chapter 45 | Doctor
Anyway, I need to talk about something with her.
"Baby..." I grasp her attention, her back still turned towards me. She peeks at me but keeps on stirring into the pan full of sauce. "Yes?"
"My mom showed me something the other day because of that other dream I had," I comb my hair back but tuck my hand back in my pocket. "I know it's gonna sound weird but since I was really affected by it I asked her if maybe it was possible that I was with you when I was younger but she showed me some books with the pictures of school in it and..." I speak while she's staring at me with curiosity and interest. "I saw some pictures of you...or if it's not you then your twin but...I mean...I wasn't really surprised given the dreams I've been having about that stuff but I saw that we were together for around two years..."
"In nursery school?" she stops focusing on the food and turns towards me, showing some surprise at this. "Yeah. That made me soft when I saw it," I smile at the memories I have of those pictures. "The weirdest about it is that my mom was very friendly with yours...when...we both know what happened."
"I don't even remember anything at all..." she says but steps to the side to grab the banana milk she left there earlier. "I don't even remember anything either but just...the dreams that I had kinda reminded me of it...that's great when you think about it. My mom though, she only said she could remember the way I was calling you but she would never have believed that you were that little girl I was always talking about."
"You were always talking about me?" she giggles with her cute face but brings a smile upon my face. "Yeah, she told me I couldn't leave you and that I was always talking about you, and also that I was calling you booboo," I beam but say it nervously, fixing the turtleneck of my tight top. "Booboo? That's so cute," she laughs at me but sips on her drink. "Ya, don't mock me," I bite my lips but move forth to poke her stomach and make her twitch. "You're mean, I was just a baby already in love with his cute blushing girl."
She smiles broadly but puts her arms around me. Do you have the picture? I want to see it."
"Yeah," I nod but move away to leave her embrace and head towards the living room, I make my way to the coffee table and open a drawer underneath, to take the picture I put inside and I close the drawer to go back to my baby while looking at our small selves. I didn't even know this was possible for her to be even cuter.
Once I'm back in the kitchen, I step towards her and show her the picture. "There, I cut into it to just have us and I asked my mom to put it in a small frame but she hasn't gotten the time to do it so I'll maybe put it in my transparent phone case," I tell her while she's smiling in front of it. "That's me, indeed. I'm surprised to see myself with a smile though," she giggles. "Why?"
"Because there's a picture of me my mom kept but I'm like at school, for the picture of the year and I'm crying on it," her sentence gets me to laugh, not believing that this can be possible. "She told me I just always hated to be at school but I was around six so...probably when I wasn't with you anymore..."
I beam but press a kiss on her temple. "We're soulmates. I knew it, what if you were my first kiss?" I let her hold the picture for her eyes to keep on scanning our faces and bodies, showing both of us holding hands and smiling as if it was the best day of our lives. "Your first kiss?" she grins but turns her head to look into my eyes. "Yeah, maybe we kissed when we were that aged all innocently, a little peck on the lips..." I imagine it in my head, smiling at the thought of us. "Then I'd be glad to know I was your first little girlfriend," her face expresses a lot of joy but makes my heart tingle. "Maybe my mom also has those pictures of us at our house."
"You should ask her if she remembers me, the first time I met her she said my name sounded familiar so...she'll maybe recall it..." I hold put my arms around her waist to hug her from the side and lay my eyes where hers already are. "Apparently...I was often crying once you left..." I tell more about it, willing to put those memories back in our heads. "My mom said I was constantly asking for you...but she can't remember why you left..."
"Maybe that was because of the mom wanted to leave the city or something..." she turns the picture to see if there's something behind and check the date I wrote on it. "Monday, fourth of April, two thousand and six...I was four and you were five so two years later my mom was still with my dad."
"When did he leave you?" I ask, realizing never got to know about it or if I did, then I don't remember. "When I was ten."
"Ah yeah...since he came back when I was twelve...everything is really..." I hesitate to say what I think but she does it before I could. "Messed up."
"Yeah, exactly," I set my eyes on her to not look at the picture of us anymore and peck her cheek. "But...if that didn't happen that way...we would never have wouldn't be born and...I wouldn't be that happy with my life right that messed up thing isn't as bad as it seems."
"I don't think your mother thinks the same of this...but that's understandable..." she puts the precious item on the kitchen island behind me but turn towards me to hug me. "I know...I won't ever forgive what he did to my mother're is like a compensation, even if that sounds bad..." I smile but hold her tight. "Yeah...I can't even understand why she doesn't hate me. If I was her and that my husband had cheated on me and had a daughter with another woman...I would hate them all...even if that girl has nothing to do with it...I wouldn't want to see her."
