chapter 46 | My Cure
"Stay with Mino," I avoid having her with me in case he could say I have something pretty serious so she listens to me and lets me walk in the office all by myself.
"It's nice to meet you Jeon Jungkook, " he closes the door, "You can sit down," and gestures me to take a seat before his desk so I do it and watch him getting on his comfortable chair. "Alright," he sets his eyes on his computer screen and remains silent for some seconds, typing on his keyboard. "So, this is the first time we meet so I'm going to ask you some questions in order to record your information and help me to know more about your current state, alright?" he gazes at me with a kind look but I nod.
"Perfect, let's just start with your age," he gets ready to type so I answer him. "I'm nineteen," I peek at his computer, curiously trying to look at the words he's entering in the file. "Your birth date?"
"First of September in two-thousand," I say. "Do you take some medications?"
" painkillers when I need to but nothing special," I shake my head but start to feel the unwanted questions approaching me. "Great," he acquiesces without taking his eyes off of the screen. "Do you use drugs or smoke?"
A sudden nervousness takes over me and I bring my hand up to my face, to cup the side of my neck and rest my arm on the chair. "I...I already smoked and took drugs but...I don't do it anymore..." I shamefully tell the truth but he now looks at me. "What kind of drugs?"
"Uhm...I can't remember..." I lick my lips. "MDMA...and...GHB..." I don't dare to put my eyes into his. "How many times and what dose?"
"Maybe three times but I was with some friends and...I didn't know what I was doing...I can't remember the dose at all...I just know it was pretty strong..." I don't hide anything since I don't want to lie. "Alright," the sound of his keyboard echoes through the white and grey room. "And what did you smoke?"
"Simple cigarettes...but that was just from time to time once I was feeling too stressed maybe happened around five times...not more..." I gulp down while doing my best to recall that stuff. "Okay. You said you don't do it anymore so, when did you start to get curious about the drugs and all? Did something cause you to want to consume it?"
I rub my fingers on my throat without controlling myself but keep my eyes low. "It started when the ex-husband of my mom left us for the second time...I was around fifteen and was influenced by my friends and girlfriend...I was...angry and not myself so..." a moment of silence follows my doubtful words. "So...yeah..."
"And when did you stop taking drugs?" he doesn't change the subject but keeps on talking about this. "I once was on one of them but consumed a lot of it to have a better effect when I was with my girlfriend at her house but...when I woke up...I saw my mom was crying because she was worried and scared...she told me she found me unconscious in my bed and thought I would not ever wake up again..." my eyes get filled with water, a tight knot hurting my throat. "At that moment...I regretted what I did because I realized I was just selfish and not caring about how my mom was feeling...she was hurt too but I only cared about myself and the way that guy destroyed our I stopped for good and never tried again..."
He doesn't say anything now that I ended my sentences, recalling clearly the way I felt at that moment exactly. "You never took drugs again after that, right?"
"Yes, I never did it again," I clear my throat to not let myself cry in front of him. "How old were you back then?" his voice softens as my words must have taken him aback. "I was still fifteen..."
"Hm..." the sound vibrates through his throat, his hands still held together on his desk. "Did you smoke after this?"
"I stopped till...some days ago...but...I just smoked one cigarette..." I rub my eyes and erase the tears that were about to be shed. "I won't do it again. I want to change and be someone good from now on, I don't want to hurt anyone I love again so I won't do anything like that anew."
He nods as he listened to me. "I'm glad you told me all of this, no matter what you think about yourself just know that you did great by stopping and realizing it was wrong. You were young and had to deal with something that affected you mentally so this can often happen but you're not a bad person because of that. Alright? We all make mistakes, this is human and your reaction to this shows how much you care about the ones around you as well and not just yourself."
I nod even though I don't think the same. He smiles but gets back to his file he needs to fill. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but why did you try to smoke again some days ago?"
"It's...because of the relationship with my girlfriend...there was a little fight because of me and...I was lost and hurt...I was hating myself and just didn't care about anything else. Now I'm okay, I know that I do hurts the ones who love me so I'm not going to do it again," I peek at his computer but feel less gloomy now that I'm talking about the present. "That's good to hear, but if you ever have to deal with something difficult in your life and that you feel like maybe plunging back into this, first, I'm here if you need to talk but we also have some people that might help you even more. So don't ever feel alone into this, people can be there to help."
"Yes," I appreciate it. The only problem is that I wouldn't want another person but just y/n so if I don't have her anymore, I think this will be hard for me to come here and talk about it. "Alright...I'm done with the questions now that I know you more. We will just develop this with the time," he uses his Apple mouse but rolls his desk chair back, to grab a piece of paper and place it next to his keyboard. "Let's talk about the reason why you visited me today."
