Ch 38.
Hey birdies!
OMG! I swear I was going to update hours ago!!! I slept -.-
The new cover with Shehry's new muscles wali selfie *_* (but the muscles are missing here LOL /.\ )
Ok so, someone asked me to put translations in the brackets for Hindi/Urdi phrases. I have decided to keep the dialogues english now Because it's easier that way. BUT there are phrases that sound better in Hind/Urdu..... So I'll try my best to give translations for those - whenever I use them. No promises though. Because I only write phrases in Hindi/Urdu when I am unsure about how to make them sound as effective in english too /.\ /.\ <3
HappyReading <3
~~~SHEHRY's POV~~~
"Kuch zada hi pasand aa gayi hai," I chuckled. Asmaara looked up at me and smiled, "bohot."
"Dene wale se bhi zada?" I asked, glancing at her. "Ab dene wale ki choice itni achi hai toh main kya karoo?" She answered my question with a question. I shook my head and looked ahead of me.
We were talking about the ring that I gave her. For the past half an hour, the only thing she has been doing is staring at the ring. But I am not surprised at all since it was the first design that pleased my eyes too. The moment I stepped inside the store, I knew I wanted that ring to be on her finger. I wish I could select her engagement ring too but, mom will be doing that.
"Shehry?" She whispered. "Hmm?" I replied, still looking at the view in front of me.
"How come you never hated me in past three years?" She asked, slipping her hand under mine. I frowned, "hate you for what?"
She looked down at her hands while I watched her from the corner of my eye, making sure to not make her feel uncomfortable with any eye contact. She looked up again, frowning and looking somewhat disappointed, "For.... For hurting you. For not loving you back."
I turned to her and tried to study her expressions. They were so dark; I couldn't see where this conversation was coming from.
"For not loving me back?" I chuckled and then sighed, "honestly, I tried a few times."
She silently nodded and looked away again. I placed my index finger under her chin to make her head turn in my direction, "but, I could never."
I didn't fail to notice the shimmer in her eyes.
"How are you so selfless? So patient with me all the time?" She frowned at the ground and ran a hand through her hair, "it... It.. It s-scares me sometimes. What if- what if I .. I don't live up to your expectations?"
Seeing her worried over nothing serious, I sucked in a deep breath and held her still by her shoulders, "love is never about what you can get in return, Asmaara. Its not about expectations. It's about what you can give. And I am not selfless at all.... Trust me, I am very selfish. Seeing you happy is my selfish reason why I am so patient with you. I want you to smile because that's what brings a smile to my face."
Cupping her cheeks, I made her head tilt upwards so I could look into her eyes. She held my wrists and I took a step closer to her, "I want to love you because I want to spend my life with the girl who held my gaze the moment I saw her..... You remember the first time we met, right?"
She blinked, nodding at me and I smiled warmly at her, "you probably don't even know but, I saw you through the cafe's window that day and It was the first time I wanted to approach someone.... I had never looked at a girl in that way."
I paused and chuckled, remembering that day. She looked so cute while giggling at something with Paige and Jessica.
"After Hussain and Preet's fight, you guys left and I didn't think I'll ever see you again. But, then when we saved you from those goons and you smiled at me..... Damn! I can't even put that feeling into words," I grinned at the reminder of that tingling feeling. That I still feel whenever she is around me. Until it actually happened to me, I didn't know that boys can also feel what girls address as 'butterflies.'
"Yeah, I agree that unrequited love hurts. It hurts to know that the person you love isn't yours. But, I could never hate you just because you didn't reciprocate my feelings," I didn't realise when I began to caress her cheek with my knuckles. So, when I pulled my hand back, she steadily grabbed it and took it back to her cheek. I smiled at that and leaned in to rest my forehead on her's, slowly running the back of my fingers up and down her left cheek.
"I agree that receiving love encourages you to give more in a relationship but, in the end, it's all about seeing that one person happy. Yes, I was upset. Yes, it pained me to wake up to this harsh truth every day that the person I loved, was never going to be mine," I paused and sucked in a deep breath. Those ugly reminders.
