Chapter Five: New
I opened my eyes, vaguely aware of the warm waves lapping at my lower body. I coughed weakly and pushed myself up slightly, gazing around.
We were on a beach, pieces of ship wreckage washing up beside me. I was half submerged, and covered in sand.
I splashed myself and shot up, pacing toward shore. He was here, somewhere. I would see him, touch him, hear him again.
"This truly is a god-forsaken place," Gibbs said quietly, his eyes sweeping the area.
I spun around to face them, they were all slowly emerging from the water. "Where is he?" I was speaking mostly to Tia and Barboussa; they had somewhat led our expedition.
"He's here," Barboussa growled, trudging ashore. "Davy Jones never once gave up what he took."
"It doesn't matter, now!" Will accused Barboussa, raising is voice slightly. "Thanks to you, we're trapped here, same as him!"
"Witty Jack," Tia Dalma drawled. She was stroking a white crab, grinning with her mouth of golden teeth. I glared at her. The rest of them had learned to not use his name around me, but she had bluntly insisted on saying it. "Is closer dan ya may t'ink..."
I continued to glare at her, but someone distracted me with a gasp.
I turned my head, and almost fainted.
The top of the Black Pearl's mast was peeking over the top of the distant sand dunes.
I watched in shock as the whole ship rose from behind the sand, the crashed down to sail down the other side. I could basically hear the heroic music. And atop the mast, was
I let out a strangled gasp and stood still. He was there, right there.
"Impossible," A Chinese sailor whispered.
"Boat," Ragetti said in shock, pointing a shaky finger at the Pearl as it sailed through the sand and into the water.
"Slap me thrice and hand me to me momma!" Gibbs exclaimed, starting forward, along with the rest of the crew. "It's Jack!"
I covered my mouth and ran forward, absolutely spell bound. I saw Elizabeth out of the corner of my eye; she started to run forward, elated, but then her face fell and she froze, glancing at Will. He watched her accusingly.
The crabs were crawling and creeping to reside under Tia's skirts. I didn't give that a second thought either.
I didn't have time to care.
I hid behind the crew. I didn't want him to see me yet. I needed to just look at him.
After months, I finally was seeing him.
He swaggered up the sand, looking proud and defiant. He was exactly the same. Same beads and dreadlocks, same beautiful face, his fancy beard and goatee, gorgeous chocolate eyes, flamboyant pirate attire, same him. I ran my gaze over him, trying to memorize his face.
"Mr. Gibbs!" He demands. I stare at him, not wanting to miss a word coming out of his mouth.
"Aye, Captain!" Gibbs grins. I know that he's especially happy to see him once more; they were fairly close friends.
"I expect you're able to account for your actions, then?" He asked, dreads swinging. He isn't as...normal as I thought originally. His demeanor is different, somehow.
"C-Captain?" Gibbs stutters, obviously confused. He shoots the rest of us a glance.
"There has been a perpetual and virulent lack of discipline upon my vessel, Gibbs! Why is that, sir?" He rolls forward on his feet, looking intimidating.
Gibbs's eyes light up in understanding, and bells go off in my head.
He had no clue where he is, and he had no clue why we're here. He has probably slowly been going insane for months now, and we've arrived just in time to save him from senile.
The thought saddens me.
"You're...you're in the Locker, Captain!" Gibbs informed him quietly.
He paused. He looked absolutely bewildered.
"I know!" He said finally, looking as if he knew nothing at all. "I know exactly where I am! And don't you forget it!"
"Jack Sparrow." Barboussa stepped out from our line and smirked maliciously.
He looked to him, his eyes widening somewhat. "Hector!" He grinned, and sauntered to stand before him. "Long time no see?"
Barboussa nodded. "Aye," His eyes widened and he spoke as if he was holding back a torrent of curses. "You shot me."
He grinned, after a pause. "No, I didn't!"
He moved on to Tia Dalma. "Ah, Tia Dalma!" He smirked a bit mockingly. "Out and about, I see? You do add a sense of macabre to any delirium!"
Tia looked confused, so Will spoke up, explaining. "He thinks we're hallucinations." He said matter-of-factly.
He spun around to Will. "William, tell me something." I watched in awe as he used his hands to express what he was saying. "Have you come for my help to save a certain distressing damsel?" He shrugged. "Or rather, a damsel in distress? Either one."
Will gazed at him defiantly. "No," He replied.
"Then you wouldn't be here." He explained regretfully."So you can't be here. Q.E.D., you're not really here!"
"Jack," Elizabeth moved out from behind Will, her brow furrowing. "This is real, we're here."
He stared at Elizabeth, opening and closing his mouth a few times, a finger in the air. Then he spun around and scuttled back to Gibbs. What the hell? I wondered.
"The Locker, you say?" He asked quietly. Gibbs nodded, looking relieved.
He spun around and searched out little party, looking eager. "Is Adeena here?"
The crowd said nothing, but they parted so that he could see me.
He stared at me, his lips slightly parted.
I couldn't hold back any longer.
I ran forward and threw myself at him, burying my face in his chest. He staggered back but regained his balance, holding me tightly and burying his nose into my hair. I clutched him so tightly I'm sure he was struggling to breath.
"Hi, love," He murmured. I sniffled and smiled happily, breathing in his scent, rum and salt and citrus.