"But it's you, so that's different. Before knowing that stuff she never stopped liking you so I talked about it with her...she knows I love you more than anything and that I wouldn't want to see any tension between you two..." I speak close to her lips, my forehead resting on hers as this moment is somewhat important for me. She smiles and looks down at my lips. "What about...your real father...?"
I knew this question would come. "Well..." I link my hands in her lower back and drift my eyes away. "I...I just know he was a good guy...but...he got into an accident at his work when I was only one early..."
"Oh...I'm sorry..." the tone of her voice changes to turn more sorrowful but I look back into her eyes. "It's fine. My mom is happy now and I am too so...I don't want any of you two to feel sad. I didn't even know him anyway so...I don't feel anything when I talk about him and my mom never mentions him since it was painful for her."
She gazes into my eyes but doesn't loosen her clasp around me. She stands on her tiptoes as the silence is remaining in the room, her lips kiss mine and she then rests her head on my chest. "I don't want you to be hurt..." she mumbles quietly. This is the first time it happens in my life, never before a girl cared about me and how I feel so much, let alone crying for me. "I won't be hurt with you."
She squeezes me as much as she can with her arms but I drop a kiss on her head and go forth to take care of the food. What she cooked seems delicious. Her arms lower down to my hips but she holds it tight, provoking some pain to make me groan. "B-Babe," I bite my lips but grab her right arm, to move it away from my injured side
As expected, she glances up at me with worry. "What...?" she pulls her arms away from me but I let go of the wooden spoon and step back. "It's nothing. I just pretended," I lie and smile at her since I don't want her to concern herself even more but she doesn't drop it. "No. Tell me. You're in pain, aren't you?"
"I'm a man, not a wimp," I wrap my arms around her head and pull her in, to hide her face in my chest and keep her still. "Jungkook. I'm going to cry if you tell me the truth...!" she complains in the small space and grips my arms. "Which pasta do you want to eat for our candlelit dinner?" I ignore her but she punches my side with her little fist and gets what she wants. Another groan. "See-"
"Alright, baby! This side hurts," I tell her the truth and direct my eyes in hers. "It's nothing serious. Don't worry."
"That wouldn't hurt if it wasn't serious. Show me your stomach," she points at it but makes me roll my eyes. No time to even step back to prevent her from trying anything, she grabs the bottom of my turtleneck top. I let her do it to not fight but she instantly catches sight of the big bruise covering my hip and a part of my abdomen.
"I'm not agonizing...alright? It's just a bruise like the one you had on your hip the other day because I was a bit too rough..." I tell her in order to make her understand I'm alright but she pulls my cloth back down and walks away. She grabs her phone that was laid on the dining table. "What are you doing?"
"I'm going to fix an appointment with my doctor," she dials the number but since I don't want to argue, I do nothing but just focus on the food. She's stubborn so there's no need to try to stop her, she won't. I stir in the bolognese sauce while she's on the phone and open the furniture before my calves to look at the types of pasta there are in here.
I know the ones she likes the most so I take the pack of fettucine and close the door, to go and get the biggest pan and fill it with warm water to then place it on the induction hob to make it boil. Now that it is done, I step back and lean onto the kitchen island behind me, tuck my warm hands in my pockets and fix my eyes on y/n. She hangs up and locks her phone to put it back on the table.
"Are you happy now?" I sigh but she comes up to me. "Yes, I am," she replies and steps before me, to swathe her arms around my waist and hide her face in my chest. She doesn't say anything or moves so I rest my head on hers. I take my hands out of my pockets and encircle her neck with my arms to return the affection.
20 minutes later...
I light up the last candle on the dining table and place the lighter on the kitchen counter. It's already dark outside so with the wall made off windows on my left, we have the big backyard in sight with the swimming pool. I love this little moment.
I sit down on the chair in front of y/n while she's waiting for me. "Are you sure you don't want me to put better clothes on?" she asks for the hundredth time already but I lay my eyes into hers with earnestness. "I want this to be comfortable for you and you're sexy as hell in this tank top and legging. Okay?"
"Okay," she likes the compliment and finally believes in my words. "But you're sexier..." she comes back with an argument to find a way to fight with me. "No, you're sexier. Now, don't you dare shoot back or else I punish you tonight."
She keeps quiet and digs in the food, I do so. I've been starving and feeling my stomach growling since earlier so I feed myself. "Did you maybe want me to put something else on?"