"But, that pain wasn't a big enough reason for me to hate you because after all, I believed that you were happy in your own little world and that's all I ever wished for...... Little did I know...." I sighed at the last part. I wish I knew what she was going through earlier. It would have taken me a fourteen hours long flight to be by her side.
Just as I finished, a drop of tear rolled down her cheek and I instantly picked up the precious pearl on the tip of my finger. She forcefully mirrored my smile. "They are too precious for you to waste them just like that," I told her.
I stumbled a little, when Asmaara suddenly threw her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a warm hug. My arms instantly wrapped around her waist as I pulled her closer. I swear, I could stay in that hug for an eternity. I didn't say anything after that; we just stayed in that position for a couple of minutes until she pulled away. What she did next, came as a surprise to me. Her cold lips pressed against my cheek, causing a shiver to run down my spine. She pulled away and rested her forehead on the spot where she had kissed me.
"Shehry?" Her breath fanned my neck but, I managed to keep calm. "Hmm?"
"Thank you," she murmured and I rolled my eyes. "Stop with that alrea-"
"Shushh! Listen to me," she scolded me, wriggling in my arms. I chose to shut up and she took a deep breath, "thanks for being who you are. A true gentleman and an absolute angel."
Angel? I didn't say anything but, smiled to myself.
I tightened my grip around her, not wanting to let go. I don't know how long we stood like that but, it felt too soon when she stepped away. However, my arms didn't let her move any further and she looked up at me, realising that she was stuck now.
"I love you too!" I chuckled and she frowned. "'Too'?"
"Kyun? You don't love me back?" I asked and she shook her head. "Last time I checked... Uhh no."
"Acha?" I raised an eyebrow. She nodded, supporting her statement, and I knew what I had to do to. Moving my hands to the side of her waist, I tickled her. She yelped, trying to free herself but I wasn't going to let her go before she says it back to me. She struggled to free herself and I saw my victory nearing me.
"Ok...ok.. Fine!" She screamed between her uncontrollable giggles, "I.. I love..... I love you too! Now stop!"
I stopped instantly and glared at her while she tried harder to calm her breathing down. With one mere touch, her giggles came back again and I laughed with her. Soon we stopped and the atmosphere heated up again. I smirked at her, bringing my other cheek forward. She blinked a few times, batting the moisture away from her eyelashes, before smiling up at me. As she leaned closer, I felt the tension growing between us. I had a very uneasy feeling taking over me.
Her lips stayed on my cheek for a few seconds before she finally pulled away and looked at me. My eyes rested on her slightly parted lips and I gulped down my urge of kissing her.
"Let's go," I whispered, stepping away, and she nodded.
Raising my hands to her face again, I cupped her cheeks. I leaned closer and softly kissed her forehead. She looked into my eyes as I rested my forehead on her's and ran my thumb across her bottom lip. I just couldn't help it.
"Shehry," she whispered and I sucked in a deep breath again. "Hmm?"
"You know when you asked me about the kiss?" She asked between shallow and quick breaths. Her eyes lowered to the ground again, "I guess I wanted that too."
I pulled my forehead away and she looked up again. "Arrey Wah, see, I know you too damn well," I smirked at her.
"At least I told you how I felt. Now don't give me that face," she scowled at me and turned away.
"What face?"
"That annoying smirk!"
I straightened my face again and then smiled at her, "you know, your wish; my command? Abhi tumhari wish poori kar dete hein!"
She gasped and stepped away, "no! The moment is gone now!"
There! She was doing this to tease me! I am sure.
"What moment?" I asked as she stepped further and further away from me, "moments are created by us.... All you need is a chance and here! I am giving you your chance!"
I ran towards her and she ran down the path. Soon she stopped to take her heels off and I picked up my pace. But, before I could reach her, she ran again and I chased her to the car. Her laugh echoed under the night sky, like music to my ears.
Once I pulled over in the driveway, I looked over at Asmaara and found her sleeping peacefully. I stared at her face as it moved slightly with every breath she took. Reaching out, I brushed my fingers along her forehead and moved some unruly strands of hair away from her eyes. She shivered in her sleep and I pulled my hand away.
