Turned with new part..❤❤
Happy reading.....❤❤❤
Aditi's pov
As i surfing my book hearing some music late night. I heared someone knocking the door so i went to open. It was my appu and aryuu. They took me into a bone crushing hug.
"Happy birthday diduuuuuuuuuu", here come there a big wish from there side
"Thank you jaanss"
"Happy birthday aditi", here came my two most important person in my life my mumma and papa
"Thank you mumma papa love you lotzzzz", i took blessing and hug them
Aryuuu came with a cake and i gonna cut the cake. I noticed that my phone is continously ringing. And i know who is that too😊😊. But i am unable to attend the call now.
I cutted the cake and my appu and aryyy make up me with a cake. We enjoyed playing like a kid after such a long time. It reminds me of my childhood..😊😊.
After freshning up and took my phone to see that one name's missed call.
Oops there is 10 missed calls. 4 from gullu's, 3 from punnu , 2 from yusuf sir and 1 from zaan
Suddenly my up curve fell down as i didn't saw that one name. I feel some emptiness in my heart.
I again took my book and sat on the chair on the porch flooded with some thoughts. I can't able to read. something is very disturbing
"Did he forgoted my birtday or he is playing with me?", these types of question hitted me
Time flews away...its 12:30 am till now there is nothing happen what i am waiting for
"Is he is okay?"
I lost in my thoughts....
"Diduuuuu lets go to terrace na...lets enjoy there for sometime..after such a long time we are celebrating your birthday in home", appu broked my trace.
Yup she is right its been soo long spending time with them so i gave a positive reply "haaa appuu😘😘"
We three went to terrace and observing the beauty of my city at night.
"Diduuu" , appu called me and started staring her watch
" appuu what happen?", i asked her as she is confusing me
"3.......2......1", she counted then i suddenly hear a sound.
The sky become soooooo colourful with crackers. The crackers bursting on the sky and suddenly i was stunned by seeing the sky
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE" these words on the sky along with cracker and here came the other saying "I LOVE YOU"
Without further delay my phone rings. I am recieving a call from that person for who i waited for an hour. I quickly attend that call
"Happy birthday Mrs. Imam"
These words made my vision blur and i can't take up my words to speak. I really didn't expect this from my love. Though he is Delhi he made me suprised. Though he is far away from me he always making me special
"Hello adu.."
"Thank you zain....thank you soo much"
"Love you adii...i am sorry i wanna wish you first but my i was unable to cause i wanna wish you like this thats why i am late"
"Zain..bu...but how do you did this?....you are in rajastan?"
"Nope adii i am in delhi"
"Its me and my in-laws plan"
I gave a sudden look to appu and aryuu who was gigling seeing me
Zain: Hi appu and aryuuu. I want a help from you guys
Appu and aryuu : yes jijuuuu tell me
Zain: so aryaman i want to burst crackers wishing her on her birthday so i want you arrange for that can you do it?
Aryaman: sure jijuuuu you don't worry i will take care for that
Zain: thank you aryuuu and one more thing it should me sharp at 12
Appu: oops jijuuuu 12 is not possible so we will be celebrating diduu birthday here
Zain: ohhh thats right too then choose one timing appu
Appu: 1'o clock? Cause all will be settled in our home
Zain: 1'o clock?....then ok!
Appu : aryuu : 😄😄
Flashback ends
"So this our plan..😉😉" he told me
"Diduuu we will be back", appu and aryuuu left leaving some privacy for them
"Thank you zainn..... what not you done for me....I love you soo much"
"I love you too my wifey..😘😘😘. Next year we celebrate your birthday in our home as Mr and Mrs. Zain Imam", while i blushed hearing these words from him
"I miss you soooooooo much zainuuuuu",
"Mee to adii. Now everything is ok now. Bhaii is also recovering"
"Good zain...i hope this"
"So.....i wanna a hug you right now zainuuu....a bone crushing hug....where we lost in each other embrace" i told him as we miss each other soo much. And you all know how i feel protected when he stare at me
"Close your eyes and hug me my babyy......love is in the air"
"Uff..uff zainuu...what a line"
"So......", he told me made me confused so i replied "so...?"
"I wanna kiss you", here comes his reply
this man though always driving me crazy
I didn't replied and i went blushing...😊😊
Zain's pov
"Chachuuuuu.."inaaya came running followed by bhabhi
"Inaya babyy you didn't sleep ah?"
"Noo chachuuu i am not feeling sleepy"
"Sorry zain to disturb you" here come my sweet bhabhi
"No bhabhi not like that"
"Safi didn't sleeped yet so inaaya is not sleeping....come inaaya lets go"
"No mumma i won't come i gonna play with my chachuuu"
The call is ongoing aduu listening all and giggling
"Inayaaa i said na come its already late....lets play tomorrow with chachuu....chachuu wants to sleep right?"
"Bhabhii its ok....i will take care of her its difficult to make both sleep as safi will crying too i will make my baby to sleep..😊😊", i kissed inayaaa on her cheeks. She hugged me back
"You are my best chachuuu"
"You are my best inuuu babyy"
As soon bhabhi went i made inaya sit on the bed and gave her some toys to play and sat beside her and took my phone
"Sorry aduuu...actually..."
Before i could complete my sentence here came her reply "you are the best my love....how caring you are"
"Ohh really"
"Yup zainuuuu"
"One min.....inaayaa can you do me one thing"
"Haa chachuu"
"You should wish on the phone happy birthday chachi can you?
"Ok chachuu"
"Happy birthday chachiiii", inayaaa wished on the phone
"Thank you baby" ,
"She is really cuteee zain. I want to see her."
"Haa adiii she is love....our bond is unbreakable...i seeing her from baby..she is my baby"
"Yup our baby...😊😊"
She making me to love more and more. This character....this character made me fall in love with her. She is unique in the world. She doesn't need any proof to show herself as we can clearly see how adorable she is
"And soon i want my third baby too" i replied her smirking
"Third baby?"
"Inayaa, you , and my baby"
As a suprising way she gave kisses through mobile and me too
"Smoooooooooooccccccccccchhhhhhhhh talkssssss🙈🙈"
We are talking talking and talking while inayaaa slept cuddling her teddy
As i was talking no reply from her....and i saw time its 2:00
No response...i saw inaaya to check while she is sleeping. I came to know that my another baby too slept..😊😊
I blushed..... giggled....
I gave a kiss and put off the phone.
I cuddled inaaya and slept beside her..❤❤
Hey guys!!!!
Hope you guys like it...❤❤❤
Reaction awaited!
Ok! Here is some edit which i made for aduu birthday
How is this edits?
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