chapter 6 | the "D"
50 minutes later...
"Y/n," I run after her to catch up with her steps as she's walking out all by herself. I also have to talk to Jisung but I will do it after this conversation with the little girl. "What?" she slows down once I'm next to her. "Di? What's that 'di' you want from me?"
"Oh...well...I changed my mind. I want you to buy me a lollipop for every lesson," she reveals it but not like I wanted her to. "But what was the 'di'...?" I insist on this, this thing hasn't left my mind and I haven't stopped imagining some things in my head. "The diary you sometimes use to write some notes...I like it so that's why I wanted to ask for it but no, I just want lollipops like the one I stole you."
I don't show my disappointment but smile. "You want lollipops?" my laughter escape in a soft manner. "Yes and..." she steps before me to stop my way right when we were about to go down the stairs. "Do you want a lesson every day?"
"Yes," I nod. "Then since you now signed up for a sort of contract..." her small opened hand inches closer to me as if she was asking for something more. "Five dollars..."
"What?!" I utter out while scoffing nervously. "I have to pay you?!" my eyes widen while staring into her baby ones but she acquiesces. "Ye..."
"Do you mean that I'm going to have to pay you at every lesson we'll have?" I raise my eyebrows but cannot believe this request that is almost an order I don't have the right to refuse. "Not every lesson...just now..." her hand doesn't go back towards her but remains where it is to be needy. "I don't have money with me right now," I lie brazenly.
"What's that then...?" her finger points at my trousers' pocket that expose some stuff but I pass my hand over it to try concealing this sort of package. "That's something but not an item or object."
She takes the falsehood like a kid but pouts. "That was to buy something for lunch..." she mumbles but walks away without even trying to keep on fighting to have what she wants, making me change my mind at the sentence she just said. "What?" I follow her down the stairs while seeing her holding on the straps of her school bag. "I asked you that because I forgot my food at my I don't have anything to eat for lunch..."
"How do I know you're not lying?" I remain skeptical about it to not let her trick me. She's good at this so I'm suspicious. "Well then...let me starve and die..." she guilt trips me. I sigh while letting a chuckle run through it but stop my way to take the few money bills I have in the inner pocket of my jacket. Since she's a baby, I get the three of them out and head back towards her with quick steps.
"Here, Miss blackmail," I rest my arm on her head and hold the thirty dollars in front of her face. She gapes at the sight of this but takes them without pretending to not need it. "Thank you," she beams broadly, checking the amount I just gave her and getting me to remove my arm from her but put her hair back properly.
She lifts the bottom of her oversized hoodie up and places the money in the pocket of her skirt I never saw. That's what I like about that girl, she won't give the usual 'That's too much, I can't accept it', instead she will get it in her pocket right away while smiling cutely.
"Is the little Miss happy now? She will feed her stomach and won't starve because of me," I peek at her with disbelief but tease her unceasingly. "Yes," she nods but passes before me to open the door and get outside, then let go of it without caring about me.
I grumble quietly while hastening myself to not die because of this heavy door and follow each of her steps. "Hey. What are you going to buy with that?"
"I don't know yet," she puts her bag on the front of her body while strolling to her favorite spot of the yard and having me walking along her path as if I was her puppy, or more like a big dog walking after a kitten.
Three small snacks suddenly go out of her bag and she closes the zipper right under my nose. "Is that food?!" my voice leaves me a bit more loudly than expected. "Yes...I have two for now and one for the small break after lunch..." she doesn't hide it but seems to be telling me the truth. "Uh..."
She sits down on the bench so I move forth to do the same, however, she slaps her hand on the spot I wanted to take. "Liars don't have the right to sit here."
I grab her forearm and draw it to her body effortlessly to sit down and release my hold now that I have what I want. "Thank you," my eyes look at her with disdain while she's embarrassed. She thought she could win against my strength, what an adorable girl.
She ignores me since I just humiliated her playfully and without being mean but she holds her biscuit with both of her hands to bite into it. That looks delicious as hell though, I haven't brought anything to eat and now I'm hungry. I watch her eating, envying her and noticing the two other biscuits still closed but trapped between her bag and tummy.