"No, I want you to be comfortable too. I don't like too much superficial stuff..." she chews on her food but blesses my ears with those words. I love the way she is with me because I like simple things in a relationship as well. I savor this delicious food now that it became silent but enjoy this moment, it's not awkward but instead, very cozy and peaceful. A moment just for us to enjoy each other's presence and feel good.
"Do you like it?" her sweet voice breaks the quietness but I nod, the food still in my mouth, I gaze at her. "This is delicious. The best sauce I've never eaten."
"Stop lying," she doesn't believe me but her cute face makes me giggle. I pass my lips over my teeth but lean towards her with my arm sliding on the back of her chair. I plant a kiss on her swollen and red lips. "This is delicious but not better than you."
She heaves a sigh of fatigue but pushes me away but I just laugh like an idiot. "You're unbelievable," she cannot help giggling under her breath. "This is not better than you either," she gives me a little look full of tease but I grin. "See, stop pretending to be innocent. I know your mind now."
"No you don't," she shakes her head but fills her mouth with pasta, bending her head forth to slurp on them. I lick my lips that are full of the sauce's flavors and bring my hand down to the table to watch her. I smirk at the sight of her but she keeps eating without paying attention to me. I let go of my fork and take my glass full of wine, to gulp down some of it and then look back at her.
My eyes meet hers, catching her off guard. We both stare at each other but she smiles and drinks her Coke since she's still a baby who can't stand the taste of wine. I smile back at her. "What?" she giggles out of nervousness but I shrug. "Nothing. I just want to look at my baby, I can't?"
"No, you can't," she shakes her head while smiling. I lean in and press my lips on hers. Then I move back to just have my eyes on her features and she gazes down at her food, to eat and try to avoid my intense stare. "Can we make the spaghetti kiss?"
She bites on the length of the pasta but gazes at me with some sauce over her tempting lips. She forces herself to wipe it off with her tongue but brings all my attention on them. "I'm too shy."
"Too shy?" I raise my eyebrows but keep staring at her lips, chuckling a bit haughtily. "Are you serious? Too shy for a spaghetti kiss but not to suck me?"
"You-" she slaps the back of my head like my mother does when I say something dumb. "I'm eating! Can you not talk about your peepee now?"
I burst into laughter at the sound of this word she just employed and throw my body back to let it out. "Can you not say cock or dick?" I cackle at her face while her cheeks are turning red from embarrassment. "No, I'm polite."
"Wow," I emit with sarcasm. "I forgot my baby girl was so careful with her words."
"Yes I am," she keeps her eyes away from me while eating but I invade her personal space and stay close to her. "I wanna hear it, just once," I make her face turn even redder but she straightens her back to have it against my arm. My eyes scrutinize every little thing her face does and I smile in front of it. "I wanna hear it," my whisper makes her get all shy but she faces me. "Daddy allows you to say this bad word."
"I would say it even if you didn't allow me," she pretends to be a bold girl but I stare into her eyes from very close, not retreating but keeping this contact. "No you wouldn't," my hand that was touching her chair goes up to her back, sliding between her ribs and arm to cup her side and have my fingers just underneath her breast. She smiles at me but drops her gaze to my lips, and I lick them to make her hungry for me. "Cock. Are you happy?" her adorable expression shows some signs of timidity but I go forth and clasp her upper lip with my thirsty ones.
I kiss her with sweetness and gentleness to make our hearts flutter and our veins burn with passion. My lips still embracing hers with fondness, I stick my tongue out to slide it in her mouth and lift my injured hand up to her jawline. I hold it for my thumb to caress her warm skin and I end the kiss with a lip bite.
"Let's do it, just once because I've always wanted to do it with my girlfriend," I bring that up again but she beams and looks down at my dish. "Do it yourself..." she gives in to me because of my cute face so I take one single fettuccine, not caring about the sauce, I place one end between her lips while she cannot stop feeling all amused then I get the other end in my mouth and wrap my arm around her neck.
I do it slowly to make her get all red and bite into the long pasta to get closer when we're both about to burst into laughter. Not handling this anymore, I suck the whole thing in once and crash my lips into hers, bite and move back to both giggle like idiots. "This was awkward!" she punches my arm in a gentle manner but swallows the small piece of pasta I left in her mouth. I savor this special part and chew on it but cannot hold back chuckling. "It's your fault! You didn't move forth!"
