chapter 40 | Haughty
- Next day -
Friday, November 13, 2019.
7:00 am.
"Jungkook!" my mom banging at the door wakes me up in a startle. "You're gonna be late goddammit!" she yells behind the door but makes me check the time it is. Holy shit.
"I'm waking up mom!" I tell her but sit up in a gentle manner as I was still holding y/n in my arms. "Baby," I stroke her hip to wake her up but understand she is extremely tired. I lean over her and drop a kiss on her ear, "My baby, we have to wake up and go to school..." I put my arm around and finally see her coming back on earth. I smile at my little girl to greet her to this new special day and kiss her lips.
She smiles in a shy manner, surely feeling all soft and affected by what happened last night. "Come here," I wrap my arms around her and heave her up, to carry her to my bathroom. We need to take the least time possible, so we're going to shower ourselves together. My morning hood giving me a hard time as I can feel her pressing it against my lower abdomen, I bite the bullet and restrain myself to just do what we have to do and nothing else.
"Wait, I need to pee," she stops me before even reaching the bathtub in front of the big shower so I cease my path and open the sliding door on my right, to step inside and put her down on the toilet while laughing. "There you are my little girl," I move back as she's blushing but close the door to let have her private space. While she's peeing but making a lot of noise like a lot of girls do, I giggle all by myself but stand before the large mirror and sinks, to remove my luxury watch I forgot to remove last night and brush my teeth, waiting for her to come back to take a shower.
In short seconds, she flushes the toilet but doesn't come out. She must not understand how the opening of the door works from the inside since this is made to not touch the door. I keep my toothbrush in my mouth and walk up to the door, coming to her rescue. I fall upon her rubbing her hands together as she must have used the hand sanitizer.
"It's here," I point at the small scanner on her right. "You have to pass your hand in front of it," I smile but see her letting out an 'Ahh' of comprehension in the cutest manner. I chuckle but take her out of it, to close the door and go back to the sinks but notice she's walking in a weird manner, as if she was in pain. She washes her hands so I take her own toothbrush I just bought yesterday and spread some toothpaste on it, to head it to her mouth. She opens it and lets me put it inside.
She takes care of it while I'm finishing with mine but I spit out in the sink and rinse my mouth, to clean the toothbrush and put it back where it was. I pass right behind her, brushing my body past hers to grab a towel and wipe my lips. Now I can focus on her like I wanted to, I wrap my arms around her waist and bend my head forth, to lay my eyes on her face and press a kiss on her cheek, still feeling the butterflies in my stomach that were engendered by our first, real, intimate moment together as one.
"I noticed you were tottering a little...have I hurt you last night?" I ask softly in her ear.
"No..." the topic makes her feel all shy, her blushing cheeks exposing her again. "But my body is aching a lot..." she mumbles with the stick in her mouth. "Baby..." I speak in a touched manner, holding her tight against me but blaming myself for this. "I'm sorry..." I press a kiss on her temple. "You even have the marks around your throat because of the choker..." I rub it with my fingers, feeling bad about it. I must have gone too hard last night. "It's fine," she bends over when we're both naked and spits out, stirring my mind up without even knowing. "You're just gonna have to use the stroller of yesterday to go to school with me..."
I laugh but feel her straightening up to grab the same towel I used and wipe her lips. "There's something disappointing though..." I turn her around as she let go of the fabric and I pick her up the floor, to bring us to the big walk-in shower and close the glass door behind us. "Wait-" she leans over my shoulder as if something was wrong. "What?" I stop myself.
"Your back," she presses her finger at it but gets me to turn my head, to look at the reflection of my back the best possible. A strong gasp chokes me. "Holy fuck! Baby!" I keep my hold onto her but cannot believe what I'm seeing. "You destroyed my back with your nails!" I chuckle but love that silently.
I set my eyes in hers but she smiles like a baby. "I'm sorry..." she apologizes for all those marks but I spank her and make her yelp. "You're a bad girl," I tease her but get inside the shower, not admitting the pleasure I got from this. "I can't believe it, you marked my body. I'm pretty sure you did it just to show everyone I belong to you."
She giggles without denying it but I let her laughter echo through the house. "Anyway," she stops talking about it in a sudden but becomes all shy again. "What's the disappointing thing?" she holds onto me now that I put her down on the floor, as if she couldn't stand on her feet all by herself.
I turn the waterfall shower on for every warm drop to land on our skins and I grab a bottle of shampoo. "Well...I thought I would hear certain words coming from you but...I guess I wasn't good enough," I grin but look at her and pull her wet hair back. "Not good enough...?" she raises her eyebrows as her face isn't retrieving its natural color. "All my limbs are full of cramps and...I can barely walk..."