I lick my lips but brush the tip of my nose. "Is it good?" I dare ask her. "No, I'm eating something disgusting," she plays it sarcastic and glances at me with her red cheeks. She likes that. "Come on...Can I taste it? My stomach has been growling since this morning..."
"That's diet stuff..." she attempts to make me change my mind but I shrug to show her I still want it. She kindly pulls the wrapping a bit lower and breaks a piece of it, to move it to my mouth. I open it and take the big piece she gave me. "This is with dried red fruits and oat but no sugar added so...something healthy."
"Hm," I nod but chew on it with a lot of pleasure as the taste is way too good for me to not like it. "That's bad?" she checks my reaction but I lean towards her and wrap my large hand around hers that is holding the biscuit and since she's not trying to prevent me from doing anything, I bite into the snack one more time. "That's good as hell."
She smiles but once my eyes land back on her, I notice how beet-red her skin became. I swear to god, I'm feeling bad for always causing this to her cheeks once I'm around. No matter how much she must be nervous, she picks one of the two other snacks to give me one. "Here...I don't want to hear your stomach making noise every second while trying to focus."
I chuckle but thank her and take that stuff I need. I remove the whole wrapping but eat it in two bites to enjoy the taste even more, not like she does it with her small ones. She pecks it like a bird. I have to restrain my laughter or else she will think I'm mocking her.
"You—" her blank gaze judges me as she heard my hand crushing the wrapping. I chew on the crunchy food a bit like an animal that hasn't eaten in years but she just stares at me. "Can't you take more time...?"
"No...otherwise I don't enjoy it..." I shake my head as my answer sounded obvious to me but she looks away to hide her grin and end her food. "You were the one shoving your rice in your mouth the other day though..." I remark.
She ignores me. Dammit. She only focuses on the rest of her snack and puts it into her mouth to grab the last one, her small hands break it in two and she then opens the wrapping. She hands a part of it to me. I don't refuse but part my lips to let her put it inside. "Ya..." she grimaces and throws her fingers against my sleeve to rub them on it. "Your tongue licked me...!"
"Are you serious?!" I giggle but grab her arm to get it back in the line of her body. "I'm not sick or disgusting you disrespectful girl!" I keep my hold onto her as she's trying to still clean her finger on me. "Yes, you are. Look...!" she directs our attention on the tip of her finger. "There's plenty of your bacterias now...I can't touch my face...!"
"Stop it, little baby, you're acting like I passed my tongue all over your hand," I calm this nervous girl but cannot stop giggling while seeing her adorable expression. "Tch..." she shows some displease but crosses her arms so I move my hand back, discreetly licking the tip of my finger before touching her cheek. "There. Now you're infected."
"Jungkook!" her voice screaming my name with her mouth full excites me at a wrong moment. I laugh but catch her arms once she tries to fight with me, watching her wriggling and attempting to punch me while blushing nonstop as if her body didn't want to give her a break. "Let go—" since she doesn't want to simmer down and comprehend she has no chance against me, I pull her in abruptly and trap her face in my chest with my arms holding her tight against me. "Shh, stop being so cute," I firmly keep my clasp around her as I can feel her arms stuck between us but she tries to retreat as if this was making her too distressed to be against my body.
"Jungkook just—" she throws her left leg into mine to kick me and not cease this misbehavior but I guffaw like an idiot and propel her body against mine and squeeze her legs between my stronger and longer ones in order to keep her on me, but make sure no one can see what's under her skirt. "Calm down or I make it harder," my arms remain around her with enough force to keep her still but not hurt her while my right hand is tangled in her fluffy hair.
She stops moving and listens to me. I've spent a lot of time with a lot of girls but this one is unbelievable. I grin now that she's not moving anymore and loosen my clasp as well as the pressure I was applying on the sides of her legs with my thighs. "Don't you dare hit me or I do this again," I peek down at her to see her face but she pushes herself up to stand between my legs and she puts her hood on to grab her bag in a fast motion and walk away.
Have I went too far again...?