"Because you were doing it! I don't want to break my teeth because we're dumb and can't synchronize!" she replies with shyness in her little voice but I swallow my food and lean in to take her lips between mine. I cup the side of her throat and give her an ardent kiss full of hotness to erase that awkward spaghetti kiss we failed from her mind. Then I break it softly.
"I wanna make love to you now..." I smile against her parted lips and open my eyes to dive into hers. She shakes her head. "You're hurt so no."
"But I don't give a damn, so yes," I contradict that sentence that didn't sound good but see a smile forming on her face. She shakes her head like a baby. "And if I get naked in front of you, are you still going to say no?"
"Yes," she states with no doubt. "Because I can see your injuries and it doesn't get me in the mood at all. My heart is hurting way too much."
"Those are just marks of a bad boy," I don't take it seriously since I know I'm okay. "That's even sexier to have sex with a bad boy who loves you and who got those marks from fighting for you. That means he would do anything for you."
"That won't work," she sticks to her idea. I check the time on my watch to know if my mom is going to be here but see I still have a lot of time to be with y/n all alone in this house. Since she doesn't seem to be determined, I drag my chair back and stand up. I take my top off first to drop it on the floor, then grab my sweatpants and pull it down. I remove it and lay my eyes on y/n. "Still not in the mood?"
She attempts to hold back a smile and avoids my naked body standing right next to her. "Maybe if I get hard? That will turn you on."
"Are you really going to play with yourself in front of our food and my face?" she glances up at me, her face at the level of my member. I smirk but nod. "Why not? And I can get hard without touching myself you know."
"How then?" she doesn't end the game as I knew she would do and does her best to keep her eyes into mine. "Either I touch you or you do some things that could turn me on."
"I could do something to turn you on?" she acts like she's astonished. "In those clothes? Here?"
"Yeah," I bite my lips but gulp down with all the thoughts running through my mind. "You touch yourself for me and I know for sure I'll cum without doing anything to my body just once."
She chuckles nervously but takes another mouthful of her food to ignore me. "Alright then," I exhale sharply to show my sexual frustration and grab my sweatpants, I put it back on and get on my chair to finish dinner. "You got hurt, so I won't let you do anything," she reminds me of the 'no' she gave me some minutes ago but to compensate this sexual hunger, I shove the rest of my meal in my mouth.
"A handjob or blowjob wouldn't hurt me..." I speak with my mouth full but still look at her, no matter disappointment. "Sex always heal everything for me but you're a mean baby who wants to leave me in my pain and-"
"Oh shut up," a bubble of confidence bursts into her head. "Don't you dare do that to me, alright? You got hurt when I told you not to go there so do not be that kind of brat."
"I'm not trying anything. I said the truth. Sex is the best cure for me...that's all," I take my glass of wine in my hand and drink. "Then I'll leave you in your bed and won't cuddle you since you just want that."
"I like cuddling too," I smile and turn towards her to never have her out of sight. She doesn't say anything more but stands up, she takes her dish and mine with it to bring them to the sink but I smile and sip on my wine. She already washes them when we have a dishwasher so I rise from my chair and grab hold of my top I left on the floor, to put it on the chair and walk up to my angry baby.
I lay my balloon glass on the marble surface and back hug her. "My little one..." I press a kiss of my hot lips on her neck. "Don't ruin those pretty hands," I wrap my fingers around her wrists and make her stop. I turn the faucet to cease the flow of water and I open the dishwasher just next to us, to put the plates into it then close it. "There," I grab the dishtowel and dry her hands.
I put the fabric back where it was then cup her chin to kiss her lips. "Let's get in my bed to cuddle till we both fall asleep," I grab her by the waist and lift her up, to have her in my arms and carry her upstairs.
- Next day -
Tuesday, November 17, 2019.
8 am.
"See you later mom, love you," I close the front door of the house to leave with y/n, we both walk up to Mino's car and get inside of it. We're all going to go to the doctor since y/n fixed an appointment for me. I have to say that it's even more painful than it was yesterday so no matter how strong I am, I'm glad my girl is stubborn and did this for me.
"So, are you ready?" our best friend asks us as we just buckled our seat belts on but since y/n is still mad about the fact Mino fooled her yesterday, I'm the one giving him the go-ahead. With this answer, he starts the car and gets on the road.
"You were worried about your man little angel?" he tries to talk with her, looking at her in the rearview mirror. She crosses her arms over her chest and looks out of the window to make it clear she's mad at him. I smile at this cuteness but lay my hand on her thigh.
"She's upset because of yesterday," I tell him to not let the silence remain in here but he pouts. "Come on! You can't do this to me!"