After calling her name a few times, I realised that she wasn't going to wake up so easily and I knew what I had to do. First, I went up to the main door, unlocked it and then went inside to check if the coast was clear. Carrying her inside would be quite embarrassing in front of our parents. The main lights were switched off. I looked at my watch and it struck just over 2AM. Mom and dad must have gone back to Preet's house.
I went outside again and opened Asmaara's door. Putting her left arm over my shoulder, I Slipped my one arm under her knees and one around her waist. With one quick pull, I lifted her up. She rested her head on my chest, lost in her dreams and I silently chuckled to myself. She is too adorable; it's hard to put in words how I feel about this girl. Finding my way through the dark, I carried her inside her room. She stirred in her sleep but, I guess she was too tired to wake up. I placed her on the bed, took off her heels and pulled the blanket over her.
Just as I was about to leave, she murmured my name, "Shehry?" Honestly, I love the way she says it. And now in her sleepy voice- it's just... Ahh!
"Your stubble tickles," she mumbled, giggling in her sleep. I chuckled as she continued, "but I like it. It looks.... Looks so.. So se- sexy."
"Thanks for the compliment, sleeping beauty. Say it again when you wake up tomorrow, ok?" I shook my head, silently grinning.
To my surprise, she replied, "ok." I gently ran my hand through her hair and she fell back to sleep again, "goodnight."
I stood there, smiling at her with a debate going on inside my head. Can I quickly kiss her on her forehead or is that inappropriate? I really wanted to but then, she was sleeping. Aur kaheen kuch zada hi na ho jaye... Erm.
"Finally, young man!" Uncles voice startled me and I instantly looked away. He stood by the door and I mentally thanked God. Good that I hadn't leaned in just yet.
"Yeah, sorry for being late uncle," I said to him. My insides were exploding with nervousness.
Suddenly He chuckled and I frowned to myself.
"It's too late, I think you should stay here for the night," he suggested and I shook my head. "No it's ok uncle, I should be heading home.... But, thanks!"
"This is your home too," he said, "the room is ready. Stay here for the night."
"Ok uncle, thanks," I smiled at him and he nodded, turning around. I followed him outside but, not before stealing a glance at Asmaara.
"Did you realise our relationship is going to change soon, " uncle said all of a sudden and I frowned. "Ji?"
He chuckled again and patted my shoulder, "you don't get to call me uncle anymore."
"To phir?" I asked, confused and nervous, "sir... Uncle- what do I call you?"
Phatt rahi thi meri!
"Address me with the title that my daughter uses," he smiled at me and quickly added, "I mean only if you don't mind!"
"What? Of course.. I mean, why would I mind?" I grinned at him, "unc- I mean B-baba."
He laughed seeing me nervous and then shook his head, "go get some sleep. Goodnight!"
I turned and realised that we were already in front of my room. I gave him a quick hug and went inside. Baba, I smiled at the term. New relationships and a new beginning are waiting just around the corner.
I woke up to hear the bird chirping near my window. The curtains were still drawn but, they still allowed sufficient amount of light to come through to disturb my sleep. I yawned and smiled to myself but, it didn't last very long. The memory of last night crossed my mind. I don't remember walking back to my room. I only remember the part where Shehry and I were chatting in the car and discussing our engagement plans. Does that mean..... He carried me to my room? Omg! In front of our parents? I hope not! Oh, How embarrassing.
My phone buzzed. I sighed and picked it up, it flashed a text from Shehry. I opened the conversation and smiled at it.
Shehry: Morning sunshine! :) had a good night sleep? By the way, I kept my promise. <3
Asmaara: Good morning! <3 yeah I did! :) You? Who brought me to my room? And what promise?
Shehry: That's good! Yeah!. And your watchman did. Look around, you will figure out.
I wanted to do as told but, really? My Watchman?
Shehry: Hahaha you are too cute! No madam, mere hote hue kisi aur ki peeth kyun toote?
Asmaara: Ohh sorry about that :/
Shehry: Just kidding :P Got an idea of what I'd be dealing with on our wedding night. ;)
Asmaara: WHAT?!
What's up with him these days?