I sigh but run after her without even taking my bag in the way. I'm scared I could have done something wrong once more. "Hey, wait..." I don't touch her but make fast to be in front of her. "I...I'm sorry. Have I done something bad...?"
"No..." she shakes her head but keeps her head low. "You always make me..." she holds her bag against her chest while I can't even see her face. "Whatever..." she flees away again but I put my hand around her arm to stop her and position her right back in front of me. "I make you what?" I keep her close to my body. "You always make me look stupid..." she speaks in a quiet voice as if she didn't want anyone to hear her. "Look stupid? Why...?"
She shrugs with no answer leaving her. I decide to place one finger under her chin and raise her head up. "Because of this?" I slide my hand up her burning skin to give a little squeeze to her cheek, but she tries to conceal a smile and glances away to deny the facts. "Why do you always blush when I'm close to you? Hm?" my lips softly curve up the more she's avoiding me. "I don't know what you're talking about...I just blush all the time..."
"You blush all the time because I'm always close to you," I smile but walk back to the bench at the sound of the bell ringing the end of this first break. I know she was lying just a second ago, she always scrunches her nose when she does and that's exactly what she did.
5 minutes later...
I walk in the classroom as I'm pretty sure y/n just rushed to not have me with her. At first, I make eye contact with Dahee who still hasn't decided to stop being childish but then check on Jisung. Since I can't have a talk with him here, I get to my desk and sit down next to the blushing girl with some joy. I love how much she often makes me feel, I like to see when I make a girl nervous especially her who can't hide her feelings with her body language exposing them. Girls that are shy are the best, they're often the ones hiding a dirty mind with a lot of kinks they can't admit and they're able to make a real man feel soft.
I put my stuff down on the table but rest my forearms on it, to intertwine my hands and lay my eyes on her trying to play it invisible. She removed her hood but her hair is all messy now. My smile doesn't fade away but I lean over her, to brush some strands of her hair behind her ear. "Why did you run away?"
She lowers my veiny hand down, holding it for longer than she would need to and she brings it back to me. "Look what you did," she pulls her sleeves up her forearm to reveal her skin but shows me some marks around her wrist. "What I did? When?" I get a bit concerned but brush my fingers over her hued skin, this one feeling smooth under my touch. "That's you, you don't realize how strong you are compared to me."
"Ya..." I put my hand around her wrist but brush the inner part of it, feeling guilty and bad about it. "I didn't mean to hurt you..."
She slides her arm around but crosses them on the table, surely fearing that she could let her skin react to my touch. "I'm alright but be more gentle with me next time..."
"I promise I'll be," I smile but don't put my hands on her again. "I'll caress you instead of punching you, is that ok?"
She bursts into laughter with softness but covers her mouth. "You caress someone to punish them?" she starts a conversation her innocent self should not get into if she wants to avoid my dirty mind from speaking. "Depends on the type of punishment," I lick my lips but fix my eyes on her now that the things are getting interesting. She fiddles with her lips but peeks at me more frequently. "And how can punishments be different?"
"You'll know when you're a big girl," I smirk but maintain the eye contact. "Why are you treating me like a baby all the time dammit?"
"Because you are a shy little baby," I don't restrain my words since she likes it when I tease her about it. She doesn't cease her nervous habit of playing with her lips while hiding a part of her face. "You didn't even answer my question..."
I exhale sharply at this persistence when I can see that she understood I was meaning something dirty. I turn towards her but place my arm on the back of her chair, "Do you really want me to tell you?" I raise my eyebrows but keep my voice low for her only to hear me. She nods but gazes down at my lips.
"Don't complain afterwards then," I inch closer to her for my lips to be against her warm ear and whisper into it. "I like caressing heavily a certain spot on a girl's body to punish her," I retreat after letting my sentence leave my mouth as I heard the teacher coming in. I grin at the sight of y/n's cheeks but she doesn't move her sleeve away from her lips onto which she's nibbling while gazing down at the table. I might have turned her on given the way she reacted to it.
Now she must be thinking about me punishing her with caresses.
12 pm.
