 15 for Nami ; 17 for Robin ; 18 for wise King Cobra from Alabasta
Charisma (CHA): 12 Usopp & Brook would be an unpopular 6 ; 8 for Franky ; 12 for Kawaii!Chopper ; 13 for Nami & Sanji ; 14 for Robin ; 15 for Zoro ; 17 for magnetic-baka Luffy
Freya is currently a lieutenant in the marines. She's often partnered up with Coby and Helmeppo on missions, although when she isn't with them she assists Sengoku with his duties as Inspector General.
Along with being a marine, Freya is a known Sea Witch and sorceress, often traveling through other realities to fix problems where she is needed.
Present on Grand Line > Her foster brothers Monkey D. Luffy and Portgaz D. Ace are pirates and her other foster brother Sabo is a revolutionary. Her foster grandfather Monkey D. Garp is a marine like herself. Her father, although unknown to her, is Red Haired Shanks.
Other Family > Her mother is a sorceress by the name of Sif D. Jones, she is currently traveling the multiverse.
Although Freya does not have a Devil Fruit she is a sorceress. This means that she can use spells and magic to create weapons and shields. She also has a special type of magic that is unique to her family alone which is the ability to use her magic to control the boundaries between life and death(although her mother works more with the death part.) Her magic works by drawing on the chaotic energy in the world around her to shape reality to her will as long as it follows a certain set of rules.
Magic: As said before, Freya can use her magic to create shields and weapons for her to fight with but her most unique skill is something called Vitalum Vitalis, which is magic that has to do with the boundaries between life and death. Her mother can use her magic to control all aspects of death, Freya does the opposite and can control life. Due to this she is physically incapable of taking any life. Freya also can create a pair of translucent angel wings, which she can use to fly.
Haki: Freya is proficient in all types of Haki, although she will only use Conquers Haki in life or death situations.
Freya uses a bow staff given to her by her mother. She often uses it as a grounding point for her spells.
Lawful Good Character(Freya is a character who has good morals and will follow them even at the risk of herself.)
Key Characteristics
Cold to strangers, stubborn, hardworking, closed off when speaking about feelings, caring to those she likes, can be sadistic when pushed too far, a great dislike of pirates, pessimistic and tends to think on the more gruesome side of things
Characteristics generally positive:
• Hardworking
• Protective of friends and family
• Caring
• Honest
• Helpful
Characteristics generally Negative:
• Stubborn
• Closed off about her past
• Can be sadistic at times
• Very cold to others at first
• Slightly pessimistic most of the time
Side Characteristics:
• Can be reckless sometimes, especially when angered
• Has a soft spot for her brothers
• She gets flustered easily
• Is a glutton like Luffy and Garp
• She's a very proud person
TRADE-MARK SENTENCE: "If those pirates think they're gonna win just because I'm a chick, they're dead wrong."
THEME SONG: "Welcome to the Show" by Britt Nicole
COLOUR THEME: Navy Blue & Black | FASHION THEME: Marine Uniform or Gypsy(for relaxed wear)
TREASURED ITEM: Freya has two treasured items, the magic staff given to her by her mother and a small abalone shell butterfly necklace given to her by her foster brothers when she was a child.
FOOD THEME: Basically any food, but she loves sweets | ANIMAL THEME: Black Cat
ASTRAL ELEMENT: Wind | TAROT CARD: The Star (XVII Major Arcana)
SEIYUU (Japanese Voice Actress matching her personality): Yūka Aisaka
I even made one for her mom!
Sif D. Jones (Norse in origins. Significations: Bride or Wife, which is ironic because Sif vowed never to get married.)
Race: Sorceress | Origins: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown | Age: Unknown, presumed to be early 40s
Blood Type: O-
Height: 177.8cm (5'10") | B.W.H: B33-59-90
Hair: Black curls, mid back length / Eyes Color: Dark Blue almost black
~STATS (RPG Style, AD&D rules)~
(3-18 scale with a normal distribution in a normal population, scores such as 3-6 and 16-18 being quite rare unless you're a hero or a bakemono)
Strength (STR): 17 Chibi!Luffy would be 3 ; 9 for Nami & Robin ; 10 for Usopp & Brook ; 15 for Franky & Big!Chopper ; 16 for Sanji ; 17 for Zoro & Luffy ; 18 for Garp & WhiteBeard
Dexterity (DEX): 16 Big!Chopper would be 10 ; 13 for Franky & Robin ; 16 for Sanji, Nami & Luffy ; 17 for Zoro, Brook & Usopp ; 18 for Yasopp
Constitution (CON): 18(Healing Factor) Nami & Vivi would be 10 ; 12 for Chopper & Robin ; 15 for Brook-milk-healing & Sanji ; 16 for Luffy, Zoro & Franky ; 17 for Ace-Logia ; 18 for Marco-regeneration
Intelligence (INT): 18 Luffy would be a baka 5 ; 7 for Zoro ; 8 for Usopp ; 10 for Sanji ; 12 for Brook ; 16 for Chopper Franky ; 17 for Nami & Robin ; 18 for Ohara Scholars
Wisdom (WIS): 17 Luffy would be a reckless 6 ; 7 for Usopp & Chopper ; 8 for Zoro ; 10 for Franky & Sanji ; 14 for Brook ; 15 for Nami ; 17 for Robin ; 18 for wise King Cobra from Alabasta
Charisma (CHA): 5(Tends to scare people) Usopp & Brook would be an unpopular 6 ; 8 for Franky ; 12 for Kawaii!Chopper ; 13 for Nami & Sanji ; 14 for Robin ; 15 for Zoro ; 17 for magnetic-baka Luffy
When Sif was younger she was a member of Gol D. Rogers crew, which is where she met Shanks.
After Rogers was executed Sif retired to a small island in the East Blue. After having her daughter and giving her to Garp to raise she began to take her role as a sorceress much more seriously.
Present on Grand Line > Her daughter Freya is a marine and her former lover Shanks is a pirate.
Sif has the ability to use the same magic as her daughter but she has much less restrictions than Freya because she has been using it a lot longer than her daughter has.
Magic: As said before, Sif can also use her magic to create shields and weapons for her to fight with but her most unique skill is something called Vitalum Vitalis, which is magic that has to do with the boundaries between life and death. Sif can use her magic to control all aspects of death. She can even bring others back from the dead.
Sif doesn't use weapons.
True Neutral Character(Sif is a character who doesn't involve herself in personal conflicts. She is a being of great power and tries to keep a level and even head.)
Key Characteristics
Cold, frightening, dominate, even with this traits she is surprisingly motherly and enjoys caring for small children, she enjoys teaching too.
Characteristics generally positive:
• Hardworking
• Protective of friends and family
• Level headed
• Creative
• Patient
Characteristics generally Negative:
• Cruel
• Frightening
• Can be sadistic at times
• Very cold to those who annoy her
• Has trouble not being in control
Side Characteristics:
• Caring to others, especially children
• Goofy sometimes
• Straightforward
• Motherly
• She's a very proud person
TRADE-MARK SENTENCE: "This just became a battle of gods."
THEME SONG: "Feel Invincible" by Skillet
TREASURED ITEM: A locket that has a picture of her, Shanks, and Buggy when they were younger, and a picture that Garp gave her of Luffy, Ace, Sabo, and Freya when they were little.
FOOD THEME: Berries | ANIMAL THEME: Great Horned Owl
ASTRAL ELEMENT: Fire | TAROT CARD: Death (XIII Major Arcana)
SEIYUU (Japanese Voice Actress matching her personality): Hitomi Nabatame
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