"It's for a bruise on my the side of my hip and abdomen that is pretty big, it's been hurting me a lot girlfriend wanted me to cine here because she was worried," I don't hide the fact that my little baby is the one who got me here but a smile forms on his face and he looks at me only, to listen to me. "I can see on your face that you have some injuries, I'm going to check your bruise but I need to know what happened for it to appear."
"I...someone hit me in the side yesterday was strong blows..." I avoid telling him I fought with a guy. After talking about the drugs and all, I'd rather keep this to myself or else he's going to think I'm a real asshole. "Alright, let's get over there," he stands up and leads us to the examination table. I follow him to there but he changes the paper on it. "You can lie down here," he moves aside and lets me get on it. I lie down on my back. "Where is it?" he stands on my left side and I pull my hoodie up to show him the damage on my body.
"Ah," he realizes how big this is but touches it, making me twitch. "Does it hurt a lot?" he glances up at my face but I nod. "Yes..."
"Can you pull your trousers down? I need to see where this ends," he asks me to do but since I'm not really shy or else, I undo my belt and open my zipper to pull a part of it down and take my underwear with it. I still keep the clothes over my member though. "Does it hurt if I touch this spot?" he pushes on the side of my thigh in a gentle manner but doesn't provoke any pain so I shake my head. "Okay," he looks at another spot but gets his fingers closer to my private parts while I'm just staring at what he's doing to me. "What about here?" he applies sine pressure on my groin but makes me groan instantly. "That hurts."
"Alright," he removes his hand from me but still keeps his eyes on my bruise. "Do you have some difficulty to walk or do you feel like an intense pain in your hip and leg when you move?"
"Not in the leg but just on my hip and groin, but this got more painful today," I explain while hoping for this to not be serious. If it is, y/n is going to be worried to death. "Did you do something that might have caused it to intensify? Some sport or physical activity?"
I gulp down at the sound of this question now that he's looking at me in the eyes but since I need to tell the truth, I let it out. "I had intercourse with my girlfriend last night..."
"That explains," he figures out now that I got this out of my mouth. "Can you turn to the side for me to check your back?"
I do it and reveal my back so he touches my skin again but I handle the pain. "This is also bruised in here but not as severely as it is in the front. You can get on your back," he allows me to be more comfortable. "This seems to be a simple bruise but this could be a sign of a fractured bone so I'm going to fix a visit to the hospital for you to do a hip x-ray in order to check it," he walks back to his desk and lets me put my clothes back properly to leave the table.
"I'm going to still prescribe you a healing cream that you can apply every day," he writes some things down while I'm heading to the chair. He doesn't say anything while writing so I sit down in a kind manner to not hurt myself even more.
I think that if my bone was fractured this would hurt way more though so I'm positive about this. It's a simple bruise and nothing else. "Here is the paper for the x-ray examination," he slides it to the side and fills another small piece of paper that all the doctors use. "And here is the healing cream you have to apply two times a day."
The prescriptions now done, he gives me the two of them so I take everything and keep it in my hold. "This is important to not do any type of physical activity at the moment, so if you're still going to school I'm going to write you a medical certificate to stay home till you do the x-ray."
Stay home while y/n is going to school? Is that a damn joke?
"When is the x-ray exam?" my heart beats too fast from disagreement and fear. "I don't know yet, you have to call and fix an appointment yourself but this usually takes at least two weeks."
I gape but try to hide it right away. "Two weeks...? But...can't I go to school until then...?"
"No, we don't know if it's a fractured bone so something more serious than a bruise, so this is important to stay home and not do any physical activity. This might worsen your state," he makes me realize that I won't be able to have sex with y/n for two and maybe more weeks. I will absolutely need to find something to compensate or else I die.
That's going to make y/n and my mom so worried, I don't want to see my baby crying. Let alone the fact I'll be away from her seven or eight hours a day. I sigh but comply. "Alright..."
"I'm going to write a medical certificate so you'll use it as a sick note, I'm going to give you two weeks for now so try to call the hospital today for a visit and then you'll come back once you'll have done the exam and I'll prolong the sick note if needed, alright?" he peeks up at me and finishes his note. "Alright..." I don't show any happiness about this when I'm usually very glad to skip school but still deal with the consequences of my actions. "Here you are," he hands me the last piece of paper so I add it to the two others. "Do you need to talk about something else?"
"No..." I shake my head and fold the sheets of paper in two. "Alright then," he rises from his chair so I do so and walk up to the door with him. He opens it and steps aside. "See you in two weeks?" he smiles but I nod and repeat the words, before bowing back to him and going out.
