17. Realisation
ZainyDB love you for the cover❤️❤️
Never knew this profession required so much hard work. Evening shoot ke liye 9AM ghar se nikal na padh raha hai. Just great. I buttoned my coat as the morning chill hit my body and proceeded down the street for a long bus ride. I just hope that the day isn't as busy and Zara keeps her mouth taped.
What the-? What is he doing here?
A very familiar white car came and stopped in front of me. Shehry stepped out with a hundred watt smile on his face and approached me. He wore a black t-shirt that complimented his biceps and khaki pants. With light beard and gelled hair, he sported the Ray Bans quite well.
Are you checking him out? My brain asked me and I instantly lowered my eyes. Damn, no blush please.
"Almost missed you, huh?" He asked as the bus arrived and left because the bus stop was empty.
"I thought you might not have your car again today so, we came to pick you up," he shrugged, putting his hands in this pocket.
Aw that's so sweet of him! Wait- what? 'We'?
I looked over his shoulder and spotted Soha. She smiled at me and I mirrored it. She knows I exist? Wow.
"It's ok, I'll catch a bus- vaise bhi I have to go to the mall first. So, You guys enjoy," I told Shehry but, being the stubborn him, he made me join them. "Come on, Soha, you and I can all have lunch after you are done with shopping!" Yeah, I gave up like always.
And ended up in the back seat.
This time, Soha was a little different; she talked to me and showed interest in my life. I realised her craze for fashion when only by looking at my clothes, she named all the brands I was wearing. She even helped me pick new eyeshadow palettes to go with the next song's outfits and setting; after all, Zara will be displaying some of Soha's fine designs. I was impressed by this girl, I must say.
For the first two hours or so it was just Soha and me running around everywhere with Shehry sitting in the Foodcourt. You know exactly what happens when two girls with same make up interests meet. Yeah, we bankrupt the owner of the credit card- which in this case, was Shehry.
"Ugh! I am done for the day!" Soha threw herself on the seat and sighed. I chuckled, seeing her like that and took my seat.
"Now we can finally eat!" Shehry chuckled and got off his seat. "You wanna help?" He asked me and smiling, I followed.
"So..." Shehry stretched the word just as we took our place in the line, "you like her now?"
I frowned as he looked at Soha, "yeah, she is a nice girl."
"No but, by the looks of how you two were getting along, I thought-"
"To get along you at least need to admit that the person actually exists," I told him blankly and stepped forward as the line moved.
It's been two days since Soha arrived and we haven't had a proper chat until this morning. Yesterday I was ignored to a point that for a moment I thought I was Mr India. You know the guy in the movie who disappears after wear crapy red thing in his hand? Well, Yeah.
And strange of all, Soha's attitude wasn't even supposed to be a problem as we hardly knew each other. It was Shehry who irritated me the most. Who pampers their crew members like this?
"Yeah," Shehry sighed, "she is one of those possessive friends. Scorpio, you see? But she is a great person at heart and once you get to know her, you will love her too!"
Why is he defending her so much?
You will love her too. LOVE HER.
"Yeah, I have experienced that before with Bani so, don't worry," I shrugged, ignoring the annoying and irritating mood that was taking over me. I don't care about Soha. Ugh!
It was almost our turn when I remembered that we never asked Soha what she wanted. "You wanna go ask her what she wants?" I asked Shehry, who simply shrugged.
"Don't worry, I know exactly what she likes!"
~~~PREET's POV~~~
"Wow woman, easy with the shopping!" Jessica laughed as I bought the things that were on my list. Not many days left and I have heaps to buy for Aisha and Malvika.
Jessica's laugh stopped as she mouthed, "What the-"
"Wow woman, easy with the swearing!" This time I laughed, mimicking her but, I guess she wasn't in the mood.
"Holy-" she almost cussed again and my head instantly snapped in her eye's direction.
"Imraan bhai?" I mouthed as the tall figure approached me after more than three years. I haven't seen this guy since the day Asmaara broke up with him.