"Yes but that doesn't mean I made you feel a lot of pleasure..." I pretend to not be sure of it when I know I made her cum several times in a simple row and that she couldn't stop moaning. I just want to hear her say she loved it. "You were perfect...too perfect and you know it..." she rolls her eyes but glances away as if she was too timid to talk about this.
I spread some shampoo in her hair without saying anything and do the same in mine, to put the bottle back where it was and wash her hair but mine as well, massaging her head to wash her hair then do it to myself while she's just hugging me.
"I thought you would at least let out one 'Ah yeah daddy' but..." I clear my throat but lick my lips to hide a smirk. Her eyes dart up to mine and seem bigger. with no words leaving her mouth, she laughs quietly but looks down. She's adorable. "You really have something with this."
"Yes I do but you like it too so stop pretending," I let the water run down her hair to rinse them and I pull my hair back to remove all the shampoo. "I'm not pretending."
I smile like an idiot but grab hold of the shower gel. "Give me your hand," I tell her and grab her wrist, I turn it upside down to have her palm in sight and I spread some of the gel into it. "Wash my body, we need to hurry," I use this pretext to have her hands on me and she listens without any sigh of annoyance. Finally, a girl who doesn't tell me to do it myself.
"And not only my torso or arms," I stop for a moment and lay my hand on the glass wall next to us, watching my little baby rub her hands onto me thoroughly. She grins but focuses on my back and torso first, going down to my abs while I can feel an erection hardening my cock against my will.
"Is that really making us gain time?" she quickly figures out I fooled her but I still nod. "Yeah. Just do as I say," I smile but pull my wet hair back, making me realize I should cut it. "We're gonna have to pass by the hairdresser today, is that okay?"
"Why?" she gazes up at me but squats down right before me, to use some more gel and now wash my muscular thighs. "Because, my hair is getting too long."
"Oh...I like it the way it is now..." she compliments me but provokes a dizzy feeling in my chest. "Really? You don't find it ugly?"
"No, really not. That would be even better if it was longer," she smiles while continuing her actions. "Alright then, I'm not cutting it," I change my mind, feeling relieved to know she likes my hair like this.
We both stay silent, the sound of the water hitting our skins and the floor echoing through the space in which we are, I keep my eyes fixed on hers while she's washing me without missing any spot, or at least not any on my legs. She moves back up as if it was over and grabs the bottle, to start to wash her own body.
I grip her wrist and stop her. "Hey, you forgot some parts," I stare into her eyes with a teasing smile but she beams like an innocent baby and steps forth to stick her naked body to mine, and rub her small hands on my butt. I giggle uncontrollably but feel her spanking me, "Don't laugh."
"Ya," I fly my hand up to her hair to grab and pull on it. "How dare you spank daddy? Uh?" I give her a threatening look playfully but her hands reach my cock as the eye contact isn't breaking. The redness of her cheeks brightens and she wraps her delicate fingers around my erection, to go up and down. The look in my eyes is now totally different, I stare at her from closer and see she's liking this a lot.
She smiles but glances down at my cock while rubbing it with her hand full of foam. I press a kiss on her cheekbone but grin, resting my head on hers and closing my eyes to enjoy her touch. Her fingers slide under my length and she rubs the base, making me part my lips against her cheekbone to press another kiss on it and wrap my arms around her neck. This is pleasant, I'm not going to lie. What kind of man wouldn't like this anyway?
She stops to not get me too turned on and crazy so I skim my face past hers to kiss her lips. I smile against them but grab the bottle of shower gel to put a lot of liquid in my hand and now wash her. I first focus on her back but since the water is still running down on us, I don't do it too slowly but get to her arms, her stomach, and breasts. I lean in to press a kiss on her chest but look up at her before straightening my back, provoking a smile upon her face. She passes her hand over my lips as some foam have been left on them but I act a bit naughty and make sure to wash her chest very well.
"What are you going to wear today?" I ask, thinking about all the clothes I bought for her yesterday and feeling impatient to see her in them. "I don't know yet, there are too many choices," she answers but I crouch down, her height not helping me in this situation. I rub my hands over her legs in a quick manner then get back up to grab her butt and press her body onto mine abruptly, getting her to giggle but put her arms around me. "We have to rub the butt cheeks a lot," I do what I say to see her smiling but make her spread her legs.
"And now, the most important," I get to the front but don't pass my fingers between the lips, just the sides. "Not on the inner part, right?" I look into her eyes but have in mind the fact that the shower gel isn't very good for this sensitive area. She nods but I grab the shower head behind her and turn the faucet to get the water pressure to a quite hard one, or more the one that will for sure cause some weird but good sensations down there.
I check the temperature of the water for it to be warm and I direct the head towards her sensitive area. I take some time while going in every little spot but she complains. "Quickly, please," she licks her lips but nibbles on them, her facial expression telling me she's feeling some great things. "Why? I'm just taking care of my baby and washing her the way she did it for me," I tease like a little brat but her hand grabs my wrist, to push the showerhead away. "It's clean."