I put my eyes on y/n as soon as I'm back with her but I fall upon a baby sleeping with her head on Mino's lap. I smile but walks up to them and put the papers in the back pocket of my trousers. "I told her to calm down because she was stressing since it was taking some time but she fell asleep..." my best friend explains to me but I show my comprehension and bend over y/n. I grab her by the waist and lift her up, to take her in my arms but not wake her up.
"So?" he stands up since we're done with this but I grab y/n's coat that she took off and lay it over her body. "That's horrible," I speak with a lot of frustration, regretting this a lot. "Why?"
"Wait, let's just go back in the car, I'll tell you once we're there," I put the hood on y/n's head and keep her in my hold to get out of here.
10 minutes later...
"I need to stay home for two weeks..." I finally talk about it to Mino now that he's driving to school. "Seriously?" a gasp escapes him but I nod in despair. "Yeah...he said 'no physical activity' and I have to go to the hospital to do that x-ray of shit and look if it's a fractured bone or not..." I sigh, not handling this when it hasn't started yet. "Like...she's going to go to school and I won't even be able to be with her for seven hours every damn day, I'm not going to handle this."
"Well, I'm going to drive her to school and then bring her back home so don't worry about that," he believes that it's going to reassure and comfort me, when it doesn't. "There's Jisung in the damn classroom...and I know she still talks to him from time to time so I'm fucking worried..."
He doesn't say anything, which means that he knows it's not going to be good for me. As nothing was able to calm me down, my baby who is still sleeping slowly leans towards me with her sleepy and tired body, her head resting on my arm as I'm staying close to her. "I'm going to try to stay with her during lunch and all...just so I know she doesn't stay all alone."
"Imagine that this asshole takes this opportunity to get right beside her and work with her every day at our desk? I'm gonna go berserk," I bite my lips but lower the volume of my voice since I don't want y/n to come back on earth and hear this. "Just relax and don't think about it. I'm pretty sure it's going to be alright so...don't be's for your good to stay home..."
This doesn't help me at all.
"Anyway, we're here," he interrupts this soft moment with my baby close to me. I sigh but look at y/n, "Baby..." I wake her up with gentleness and she opens her eyes. "We're at school," I tell her but notice she's a bit lost. "School...? But...what about the doctor...?"
"You fell asleep, just have to go without me today, I need to stay home but I'll explain to you later, okay?" I do my best to not worry her but quickly understand I just failed. "Alone? Why? Is your injury serious?"
"No baby, the doctor just wants me to take some time because it's painful so he wants to make sure I rest but I'm okay," I close the zipper of her coat while she's not liking this. "I don't want to be without you all day long..." her small voice breaks my heart but she puts her hood on and I take her in my arms. "I don't want either but...I promise it's going to be alright. I press a kiss on her lips but cup her face with my hands. "I love you," I kiss her one more time but she goes forth and hugs me in the cutest manner. "You promise me you're okay and that your injury is not serious?"
"It's not serious, if it was I wouldn't feel okay," I hold her tight against my body, pecking her forehead. "I trust you Jungkook...don't lie to me again..." she mumbles in my chest but makes it hard for me to let go. "I'm not lying."
She doesn't move back but keeps on hugging me as if it was the last time, I give her all my affection to warm her heart up for the day and drop a kiss on her forehead. "Come on baby, the next class is going to start."
"Hm..." she heaves her arms up to encircle my neck and press a kiss on my lips, before pressing her face on the side of mine. That's so cute. "If you're in pain...please...tell me with a text or call..."
"Yes, I will," I press a kiss on her neck and she moves back, with obvious reluctance. She grabs her bag and steps out of the car. "Mino is going to drive me back home but he'll be there for every break, alright?" I tell her while she's taking the time to put the straps of her bag around her shoulder. She nods but stays upset about it. "Work well for me, hm?" I smile at her but she just bends inside of the car to kiss my lips and not say anything. She closes the door and walks away from us.
I don't think I'll be able to do this for two weeks.
- Two weeks later -
Friday, December 06, 2019.
7 am.
I lay y/n on the bed now that we took our shower, that I dried her hair, and put her makeup on. I get to the closet, looking among all the clothes she now has in here. I pick a cute jeans overall and a pink sweater, with her socks, her underwear, and bra that matches together in white and pink. I place those clothes aside and put a pair of grey sweatpants on with a grey hoodie. I've been doing the same for two long weeks and I'm tired to not see y/n as often as I would like to but fortunately, I've got the result just yesterday and as I said, this was just a stupid bruise.
Anyway, once I'm dressed, I take the clothes of my baby and walk up to her to get on the bed while she's staying still. I lay the fabrics next to us and get on my knees to be between her legs and start to put the clothes on her. "Are you going to eat at the Subway with Mino today?" I ask to break the silence but she nods and keeps her eyes away. She knows she still has to go to school all alone today since I have to go back to the doctor.