He came and sat on our table and Jessica Instantly got up. I blinked at her while Imraan bhai grabbed one of my cupcakes and began munching on it.
"Preet, we need to leave," Jess said, collecting all the bags and Imraan bhai grabbed my wrist. "You may go. I'll drop my sister home," he told Jessica and then turned to me, "she is here after years and I want to at least catch up with her."
"Look Imraan- you need to stay away," there was some sort of tension between the two that I just didn't understand.
"So Preet, how have you been? Meri yaad nahi ayi jo kabhi Call nahi kiya?" He asked as I slowly pulled my hand out of his' grip.
"Our relationship was only until you were engaged to Asmaara," I told him, "it broke because of you."
"Broke? Who says?" He chuckled, grabbing another cupcake, and I frowned, "we are still together."
"Yeah in your dreams dude!" Jessica snapped at him and Imraan bhai shot her a look- as if he was trying his best to contain his anger.
Something about him made me really uncomfortable.
"Anyway, I am not here to waste your time," he said politely as he turned to me again, "let my baby know that I miss her and I am waiting for her, yeah?"
"But, you can do that yourself too- she is only a phone call away," I shrugged. From the corner of my eye, I could see Jessica stressing over something.
"Yeah I can but, you know she is not at home and-"
"Yeah because she is in-"
"Okay! I am getting late! Preet you are coming right now!" Jess snapped and instantly grabbed all the bags. She marched down to the carpark and something told me that I better leave now.
"So where were we?" Imraan bhai asked like nothing happened 2 seconds ago.
"Look, I need to leave," I told him, quickly picking up my hand bag. However, before I could make a move, he held my wrist- so tightly that my hand turned red within a second.
"Leave my hand!" I sternly said, trying not to panic, yet, he didn't let go of my wrist. "Last time, leave my hand!"
"How mannerless it is to leave in the middle of a conversation like this," he commented while I was failing to maintain my fear. Is he deaf or what?
"Imraan bhai last time keh rahi hoon-"
"Main bhi last time keh raha hoon Ki Beth jao!" He yelled and looked up at me with his blood shot eyes, making me flinch back.
I stumbled backwards however, someone supported my shoulders before I could fall. A punch flew past me and landed on Imraan Bhai's face. I gasped as his face jerked sideways. The owner of the hand walked around me to stand between Imraan bhai and me.
"Bhabhi Ne kaha chod matlab chod!" Adeel said, fisting Imraan Bhai's collar. Adeel pushed him backwards, making him fall on the chair behind him. "Aas paas bhi mat dikhna!" He warned and grabbed my hand.
As Adeel walked me to the car park, I couldn't help the tears that welled up in my eyes. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and helped me calm down. I had never been so scared of that man before. Heck, I am not even sure if he deserves to be called 'bhai' any more or not. Aren't brothers supposed to be protective and caring?
"Par tum yahaa kaise?" I asked Adeel once I had stopped crying. "Plan change Hua toh socha surprise de doo. Ghar Gaya toh pata chala that you are here so, I came but, yahaan toh Mujhe hi..."
"I don't even know what happened," I sighed, "The whole time Jess kept insisting that- hold on. Where is she?"
Worried, we hurried to her car and spotted her, leaning against the backdoor with her phone pressed against her ear.
"Yes, but what do I tell her now?" I heard her say as I neared her. Suddenly her eyes fell on me and she disconnected the call.
"Don't tell me you changed your name to Summer?" Adeel sighed, dramatically, "cause girl, you're-" he awkwardly stopped and cleared his throat, finally realising how serious this situation was.
Seriously, Adeel and his flirting.
I shook it away and looked at Jess, "is there something I need to know- I should know?" I asked her, taking a step towards her.
Jess shook her head and chose to look anywhere but at me, "look, it's not the right time. You can't get stressed in this state."
"So there is definitely something," I concluded, "and it's about Asmaara because Bani almost spilled the beans the other day."