"Jack," I whispered, speaking his name for the first time in months. He was here, right here. It was just us, it seemed, and I felt happy for the first time in a very long time.
He gave me a stunning smile and we turned to face the crew, as Elizabeth spoke, bringing us back down to earth, although he held my hand as if I would disappear any moment. "We've come to rescue you, Jack," Elizabeth explained, watching us with a small smile. She locked eyes with Jack and that happy grin faltered.
Jack regained his cocky and witty attitude. "Have you now?" He asked flippantly. "Because it seems that as you don't have a ship and I do, you are the ones in need of rescuing, and I'm not sure that I'm in the mood."
"What about me, Jack?" I asked playfully.
He squeezed my hand, and he wasn't showing any sign of letting go. I turned my head to meet his eyes, still grinning like an idiot. "It's our ship, darling."
I laughed happily.
"I see my ship," Barboussa smiled with self-satisfaction. "Right over there." He pointed at the Pearl. My temper, which had become horribly dangerous since Jack's previous death, ignited and I opened my mouth to give him a talking to. Jack beat me to it, though.
He released me and padded forward, squinting out over the waves. "Can't spot it!" He declared, straightening up. "Must be hiding somewhere behind the Pearl!" I smiled, and jogged toward him with the rest of the crew.
"Jack." Will begged him to be serious. "Cutler Beckett has the heart of Davy Jones. He controls the Flying Dutchman!"
"He's taking over the seas!" Elizabeth added, jumping forward.
"Da song 'as been sung. Da Bredren Court is called." Tia said, putting in her word.
Jack considered this, looking slightly unnerved at all the people leaning over his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and walked away, shaking his head in mock sadness. "Leave you all alone for a minute, look what happens! Everything's gone to pot!"
He dragged me away, across the sand. I furrowed my brow and allowed myself to be pulled, half wondering whether or not he actually wanted to leave this damned place.
"Jack, the world needs ye back somethin' fierce!" Gibbs said, trying to boost his ego. That was always a good way to get Jack going.
"And you need a crew." Will stated.
Jack spun around. "Why should I sail with any of you?" He asked incredulously. "Five of you have tried to kill me in the past, one of you succeeded!" He looked pointingly at Elizabeth.
I froze. "Wha--what?" She smiled apologetically, excusing herself, guilt shining in her eyes. I knew right then, that for once Jack wasn't lying.
"Ah!" Jack exclaimed, looking at me and Will. I just stared at Elizabeth, a sinking feeling in my stomach.
She'd been apologizing, over and over, for his death, to me. And now I knew why.
"You...you killed him..." I whispered. It was just me and her, for a moment. No one else saw our silent exchange.
Whatever friendship she and I attained snapped, in that one moment. All of the respect I had for her popped! like a bubble, as she cast her eyes down and gave me a small, shameful, barely discernible nod.
"You'll have loads of things to talk about while you're here, then!" Jack said in a sarcastically happy tone, swinging our joined fingers between us.
Her walked down the line that they had assembled. "Now, as for you..." He studied Tia.
Tia smiled coquettishly. "Now, ye know ya enjoyed it at da time..."
I raised an eyebrow.
Jack shrugged, blushing, a grin spreading across his face. He had either ignored me or not seen. "Oh, alright," He moved on. "Don't need you, you scare me," He told Pintel and Ragetti. They looked slightly offended. "Gibbs, you can come. Marty...Cotton...Cotton's parrot I'm a little iffy, but at least I'll have someone to talk to!"
He came to me. I had joined the lineup. "Of course you're coming," He said, and brushed a kiss on my forehead. I reddened and smiled, wishing he had aimed lower.
He came to Tai Huang. "Who're you?" He asked rudely. I swatted his arm.
"Tai Huang." He answered promptly, then gestured behind himself. "These are my men."
Jack viewed them indifferently. "Where do your allegiances lie?"
"With the highest biddah."
Jack thought for a moment, then waved to the Pearl. "I have a ship!" He offered.
"That makes you the highest biddah." Tai Huang smiled.
"Good man!" Jack grinned at him. He wouldn't like it later when someone's bid had over-ridden his own... "All hands, weigh anchor, prepare for sail!" Jack announced, and the indicated crew members scurried to obey.
I drew close to him and gazed into his compass, which he had flipped open. The dial was stuck on me.
I raised my eyes to meet his. He grinned and winked. I felt a bit weak in the knees.
"Jack." Barboussa drawled. "Where're ye goin', Jack?" Him, Elizabeth, Will, and Pintel and Ragetti were standing together. Barboussa had the charts, and stroked them pointingly.
Jack's nose twitched. "We have to allow them on, Jack," I whispered.
He nodded stiffly. When they didn't move, he raised his hands and waved them away. "Go! Skedaddle!"
They walked away, all wearing triumphant expressions. Elizabeth cast me a sorrowful glance over her shoulder, and I glared coldly at her.
Jack grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him, wrapping his arms around me. "Hi," He grinned at me.
"Oh, I missed your smile..." I hugged him tightly and then pulled away to look at him again, his sloping nose, his extravagant facial hair, his gold teeth, his deep, mesmerizing eyes...
He smiled and brushed my hair away from my face. "I missed you as well."
I hesitated. "I love you?"
"I love you too." He grinned.
I smiled brightly and my eyelids fluttered shut as he leaned in to kiss me.
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