I peek at her to check her reaction but see a smile growing on her face, so I caress her skin with my fingers. I don't know if she's tired but I am, we said we would cuddle last night but we started to talk, hug, then kiss, then we took our clothes off and we ended up spending our night pleasing each other sexually and having sex. The whole opposite of what we said we would do.
"You said you were there for me..." she grumbles all cutely in her corner but Mino doesn't let this go. "He forced me to do it and I wanted that asshole to pay for what he did! He hurt you so he deserved that."
"I don't like violence..." she gazes down but says something I didn't hear yesterday. "Especially against him..."
"Remind me who wanted to hurt Jungkook?" he comes back with a good argument but she directs her eyes towards him. "He broke my heart. So that's different."
I can't believe she still wants to defend him. "Yeah...but that guy wasn't any better..." he speaks for me, the lilt of his voice obviously expressing some dismay. She drops her hands on her thighs but looks away. I sigh silently and remove my hand from her. I know it's not her fault if she thinks like that, I know how easy this can be for some people to influence someone and control them but I just can't stand it since it's my girlfriend. She knows it wasn't right but I feel like she just can't accept it.
30 minutes later...
"Kook..." my best friend leans towards me, sitting right next to me for us to stay in the waiting room, or more the waiting hall facing the doctor's office. "What?" I don't look at him but keep my eyes closed with my head resting on the wall behind me, feeling comfy on my seat with my long legs spread since I need space. "Is she alright?"
I open my eyes to check what this question means but come across my baby still walking around the next room while typing on her phone. This little injury I have is really stressing her out.
"She cried yesterday when she saw me..." I tell him without taking my eyes off of her. "I mean, she was crying because of a dream but then once she saw me with the bruises and injuries on my face...I had to calm her down in order for her to not have a panic attack..."
"She really cares for you..." he smiles but takes his phone out. "Yeah..." my lips curve up at the fizzy and soft feeling in my heart. "I was on the verge of crying when she was in my arms and telling me that she doesn't want me to be hurt..." I toy with my fingers nervously, speaking quietly for the other people to not be bothered. "Like...I've already been in love with someone and felt...loved...even if that was probably fake but...yeah...I don't know. I never felt so important to someone..."
"She's the good one, I know it," he states but gets my smile to widen. "Even with the videos she makes, you know, I can see that a lot of guys are thirsty for her but she is definitely the type of girl you should keep. She forgave you after all the things you've done to her little heart, she cares for you as if you were her baby boy, she cooks for you, loves you, and the best in all of this, she is kinky and dirty."
I chuckle at those last words but shake my head. "How are you feeling though? Is your abdomen still painful?" he mentions this since he knows about that big bruise I have on the side of my hip. "It hurts more than it was yesterday but I'm fine. Just...the color seems weird..."
"Show me," he leans a bit forth but I check on my baby before pulling the bottom of my sweater up. "Here," I expose my bruised side and abdomen. "That's kinda very painful..."
"Well...that's horrible," he bites his lips as his eyes widened but peeks up at me. "No wonder she called the doctor," he raises his eyebrows but I pull my cloth down. "That's worse than yesterday. You're gonna lose your hip bro."
"Can you shut up?" I punch him in the arm and roll my eyes. What a dummy. "What...? I'm serious..."
"It's not that bad," I shrug and elbow the arm of my chair, resting my head on my fist. I place my other hand between my thighs and check up on y/n. I wonder what she's doing on her phone. I comb my hair back but once she's close to the door frame, I call for her. "Baby..." I whisper but manage to catch her attention. I don't like seeing her walking around like that all nervously. "Come here."
She leaves her phone and steps towards me to do as told. As soon as she reaches me, I turn her around and sit her down on my thigh. "Stay still..." I put one arm around her and hold her close. She remains on my thigh without saying anything but lays her hands on my knee. We had a good night but she's not smiling at all, it makes me sad.
For me to hug her more, I wrap both of my arms around her body, pull her closer, and rest my head on her arm. "'re not worried...are you?" I gaze up at her but see she's pouting. "I am..."
After some minutes in here, the door finally opens and the man I suppose to be y/n's doctor comes within sight. I think she's gonna change of doctor, this dude is way too attractive, I don't like it.
"Jeon Jungkook?" he looks at us without knowing who it is but y/n stands up with me. "Here," I let go of my baby and I walk up to him but she follows me. "Stay with Mino," I avoid having her with me in case he could say I have something pretty serious so she listens to me and lets me walk in the office all by myself.
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