Shehry: They will make me carry you to our room. Especially Hussain. I can bet on that ;) by the way, What did you think? :P
Asmaara: Oh nothing...
Shehry: come on, I know something went fishy in your mind there ;)
Asmaara: I have to take a shower. Bye.
Shehry: yeah, waiting for you at the breakfast table. Come fast.
Asmaara: ok :)
Asmaara: wait, what?!
I waited for his text but, he didn't reply. I quickly went inside the washroom and took a warm shower. Going through my cupboard, I realised I had nothing comfortable to wear like jeans or a dress. I was stuck with a bunch of desi outfits. Over the years, I have given my cupboard a makeover by slipping more and more desi outfits in there but, who wears these at home? I need my old clothes back. Or at least my sweat pants.
I picked an orange-ish shalwar kameez and changed into my only comfortable option. Loosely Braiding my hair, I kept the braid on my right shoulder, just above the dupatta. Moving over to my drawers, I realised I still didn't have my makeup products back and that didn't disappoint me; in fact, it brought a smile to my face. Pulling out the notes from last night, I read them a couple of times. How can someone write such cute lines?
Memories of last night came flooding in my mind, making me grin to myself. I brought my hand in front of me and gawked at the ring. It looked so perfect.
Lost in my dream world, I jumped on my couch. It felt somewhat different. I frowned as I got up. My eyes widened when I saw a familiar garment that was kept on it; Shehry's blazer!
"Omg!" I shrieked and quickly pulled it over me. It was loose and didn't hug me the way it hugged him so perfectly last night. But, at least it smelled like him.
Quickly pulling out my phone, I typed a message; thanks for keeping your promise.
Checking the time, I realised that mama and baba must have gone to work so, I casually walked out of my room. My phone buzzed just as I walked into the lounge and I looked down at it.
Shehry: you need to delete that word from your vocabulary when it comes to me! >.<
I went over to the dining table and poured myself some water before typing; aww, Shehry Shehry-Ki-Jaan se gussa ho gaya?
I giggled to myself and pulled a chair out to sit while waiting for his response.
Shehry: by the way, that blazer looks quite sexy on you. *_*
I smiled at that and typed, "Gracias," since he asked me to remove the word 'thanks' from my vocabulary list. It didn't take my mind too long to click. How does he know I am wearing it? My eyes widened as I looked up and found him smirking at me. While He comfortably sat on the large couch and I swear I was about to melt out of embarrassment. Oh crap!
~~~SHEHRY's POV~~~
Just as I pressed the send button, I heard light footsteps approaching me. I looked up to see Asmaara, who was so engrossed in her phone that she completely missed my presence in the room. She wore my blazer that I had left in her room last night because I had promised her that she can keep it. I have to agree that it looked quite cool on her; especially on her orange shalwar kameez.
My phone vibrated and I looked down to see a reply from her. aww, Shehry Shehry-Ki-Jaan se gussa ho gaya? I smiled at the screen and looked up at her. She was giggling at the screen now; maybe waiting for my reply? I knew exactly what it was going to be.
It took her eyes only five seconds to look up at me. I held her gaze for a while until she blinked and turned away to hide her blush. I laughed and went up to her. Pulling a chair out, I sat down beside her. She didn't look up at me and I didn't miss my chance to tease her.
"Black blazer hypnotize tera karda ai mennu. I swear! Desi dress mein bomb lagdi mennu," I replaced some word and sang the song, "Glossy lips, uff yeh blush. Baby lagdi ai-"
"Shut up!" Asmaara giggled all of a sudden, interrupting my amazing new version of Blue Eyes.
"Uff.... I was dying to hear this voice!" I sighed dramatically; that made her blush. To break away from this awkwardness, she called the cook and he came to serve us breakfast.
We ate quickly and left the house for a fun day ahead. Shopping with our mothers, few stollen kisses, secretly holding hands, winks and hugs; a day spent perfectly......
Eeks! Not that long, I know! :(
Random Question!!
Who is your favourite character in the story?? :D
No, you can't say db. If you do, you will have to give a story related reason for it XD
Ooh and someone is coming back. Any guesses? In fact, quite a few
Characters are XD
See you soon in the next update <3
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