"What are you going to eat?" I slide her panties up her legs as I already put the bra on her but she covers her mouth with her hand while staring at the pillow. "I don't know..." she speaks in a little voice but still pushes her hips up to let me put the panties on her properly. Then I do the same for the rest of the clothes. Once it's done and that she's ready, I bend over but press a kiss on her cheek and take her in my arms, to stand up and hug each other while I'm leading us to the kitchen downstairs.
Her arms remain around my neck and she grips onto me like every morning. We haven't done anything very intimate since I told her I had to wait for two weeks to know if it is serious but I have to admit, I'm in need and want to have sex with her. This is frustrating to be with her every night and not be allowed to do anything more than simple kisses and hugs.
I walk inside the kitchen but since my mom is still sleeping after working all night long. I keep a strong hold on y/n with one arm and get to the fridge, to take a banana milk out of it with some chocolate cake my mom baked yesterday. I close the door then head to the microwave, I remove the wrapping from the cake and grab a knife to cut a big piece of it then lay it on a dish to warm it up in the microwave.
I turn around while it's getting ready and put y/n on the kitchen island, I give her the banana milk and press a kiss on her neck. "You're gonna tell me once you get the answer of the doctor?" she peeks up at me but sips on her drink. I nod. "Of course I will baby but don't worry about anything."
She looks into my eyes, drinking the milk with the straw. At the sound of the microwave ringing, I turn towards it and take the cake out of it to get back in front of my baby. For her breakfast to be a bit more nourishing, I grab two bananas and cut the piece of cake in two, to smash the fruits and spread them between the two parts. I then feed her, "Here," I smile at her and she takes a big bite. I like to see her eat well. "Is it good?"
She says yes with a move of her head and stretches her body. "Do you like the two braids I made in your hair?" I check if they're not moving but she nods with a broad beam and drops her arms around my neck. "I like them."
"I made them with love," I giggle while gazing into her sparkling eyes but she smiles even more brightly. I rub my hands over her back and squeeze her in my clasp. "My baby love..." my heart flutters from this but she causes even more to me with a kiss on my cheekbone. "You're going to do well for your test today, right?"
"Yes, for you," she gives me a bear hug to make me all soft right in the morning. I take her in a tight clasp and step back to put her down on the floor, I press a kiss on her forehead but grab my phone. "I'm going to go to the supermarket today, do you want me to get something for you?"
"No," she shakes her head but turns around to eat the rest of her food and between my arms. "Or just some milk," she changes her mind while chewing on the chocolate cake. I lean over to lay my forearms on the marble surface and rest my chin on her shoulder to stay focused on my phone. "Banana or strawberry?"
"Simple milk," she answers with her mouth full, making me smile instinctively. "Alright."
"You're going to go there after visiting the doctor?" her features come within sight as she turned her head in my direction but I look into her eyes. "Yes."
She nods but shoves the rest of her cake in her mouth and grab her banana milk. The list for the shopping now done, I put my phone back in my pocket and straighten up while she's not moving but just sipping on her drink and remaining bent over to a slight degree, to spend some time on her phone.
I've been extremely needy lately and haven't shown anything to y/n since I know she was worried about my state but she has no idea how hard it is for me. I put my hands in the pockets of my sweatpants but look down at her body, to press my crotch against her butt. She doesn't do anything but stays still for me, my hands getting deep into my pockets to be right where they should be. "Move your hips baby."
"Why would I?" she pretends not to know, acting innocent and oblivious. "You know it," I smile give a little thrust of my pelvis, to make her body go forth. A soft chuckle coming from her echoes through the room but she starts to rub her butt onto my crotch. I lick my lips as the sensations are heating me up the more she's doing this, the frictions getting heavier, I gulp down but pull one hand out to lay it on her lower back and move my hips with hers.
I'm so horny that anything rubbing against my cock can turn me on. "Baby girl..." I close my eyes but bite my lips. "That feels good..." a whisper full of shivers slips out of my mouth but she turns around to face me. I look at her but feel her hand sliding in my sweatpants, those little eyes full of fake innocence staring into mine. She smiles but strokes my cock. "What do you want me to do?"
I pass my tongue over my lips, feeling weak at her touch. "What about a quickie...?" I gaze into her eyes with a desperate look. "I really want you baby..." I put my hands on her waist to grip on it. "But Mino is going to come in less than one hour...and I'll have to take a shower..."
"We have time...I'll make quick but good...I promise..." I bite my lips but get her eyes to drop on them. She smiles at me and lifts her hands up, "Alright..."
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