I smile but cup her face to press my lips on hers. "You're cute."
8:00 am.
I stay before my baby who is hiding in her oversized pink coat, holding the metal bar right next to her as I'm keeping this little baby in a corner of the subway. I tuck my hand in the pocket of my trousers but keep my eyes fixed on her face while she's gazing down at the floor and playing with her feet. A smile suddenly curves her lips up in a discreet manner, a red pigmentation coloring her cheeks. I wonder what is on her mind, probably something cute or naughty but knowing her, I'm pretty sure she's thinking about something dirty as always.
I get my hand out of my pocket and brush her lips. "What's that?" I grin and earn a gaze from her shy eyes. "What?"
"Your little smile," I mention what she doesn't want to show but she shrugs and pouts, innocently. "I don't know...I didn't realize."
"Hm, of course," I chuckle but lean towards her to whisper something. "Are you maybe thinking about something?" I say with some confidence about my question, knowing for sure she's imagining or remembering some events that happened some hours ago between us. She smiles but lowers her head. "No..."
I press a kiss on her nose but grab the side of her hood, to pass a small part of my head in it and approach my lips from her ear. "Is it about last night?" I look back at her but understand right away that I'm right. That special night must be affecting her and she doesn't seem to be able to stop thinking about it.
I smile at this quiet answer but hold her jawline with my free hand, to kiss her lips and then open her coat to pass my fingers underneath and touch her waist. I pull her closer to make sure she doesn't lose any warmth but also make her heart beat faster.
I bend my head forth to rest it on hers. "Have I said that I love you today?" I smile but feel her raising her chin up. She shakes her head so I press my lips on hers. "I love you," I stare into her eyes. "I want to tell you I love you at least once a day, just for you to never forget or doubt it," I move my hand up to her face and caress her cheek, willing to build her confidence and also make it up for the mistake I made. I don't ever want her to think this could happen, especially after taking her virginity, I want to be someone good now and never hurt her again.
"I love you too, I'll remind you every day too," her happiness appears on her face. I smile at her like a soft boy and put my arm around her body.
11:20 am.
"That is perfect Jaehyun," the t eacher tells him as he just wrote the answers on the whiteboard. "You can go back to your seat," she remains in the back of the classroom, the next student getting up in front to write the rest of the solutions.
This is the worst subject of school. Math. I hate this so much, I cannot wait to be graduated to burn all those mathematics I'm pretty sure I will never be able to understand even when I'm thirty.
Since I haven't checked up on my baby for at least ten minutes, I turn my head to the left and lay my eyes on her. Only to fall upon her head resting on her fist with her eyes closed and her glasses low on her nose bridge. Oh my god, she's so fucking adorable. Is my little baby sleeping?
I reach out for her lips covered with the nude liptint I bought her and burble them. She doesn't react to it so I laugh as quietly as possible but lean over our desk, to pass my arm under it and grab her thigh. If she gets caught by the teacher, she's dead so I have to do this.
She clenches her legs and comes back to consciousness. I giggle at her in a silent manner but she realizes that she just fell asleep in the middle of the class. She smiles in a shy manner but avoids my eyes, to push her glasses up her nose bridge and get back properly on her chair.
Aw. I'm soft as hell but at the same time, I know the reason why she's so sleepy. I stroke her thigh with my fingers but smile and look away. I check what the guy at the whiteboard is doing and try to focus as much as I can. I haven't stopped thinking about last night, I want more.
My tiredness taking me by surprise as well, I yawn but cover my mouth with both of my hands, feeling it never ending but making me even more exhausted. I stretch out and let a little moan vibrate through my mouth, to get back in a proper position and exhale heavily.
"Sleep more at night if you're tired, Jeon Jungkook," the teacher mentions in a rude tone of voice but I don't turn around and just smirk. "I'm sorry ma'am, I had a lot of things to do."
"At night?" she doesn't leave me alone, not imagining what I'm hiding in my mind. "I hope you worked hard on your math."
"Yes, I worked very hard. That's why," I lick my lips forming a smile full of insolence but look at y/n, making her grin but try to hold back as she knows what that sentence means more than anyone else here. "Then if you work so hard at night, why do you still fail your tests?"
All the students guffaw with their lack of brain but I don't let this bitch roast me. "Cause I'm not working on math, I have better things to do in my life," I push my tongue against my inner cheek but don't stop as she got on my nerves with her remark. "I wouldn't want to end up being a little math teacher."
Every person in here calms the hell down but the teacher doesn't appreciate this at all. "You put your school diary on my desk right now," she gets out of argument and now uses threats. I smirk but grab my diary and stand up rudely, to make a few steps and land my belonging on the flat surface before turning around, and glancing at that woman I never liked while going back to my seat.
The teacher doesn't say anything more but only gives her attention to the student facing us.
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