"You don't get it Preet, it's too much for you to take in," she insisted however, I wasn't going to give up. "What is it?"
"What. Is. It?"
~~~ZARA's POV~~~
Wow! That shot was something! So romantic and dreamy. I wonder if Hussain is that romantic in real life too or not? Of course he is. Married before thirty while being in this industry- he must have fallen head over heels for his wife. Sad that he is married already as I would have-
"Ouch!" I yelped as Asmaara practically drove that eyeliner brush in to my eye.
"Oh no! I am sorry!" She began panicking while my eyes traveled to where she was looking a moment ago.
Like I had predicted- her eyes kept travelling back to the one and only Shehryaar. He was showing Soha the recorder shots and that really bothered Asmaara. No, not the shots but, Soha and Shehryaar sitting so closely. This is not new as she has been acting weird since Soha joined the team. The way she looks at Soha when she is with Shehryaar- If looks could kill, Soha would have died the moment she entered the sets.
Wow! So does Asmaara finally like Shehryaar? Should I casually ask her? No. We aren't really friends so, I don't think I have the right to. I sighed and smiled, wondering if I could play the Cupid? But the question remains if Shehryaar still loves her or not?
Yeah, he and I have been friends for a while now. Good enough for him to at least share this important detail of his life with me. Honestly, when he told me about the girl he loved, I wanted to murder her for breaking his heart but, Asmaara doesn't seem that bad at all.
"It's ok! And You can pack away since there is only one shot left for the night and I don't think I'll need to touch up again," I told Asmaara and she quietly headed back to the vanity van.
After the shot, I headed inside the vanity van and found Asmaara cleaning up. On asking why she was still here, she chuckled, "strict instructions by the director. He said he will drop me off since it's almost 3AM."
"Wow, then you will might have to wait," I said while she threw all the brushed in their respective containers, "looks like he is a little busy with Soha."
I got the exact reaction from her that I was expecting. She stopped moving for a moment and took a deep breath to cool herself down. "Oh," She gave me a short reply before calling for a cab.
Okay... I don't want her to be traveling alone at this hour.
By the time she was done, Shehry came inside. "Ready? Come I'll drop you," He asked and I couldn't help but smirk.
"No thanks. I am sure someone else needs you more," Asmaara taunted, disinterestedly and walked out of the vanity.
Shehry frowned before mouthing, "what happened?"
If it wasn't as clear for me then I would have said that this girl is surely on her periods but, I knew a little better than that.
"Kuch jal raha tha Shayad," I nodded at him and he frowned, asking me to elaborate. "What? Where?!"
Ya Allah, yeh larke itne duffer kyu hote hein? Kaash looks ke saath saath in main thori akal bhi hoti!
"If you would ignore her in front of other girls then definitely kuch na kuch jale ga hi na," I told him In a 'duh-you-are-so-dumb' tone.
"But I was not ignoring her aur kya jale ga?" ugh! Why is this guy so innocent?
"Well talking to another girl while she is there- is basically considered 'ignoring'," I shrugged, pointing out the word, 'girl' and dropped my hands to my sides, "aur kuch jala matlab she is jealous."
"What? But why?" He frowned and I rolled my eyes. Seriously Shehry?
"Because Dude! She likes you!"
~~~SHEHRY's POV~~~
What? No. When? How? Yeh kab aur kaise Hua? Is Zara just playing around with my feelings here? She better not!
"Don't you see it?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, "Soha is trying to be nice to her and that works every time until you come and sit next to Soha. Every time you talk to Soha, Asmaara's face drops."
"But Soha is just a good friend of mine," I told Zara and she rolled her eyes at me again. "Yeah well, Asmaara doesn't understand that. For a girl, the guy she likes should only have eyes for her and you right now, clearly don't."
"So you are telling me that-"
"Yes," she interrupted, "Asmaara is clearly jealous because she feels insecure when you talk to someone else like Soha."