"Hey," I rush after y/n in the hallways to be right by her side. "Why were you so silent during this course?" I don't leave her alone with this as I noticed something different in her body language the past two hours. "I was focusing..."
"Focusing on what?" I get a bit too curious, asking for the truth since I know what she had in her head this whole time. "My work..." her grips on her straps don't loosen and she takes the stairs to go down with me. 'Her work', of course. She really thinks I'm going to believe such a lie and on top of that, she pursed her lips right before saying it. The second evidence in her body language that she's lying.
"Anyway," I let this go to not bother her and bring another topic up. "What have you talked about with Jisung this morning?" I mention the guy who doesn't want to see my face anymore for a reason that I don't even know. "Oh, uhm...nothing really special. It was about random things and he asked me if I was free this weekend to see each other, so since I am, I'll go out with him," she smiles while telling me everything. "Great then. Has he talked about me though...?"
She nods but doesn't give more details by herself, obliging me to ask for them. "And...what did he say?" I open the door to go out with her and then finally continue this conversation while heading outside of the school. "He said that...that he doesn't like the way you act with me but when I asked why, he only answered me with an 'I just don't like it' and nothing else."
"Hm..." I don't show my pain about this. Hearing my best friend saying stuff like that behind my back isn't something I appreciate neither feel good about but maybe I deserve it. "What are you going to buy with my money?" I change the subject to forget it while walking out of the yard, following her steps as she seems to know where she wants to go. "I'm going to see what the supermarket nearby has."
"You always eat a fruit, I guess you're going to buy one," I smile but never cease my steps with hers. "Since we're talking about fruits, I want you to buy me big lollipops. Not small ones," she looks up at me, her sentence setting me in some confusion. "Big ones?"
" know..." she nods, "There are big ones and small ones but for the taste to be better, big ones are the best...but maybe you're taking me for a weird girl...I just have a special...special mind," she barely understands what she's saying but gets me to chuckle with some filthy thoughts about this statement. "I'll buy you big ones for your big mouth," I run my fingers through her hair to ruffle them and let her open the door of the shop while I can't take my hand off of the fluffiness.
She's not even complaining, she only drags me to a specific section. While I'm playing with her hair she stops right before some diet biscuits and food that I'm taking a look at. "This thing looks tasty," I draw her attention to a box of strawberry soft-baked cereal bars. "Yes but this thing looks better," she grabs another thing, scanning the ingredients before putting it back on its place.
"Let's get to another section," she moves away so I slide my hand down to her neck, an area on a girl that I like kneading or stroking with my fingers. I make sure to keep the same distance between us and stop once she does. Now we're facing some fruits.
"Ya..." she moves her shoulders up and bends her head away to look at me. "Why are you doing this...?" she mentions my touch on her body but I just smile at her. "I like it. You don't?"
"I do but..." her lips form an adorable and shy grin she always tries to conceal once this is caused by me. "But what?" I spur her to give me the reason of it but she avoids my gaze. "Touch another girl since you like doing it..."
Wow. That hits hard.
"I'm a tactile person so I like having physical contact with people...that's not my fault..." I defend myself as I cannot swallow that harshness she just threw at my face. "I'm sensitive to touch so we don't match," she grabs an apple to take a look at it while being rude with me. "If you're sensitive that means you love being touched by someone you trust then."
"Who said I trust you?" her piercing eyes glance at me as she was about to pick a fruit. I bite on my lips but shrug like an idiot. "Do you often hang out with people you don't trust?"
"I didn't ask you to come, you're the one following me," she finds a good way to reply to me and grabs two bananas. She's always ready with a comeback for god's sake. "Well then, if that's so. I like coming when people don't ask me to so I'm staying with you because for your information, what you have here," I touch her hip to point the money out. "That is mine."
"That is yours?" she raises her eyebrows but slaps my hand to throw it away. "That's my body you nasty...!" she misunderstands this whole thing but I make fast to correct it. "You idiot! I was talking about the money you have in your pocket! Not your body!"
She gives me a judging look but walks away to head to the section where she found a box of biscuits and then make her way to the checkout right away. I don't even know how I'm able to stand this baby.
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