And I kept thinking that Soha's attitude was coming between the two. Its actually Asmaara feeling jealous!
"She likes you Shehryaar," Zara added as I ran a hand through my hair, "shayad usse khud ko ehsaas nahi hai but, being a girl myself, I can just see it in her eyes."
That's not possible. Asmaara doesn't have any feelings for me and she made it clear three years ago. But, that was three years ago. A voice inside my head told me and I ran a hand through my hair again. Even if there is hope, I can't make myself go through all the mess again. But, what if things do work out this time?
"Shehry, the bottom line is that she likes you more than a friend and right now she is waiting for a cab alone outside," Zara shook my out of my thoughts and I immediately sprinted outside.
My eyes searched for Asmaara and spotted her by a white car. I ran up to her and grabbed her wrist before she sat inside.
"What are you doing? Leave my hand!" She asked but, I chose not to listen. "I'll drop you off- you are not taking a cab at this hour."
She groaned and pulled her hand again. However, With a little force, I twisted her around and held her tiny frame against mine. She gasped and pushed me away, "you don't tell me what to do. It's my life and my choice."
I left her wrist instantly and went around to the other door. I sat inside and she shot me a glare, "now what are you doing? Get out Shehry."
"you don't tell me what to do. It's my life and my choice," I said, mimicking her and she huffed, giving up. The car roared to life as the driver drove off.
Throughout the journey, Asmaara kept a grumpy face on. If this is jealousy, then I promise you girl, that I won't let that frown stay for longer. But, right now, it's important for me to keep my own heart calm. Haye! She finally feels something for me! The thought made me smile like an idiot but, Asmaara was too busy groaning to even notice it.
The car stopped soon and I got off after paying the driver. Shehry got off too and I rolled my eyes.
"Andar Nahi bulaogi?" He asked, rubbing his hands on his pants.
"Tumhaara time waste karne Ka koi shaunk Nahi hai Mujhe. I am sure Soha needs you more," I told him bluntly and instantly turned around. I sighed as I stepped inside the house and slowly closed the door on his face.
Why did I just bring Soha in this convo? Awkward!!
If I had concluded this morning that she is a nice girl, then why am I finding it hard to stick to it? And why does it bother me when Shehry sits with her, talks to her- about her? Why do I care?
I don't know what's pissing me off so much. All I know is that I am being an idiot by oozing my anger on Shehry. He is probably the sweetest person around.
I pulled out my phone and typed: I am sorry.
After a long fight with my brain, I finally pressed the sent button and waited for his reply. Fifteen minutes gone and his reply didn't come. Sighing, I threw the phone on the nightstand and dug my face into my pillow.
Stupid idea. I shouldn't have texted him. He is probably too busy replying to that chipkali.
She is not a chipkali.
She is .....
Or maybe something worse?
Can I seriously stop cussing her?
~~~SHEHRY's POV~~~
ASMAARA: I am sorry.
I grinned as I read the text but, soon a frown crawled up to my forehead. Now how do I reply to this?
Uhm.. Let's see. It's ok? No. That's almost like ending the conversation before it even starts.
Should I let her know that I am still outside? Ugh. No, that's just going to make me sound too desperate.
I should probably tease her by bringing Soha in our conversation? No, what if she doesn't reply after that or gets pissed off even more? Kya Karoo? I groaned to myself. Too much confusion.
Call her, a voice inside my head answered and without thinking much I dialled her number.
The bell rang yet, no one answered. I called again and again but, the was no reply.
Did she sleep already?
Kya yaar Shehry, thora jaldi phone kar leta!
Before you go!
Some of you already know about my new book Once Upon A Dare.
It's going to be updated regularly too and it's also a Shehryaar Asif Fanfic. Yeah, I should released Hussain's one first but, this plot is just so clear in my head that I couldn't stop myself from uploading it. It going to be short; as per the plan right now.
I uploaded the first chapter on Sunday and it will mean a lot to me if you guys give it a try? :3
LoVe AlwAyS
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